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Sunday, February 2, 2025

International Public Notice: Money Manifesto

 By Anna Von Reitz

What we ultimately mean to do is to end the use of graven images and idols ---that is,  engraved paper "money" and coins representing other commodities --- along with a permanent end of slavery and peonage. 

Nobody needs to wonder what we are about or make any guesses about what we mean to do.  Our intentions are crystal clear and on the public record.  

These great evils referenced above cause additional great evils -- moral decay and loss of sanity, drug use, wars, and always, false claims of overpopulation.  

It is no accident that these same conditions are with us now.  This same odd collection of maladies attended the collapse of many of the known major ancient civilizations including Babylon, Crete, Greece, Carthage, and Rome.  

It's as if, one British archeologist opined, the same invisible parasite arrives and begins eating away each subsequent civilization.... 

That parasite has a name: idolatry.  

We are tricked into accepting the "appearance" of value, for value itself. 

A statue for a god. 

A coin for a carrot. 

A piece of engraved paper for a coin. 

A digit entered on a ledger for a piece of engraved paper. 

A digit entered on a ledger for a "digital coin", and here we are, vaguely aware that we've heard this song before.  

And it's all bunko.  

Can a coin actually be "equivalent" to a carrot?  Of course, not.  The only thing truly equivalent to a carrot is another carrot.  Somewhere in the back of our deluded mind, we know this.  

We are persuaded to exchange one commodity, the carrot, for another commodity, the coin.  

The next stage of the idolatry game involves convincing us that it's okay to exchange a coin, which at least has some substance and value of its own, for a piece of paper that is obviously quite worthless. 

This is a harder sell for the Idolaters, who have to use "special" paper, decorate it with fancy engraved images, etc. --- to make people think it is worth something. 

They also usually employ some additional force, like legal tender laws, or the Federal Reserve Act, to compel the acceptance of this inequitable trade on the victims. 

Once this stage of the scam is reached, the Idolaters are set to settle in and begin feeding on the hosts in earnest, exchanging their pieces of paper for actual goods and services.  

The next stage is to convince people that the engraved pieces of paper are equivalent to "money of account" --- that is, numbers entered by a bank employee onto an account book which merely keeps a running tally of symbols in and symbols out.   

It's obvious nonsense by this stage of the Idolater's farce, but the mere thought that it's a farce is so scary and repugnant to people who have their life savings invested in bank account digits, that millions --- maybe billions of people --- try to turn a blind eye to these facts. 

Ultimately, everyone wakes up and goes --- OMG!  

And then the civilization that was built on this delusion collapses and the bankers are suddenly nowhere to be found, and everyone snarls and fights and suffers wars and diseases and all sorts of disruption and starvation and so on, while the bankers try to cover this up and get another scheme going.  


Idolatry is fraudulent.  It always was and still is.  That's why the Bible warns repeatedly against it.  That's why the prohibitions against "graven images" and "Idols" exist --- to spare us from being cheated and harmed like this.  

So, the Idolaters snuck in and played their little game again.  This time the whole world fell for it, except the Amish.  

We forgot the warnings of our ancestors and our own good sense and though we have more Bibles sitting on our bookshelves than any other country on Earth, we don't read them or take them seriously anymore.  We've not only forgotten the evil nature of idolatry, we've forgotten who we are, and readily let the charlatans label and brand and warehouse us like so many cans of tomatoes and green beans. 

They are just one step shy of tattooing bar codes on our wrists and foreheads.  Or stuffing RFID chips under our skin, using whatever pretense they can come up with to excuse this.   

And then we wake up, all confused, observing that the very ground beneath our feet seems to be collapsing.  

The supply of "engraved paper" dries up, chaos hits the accounting systems, store shelves empty out, political leaders cast about looking for who or what to pin the blame on, but they are dependent on the bankers and the banker's scam, so even though the actual culprits are obvious, a new "Passover" miracle occurs and they escape the punishment they deserve---- unless they live in Iceland. 

Tiny Iceland showed us what to do, though it is doubtful that Mr. Trump and the so-called Alliance has the courage to follow suit. 

We, meanwhile, are determined not to go through this drama again. Like the evils of slavery and peonage, we want a clean and clear and public end to it.  

Who are the actual Debtors?  The governments and corporations and banks that promoted this.  They exchanged paper I.O.U.s for our goods and services, and they did this under conditions of non-disclosure and breach of trust while acting under color of law. They are all guilty, all criminals, and all Debtors.  

What they have amassed for themselves via this process is in fact, ours. 

Okay, so what do we do?  

(1) Cancel all debts worldwide, because they were all accumulated under conditions of fraud, one way or another; 
(2) Realize that we, the living people, are owed back immense amounts of pre-paid credit and are the actual owners of the vast physical assets of the Earth--- they don't belong to governments nor to corporations of any kind.  They belong to us, the living people; 
(3) Start issuing the pre-paid credit and recouping the physical assets and returning them to the actual owners; 
(4) Arrest any bankers or politicians who get in the way; 
(5) Do this without using a system designed for coercion and political or economic targeting --- no QFS; 
(6) Do this without using a system that tracks private information, biological or anything else but simple block-chained transaction records--- no QFS, no $500 Billion for Larry; 
(7) Use the Global Bilateral Bank System instead of QFS and put banking back in its box as a very simple matter of tracking money in and money out; 
(8) Educate people about money and idolatry;
(9) Wean everyone off the delusions of idolatry in general, and money delusions in particular; 
(10) Stomp so hard on the bankers, bureaucrats, and corporations that they are never able to pull this schtick again; 
(11) To the extent possible, give back everything that has been stolen by the Carpetbagger Courts;
(12) Put an immediate end to the "Internal Revenue Service" and all pending actions based on its activities and all similar claims of tax debts and mortgages; 
(13) Realize that there is no need for and no excuse for taxation of any kind from now until forever; 
(14) Tell the CIA, Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street that their days are done and their bank accounts are frozen -- they and the major banks worldwide and all the pharmaceutical and chemical corporations are to be lawfully converted and nationalized; 
(15) Tell all the banks in the Central Bank System to cough up their physical asset depository records or they will be closed down for good; 
(16) Shut down the commodity and stock exchanges for fraud; 
(17) Start solving the problems that have already been caused by corporations operating Direct Energy Weapons and conducting weather warfare and genetic tampering experiments; 
(18) Any elected or hired jurist who doesn't want to get with the new program needs to be deported to Britain immediately, right along with the rest of the undeclared Foreign Agents and illegal aliens; 
(19) Collapse all presumptions of citizenship obligations cast upon babies or "conferred" on anyone without their knowing and fully disclosed consent;
(20) End any reference to the infamous Fourteenth Amendment and any following unratified unilateral Amendments to any form of Federal Constitution; 
(21) Stop trying to spin Psyops and "Narratives" and movies to somehow shift the blame or distract attention away from the actual problem; 
(22) Fire the CDC and FDA and USDA and all the other incompetent and bassackwards agencies.  Get rid of those people and start from scratch with new food and water examiners, and get rid of the numerous obvious poisons, like fluoride in our water, and pyridines in tobacco products immediately; 
(23) Roll out the "Med Beds" if they do exist or stop talking about it and giving people false hope for an easy answer to all the health problems that the insane pandemic "exercise" and pollution of our environment has caused; 
(24) Find and shut down every chemtrail spraying operation; arrest everyone involved in that anywhere worldwide; 
(25) Shut down the 5G and 6G transmission systems and all other damaging or potentially damaging electromagnetic frequency generators. 

Other than the distribution of prepaid credit, cancellation of bogus debts, and recoupment of actual physical assets back to the people they belong to, we don't know all the steps yet that we will have to take to end the idolatry of money and slavery, both, but we are determined that they must end on a permanent basis.  

We are also determined that there will be no more fraud games. 

The people of this planet are not going to be securitized and treated as commodities by anyone for any reason.  They aren't going to be lied to and taken advantage of by commercial corporations in the business of providing "essential government services".  They aren't going to use banking systems that control and coerce them or which can be weaponized to target political opponents or invade our biological privacy.  Our people are not going to mistake "Equal Civil Rights" for their "Natural and Unalienable Rights" nor any substitutions of their own institutions for foreign corporate look-alikes. 

All that is off the table.  

So are any claims that patent holders have created any "transhumans" by duping people into accepting their injections of foreign genetically engineered products disguised as vaccines. 
DARPA and their collaborators including Anthony Fauci can go to Hell and the quicker, the better.  That goes for anyone who supports the transhuman agenda in any way. 

Shut it all down.  

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 2nd 2025


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