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Sunday, January 26, 2025

International Public Notice: The New Canal Plan and Gaza Destruction

 By Anna Von Reitz

You heard it first here.  

Oil companies and western politicians planning a replacement for the Suez Canal, going on the eastern side of the Sinai Peninsula, terminating in Gaza and connecting to an offshore development of the Western Mediterranean Oil Basin and complex of onshore oil refineries benefiting Israel and its partners in crime. 

We've known about the Western Mediterranean Oil Basin for decades, but development has been delayed in deference to Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Oil Emirates.  Now, the Suez Canal is old and suffering multiple infrastructure issues, so the gaze of the  crazed plutocrats has naturally turned toward what else can they grab that isn't theirs? 

Oh, a blivet ton of oil ripe for the taking and a whole new canal and refinery development opportunity allowing the western powers to again dominate not only European oil and gas markets, but also plonk all of Eastern Africa, the Indian Ocean Basin, heck, why not Southeast Asia? 

It's a no-brainer, except for those pesky Palestinians peacefully living their lives on the Gaza Strip. 

So these criminal corporations brewed up their own little False Flag, paid off Hamas, an organization that they created, and after months of saturation carpet bombing by Israel, oh, look, what have they got? 

A "humanitarian crisis" that has gone to seed.   

Big bad Israel has destroyed the Gaza Strip.  They've made it uninhabitable.  The schools, hospitals, water, sanitation, and electrical facilities are all gone.  The roads are in shambles. The houses, the neighborhoods, everything, gone.  Most of the people are dead and survivors are dislocated. 

Enter Donald Trump. 

Isn't the answer obvious?  Relocate the refugees to Egypt and Jordan, take over the land and don't pay anyone for it, let Israel claim it and ta-da! Yet another "victory" for criminal western technocrats, criminal western oil companies, criminal western colonial interests, criminal British Crown Corporations, all the usual criminals having a CrimeFest together.  

Don't believe it?  Listen: 

The destruction of Gaza is a premeditated crime and the motive is money.  Just like the same parties have used weather warfare in North Carolina, planning to steal the ruined land for pennies on a dollar, and mine all the rich lithium deposits and other Rare Earth minerals out of the Southern Appalachians.  Los Angeles?  To be turned into one giant water and air cargo hub serving the entire Pacific Rim, and more oil refineries, of course, to develop the Eastern Rockies Reservoir. 

They aren't just going to drill, baby, drill, they are going to gush. 
Oil and gas will be so plentiful and so cheap that nobody will even think about developing free energy for another hundred years.   

As usual, too, these bullies targeted the poorest of the poor, depriving, defrauding, and destroying --- then pretending that they had nothing to do with it, and that they are going to "help" their victims by resettling them and building new housing, generously using our credit and assets to do it, and charging us for this "service" we never authorized. 

The banks and the bankers supporting this need to be prosecuted and so do the corporations involved.  They all need to be shut down, and made to pay for the misery and destruction their greed has caused.  Until these criminals are brought under control there will be no end to their meddling, violence, and rapacious theft of resources. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 26th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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