By Anna Von Reitz
That part hasn't changed, either, except that the amount of the checks is considerably less. The people in North Carolina that lost everything and had their land polluted with industrial waste to boot, got a whopping $750 check.
Turns out that this is an undisclosed "settlement offer" of all claims against the government corporations for any part that they might have had in causing the fire, flood, or whatever kind of disaster, and also settlement of any claims of negligence, wrong-doing, or "collateral liability" the government contractors might otherwise be responsible for.
The dazed and desperate people, left completely uninformed about any aspect of this "offer", invariably cash the checks, and Uncle Sam shrugs and says, "See there? They agreed. It's not my problem. I settled with them."
This is just another variety of corporate "insurance policy"--- just in case, by chance, any of the victims still have the guts and the resources to hold the gubmint accountable for doing things like spraying their land with incendiary waste chemicals, or deploying Directed Energy Weapons against them, or allowing automated water release mechanisms to open dam floodgates at times and to degrees that make no sense, or failure to fill water reservoirs needed to fight wildfires, or using the disaster as a preplanned cover for dumping hazardous chemicals. Or, as in California, warning their pals in the insurance industry to pull the plug and get out of Dodge three weeks before they light the fires.
We still feel a little sick to our stomachs thirty years later, and seeing the same ploys unleashed in North Carolina and California now, just makes the rising gorge response repeat.
It's criminal what these people do, and also criminal what they don't do, and that's the truth of it.
Playing these kinds of games, generating undisclosed contract offers, distributing information from other Agencies regarding their "services" like providing predatory balloon loans, tax deferments that charge 20% interest on unpaid balances, things like that --- plus, in more recent years, interfering with private rescue and relief efforts, confiscating donated supplies, and harassing victims, is the bulk of what FEMA does, and of course, that is not what people expect.
They hear the name, "Federal Emergency Management Agency" and they, reasonably enough, think it has something to do with providing shelter and soup kitchens and chemical toilets and emergency telephone service and things like that.
All that stuff has to be provided free gratis from friends and neighbors, churches, and actual philanthropic organizations. The gubmint doesn't do any of the practical things that you might expect it to do in the face of disasters.
They don't even provide protection from looters, rapists and murderers. You have to worry about all that on your own, too.
Not only will FEMA be worthless, so will the National Guard. Guaranteed. They won't get a single order telling them to do anything that would actually help you.
Like FEMA, the National Guard will be used to do all sorts of other unexpected and not-helpful things, like blocking off any remaining roads and public accesses, turning off water mains, and shutting down electrical generators.
Just when you expect these Guardsmen that are being paid for on your ticket to do something practical to help, like dig a hole for the construction of prefabricated latrines, or build a firebreak, no, they are going to smoke a ciggy and play menacingly with an assault rifle. Or buzz a helicopter over your head.
And then, on every news channel from sea to shining sea, you have the additional irritation of hearing all the politicians congratulating themselves on their "rapid response" and glad-handing all these bureaucrats who couldn't find their way out of a paper bag or make a decision or do anything remotely helpful or appropriate on their best day ever.
So, all in all, we can heartily approve and applaud Donald Trump's magnificently insightful idea that we don't need FEMA. That's true. We don't. We can affirm, first-hand, that we haven't needed FEMA since at least 1996, and probably didn't need it for fifty years before that. We don't need their version of "National Guard", either.
We agree with President Trump.
We don't need FEMA. We don't need useless misdirected "National Guard" organizations. He can go ahead and send the Pink Slips for ninety percent of the Municipal government departments and agencies; from repeated "government shutdowns" and our wealth of practical experience, we already know we won't miss them.
There's more.
The actual function of FEMA has nothing to do with search and rescue, emergency relief services, help to stay warm and fed, shelter, clean water, public sanitation, building emergency flood barriers, firebreaks, nothing at all like any of that. At least, not for us, not for the American people.
FEMA's actual role is for emergency care for the government -- specifically, to ensure "continuity of government" --- not continuity of the nice people who pay for all these non-existent services from the "government", but for the preservation of the parasitical corporations that have been feeding off us like leeches for over 150 years and slaughtering our children in wars for profit that benefited them.
You've all heard the narratives about the horrors of these underground tunnels and rail systems and cities. We've had ground penetrating LIDAR for what, forty years? Exactly what plausible excuse is there, that "our military" didn't know about these vast underground facilities?
Our oil companies knew, for sure.
If our oil companies knew, so did the rest of the military subcontractors, and so did the military, too.
They've just kinda "taken their time" and turned a blind eye, until things have gotten so out of hand, that they felt the need for a scapegoat or two, some new Bogeymen, to take the heat off their own sweet-smelling heroic selves.
Any idea that such vast underground networks and sprawling city-like bases could exist underground without the military and its subcontractors and agencies knowing, is so hopelessly naive that all those sweet ladies spewing Hopium need our support. We'll have to be there with the smelling salts when the truth -- the real truth, that is, comes home to them.
Make no mistake. Our living breathing sons and daughters deserved and needed all those care packages of cookies and warm socks and sunscreen. They needed the "veteran's benefits" and flags and reassurances and thanks. They've gone through Hell and many have wondered -- why and what for?
For a bunch of old, nasty, white men in nice tweed suits, arrogant, smug, deceitful, worthless, cynical, vicious, greedy, leech-like perverts, sitting around their clubs in London, swilling gin and banging each other in the butt for King and what was that word? Country?
Not for their country. And not for their countrymen, either.
These morons vacated the land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, long before our great, great, great, great Grandfathers were born.
All that death and dying, all the dog piles created by "Great Britain" meddling in the background, and all the misery suffered by all concerned, wasn't to defend this country or their countries, either.
It was to fill the King's coffers and to serve these "fine gentlemen" -- and nothing much more than that.
Now add another group of perverts and hairshirts and instruments of torture for the sadists among them, change the suits and hats, and you've got the rest of the story and picture, but in their own way, they are even worse than the nasty old Pikers in London, because these animals are such raving hypocrites, such sanctimonious liars. 67
These are the two groups that you have been ultimately enriching with all your blood, sweat, and tears---- with, of course, some treasonous help from truly venal and immoral "American" collaborators providing the storefronts and singing Yankee Doodle, while adding the grease to expedite this net result.
Or should we say, oil?
FEMA is worthless. It has no valid public purpose and performs no worthwhile public service. It should be gone. We will be no worse off than we've ever been, and we will have one less leech to deal with.
As long as we are salting leeches, we might as well get rid of the IRS which was collecting illegal payroll kickback "taxes" from federal employees for the "privilege" of working for these scumbags. And liberally misaddressing everyone else, too, based on the loony idea that we were all federal employees and Federal Dual Citizens.
We can do without the BATF, the vicious murderous quasi-military armed Sin Tax Enforcers, ready to kill American mothers and little kids huddled together in the basement of a church in Waco, Texas. We can do without them forever and anon. Just tell us where Janet Reno is buried and we will happily piss on her grave.
Unless Mr. Trump has some valid use for them, we can terminate the DOJ. Despite their deceptive name, they never had anything to do with "justice" -- quite the opposite. They are an in-house corporate law firm paid to defend these venal federal corporations against our claims and any claims anyone else might make. And exactly why should we pay for that?
Just as Mr. Trump said about ending Dr. Fauci's security detail -- and rightly so -- these corporations have made a lot of money. They can afford to pay their own legal defense costs and not rely on their victims to pick up the bill for them.
There are literally hundreds of these agencies and "departments" that are actually private incorporated entities, like the FBI, Inc. which is owned by the same umbrella corporation that runs the CIA, Inc. --- and they all need to go away, be restructured, repurposed, rebranded, and put under completely new management.
Completely. New. Management.
Mr. Trump plays a great carrot compared to the Joe Biden stick. He still has that edge of rawness and believability that the more practiced players lack. But he's still a player. He's still working for the British Crown Corp. He's still letting SERCO and the Privy Council's Senior Executive Service act as Paymaster for what is supposed to be our Armed Forces.
If he was "duped" about the Pandemic and the economic agenda of "transhumanism", Mr. Trump still needs to take action to quash, smash, obliterate, demolish, and flatten all of that mechanism and the people associated with it --- Fauci, his little minions, Bill Gates, all his works and all his ways, DARPA, the "Agency" left holding the patent holder bag, NIH and the complicit doctors and academics, CDC, and of course, the FDA and the USPTO --- the United States Patent and TradeMark Office, because without the corruption of the USPTO under the administration (again) of SERCO, none of this would have ever happened.
All these corporations and the people who contributed to the quote unquote "Pandemic" need to be gone, along with Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson's "vaccine" program, Astrazeneca and all the rest of the Party Hearties.
They all need to be as flat as a rattlesnake caught arguing with a Peterbilt Semi on I-90.
Although it might be considered "cruel and unusual punishment" by the courts, we are okay with it, if the guilty parties are dispatched via multiple injections of the same crap they pumped into millions of innocent Americans and billions of other people worldwide.
We are totally okay with that. It's fitting. Good object lesson and deterrent for any further "geniuses" who have nothing better to do than think up insidious and evil ways to kill people and make money.
Mr. Trump also needs to severely distance himself from any AI surveillance grids designed to invade the biological and energetic privacy of living people or threaten the lives of living people.
Don't even try to give us any doublespeak about "defense".
We've seen how our straightforward order to defend this country has been twisted and redefined to justify foreign aggression and war profiteering of the most venal and unjust and inexcusable kinds, while conveniently neglecting a duty as obvious as protecting our national borders.
We get to define "national defense" and it does not involve global high tech surveillance grids and transhumans, nor does it involve us paying for the defense costs of other countries and over 950 military bases worldwide. Tell NATO to shove it.
And we do mean that, literally.
We can have a "million man army" on the Southern Border in no time. We can go through California like a Squee-gee. We don't need to argue with Gavin Newsom about anything.
As fast as Mr. Trump is moving, he needs to move faster and in the right direction.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 25th 2025
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