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Friday, December 6, 2024

International Public Notice: Forms of Governments

 By Anna Von Reitz

We, Americans, have a republican form of government at the State level.  That means it functions on the principles of the early Roman Republic prior to the military dictatorship established by Julius Caesar. Everyone has a voice in government, which is centered on the Natural Rights of individuals.  Protecting the individual and their rights no matter what the opinions of the Mob, is paramount in this kind of government.  Everyone has the same natural rights and everyone acts to protect and preserve those rights, because if they don't, they know that their own rights are in danger. 

That's our sovereign government right there.  Take a look at it.  Understand its basic premises: a government of equals, dedicated to protecting and preserving the rights of the individual against Mob Rule.  

Now let's look at the form of government everyone is more used to and which some people have mistaken as our government --- democracy, also known as Mob Rule, based on majority opinion. 

This is the government of the Imperial Roman Republic established under Julius Caesar.  This is a government of Mob Rule implemented by and controlled by the military.  So long as the Mob keeps things at a simmer they can do anything they want.  If they get too restive, in the view of the commanding generals, the military steps in and quells the riots by imposing martial law. Everyone gets a vote and gets to go their own way, until and unless the commanding generals crack down.  The Mob is enslaved to pay the costs of the military and military "governors" rule like kings over different lands or different specified and defined land masses.  These "Governors" collect the taxes and administer the local bureaucracy for the all-powerful Caesar -- aka, Commander-in-Chief. 

This is not our form of government.  This is a foreign, quasi-military form of government that sacrifices the rights of the individual to the "god" of public opinion, and operates another level of government under military law to keep a lid on the worst abuses of public opinion.
This form of government is known to be progressively corrupt and degenerate, as the gluttonous and unfettered military feeds upon the civilian populace and enriches itself at their expense, and as the civilian populace lacks any moral compass or common set of values that would serve to inform their opinions, they devolve into an ignorant peasantry in pursuit of the most base kinds of entertainments and appetites--- "bread and circuses".

Add to this a third variety, called "Constitutional Democracy", which is supposed to be practiced in Britain, The United States, and the former Commonwealth.  This is democracy, but with a written Constitution that sets enforceable limits on the Public Policies of the military junta.  It formalizes what is tolerable and not tolerable and sets known official limits on the exercise of government power. Or is supposed to do so. In practical terms, the Constitutions are "enforceable", but it is always an open question of whether or not they will be enforced, and who will do the enforcing.  

The tendency borne out by experience is for the military junta to go slack in favor of their own abuses--- and so, it selectively stops enforcing the Constitutional limitations on its members.  When this occurs, the Public typically doesn't immediately react, and doesn't realize that it should react or how it could react to rein in these over-reaches and derelictions of duty by the military. This only further encourages their bad "not what I do, but what I say" behavior, and the military government increases taxes to insupportable levels while applying ever-increasingly oppressive statutory laws and codes on the Public, but not on itself.  They do this using a civilian bureaucracy known as a "civil service" to act as the middleman.  

Eventually, the Public realizes what is going on and reacts to put an end to these overreaches; this typically results in uncontrollable riots, frontier justice, and hatred of what the Public perceives to be the government --- the civil service pawns and politicians who are left in the middle as a buffer to face the ire of the Public.

This results in a reversal of the powers that are supposed to be in control of a Constitutional Democracy and it drifts back to the base form of government --- a Democracy as described above. 

It will not be lost on many that the republican form of government we are owed has not been in any great evidence for many years; while our traditions have given it lip-service, our institutions, our courts, and our elected offices have very gradually faded from view, stood vacant, or nearly so, and as we have unwittingly ceased to operate our form of government, these other, foreign forms of government have crept in and usurped control. 

The degree to which our public employees have usurped control and have imposed their form of government on their employers can be judged by how often and how blatantly they have talked about "their democracy" and how they have championed the spread of "democracy" throughout the world, and how they are constantly prattling about "danger to our democracy", when in fact, this country's form of government has never been a democracy at all. 

Our republican form of government is supposed to be ruling over and directing and limiting the democracies run by our foreign federal subcontractors.  Our "absence" which has been used to excuse their usurpation and breach of trust, has meant that there was "nobody home" to enforce the written Constitutions (which are service contracts) and their limitations on the military leaders and civil service.  

We are now in a so-called Mexican Stand-Off, with the military and political civil servants knowing, or having cause to know, that they are in the wrong, but uncertain how they can excuse their long term abuses and breaches of trust against their employers, while their employers object to paying for such bad service, and the banks are held liable for extending the public's credit to persons and institutions that are self-evidently preying upon the public and not acting within the limitations of their written service contracts. 

This is the condition in which we find ourselves today. 

The republican State Assemblies have regrouped and come back into official Session on a country-wide basis for the first time in over a hundred and fifty years.  The military leaders and politicians haven't wanted to admit this, but it is nonetheless the fact. 

We, Americans, still know who we are, and we are still able to operate our republican form of government --- and are contractually guaranteed our right to do so.  

As the Employers of all Federal Employees, we are enforcing the Constitutions and directing our Federal Employees accordingly. 
Their democracies need to disavow their presumptions about us and stop usurping against our government. They owe us their good faith service and all limitations of the Constitutions that have created their organizations and paid their bills. 

Within the boundaries of the District of Columbia and within certain stipulated Federal Enclaves, they are free to practice their forms of democracy as a separate foreign citizenry, but they are not allowed to impose their forms of democracy upon the living people who are their Employers and the progeny of the Creators of their institutions. 

They must now come to heel and fulfill their duties and contracts and observe their limitations.  The banks responsible for recklessly and self-interestedly extending our credit to our Employees without our permission and without any appropriations made by our Congress, have been served Due Process and Notification of their liability. 

The U.S. Military could, in theory, rebel against our direction, but it is well-settled that they are accountable to our civilian authority.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 6th 2024


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