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Friday, December 6, 2024

International Public Notice: We Are Sorry

 By Anna Von Reitz

Our condolences go out to 1.2 billion Catholics who have been lied to and whose faith must now be severely tested.  Pope Francis has just identified the Father of Jesus Christ as Lucifer. 

This is, of course, a Big Lie.  It's a truly enormous lie--unless, of course, the Pope means to admit that the entire narrative spun by acolytes of Simon Magus is a lie, and everything about it -- including the identity of "I - Zeus" is a lie, fathered by Lucifer, the Father of all lies.  That admission, would be a backhanded truth, because the Church has not been honest about Yeshuah.  

We have followed and detailed the weird progression of offices that Francis has occupied --- having been given the secular duties of the Pope without the ministerial duties, Benedict XVI taking the ministerial duties to his grave, and then the Eastern Patriarchs being cajoled into giving Francis an old vacated office in the Byzantine Church as "Patriarch of the West" so that he could still claim a Pope-like office in a different offshoot of the Universal Church. 

We are witnessing the same kind of maneuver the Church pulled during the Dark Ages in Europe, where it split in two, with a Pope in the West and a Pope in the East.  Once again, all the money that Francis ordered "home" to the Vatican two years ago, has been consolidated and sent East to Constantinople. 

When the bill collectors come knocking, Francis will be able to truthfully say that his pockets are empty.  

So we have a Pope who isn't a Pope, setting up a constructive fraud to avoid paying debts, claiming that Lucifer was Jesus's Father.  LOL. Sounds like Lucifer was Jorge Bergolio's Father, too.  

Remember what we told you about the polarization that is close upon us now, when evil will coagulate and separate from good, and become clearly identifiable, just as oil separates from water, and as sheep are separated from goats. 

This is inevitable, and not even a showdown.  It is, in the end, a revelation, a great apocalypse in which the Truth will be known. 

The word "apocalypse" is not nearly as dreadful as it sounds; it implies a removal of a veil, the pulling back of a curtain so we can see what is behind it, like Toto pulling back the curtain to expose the Wizard of Oz. 

Should it surprise us that the Roman Catholic Church was built on sin and error?  Not really.  For one thing, Peter was never Bishop of Rome.  

It's pretty hard to inherit an office that the Disciple never held from him, but knowing how the system works, there was probably another "Peter" involved, so a half-truth could be preserved --- just as Saint Jerome stitched in the "Letters" of another Paul, Paul of Ephesus, into the Canon, and presented these "homages" as the words of Saint Paul. 

A guy named Paul wrote them.  That much is true. 

Then there's the Crusades and "Killing for Jesus" in general, the Inquisition and the Income Tax to pay for the Church's war expenses --- compared to that, selling Indulgences allowing rich sinners to sin free of charge, seems like a minor infraction.  

How about the ritualized cannibalism taught under the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, which teaches that the Communion wine turns into actual blood in the cup?  And all the strange museums and churches devoted to showing off corpses in glass coffins, severed heads, and body parts of departed saints?  The creepy crucifix with the dead body still nailed on it?  

Many Catholics are confused when they discover a Satanic Cult hidden at the heart of their beloved Church, but the signs and portents are set before everyone in plain sight.  

Just like each one of us, the Church was never completely good nor completely evil; it was and is an admixture, holding within it cynical devil-worshiping monsters and selfless saints. 

And now, the process of separation is inevitable. 

To our friends in the Roman Catholic Church, please realize that yes, you have been snookered by the Father of All Lies; promptly forgive yourselves for that, and use your own discernment to pick through the wheat and the chaff of the Church. 

Save what is good.  Keep faith with what is true.  And cut away all the rest. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 6th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. At some point you will all know that the outfit in Rome that is impersonating the real Catholic Church founded by Christ when he walked this earth is NOT His Church but has been robbed by it's own unfaithful and fallen away hierarchy and is now a new and false religion. Even Anna is confused about this and thinks she is fighting the Catholic Church when in fact she is fighting a new and false religion known by true Catholics as the Novus Ordo, which has stolen the buildings, wealth, offices and temporal authority of Christ's true Church but can never exercise Christ's Spiritual Authority. One can not be the head of what one is not a member of. These men and their minions are anti-popes and false prophets to whom real Catholics owe no allegiance whatsoever, and who have thrown the "baby out with the bathwater" as it pertains to the Deposit of Faith Christ left us. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but Anna is dead wrong about the real history of Christ's true Church, and many who read this blog will be very surprised on Judgment day about where true Faith was found on this planet, and where it will be found until the end of time itself. Christ does not fight against Himself. He didn't found more than one religion. And the 33,800 religious sects in the world calling themselves "Christian" haven't got a leg to stand on because they all DO fight with each other About What To Believe in order to get to heaven.


    I will not delete any of Anna's articles even though I have made it very plain that I don't agree with her view of what the Catholic Church is and where to find it.

    I have stated many times that what is currently in control of the Vatican is NOT Catholic, and not Christian in any sense of the words. Does that mean I am supposed to suppress her articles. NO She is an author on this blog with an agreement that I will publish her opinions as she writes them. That doesn't mean I agree with all of those opinions. Read the blue print at the top of every page. People who comment are not authors of this blog. Your comments are public domain without copyright, and I have reserved the right to delete any comment for any reason and will continue to do so. If that is not to your liking you always have the right to not comment.

  3. I am not obligated to put falsehood on any equal footing with the truth. It would be wrong to do so. There is only one God, and we don't become Gods on any equal footing with the real God, Father, Son And Holy Ghost in the next life, even though we are made in His image and likeness.
    I may be obligated in other public places to tolerate the false beliefs of others for the sake of civility and Christian Charity, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with those false ideas, or place them on an equal footing with long known truth.
    On Religious Toleration

    When it comes to any theoretical toleration of dogma (what one must believe to get to heaven, or morals (what one must do to get to heaven) there can be no toleration of error (how God sees things) as that would imply a certain indifference towards the truth in principle. I can't go there, so stop trying to get me to "compromise" (com-promise) principles I know to be true from long experience and hundreds of hours of study.
