By Anna Von Reitz
IBM put neural implants in U.S. prisoners without their knowledge.
This is because the U.S. Corp continues to act under the presumptions provided by their self-made and so-called "Fourteenth Amendment" which openly declares that all criminals are slaves.
By the measure they impose on others, they are measured.
There is no substantive authority in back of the Fourteenth Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America, nor for any Amendment made to this contract since then.
None of these Amendments were agreed to by any entity having authority to act on behalf of the Employers of these Federal Subcontractors, and they stand merely as unauthorized and unilateral contract amendments that have been put in place via presumed acquiesence in the absence of our State Assemblies.
Our State Assemblies are now in Session and we object to the idea that criminals are subject to enslavement and deprivation of rights under color of law. We also object to the idea that any such "criminal" status can be arbitrarily conferred on anyone, including any "citizens of the United States".
This was a fraudulent practice and unauthorized claim against foreign commercial interests and individuals made in the wake of an illegal mercenary conflict misrepresented as "The American Civil War".
The U.S. Corp operating at that time spoke with forked tongue as usual, on one hand declaring the abolition of slavery, and on the other creating a new form of enslavement and institutionalizing slavery in the public domain via private corporate acts that are in fact repugnant to us.
The U.S. Corp that published the so-called Fourteenth (Unratified and Unauthorized) Amendment went bankrupt in 1907. It's carcass was seized upon by its Priority Creditor, the Federal Reserve, another foreign corporation, which demanded a monopoly interest in and control of British Territorial United States currency as part of the bankruptcy settlement. This agreement was memorialized as the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
None of it has anything to do with our country or our population.
Now, ask yourselves, what possible legal or lawful authority could attach to an unauthorized, unratified and unilateral amendment to a service contract, made by the shareholders of a now long-defunct and bankrupted Scottish Commercial Corporation in the business of providing essential governmental services?
The correct answer is --- absolutely none. Not then, not now. It was all constructive and self-interested fraud carried out under color of law. These contract amendments were never ratified by the Employers and have no validity as Law or Treaty or Contract. They are merely archaic and repugnant Public Policies of a foreign commercial contractors acting under color of law.
By what right do our Subcontractors operating in the current day continue this spoof in the face of their Employers?
Show us --- and the rest of the world -- the ratification of your "Fourteenth Amendment" by our lawful States of the Union, or stand down and Cease and Desist all operations and actions predicated on this unlawful and illegal drivel.
These heinous and reprehensible acts as exemplified by the current example of IBM using prisoners as if they were animals, acts trespassing on the physical and psychological integrity of living men and women that have been routinely pursued by "government" franchises such as DARPA and IBM and MICROSOFT as actions empowered by the so-called Fourteenth Amendment, must come to an immediate and permanent end.
The Employers and Principals that created the Federal Constitutions did not and do not agree to the premises of the offending contract alterations, nor any offensive legislation offered in support of these policies promoted by our Subcontractors.
Similarly, we have not and do not agree to the misapplication of the Sheppard-Towner Act to American non-citizen nationals born in the States of the Union. As of October 1st 2020, all so-called Territorial States have been enrolled as full-fledged States of the Union, retroactive to the day they entered Territorial Statehood under the provisions of the Northwest Ordinance and the Equal Footing Doctrine.
All fifty (50) States of the Union are now fully enrolled and in Session and are owed the protection and good faith service of all Federal Subcontractors and their franchises without exception.
We have spoken about this necessary change in conduct and administration before. This is the Third Time and the Third Notice requiring our Federal Subcontractors to stand down, cease and desist, their misapplication of peonage and enslavement claims made against our free, sovereign, and independent people.
The business affairs, obligations, policies, and operations of our foreign "Federal" Subcontractors are their business only to the extent that they keep their fingers ---and their neural implants--- off our people, and their pollution out of our skies.
When these corporations trespass on us, and fail to provide the good faith service they are contractually obligated to provide, it's time for them to be defunded and liquidated.
All those born within the geographic borders of our States of the Union and all those Naturalized therein, are to be protected and held harmless and accorded all Constitutional Guarantees by our Federal Subcontractors--- without exception.
We recognize no special or different or slave status conferred upon anyone by any corporate artifice. Take this to heart. Our people are not citizens in service to any foreign government. We are Foreign Sovereigns with respect to our Federal Employees and they exist under contract to provide "essential government services" for us; they are required to operate in good faith and with due diligence.
Failure to do so voids their contract and our obligation to pay them and also voids any obligation to obey them and any permission granted them to exercise our delegated powers.
Our people are not to be rendered criminals under the force or definitions of any foreign law whatsoever, and are not subject to any presumptions of statelessness allowing any governmental services contractor to confer foreign citizenship obligations on them.
All of this malfeasance and legal chicanery must stop.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
December 6th 2024
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