By Anna Von Reitz
The British Territorial Federal Subcontractor doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated, substituted its own state-of -state franchises for our American State of State (Confederate State) organizations after the Civil War Mercenary Conflict.
This was done under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.
State Assemblies were strong-armed to issue new State Constitutions binding them to do business with these new service providers, and so far as the General Public was concerned, the only change visible was from "The State of Wisconsin" to "the State of Wisconsin".
The Brits are engaged in another such maneuver right now.
Over the past two years, the ubiquitous entities functioning as, for example, The State of California Legislature, have disappeared, and instead, we have new entities presenting themselves as, for example, "The California State Assembly".
This is another patently dishonest switcheroo.
All references to entities named and styled like this: California State, Virginia State, Ohio State..... are references to State Trusts that were formed by the Brits also after the Civil War Mercenary Conflict.
They neglected to add the word "trust" in an effort to obscure what they'd done, just as they deliberately omit the word "Incorporated" when they talk about "the United States of America, Incorporated"--- and all to the same end ----to obscure their activities and the nature of these business entities, resulting in constructive fraud and non-disclosure.
These evasions have led to such semantic deceits and grammatical horrors as "the Wisconsin State Capitol Building" and "the Ohio State University Campus", and a deliberate confusion between a foreign trust doing business as "the Wisconsin State" and the actual State, doing business as Wisconsin.
In the current example, we have an attempt to replace their foreign "State of Wisconsin" or "State of California" franchise operations with their State Trust operations, instead.
That is, instead of "the State of California Legislature", we are suddenly supposed to be dealing with something calling itself "the California State Assembly".
This ploy is doubly deceptive, not only in the failure to disclose that this "California State" is a foreign Trust, but in misrepresenting it as an "Assembly" so as to further confuse people and confuse this organization with our actual State Assembly.
We've seen this before. These same Pikers have attempted to confuse their "District Assemblies" and "Municipal Assemblies" with our Assemblies.
Let us be perfectly clear: there is only one State, for example, Wisconsin, and there is only one State Assembly: The Wisconsin Assembly.
All the other organizations that were calling themselves "State of California" and now, "California State Assembly" are foreign British Territorial entities attempting to confuse people and impersonate the actual State and the actual State Assembly.
These trust organizations exist because the land holdings and property assets that British Subjects accrue while residing in this country are held in these foreign trusts operated by the British Crown.
And that is just fine, well and dandy, for Brits to do this, because that's how they structure things for their citizens abroad. The problem arises when they illegally and immorally conspire to obtain undisclosed and unconscionable citizenship contracts impacting American babies and later American adults, so as to cashier our assets in their trusts and subject us to their laws and suppositions.
We don't propose that their bad behavior and insupportable contracts should be rewarded and encouraged by continuing to have our assets cashiered and administered and controlled by British Subjects and British Agents and held in British Trusts.
They've been caught engaging in very venal and self-interested activities that harm our people, their employers and benefactors, in gross breach of trust and conflict of interest and violation of their service contract --- which requires them to provide these same victims with good faith service.
Latching onto our assets and disposing of them as they will, without having any valid interest in those assets and no valid excuse for purloining them and placing them in any British Trust, is a crime.
The only "emergencies" that have been engendered in our country have been promoted by them and their illegal and immoral activities on our shores, beginning with an illegal mercenary conflict that they have (similarly) misrepresented as The American Civil War.
What we have is a history of charlatanism, deliberate self-interested fraud and semantic deceit carried on by our Federal Government Subcontractors under color of law for over 150 years. We demand that this behavior be recognized for what it is and punished.
We also demand the release of all American assets from these British Territorial "State" Trusts. Let them hold the assets of actual British U.S. Citizens residing in this country in trust, but nothing else.
The test for being a British citizen or not, should be limited to actual employment by the United States of America, Incorporated, or be accorded to someone actually and factually living in Puerto Rico or one of the other British Commonwealth domiciles among the seven (7) Insular States.
The existence of foreign birth certificates attached to Americans and the existence of intestate British Seaman's Estates named after us should be considered evidence of the crimes against us, not evidence of any obligation on our parts.
There is no reason to continue the facade that their abuse of babies in their cradles so as to obtain unconscionable citizenship contracts is anything but a crime, and double ditto their recent attempts to redefine these same people, these victims of their dishonorable self-service and deceit, as "transhumans" after these same victims have been coerced to receive mRNA "therapies" disguised and misrepresented as "vaccines".
These Fraud Artists/Government Services Contractors have no valid claim on us, no valid contract obligating our service, and no valid claim that anyone "voluntarily" received the "Covid 19" injection under conditions of full disclosure. We object to all such fraudulent claims and all unconscionable and coerced contracts associated with any of these criminal activities being promoted by these British Territorial Subcontractors, their Agents, or their Principals.
It's time to put those persons responsible for all this harm and fraud in jail, and to release our assets --- our public assets to our own State Trusts and our private assets to our own control and possession --- free from any further presumption on their parts.
To all those in receipt of this International Public Notice, failure to assist us in bringing these fraudulent misrepresentations and criminal activities to an end, leaves you standing as willing accomplices, criminals, and outlaws yourselves.
The Great Fraud which has engulfed much of the world must come to an end. The British Territorial Governments which have usurped against the National Governments must stand down and come to terms, or the British Crown Corporations must all be dissolved.
This call to action is not an invitation to come up with a new angle and try to foist off another fraud scheme on us. It's a demand, first in Commerce and Admiralty, and finally in deference to the Law of the Land, to do the right thing.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 26th 2025
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