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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Think About Belief, Responsibility, and Authority

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's not nice, it's not politically correct, but there are reasons that people of Jewish heritage stand out, reasons that they are being held responsible for their leadership and for the results of their academic positions and their work in the world, that have nothing to do with their religion or their ethnicity --- but do have to do with choices they individually made and things they have done or failed to do:  

This list, holding individual Jews accountable for what they have individually done or failed to do,  ultimately says, they could have made different choices.   And they didn't.  

We would all like to think that we would be that one person who stood up and said no, when the chips were down, and everyone else was headed straight to destruction.  

We'd like to have the moral courage of that one lone Russian Submariner, a junior officer who refused to give his launch codes, and prevented nuclear war.  

We'd like to think we'd have enough courage to do the right thing and save the world, but, would we? 

Everyone, of every faith and ethnicity, needs to listen up and think more about what is ultimately right and wrong--- and all the things, all the influences and beliefs and authorities that have been driving us like sheep for too long.  

We have some very bright, very educated people, who forget about the morality and ethics common to every western religion. It's not just Jews.  It's Christians and Muslims, too.   

These people all have something in common.  

They get caught up in the chase -- the chase for money, the chase for positions, the chase for grants, for acclaim, for "security", for professional recognition, for power, for popularity, for approval, for awards ---- and they forget what life is about.  

Psychological studies have shown that 67% of us are predisposed by false beliefs and early authoritarian programming to kill on command.  The same 67% went right along and got the Covid jabs, because they are so indoctrinated into obeying authority regardless of whether that authority is real, justified, moral, or anything else.

Outwardly, these people look like everyone else.  They are school teachers and housewives, janitors and college professors, heavy equipment operators, truck drivers, farmers.  They come from all religious and ethnic and racial backgrounds. 

Seems crazy, but two-thirds of us are weak-minded enough that if someone in a position of authority told them to commit mass murder, they would.  

So, just as they can be induced to mindlessly harm and kill on command, these same people can be manipulated in the same way to kill themselves.  Think about that. 

Many of them have drunk their own Kool-Aid. 

This is a strong reason to start thinking, critically, so that we resist mindless obedience to authority.  

There are plenty of people who aren't Jews who are having to face up to their own part in the genocide.  Lots of Christians and Muslims, too, who created some element of these products or pushed these products on people who looked up to them and trusted their expertise.  

This societal culpability extends far beyond the Congress, the research community and the board rooms.  It includes news anchors and schoolteachers, police officers and clergymen, local businesses, and local hospitals. 

We should have used our own minds and been responsible for our own beliefs and actions --- and that is always true. 

Our world has paid a terrible price for a lesson learned.  Don't let it be forgotten.  

Asked if she ever regretted marrying Donald Trump, Melania Trump thought for a moment and basically said, she knew what she was doing and took responsibility for it --- regret is for those who don't take that responsibility in the first place. 

Isn't that what all adults should do?  Live our lives in such a way that we have no regrets? 

Here's another example, coming from the opposite side--- the world  of ingrained, unconscious assumptions.  

Give a listen to Mr. Trump lecturing Muslim leaders about the evils of terrorism and the need to put an end to it.  He seems completely unaware of the state terrorism committed against Gaza and Palestinians by Israel--- and the understated irony of his words:  

Trump's words are absolutely true and measured and laudable, but there are two kinds of this same evil present, both having committed terrorism--- the private terrorism of groups like Hamas, and the state terrorism of Israel.  

Are we to think that the more serious problem is embodied by organizations like Hamas, or by entire organized governments, unleashing more ordinance, more bombs, on a tiny strip of Earth, than were used in all of World War II?

When you look at the carpet bombing of Gaza, you have to know that Benjamin Netanyahu is insane, and that there is no bottom, no limit, to his hatred and fear and rage.   

Just as some people assume that Jews are bad, there are those who assume that Jews are good in some blanket fashion, too.  That would be a mistake. 

The truth is that we are all as good and as bad as our own ideas, beliefs, words, and actions make us.  One by one. Day by day. 

The truth is that to be good people and take right actions, we have to know ourselves and we have to have the courage to govern our minds, our hearts, and our actions. 

Goodness, like good judgment, takes practice and discipline.  

We need to pre-examine what we believe, what motivates us, what we value --- how do we react to authority?  Why?  What are the limits of authority?  Where is the line beyond which nobody can tell you what to do, and no orders apply?  

We need to know, and ask ourselves these things in advance, so that when the challenge comes, we are ready to make our own decisions.  And take responsibility for them, too. 



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