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Friday, November 10, 2023

From 2005 Until Now -- Demand for Forfeiture of the IMF and SWIFT

 By Anna Von Reitz

From 2005 Until Now -- Demand for Forfeiture of the IMF and SWIFT
(Complete Translation)

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals

Some very strange things happened in 2004.  One of them was the purported adoption of a new United States Peacetime flag, supposedly by nine States of the original thirteen (a quorum thereof), which displayed nine vertical bars instead of thirteen.  

This was purportedly an update based on the fact that only nine original "States" were still in Session at that point, however, our examination later established that the "States" being referenced were in fact British Territorial States-of-States, aka, "Confederate States" and not the actual States at all.  Akin to the "Commonwealths" established in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Virginia, these "States" are foreign entities having no standing to act as States of the Union. 

The foreign States doing this were all inhabited by non-declared Americans otherwise counted as resident Dual Federal Citizens/citizens of the United States, so their actions lacked provenance, standing, and general jurisdiction. 

This was eventually recognized and their actions were nullified. 

Nonetheless, this aberrant attempt to restore the Union was undertaken, and it did have some odd effects beyond temporarily reducing the number of stripes and bars on the flags. 

For one thing, the (Global) Department of the Federal Treasury in Switzerland, lost its mind and thought that they no longer had to pay their debts or honor their responsibilities.  

Instead, it was declared that vast reserves of gold, silver, land, cash, and corporate assets belonged to unknown foreign persons (that is, us, the living people) and were "abandoned" -- that is, ripe for the courts and the banks and "government" corporations to claim under abandonment.  

Under this scheme, the banks seized all the "unclaimed assets" and labeled them with various nice-sounding names, like "Legacy Trusts" and "Heritage Trusts" and "Global Collateral Trusts" and so on.  

The politicians then used these purported public trusts as collateral to borrow against and the bankers raked in the profit from the interest. The actual owners not only got zip off these cozy arrangements, they were left to pay the interest on the loan of their own credit back to them.

I have a complete set of these documents all properly apostilled by the United States Secretary of State, bonded as Public Trusts under "Good Faith and Credit" --- in my name.  This is hard evidence of what they have done and what they have claimed against me and against everyone else who was similarly press-ganged. 

There are tens of thousands of Americans in possession of similar documentation, and no way to avoid this evidence and the evidence provided by the various Certificates -- Birth Certificates and Baptismal Certificates -- anymore.

Be aware that press-ganging has been outlawed for 200 years, and securitization of living flesh has been outlawed since 1926.  

We, Americans, Aussies, Brits, Germans, et alia, the actual owners who were present and accounted for the whole time, were misrepresented as unknown "foreign sovereigns" by our sea-going employees, while we were all standing on our own land and soil the same as we ever had.

This is the same logic by which average Americans have been characterized as "non-resident aliens" with respect to the District of Columbia and its Municipal Corporations throughout the IRS Code.  

So we were conveniently "missing" on the land jurisdiction as a result of their deliberate legal chicanery and fraud against their long-suffering employers, and at the same time, deemed to be "at sea"--- our names and political status magically transferred to the jurisdictions of the British King and Pope, both, via the undisclosed registration and certification processes used to impersonate us.  

This reads like a Grade B movie: heirs to a vast fortune are kidnapped as babies by disloyal household staff and raised on ships at sea, unaware of their own identity, made to swab the decks like any seaman for hire, but never paid a penny for all their work--- while their erstwhile employees live the high life and embark on more crimes and capers designed to fill their own coffers.  

This fraud was accomplished by a series of undisclosed contracting and registration procedures allowing the crooks to claim (falsely) that we had all voluntarily agreed to "waive" our estates in America and had knowingly and voluntarily enfranchised ourselves to their foreign corporations instead. 

Only a madman would do that and as babies we were too young to sign their contracts, so they also declared us "incompetent" and left a place for themselves to step in as administrators of our "public trusts" and to dispose of us and our property as they saw fit.  

They deliberately set things up to allow themselves to act as Executors de Son Tort, in other words. 

Thus, we were left at the end of 2005, with the banks trying to destroy all private property interests simply by pretending that we, the living people, the actual owners, no longer existed.  

All that remained of us, the living people, according to them, were all these waived "infant decedent estates" and  "abandoned" public trusts. 

This scheme also allowed them to evade their contractual obligations actually owed to the Americans and the American States -- this is because the Constitutions and their Guarantees are owed to us, as Americans, not as British Territorial emigres--- the foreign political status they "conferred" on us by registering us as such and issuing Birth Certificates in our names.  

So they fraudulently and unlawfully converted our birthright political status one by one via the birth registration and certification process, defrauded us as babies and our parents as adults, and at the same time, evaded their obligations to us under the Constitutions. 

It was quite the Grand Slam Legal Sting operation and by 2005, they were wrapping it up. 

Enter a few (900+) remaining Americans, all coming from different directions, together and apart, all objecting to these False Claims in Commerce, all bringing forth claims in Original Jurisdiction, all enforcing contracts that had been evaded and bypassed in breach of trust for decades. 

We have noted that the Municipal Corporations headquartered in the District of Columbia have repeatedly promoted the idea that their private corporation policies overcome Public Law; they have gotten away with this via this vast impersonation fraud scheme that includes substituting British Territorial States-of-States for American States-of-States, and creating unauthorized foreign Persons/PERSONS in our names via undisclosed registrations and implied contracts to promote barratry in their foreign corporate tribunals and Maritime/Admiralty courts. 

We hold General Jurisdiction in this country and we have formally and with abundant proof objected to any such suppositions and presumptions against the Public Law and also against their evasion of the limits imposed by our respective federal Constitutions. 

The founders and principal shareholders of the International Monetary Fund are the progeny and heirs of the same Standard Oil executives and Board Members and Shareholders that promoted and profited from the monopoly of oil transfer systems in America --- a crime for which Standard Oil, Inc., stands convicted --- and which the progeny of these same corporate criminals have simply repeated and applied to a different commodity: currencies transferred by the SWIFT system. 

This illegal, unlawful, and immoral monopoly interest in the currency transfer system has allowed the IMF and the SWIFT system to obstruct trade and commerce, both, and to illegally regulate and manipulate the flow of credit and deployment of actual assets worldwide, serving to ham-string the use of capital assets and credit belonging to others. 

As the nature of and liability for this same crime has already been established in the proceedings related to the liquidation of Standard Oil, Incorporated, we see no need to pursue additional court action or undue discovery in the face of self-evident wrong-doing of the same kind applied to a different commodity by the same Bad Actors.  

We call for recognition of stare decisis in this matter and consummate forfeiture of the IMF assets and the SWIFT asset transfer system to The United States of America, Unincorporated, as required by global and international law, and the Public Law of this country. 

We also call for recognition of the fact that the so-called National Defense Authorization Act applies only to the actual employees of the Municipal Corporations resident in the District of Columbia and all encroachment into the States of the Union is contractually prohibited, as well as any presumptions against our credit for purposes of international aggression, illegal surveillance, enforcement of bills of attainder, and other crimes prohibited by our Constitutional Agreements.  

Our contracts with the other Principals clearly say that our credit is to be extended for our defense and as these contracts retain the meaning and content present at the time of their signing, they are not subject to reinterpretation or redefinition of the word "defense" to allow peremptory actions against imaginary threats, such as the so-called weapons of mass destruction invoked by George W. Bush as an excuse to promote aggression at our expense against Iraq, the invasion of Libya, or Joe Biden's expenditures in support of a proxy war in the Ukraine. 

Such actions do not constitute defense of our States and the costs and liabilities associated with these mercenary conflicts are not accepted as any contractual obligation of the American Government. 

All mercenary conflicts are illegal and unlawful already and there is no need to further justify or pursue condemnation of such actions, such as the 2005 Kuala Lumpur Declaration to Criminalize War. 

Those who forget history are destined to relive it. 

War for any purpose but self-defense has always been a crime. 

It's time for these war-monger corporations to pay their own bills and for their trustees and boards of directors to spill their own blood. 

Demand Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

November 9th 2023


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