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Sunday, March 3, 2024

International Public Notice: About "January 6th" Final Copy

 By Anna Von Reitz

The January 6th so-called "Protestors" are owed the District Courts of the United States, not the United States District Court.  

We have already told everyone how to completely kerflummox the whole "January 6th Narrative" and the violent foreign court actions enforcing it.  

First, everyone misaddressed needs to claim Fraud Upon the Courts. 

Second, everyone needs to claim the survivorship interest in the Estate named after them. 

Third, they need to make it clear that they are not corporations and not representing any corporations. 

Fourth, they need to claim that the Prosecutors have "erred" and made False Presumptions based on unconscionable contracts, serving to impersonate the victims of this political narrative as insurrectionists. 

Fifth, they need to "remove" all the cases from the United States District Courts to the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. 

Sixth, upon receiving their Case Number from the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, they need to claim the Saving to Suitors Clause of the Judiciary Act --- as our own Courts are competent to rule on the nature and identity of the Defendants and can also determine the meaning of "insurrection" as it applies or fails to apply to the events of January 6th --- and let our own Courts decide the issue and inform the District Courts. 

We have superior general jurisdiction in all cases wherein American Common Law is competent to render a decision -- that means everything but cases under Admiralty Law and Maritime Commerce. 

Obviously, what happened on January 6th doesn't actually involve sailors or transport, sale, or manufacture of anything on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, and no "interstate commerce" at all. 

The January 6th cases and their prosecution all depend upon: (1) impersonating the victims; (2) impersonating our government and its intended subcontractors; (3) invoking foreign law; (4) using foreign courts to enforce and prosecute the victims; (5) fraud. 

We all have the means to up-end that whole artificially constructed scenario, and we should. 

The Brits and Papists have been getting away with this "dance me around again" fraud upon the courts for way too long.  And it is fraud upon the courts by the Prosecutors. 

Those Prosecutors know that they are prosecuting peaceable Americans for the "crime" of speaking their minds and visiting their own Federal Capitol and poking around in buildings and visiting sites that actually and literally belong to them.  

Those Prosecutors deserve to have their Bid Bonds and Performance Bonds handed to them,  because they are knowingly impersonating those Americans and knowingly promoting a fraud upon the court by introducing charges against foreign "persons" under foreign laws that don't apply to the people they have in custody. 

Even though these "offenses" occurred within the District of Columbia and within the confines of the City of Washington, DC, the presumption of a valid Municipal Government operating as an independent international city-state under its own foreign Municipal Code is a bridge too far.

Such an entity was never envisioned nor intended nor allowed by the Use Permits and agreements settling the District of Columbia, nor was this the object and purpose of the plenary oligarchy established by Article 1, Clause 17 of the Federal Constitutions, and finally, the present day Municipal Congress was not the body intended to exercise Article 1, Clause 17.  

That trust and honor was intended for and vouchsafed to the American Subcontractors operating under The Constitution for the united States of America.  

The situation requires both a Constitutional Challenge and a jurisdictional change for the victims of this travesty.

It's simple enough to do, and could be done with a tiny, tiny fraction of the effort and money that has been expended on these proceedings and all the unreasonable, cruel, and unusual punishment that has been the hallmark of these proceedings since the very first arrest.  

We could bring suit in the Public Interest against the Municipal Government of Washington, DC and its Board of Directors, and prove that their Municipal Corporation has been in violation of the Constitutional limits and intent since inception. 

And, under cross-examination, we can even prove that they have had Good Cause to know that they are operating in violation of their charters and service contracts, resulting in treason against the actual American Government.    

While they are busily using guile and impersonation and fraud to unlawfully, illegally, and immorally trespass against these innocent Americans, we have the goods to hang them all for treason.  That's what makes Nancy Pelosi so nervous-- not any threat from the people who came to the January 6th rally. 

It's easy to prove that this particular referenced city-state Municipal entity co-exists with the City of Washington, DC, which is the actual object of Article 1, Clause 17. 

It's the City of Washington, DC, which is protected against insurrection, not a foreign Municipal Corporation or any independent international city-state that has no actual right to exist in the District of Columbia. 

So, blow away all charges based on Municipal Code against any named DEFENDANTS.  

The Founders did not ordain any foreign independent international city-state squatting on our shores and even more to the point, did not empower the members of any Territorial Congress to create one. 

Next, blow away any charges of insurrection leveled at the Estates of legally dead British Merchant Mariners.  Being dead, they aren't able to offer any insurrection against anyone or anything. And those inheriting their Estates are all Americans who actually own and paid for every chair and piece of limestone in the Federal Capitol.  

What you are left with are Americans visiting their Federal Capitol and exercising their actual rights peaceably enough.  

A few random petty thefts on one side are counterbalanced by the mindless murder of an innocent bystander on the other side, apparently by the overwrought Capitol Police, who have no standing as Peacekeepers.   

In the history of Big Whoops, what happened on January 6th was a Nothingburger, but the abuses of the judiciary and law enforcement that have followed are rare in the annals of history.  We'd have to go back to Nazi Germany and the Boer Wars to find anything analogous. 

The practices of the Nazis and the British during the Boer Wars are rooted in State-sponsored violence calculated to cover up crimes of State and crush dissent by making martyrs of innocent people as a means of cowing the rest of the populace. 

In this case, the crimes of State include overtaking our Federal Capitol, the City of Washington, DC, by overlaying the actual City Government allowed to the District of Columbia with a foreign "independent international city-state" operating as the Municipality of Washington, DC. 

The independent international city-state calling itself the Municipality of Washington, DC, literally has no right to be there.  It has no right to make charges under its Municipal Code against Americans. The very existence of this foreign Municipal Government is an affront, a trespass, and a crime of treason and usurpation against our Government and the Territorial Government, too. 

By baring its teeth and ravaging the January 6th visitors the Vermin responsible are hoping to "make an example" of these Innocents and obscure their own Crimes of State, their own usurpation, breach of trust, and treason against their charters and service contracts.    

The only portion of property within the District of Columbia set aside as a refuge for the Papal Theocracy is the one mile square enclosed within the Boundary Stones and the intention was clearly to create a sacred space in which all those who came to the Capitol on business would be afforded safety
to conduct their business. 

That's all the intent was, and all the exercise can be. 

On January 6th, the people of America came to their Federal Capitol to conduct business, but they found nobody at home.  The doors were left wide open, but not a single member of the Municipal or Territorial Congress was present to greet them.  Not even a single elected Official representing either of the Federal Corporation Subcontractors showed up. 

Even the  Archbishop took a powder and where was Donald Trump?  

He sat like a toad on the sidelines giving his purported supporters good advice, but he didn't actually show up -- not as Commander in Chief, not even as a man.  He was a disembodied Voice, projecting from a safe distance. 

The Good Question is why have a succession of British Territorial Commanders-in-Chief allowed a foreign Municipal Corporation to set up an independent international city-state in the middle of the District of Columbia?  And meekly let this foreign entity run rough-shod over the City of Washington, DC -- the actual Federal Capitol, which they are supposed to protect against all enemies, both foreign and domestic? 

Under the Laws of Trespass, when one leaves the door open, the lights on, and guests are expected to arrive, those guests are not guilty of any trespass when they enter the house and peaceably wander around, which is exactly what these January 6th visitors did. 
Nobody including Nancy Pelosi can claim that they weren't expected. 

Enough said about this.  The evidence is clear.  

These people are being impersonated and railroaded through a foreign court system that has no right to even address them, at the behest of an illegally and unlawfully conceived Municipal Government that is operating in breach of trust and treason. 

If the Territorial Government was worth its salt, they would now be sweeping the streets of the City of Washington, DC, washing the windows of all the government buildings, repairing any damage from the winter storms, and making ready for actual public elections -- as opposed to corporation elections sponsored by political parties. 

If Donald Trump knew his butt from buttercups, he wouldn't be spending millions of dollars defending himself from similar charges misaddressed to him by these same cretins, when they have no right to exist in the District of Columbia and no right to mistake him as one of their franchises. 

He'd just tell them all to mind their duties as Usufructs and to get back in their box and honor their contract as written -- or else face the biggest insurance claim in history--- and then, he'd tell the same thing to the Territorial Government. 

And then, if anyone, including the so-called "Federal" Prosecutors stepped out of line, he'd arrest them and throw them in the Brig, where they belong. 

At which point, the shame-faced Prosecutors have a choice -- pay the Performance and Bid Bond, or be gibbeted as pirates -- and the January 6th so-called Protestors would wake up one morning and find that their jail cells were open and all the guards mysteriously disappeared.  Very quietly. 

This is what needs to happen.  All the sideshow prosecutions need to end and these corporations need to back off and stand down. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 2nd 2024


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