By Anna Von Reitz
Somehow, I have to get it across to all of you --- some who are in denial, some who were not personally impacted --- the severity of what has happened in your States of the Union.
North Carolina: It doesn't matter whose garage or storage unit the State Record Copies are stored in, so long as they are safe. Tennessee: It's okay for people to have a contrary opinion.
Some of you have the idea that "the Assembly" is embodied in the paperwork and offices and external things. It's not.
The same misunderstanding pertains to churches when people mistake the church building for the church. The church isn't embodied by any house of worship. The church is the people.
This country is the people. This nation is the people. And your State Assembly is similarly vested in what? The people. Each one of the people, all equally endowed, no one of them greater than the others.
We owe each other, members and officers, gratitude for good faith service, each according to our contributions and talents. And that's all the mystery and miracle there is to it, that we choose to come together to govern ourselves, our States, and our country.
Some of you haven't understood my irritation with all the slanderous statements and accusations being recklessly promoted; It's because these activities indicate failure to self-govern.
We are called upon to control our own tongues, and not utter opinions or suspicions as facts. If we can't honor that basic principle, how are we to exercise the judgement, restraint, vision, and kindness necessary to govern a nation-state?
I feel drug out, hopeless, pained and frustrated to the bone, because after all this time, so many of our members have regressed to reacting as if they were children, taking sides and playing King of the Mountain, in the face of a natural disaster of this magnitude.
Faced with a choice to pull together or pull apart, many have chosen to pull apart.
Do you all firmly understand that what happened with Hurricane Helene was an "unnatural storm" and undeclared Act of War?
It will take your State of the Union decades to recover, and right now, you are being passed over. Ignored. Not only have you suffered one of the worst disasters in living memory, your damages are being shoved under the rug and worse --- capitalized upon.
From one of my sources: "On Thanksgiving Weekend an American (one of us) went to the the Governor of North Carolina's masion to call him our for leaving Hurricane Helene victims without help. "He can't account for $2.2 Billion dollars that was given to him from FEMA. Over 577,000 North Carolinians are homeless from Hurricane Helene. 126,000 houses have been wiped from the base of the earth, and the Governor (Cooper) has done nothing to help its people. Western North Carolina survivors who are living in tents on contaminated ground with no heat, with parents and children...."
LIndsey Graham, U.S. Senator from South Carolina, recently admitted that the long game in Ukraine is to gain control of supply contracts on Rare Earth Minerals and create another OPEC-like essential commodity monopoly.
And here you all are, innocently sitting on a pile of these same Rare Earth Minerals.
Where did all that FEMA money go? Sure didn't hit the streets in Black Mountain or Asheville.
Sit down and watch this documentary, even if it is painful--- and it will be; understand what is at stake.
To quote a State of the Nation article released November 14th 2024 entitled Superstorm PTSD:
"It's impossible for anyone who has not been in a Cat 4 or Cat 5 hurricane to understand the sheer terror that such an experience can produce. And, how that traumatizing event can set an individual up for a case of lifelong PTSD, especially when they are recurring as they are every hurricane season throughout the Deep South.
Particularly when these superstorms are weaponized in such a way so as to produce devastating tornado swarms far from the actual eye of the 'cane, have they become highly unpredictable and frightening for Floridians from Key West to Pensacola. Of course, the folks who reside on the coastline always run the risk of living through overwhelming storm surge that washes away whole beaches (and beach houses) in a matter of hours. In this way, both homes and businesses can be wrecked and ruined faster than you can say "GEOENGINEERED DELUGE".
Special Note: The PTSD Coach has offered his services for decades starting with Vietnam vets who were profoundly traumatized physically and emotionally; and often psychologically wounded for life. He has found that many clients who suffer from Superstorm PTSD have similar symptoms sets as though weather warfare causes the same uncontrollable and debilitating physical and/or psychological reactions. He can be reached at:"
It's natural for people who have been through such trauma to lash out, to be unstable for an indeterminate time, to wake up in the middle of the night crying, to suffer nightmares, to place illogical importance on symbolic things, to be irritable and nervous and suffer all manner of other symptoms that linger in the heart and the mind long after the physical threats and hardships are overcome.
Be gentle with yourselves. Be kind. Give your fellow Assembly-members your help and your trust. They aren't the problem. The problem is the profit-driven corporate machine responsible for all this suffering. Them. Not us.
Our Assemblies, together, are taking a stand for the living people. Our Assemblies have been blessed. All our people got through these storms alive.
We need you to stand together and stand with us in this effort, but that can't happen, if you choose to fight among yourselves instead.
That is why I am so frustrated.
All the energy and passion that is being wasted on in-fighting and fear-mongering and all the other evils of our still-powerful indoctrination, could be spent instead on securing relief and justice. It could be going toward building up, not tearing down.
It's your choice, your gain or your loss, depending on what you do; as for the Federation, it has stood and is standing the test. We are here with our heels dug in and teeth firmly fastened and no boardroom drama is going to stop us.
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