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Sunday, February 2, 2025

International Public Notice: Scams for 160 Years

 By Anna Von Reitz

When the Brits and their Roman collaborators set up the debt-credit system they were very ingenious, even diabolical.  

Even though they had a long pre-established relationship in which the Pope gets a 60% cut of their joint business receipts, for the purposes of their activities after the so-called American Civil War, they took a circuitous route to the same result. 

The Holy Roman Empire's immediate Successor to Contract operating under The Constitution of the United States sided with the Southern Confederacy in the Mercenary Conflict we have been taught to misidentify as a Civil War.  The officers of the United States Company and the Federal Civil Service personnel therefore fought for the South and were identified as Enemy Combatants by the triumphant British-affiliated Union Army.  

Upon Lee's Surrender and the ensuing Armistice, the Brits lost no time in collecting "war reparations" from the Southern States and people, even though this was not a war and even though their States of the Union never went to war.  

To expedite this process of asset extraction from the losers, the Union Army Officers that Lincoln left in charge set up a series of Military Districts covering the occupied territory of eleven Southern States and new "District" Courts.  These "courts" became famous for their predatory asset-stripping and injustice and were known as "Carpetbagger Courts", as the jurists hired to run them all came from the Northern States and ran these courts as a means to extract war reparations from the South.  

The Fourteenth (By-Law) Amendment to a hastily concocted new Constitution for a new Scottish Commercial Corporation calling itself The United States of America (Incorporated) expedited this process by declaring all "criminals" to be slaves, all "citizens of the United States" were already declared criminals, therefore slaves, and the debts of the company they worked for "the United States" (Company) could not "be questioned" under this infinitely self-serving and deceptive Amendment attached to an equally self-serving and deceptive Corporate Constitution.  

The Fourteenth Amendment to this new kind of "Constitution" which appeared to be very similar to the actual British Territorial Constitution, was never ratified by our States of the Union and remains unratified to this day.  

Though the Perpetrators took some pains to obscure who they were and what they were actually doing, they established "the United States" (Company) -- the Pope's Service Provider -- as the Debtor, and all "citizens of the United States" as criminal-slaves who owed the debts of "the United States" (Company) without appeal or question.  

They just didn't bother to tell the American Public what they were up to and deliberately evaded disclosure of which "United States" they were referring to, and also failed to disclose that this "new" Constitution which appeared in 1868 was in fact a new kind of Constitution --- a Constitution for a foreign (Scottish) Corporation. 

To finish their plan, they needed to create an expanded citizenry for "the United States" , a citizenry, which by using the Fourteenth Amendment definitions, appeared to be criminals and therefore slaves --- in a world where slaves still held great value as collateral. 
Hence the reason that the British Territorial U.S. Congress dreamed up the False Claim that Negroes in the Southern States were "stateless" and used this to excuse "conferring" the odious "citizen of the United States" status on all the freed plantation slaves.  

Thus, while their 13th Amendment abolished slavery, their 14th Amendment reinstated it for "criminals".  

All "citizens of the United States" were already defined as criminals and Enemy Combatants as a result of siding with the Southern Confederacy,  and under the definitions of the Fourteenth Amendment, criminals are slaves. 

Therefore when the U.S. Congress conferred this "citizenship of the United States" on the former slaves,  they were in effect, re-enslaving them on a different basis. 

This allowed the duplicitous Rump Congress to claim the value of these newly enslaved persons under their ownership, and use this human collateral as a basis for borrowing money from the European Banks that still dealt in such "commodities".  

They abolished private slave ownership with one breath, and began a whole new era of public sector slave ownership with another, all without explaining anything about this to the American Public, and of course, with no notice or due process for the victims. 

This schtick of pretending that their Mercenary Conflict was a "war" and misapplying the Law of War, so as to justify claiming "war reparations" from the losers, combined with their Fourteenth Amendment and "new" Constitution deceits, proved wildly profitable for the Perps. 

They got away with it, and nobody was the wiser about any of it. 

Not only did they get the collateral base provided by all the new slaves, they got to seize all the personal and private assets of the slaves and their debt, per the Fourteenth (By-Law) Amendment to their new and undisclosed Corporate Constitution, could "not be questioned". 

How convenient for then-new Carpetbagger Courts?  Anyone who could be identified as a "citizen of the United States" could be divested of everything and made to pay for anything, at the "discretion" of the Hired Jurists put in charge of these quasi-military courts.  

Over time, the Perpetrators simply dropped the word "Military" from the phrase "Military Districts" and began operating these same courts as "District Courts" --- leading the American Public to assume that these were courts provided to them for the purpose of resolving interstate business controversies, a service which these courts do provide, except that their actual and primary purpose and the Legal Presumptions  under which they operate, remains unstated to this day.  

Their actual business is fraudulent asset-stripping and collection of phony war reparations and public debts owed by foreign corporations. 

Inspired by their earlier success in foisting this off on the sleeping and trusting American Public, the Perpetrators of this vast and immoral commercial fraud scheme next contrived to "confer" the odious "citizenship of the United States" on the entire population of this country, regardless of color or provenance.  

They began their in-roads toward this goal in the 1920's with the passage of the Sheppard-Towner Act and the mis-registration of American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.  Once that False Presumption was established, they "conferred" the odious "citizen of the United States" status on the U.S. Citizens --- who, of course, were British Subjects and owed no consideration under any American Constitution.  

This resulted in "Dual Federal Citizenship" being foisted off onto and legally presumed against millions of Americans.  

It also created a false British Territorial Creditor Account --purportedly belonging to the intestate Estate of a British Merchant Mariner lost at sea, who conveniently used our same exact name --- and an equally false Roman Civil Estate Debtor Account, also operated under our NAME. 

Thus, the Constitutional obligations owed by these venal Perpetrators to every American was evaded by mischaracterizing these same Americans as British Territorial and Roman Municipal citizens --- all under color of law, and all without telling the victims a word about it.  

This same pernicious evil fraud and impersonation of living people was carried out throughout the western world, and even in Japan and South Korea, and in the Middle East and North Africa ---- and all enforced by the secretive and illegal occupation of entire countries by Mercenary Forces disguised as National Militaries.  

The Perpetrators have no allegiances to any country; all countries were equal-opportunity-victims for these Scumbags.  No loyalty was shown, for example, to the people of England or Italy or Scotland. 
And though they make use of political, religious and racial differences to promote their own war profiteering, they show no preferences in those they enslave.  

They are just as happy to enslave an Israeli as a Japanese; a pretty Caucasian Mother of three from Oregon may be worth more on the market than a Guatemalan gang member, but these modern Slavers are happy to enslave and impersonate anyone, happy to illegally occupy any country, so long as they can get away with it and not get caught. 

Their sanctimonious talk about taking "the High Road" and "the Greater Good" and "Freedom" and all that, is just Bosh to them; they enjoy spewing patriotic sentiments among patriots and Christian sentiments among Christians and Jewish sentiments among Jews and Muslim sentiments among Muslims, and if nature has so provided them, they love to foment racial prejudice and racial elitism with equally broad strokes.  

And all the while, they are just cynically sitting back, watching their victims to see how their "sales campaign" is going, judging whether or not their victims believe them, listening to the innocent responses they get, chuckling to themselves.

It's all the same to them.  As they will say in their unguarded moments, "It all pays the same."   

These are evil people, engaged in evil activities, under the direction of more evil people, all arranged in a highly compartmentalized hierarchy glued together via interlocking trust directorates and blackmail.  

This is what we are dealing with, as a country, and as a planetary population.  

When we exposed this history and demanded the liquidation of these corporations and the return of all our assets held in foreign trusts, plus reinstatement of our original American Infant Decedent Estates, they all looked like we'd stuffed a toilet plunger down their throats, they hemmed, they hawed, they got busy and made like they were seriously doing something to clean up the Mess they've made of the world economy --- but obviously, we don't "just trust" them after such a performance record.  

Their next reply was the Pandemic -- by which they contrived to murder millions of innocent people for profit, and again, find a new basis to claim ownership of slaves: this time, their schtick has been to get people to "voluntarily" accept injection of their patented bits of mRNA, fraudulently misrepresented as a vaccine --- and use this as a basis to claim that these same people are now Genetically Modified Organisms, so-called "Transhumans", owned by DARPA and the other Patent Holders. 

We have already called "Foul!" on this and already outlawed it for our people and in our country; and, we've already notified the Perps that the cost to them is one (1) Trillion USD for every American murdered or maimed by their activities. We suggest that other countries follow suit and deprive them of their motivation to pull horrific genocidal stunts like this.  

We are not deceived. 

Next, the reprobates "opened" our Southern Border to mass migration by unknown persons, mostly from Meso-American and South American countries, in an effort to upgrade the value of their slave population and run another scam. 

The basics of this are easy to grasp.  

For example, an uneducated  Honduran coming from a small, relatively undeveloped country, isn't worth a whole lot as an economic slave --- maybe $100,000 USD, tops.  

But take that same Honduran and punt him across The United States border, so that you can claim that he's an "undocumented American" and his "value" skyrockets astronomically.  Suddenly, this $100,000 slave is worth billions of USD on average.  

So, the "President" of "the United States of America, Incorporated" cuts a deal with the "President" of "the Government of Honduras, Incorporated" and they agree that as many Hondurans who want to migrate to The United States, can do so.  The migrants will be treated well, given a place to live, medical care, food stamps, help finding employment, education --- the works.  In addition, the Government of Honduras, Inc., will get a healthy little "severance" kickback of $5,000,000 USD as foreign aid and infrastructure development funds per Honduran who takes the bait.  

From the perspective of the human traffickers involved in this quid pro quo, what's not to like?  

Or as Joe Biden would say, "Where's the harm?" 

The immigrants are no worse off -- probably better.  The "Government" Corporations are both making a score.  Everyone is happy, happy, except, of course, for the American people who see no reason why these immigrants shouldn't have to obey our immigration laws, and why they should get benefits and assistance that is routinely denied to people who actually paid into these programs like "Social Security" and "Medicare"? 

The answer is money.  A Honduran is worth $100,000.  An American is worth $100 Billion.   Do the math.  Every Honduran who walks, crawls, rides, or swims their way across the Rio Grande, and who is then misrepresented as "an undocumented American" represents a huge gross net profit to Joe Biden's "collateral accounts". 

The cost of transporting these people to the Southern Border and providing for all their creature comforts and needs is almost nothing compared to the gain; even the kickback payola to the colluding Honduran Government is "nothing" compared to the gain.  

So that is what all the "Open Border Policy" is all about --- impersonating people from other countries as "original" Americans and being able to poke a hole in all the public trusts and corporate collateral assets that are in fact owed to us --- while we are being misrepresented as foreign citizens in our own country.  

More fraud. More criminality.  More disservice from "governmental services corporations" that owe us "good faith service". 

All this, when both peonage and slavery have been outlawed worldwide since 1926. 

Joe Biden took the profits for "his" corporation, paid himself a handsome Honorarium, bought as many votes as he could for the Democratic Party, handed the receipts off to Trump, and prepared
to skip town.  No wonder he was smiling so broadly, and seemed so genuinely congratulatory when he met with Trump immediately after the last election. 

Grumpy, mumpy Trump didn't seem nearly as happy to be on the receiving end of this arrangement, having to clean up this humongous mess and bear the cost of rounding up all the illegals and returning them to their home countries, while bearing the political heat for all this.  

But even for Trump's Corporation, there is a silver lining.  They get paid for doing the clean up ---out of our pockets, so it's not so bad for them, either.   

In all these schemes, lies are told, information is omitted or deliberately left undisclosed, and fraud is an intrinsic part of it. 
The same sorts of lies and schemes have been practiced against the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, France, Germany....wherever the "Pandemic" hit, and wherever mass migration has occurred from a poorer country to a richer country. 

We call them out for all of it.  

The British Territorial Creditor Accounts belong to us, and the Roman Civil Estate Debtor Accounts belong to us, too, and so do the American Infant Decedent Estates that belonged to us the moment we were born.  

All three estates on Air, Land, and Sea belong to us, as well as our "living estate" in our original jurisdiction on the soil of this country.  

We are the "missing" Americans and our fully declared and documented and recorded Government is the actual Government of this country. 

We are owed every jot of every Federal Constitution, and if a service provider fails to perform under their contract, we assume those duties ourselves.  

We hold these service providers liable and accountable for performance in good faith, not performance in gross breach of trust and self-interest.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 1st 2025


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