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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Starting at First Base…From Anna

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By Anna von Reitz
Many people are profoundly confused. This System the rats have put in place IS confusing and it is MEANT to be confusing. That’s their whole schtick— to confuse you with other corporate personas and to confuse you regarding the jurisdiction they are operating in. And they do a good job of both, if you let them.
The governmental services corporations operating under whatever name— say, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.—have what is called a “deemed trust interest” in the people and the assets of the land and sea they service. This is a weak trust interest, similar to a mechanics lien on a house. It only comes into play when and if the actual trust operators fail to function—and that is what has happened.
The governmental services corporation operated by FDR went bankrupt and falsely claimed that the federal “states” and “citizenry thereof” were voluntary sureties standing good for the debts of the United States of America, Inc.   (Conference of Governors meeting March 6, 1933.) They did this in such a way as to confuse people about which “states” and which “citizens” they were talking about (federal “states” and federal “citizens” only) which has led to all sorts of false claims against you and your organic States of the Union.
Next, the United Nations Corporation stepped in and organized the International Monetary Fund, Inc., which organized the UNITED STATES, INC. – a French commercial corporation, to take over the governmental services contracts of the old United States of America, Inc.
Operating this scheme, the UNITED STATES, INC. was able to charge off all its expenses against the United States of America, Inc. during its bankruptcy reorganization, and the cost of all this got passed through to the presumed “sureties”—us.   But then, the unthinkable happened. The Pope woke up and forced the United States of America, Inc. to end its decades long “reorganization” and settle the bankruptcy. Suddenly, the UNITED STATES, INC. could no longer just pass through any and every expense to the American people and their States.
The UNITED STATES, INC. has no contract with our states. Its only contract was with the bankrupt United States of America, Inc., so they are both out of luck and out of pocket—-and seeking a means to re-establish another cozy bankruptcy fraud, war, or other means to fill their coffers. They are also looking for the alternative route— ways to reduce their expenses by killing off and reducing the number of their creditors.
We need to be aware of this circumstance if we wish to rightly interpret what is going on in the stock markets and headlines of the world. We also need to be aware in terms of the propaganda that we are being fed. The UNITED STATES, INC. needs another war for profit, so it is busy pumping up a new “enemy” called ISIS, which it funded and continues to fund. All this is being done as a justification for spending our money and spilling our blood (not to mention the other poor suckers) so that the UNITED STATES, INC. has an expense it can charge againstus.
The UNITED STATES makes money when it provides “services” to us, so it has been busily contriving all manner of services it can provide —including services we don’t want or need.
The Border Problem is a money maker for the UNITED STATES. It provides services to all those Mexican immigrants, and then charges us for the cost of this. They naturally charge us a lot more than it actually costs them, so they make out like bandits. They also claim each new immigrant as another “American” slave, and issue bonds based on the value of their labor. Can you say, “Double points!”
Same thing with wars and other conflicts— remember the Department of Defense’s $400 hammers and $1500 gold-plated toilet seats?   The UNITED STATES makes money providing us with “defense services”. So long as nobody is minding the store, they can charge however much they like for providing these “services”. And they do.
This is the conflict of interest at the heart of the current misery. The State governments are supposed to ride herd on their service contracts with the feds, but over time, the “federal” government— the private, for-profit, foreign corporate government— has contrived to co-opt the State governments and to redefine them as “franchises” of their own corporation. This is how we have wound up with the “State of Georgia” and the “STATE OF GEORGIA”.
Do we seriously expect the local franchise of Burger King to question the actions of Burger King, International?
Instead, the “State” governments receive money as a kick-back from the “federal” government in the form of “federal revenue sharing”.
This is why government spending is out of control and will be out of controluntil we put our feet down and stop it—-until we seize back our misappropriated credit, and assert our position as the Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the STATES it operates as franchises—and start applying the kind of pressure they understand: financial pressure.
To calm down the Border problem, groups of us have established commercial liens providing for very hefty and escalating fines to be applied against the perpetuators and their immediate bosses, the IMF and the UN.   Suddenly, it is not profitable to be welcoming all those Mexicans. So what happens? The flood slows to a trickle.
To calm down the War Fever, groups of us have established commercial liens providing for very hefty and escalating fines to be applied against them for every American life lost and for every bit of property damage. Suddenly, war is no longer so profitable.
We must all stop thinking of this “thing” in Washington, DC as “our” government. It is not and it never has been. It is a criminally self-interested, foreign, for-profit, mostly foreign-owned corporation hired to provide nineteen governmental services, and it is seriously run amok.
As a corporation there is nothing sacrosanct about the “federal government”. It has exactly the same standing and status as any other commercial corporation on earth. We need to deal with it the same way we would deal with Ford Motor Company or General Electric or Monsanto.
Would you “petition” the corporate officers of these companies and ask them to play nice? That’s what you are doing with all these senseless petitions to Congress. If they wanted to play nice and were willing to play nice, they would already be doing so. There would be no need for petitions seeking redress for grievances.
So why bother?
Would you work your rump off and spend billions of dollars on political candidates and political parties trying to elect new mid-level corporate officers, aka, members of Congress, knowing that the direction of the corporation is utterly controlled by foreign shareholders?
The UNITED STATES, INC. is owned and operated by the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) and the IMF is owned and operated by the UNITED NATIONS, CORPORATION. Our real beef, therefore, is with the IMF and the UN.
If we have a beef with the way the UNITED STATES, INC. is being run— and we do—-then the obvious things to be done are the same as with any other corporation. You put the bite on them and their owners and operators via bad publicity, commercial liens, law suits in appropriate venues, and boycotts.
That’s why commercial liens against the UNITED STATES, INC. need to be filed simultaneously against the IMF and UN. They are responsible for what the UNITED STATES, INC. is doing or failing to do, so the mismanagement of the operation comes home to them and they are then motivated to make sure that the contracts owed by the UNITED STATES, INC. are honored and the limitations of those contracts observed.
Otherwise the IMF and UN are quite content to let the UNITED STATES, INC. run roughshod over everyone and everything in sight, and there is no real consequence for them. They stand in the shadows and reap the profit and don’t even get bad publicity for their misdeeds. Drag them out into the open and lay claim to their assets.
And if any of them persist in promoting criminality of any kind, yank their charters like so many radishes in the spring.
We do have effective means of dealing with the perpetrators, but we must recognize who and what the perpetrators of this System are: the shareholders of the UNITED STATES, INC., the IMF, and the UN Corporation, all acting in collusion with the shareholders of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., the FEDERAL RESERVE, and the UN Corporation.
All roads now lead to the UN CORPORATION, so make the claims short and sweet and addressed to the UN Secretary General.
The members of Congress are rubber stamps and window dressing, there to entertain and reassure the public. Any real power the Congress had was given away during the Roosevelt Administration to the Office of the President. As mid-level managers, members of Congress now spend most of their days trying to figure out how they can more effectively lick the boots of their foreign masters, still bring home enough bacon to satisfy the folks back home, and better feather their own nests.
Instead of wasting time and money and heartfelt effort on any aspect of the current political system or supporting candidates that at the end of the day have neither the power nor the will to truly represent anyone but themselves and their own group of cronies, use your resources to address the root of the problem: the UN, the IMF, the UNITED STATES, INC. and their “federal” STATES.
Expose them. Expose what they have done and are doing here. Expose their motives and deal with those motives effectively. Realize that they are in the business of selling you “governmental services” and that you are in charge of what you buy or don’t buy —including “Obummercare”. Don’t let anyone “represent” you or your estate in these matters. The cretins in Congress are not there to represent you. They are there to represent the UNITED STATES, INC. They will always vote and act to enrich the corporation at your expense.
Many will remember that back in the 1970’s magazine publishers offered “free” subscriptions—get three months of blah-blah magazine absolutely free! No obligation! But what they didn’t tell people was that they would also receive a one month “free subscription” to six other magazines and if the victim didn’t immediately respond and cancel all these subscriptions, they would be charged for all of them at full price— subject to automatic renewal, too.
Such a deal we’ve got for you. Soon, if you don’t stand up for yourselves and cancel your “subscriptions” you will literally owe your soul to the Company Store, and be obligated to buy everything from bootlaces to coffins from the UNITED STATES, INC.
The first and most important action step is to divorce from their political process. Get your own mind firmly wrapped around the fact that the entire American political tableau is meaningless. Democrat? Republican? It doesn’t matter who gets elected to fill those Congressional seats, because the seats themselves are bought, paid for, and controlled by a foreign corporation.
Once you truly understand this, it will be easy to rescind “your” Voter Registration and announce that you will henceforth operate only as an Elector. It will be easy to write a letter to “your” Congressional Delegation— telling them that they don’t represent you nor your organic State of the Union. It will be easy to do the same thing at the STATE level and express your ire that these people who claim to “represent” you have allowed “federal revenue sharing”—-kick backs based on the misappropriation of your credit—to undermine our nation and instead promote the establishment of federal “STATES” to usurp the rightful government you are owed and undermine the checks and balances needed to protect the interests of the people.
Once you know who “they” are, what they are and what they aren’t, it is a lot easier to deal with them effectively and efficiently. So this is First Base. Shrug off the chains these corporations have offered to place on you, take back your inherent standing, and present yourself— act “without representation” and “without the United States”.
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