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Sunday, April 18, 2021

A Spiritual War

 By Anna Von Reitz

So now we know what we are up against: a war of the spirit, with The Spirit of Truth arrayed against The Spirit of Untruth, the actual pitted against the fictional.
Time and again, we are told in ancient scriptures, that Our Father is a spirit, just as the Holy Spirit is a spirit. We can't normally see a spirit. They come and go like the wind--- unseen, but present.
Confirmation of this is seen throughout the Bible, both in the sayings attributed to God the Father throughout the Old Testament, and in the sayings and circumstances of the New Testament, also.
Notice how throughout the Old Testament, God says he will bring some particular army or nation against another to reprove and correct the evil being promoted by the offender?
He pits one nation against another nation to rebuke the offender, not to reward the "sword" in his hand.
Those who cause terror in the Land of the Living go down among those consigned to the pit, but the peacemakers are adopted as the Sons of God.
Read the Book of Ezekiel paying attention to how many times the Living God rebukes nations and uses other nations to physically enforce his will. You will find this same scenario throughout the Bible.
Notice how at the end of the crucifixion, our Beloved Teacher cries out--- "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Only Yahushuah knew he was present and was able to sense his sudden absence.
All of this great battle, this War of the Spirit, occurs in the Unseen Realm-- where the great battles are being fought for your heart and mind and the fate of our species as a whole.
The Spirit of Falsehood is here. The Spirit of Truth is here.
The idol of Ashtoreth is here, the image of the Great Abomination which brings Desolation is standing where it should not stand, in New York Harbor.
We should return it to France and the Freemasons who sent it.
The table is set.
Those who think that it is their business to bring the prophecies to fulfillment are hard at work, trying to get hideous wars started in the Ukraine, in Iran, and in China.
Those who are clueless are stumbling around like sleepwalkers.
And where are you, at this great turning point, where men are called to know the Truth?
Now, more than ever, we need Prayer Warriors and Soldiers of Peace, those who will turn from lies and selfishness and war, and find the narrow path that leads to life----abundant life.
I was asked yesterday what more could be done and what I would have people do and before I could speak, my companion blurted out, "Pray!"
I would add --- pray that we can be forgiven for our ignorance. We were misled about what the "Statue of Liberty" was and what it actually represented. We didn't know that a foreign and profane theocracy was at the heart of the trouble we have been suffering.
Pray that those who yearn for peace and righteousness will be fulfilled, their cups running over.
Pray that we may be delivered from the swarms of evil men who cluster in every dark corner, plotting theft and murder against the innocent.
Pray that we may simply awaken and find them gone, like morning mist swept away.
Pray that the great battles may remain in the spirit realm and pass away from us like distant clouds on the horizon.
Pray that our confession and repentance can be enough, that our acts in defense of the innocent can be enough, that our common sense can be enough.
Pray that we learn how to love our unseen Creator and how to love each other.
Pray that the ugly image of Baphomet and all the sacraments of his death cult can forever pass away.
Pray that we wake up and are given back our discernment and our power to heal.
Pray that the power of the Living God can be in the hands and minds of good men and women, full of the Holy Spirit, those who are unconquerable.
Pray that those who have contrived the death of the nations may be intercepted and left cut off from every avenue of power.
Pray that the terror cast forth into the Land of the Living can be set aside and never come to us.
Pray that it can be as it was said, that not one hair on our heads will be harmed.
Pray, now, for a great shortening of the time, so that the will of our Father is made manifest --- that not one should be lost, even among those who have fallen away.
Pray for the Earth and for the plants and for the animals, too.

And when you pray, don't say "Amen". Seal your prayers with the love in your heart. Let that be your soul's signature, and your prayers' silent address.


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  1. The following prayer by Joe Wright, a minister called to give the opening prayer before an opening of the Kansas Senate in 2000 highlights just how far the nations descended from Israel have strayed from God's ways and why they will have to go through a terrible captivity in order to bring them to repentance. 

    We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good' [Isa. 5:20] but that's exactly what we've done.
    We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and we have inverted our values.
    We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it 'moral pluralism'.
    We have worshiped other gods and called it 'multiculturalism'.
    We have endorsed perversion and called it an 'alternative lifestyle'.
    We have exploited the poor and called it 'the lottery'. 
    We have neglected the needy and called it 'self-preservation'.
    We have rewarded laziness and called it 'welfare'.
    We have killed our unborn and called it 'choice'.
    We have shot abortionists and called it 'justifiable'.
    We have neglected to discipline our children and called it 'building self-esteem'.
    We have abused power and called it 'political savvy'.
    We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it 'ambition'.
    We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and dared called it 'freedom of expression'.
    We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it 'enlightenment'".

  2. Anna. That was very strong. Thank you.

  3. Can We Please Stop With This Yahshua/Yahushuah Nonsense?

    NOTE: Dr. Michael Brown has a Ph.D in Semitic languages – which of course include Hebrew and Aramaic – the original languages of Yeshua (Jesus) and His people. He is a recognized authority on this topic and originally raised in an Orthodox Jewish family.

    Was His name Yeshua, Yahshua, or Yahushua? Dr. Brown sets the record straight here.

    1. Jesus is the Roman name — or is it? His name in English is certainly Joshua— and transliterates as “Yeshuah” or according to a letter by letter best guess, “Yahushuah”. In dealing with transliteration it is not possible to come to a singular agreement on spelling. Sometimes you can’t even be totally sure about pronunciation. But you CAN be sure that both “Jesus” and “Christ” are incorrect— as the Romanized “Jesus” is not equivalent to Joshua and “Christ” which means “the Anointed One” can also refer to any priest of the Egyptian Idols. Your Professor needs to go back to school and we all need to wake up. Just as the followers of the Babylonian- Egyptian Cult have misrepresented us as “persons” they have misrepresented our Lord and called him by deceptive names. If you want your prayers answered do not misaddress them to idols and venal men and do not use “nicknames” like “Jesus” anymore. If you are speaking English call him Joshua.
      A “nickname” refers to Old Nick, the Devil, and means a false name given to someone to cover their identity—- and in this case they are covering up the name of our Lord so that we can’t even call upon his name. Think about that long and hard.

    2. One source claims his original mane is Joshua ben Joseph. In hebrew ben means "son of", as in Joshua son of Joseph. That seems to be the naming convention of the time by the hebrews in that part of the world.

      We live in a world of many misconceptions. Another one is the error that Jesus was the one and only son of God, the only creator. Our scholars have failed us miserably on numerous occasions. Any researcher worth a nickel armed with the internet can easily discover and resolve errors such as these. If they would bother to use the minds God has given them they would easily figure out that in ancient times a father's son was referred as a "son" and a father's grand-son was also referred to as a "son", and so on down the line of inheritance. This is well known stuff that our well paid scholars and religious leaders love to ignore in their incessant quest for money and stupidity. Cross reference that fact with numerous others and one soon learns that the one we commonly refer to as Jesus of Nazareth was in fact the grandson of God the Father. That fact changes our entire understanding of why God would bestow such a son on our planet, and our ancient scriptures can be understood in a vastly different way, according to the truth they actually contain, and not according to the stupidity being daily foisted upon us by our so called scholars and men of god.

      Then filter that simple understanding through what we know of God and many things will change. Many of the things we hold as absolute truth simply become more errors. Scholars today love to tell us that Jesus was the Son (word) of God, one of the three personalities of the Trinity, but it ain't so. On the religious front we are drowning in a sea of errors built on top of errors built on top of even more errors.

      I'll toss in one more for good measure. Virgins! The entire notion of immaculate conception is one of the lamest errors ever. The truth is out there, and it is simple. Ask any real historian worth his salt, and he will tell you that in ancient times in many cultures a so called "virgin" was any woman who had not yet broken open her womb. In other words all women were considered virgins until the time that they give birth to their first child. So technically women could have sexual intercourse once, twice, a hundred or even a thousand times and she was still a virgin as long as she hadn't given birth to a child. Teach this one simple truth and the entire cult of Mary and the immaculate conception business will vanish from sight in a hurry. Truth really does set us free.

    3. Correction Again...

      Anna April 18, 2021 at 11:24 AM

      Jesus is the Roman name (the name was translated from Hebrew to Greek to English)— or is it? His name in English is certainly Joshua (no so its Jesus)— and transliterates as “Yeshuah” (wrong again its "Yehoshua") or according to a letter by letter best guess, “Yahushuah” (wrong again no such Hebrew name in the scriptures, Yehoshua and Yeshua are mentioned). In dealing with transliteration it is not possible to come to a singular agreement on spelling. Sometimes you can’t even be totally sure about pronunciation. But you CAN be sure that both “Jesus” (its the best transliteration to english "Jesus") and “Christ” (this title is the same as "Messiah") are incorrect— as the Romanized “Jesus” is not equivalent to Joshua and “Christ” which means “the Anointed One” can also refer to any priest of the Egyptian Idols. Your Professor needs to go back to school (that’s a joke you have no idea what you are talking about here… Dr. Brown is Jewish… at least he speaks fluent Hebrew and Aramaic can you? I highly doubt it, obviously you have read some garbage off the Gospel of the internet) and we all need to wake up. Just as the followers of the Babylonian- Egyptian Cult have misrepresented us as “persons” they have misrepresented our Lord and called him by deceptive names. If you want your prayers answered do not misaddress them to idols and venal men and do not use “nicknames” like “Jesus” anymore. If you are speaking English call him Joshua (utterly false). ***People this is good example why there are so many so-called christian cults out there (3000+), please don’t be deceived!!!

  4. About the word "amen"

    The word "amen" is from a Hebrew word אמן pronounced "ʼāmán", meaning "truth" or "so be it". Many think or assume a pagan origin of "amen" because they've heard there was an Egyptian god called "Amen" or "Amen-Ra", but there is simply no historical evidence that the Hebrew word came from any Egyptian influence. What is really happening is this: The Hebrew "אמן" is pronounced phonetically using English letters "a-m-e-n". The Hebrew Aleph sounds like the English "a", the Hebrew Mem sounds like the English "m" and the Hebrew Nun sounds like the English "n". Thus the English word "amen" came from the phonetic pronunciation of the Hebrew, that's all. Over time, saying "amen" became an English word meaning the same thing as the Hebrew word. The English "amen" has no ties to or implied meaning from the mythical Egyptian god.

    1. I highly recommend that this site be used as originally intended… to reestablish our lawful government everywhere and help others to do likewise and keep off all these heresy topics. They are there for distraction purposes alone… to divide us, that’s how Satan works.

    2. anna… You’re correct we are in a spiritual war. I apologize if I offended you it wasn’t my intention; the names used by you are never mentioned in The Scriptures, comments like these are expected from people that don’t know Hebrew or Aramaic. The gospel of the internet has done a good job of spreading Satan’s lies. Peter speaks about these matters in all of Paul’s letters …"Some things in them are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist (as they also do with the rest of the Scriptures)—to their own destruction".

      This is where all sorts of strange doctrines come from with over 3000 so-called Christian sects/denominations. Christians Bible translators down through the ages have purposely (fictionally) mistranslated the Hebrew word "Torah" (God’s Divine Instruction) erroneously as "law"… I think it’s obvious why. We are told to prove and test all things: 1Thessalonians 5:21; Acts 17:11 (Put all things to the test: keep what is good).

      Unknowingly sincere people truly searching for the One true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Yahweh), don’t know any better and fall for strange doctrines all the time. They fall for the false religions of this world which are fostered and energized by Satan, the deceiver. He knows his time is short and is actively working overtime.

      God is the same yesterday, today and forever, He can’t lie, and His Word stands forever. Ameyn! (so be it)

  5. Ephesians 6:10-18
    1599 Geneva Bible
    10 ¶ [a]Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

    11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the assaults of the devil.

    12 [b]For we wrestle not against flesh and [c]blood, but against (A)[d]principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places.

    13 [e]For this cause take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to resist in the [f]evil day, and having finished all things, stand fast.

    14 Stand therefore, and your loins girded about with verity, and having on the breastplate of righteousness,

    15 And your feet shod with the [g]preparation of the Gospel of peace.

    16 Above all, take the shield of Faith, wherewith ye may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked,

    17 And take the helmet of Salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

    18 And pray always with all manner prayer and supplication in the [h]spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints,

    Read full chapter

  6. I am certain that we can all agree that the Bible prophecies that the Messiah would come. I have heard it said so many times that while on the Cross Jesus cried out to our Father; “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”,and the explanation for Jesus saying this is similar to Anna’s; “Only Yahushuah knew he was present and was able to sense his sudden absence.” Thus making the inference that our Father, Creator of all, who is everywhere at all times suddenly disappeared.
    Let US take a moment, and put ourselves up on that “Cross” after being subjected to all the prior beatings, whippings, having our feet, and hands nailed to it, throat is dry, struggling for every breath, knowing that your words(last words) have to be few if they can even be vocalized at all. When Jesus said; “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”, he said it for one reason, and one reason only. This statement was exclaimed for those that were in attendance that have also been waiting on the Messiah(The Faithful) for they knew what had been prophesied throughout the Torah to which they would have also been knowledgeable about that statement that Jesus screamed would cause them to see that it was he who was the Messiah. How might you ask, because it was the reference to Psalm 22, the opening Verse. Pure Prophecy happening right in front of everyones eyes in real time. All this about the father leaving Jesus is "Bad Theology" after one reads Psalm 22.
    Psalm 22 KJV - My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken - Bible Gateway 22&version=KJV

    Now one has to ask themselves how can God forsake God(Himself)?

    GENESIS 1:1 SAYS JESUS IS GOD - YouTube- (Youtube removed this)

    Aleph Tav (את) - YouTube(Psalm 119 Ministries)

    Introduction to the VAV-Aleph-Tav in the Scriptures by Bill Sanford - YouTube

    Alpha & Omega, Aleph & Tav, the First & Last, the Creator - YouTube

    The Aleph Tav in Scripture - What is the eth CEPHER? - YouTube

    Hidden code in Genesis 1:1 - YouTube

    Jesus in Genesis: 1. The First Word of the Bible - YouTube

    25 Important Bible Verses About Denying God (Must-Read Now)

    “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
    Translation; Why has everyone(99.99%) forsaken him?
    All the Mask wearers, and those that have gotten the Jab should be evidence enough.
    And now they cry out "My God" (Twice) after their sinful ways, without repentance.
    Hey Buddy ewe did it now own it. Also who is ewer god?

    1. Come on folks, this is kindergarten level bible study.
      “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” is a quote from Psalms 22:1. Blow the dust of your bible and go read it for yourself.

      As Jesus was suffering on the cross he was clearly reciting one of the psalms he had learned in the synagogue. It really undermines one's mental abilities to simply run around making such flaky assumptions that a god incarnated as a man and hanging on a cross would have any reason to believe or think, even in his tormented state, that the divine god of pure and total love for his children, would forsake any one of his children who was facing such an extreme crisis.

      It's a despicable thought that a loving father would turn away from a beloved son in such a horrible trial. I cannot fathom a loving human father doing that to his human child, and how much more ridiculous is it to assume that the very source of love would do such an abominable thing to his son.

      Time to wise up. Go back to the beginning and start over if you have to, but get over this nonsense that God forsake Jesus on the cross. He was simply reciting a very common and well known psalm. To claim otherwise only puts your ignorance of scriptures on public display. The truth is written right there in front of you in the pages of your bible in Psalms 22:1.

    2. Well TBG, say it plainly for all to see was/is Jesus our Creator God or not. Yes, or no.

    3. "I cannot fathom a loving human father doing that to his human child, and how much more ridiculous is it to assume that the very source of love would do such an abominable thing to his son." Let US not forget who who actually did this to Jesus. The one who thought he was ruler of this world, the one who thinks he's greater than our Creator(his Creator as well).

    4. In order to try to prove, and make a case to his power his-story has proven the ungodly/Pagans have always been his tools to carry out this deed. From the beginning he was a murderer/liar.

    5. Foscolos00: Well TBG, say it plainly for all to see was/is Jesus our Creator God or not. Yes, or no. >>>

      John 1:3:  "All things were made through Him (Yeshua), and apart from Him nothing was made that has come into being." 

      Colossians 1:16:  For by Him (Yeshua) all things were created—in heaven and on earth, the seen and the unseen, whether thrones or angelic powers or rulers or authorities. All was created through Him and for Him. 

      17:  He (Yeshua) exists before everything, and in Him all holds together. 

    6. I am in agreement whole heartedly "On the Land beyond the Sea". What say you TBG?
      It's been two days. Why the silence, except for crickets?

    7. actually in the original tongue the word was "abandoned" not forsaken... Yeshua felt his father presence (Holy Spirit) leaving him before dealth. Sometimes old english words dont really carry the actual effect of the origional tongue.

    8. "On the Land beyond the Sea" changed to "Defending the Faith". Neat trick "Defending the Faith". Seems like there's a double minded intent being projected here when John 1:3, Colossians 1:16-17 is brought forth then somehow the commenter's name (handle) changes to "Defending the Faith" and decides to give US an etymology on forsaken, and proceed to tell US; "Yeshua felt his father presence (Holy Spirit) leaving him before dealth." Hopefully "dealth" is a type "O". Let me make this as Clear as possible "The Father- The Son- The Holy Ghost/Counselor" are One. There is never, ever any disunity. How the idea "Yeshua felt his father presence (Holy Spirit) leaving him before dealth." ever get started, and promoted as some sort of truth is beyond me, however it has worked to minimize who "Jesus" was, and is. This statement that was never written Scripturally is still able to make believers appear to speak with a forked tongue. Or cause a listener to question their authenticity as a "Christian". Once again, let me reiterate; "The Father- The Son- The Holy Ghost/Counselor" are One. Period.

  7. I stopped saying "Amen" when the Pliedians said "Amen" was a higher density evil entity; so why pay homage to evil if not?

  8. Re: Blue DiamondApril 20, 2021 at 5:53 PM

    About the word "amen"

    The word "amen" is from a Hebrew word אמן pronounced "ʼāmán", meaning "truth" or "so be it". Many think or assume a pagan origin of "amen" because they've heard there was an Egyptian god called "Amen" or "Amen-Ra", but there is simply no historical evidence that the Hebrew word came from any Egyptian influence. What is really happening is this: The Hebrew "אמן" is pronounced phonetically using English letters "a-m-e-n". The Hebrew Aleph sounds like the English "a", the Hebrew Mem sounds like the English "m" and the Hebrew Nun sounds like the English "n". Thus the English word "amen" came from the phonetic pronunciation of the Hebrew, that's all. Over time, saying "amen" became an English word meaning the same thing as the Hebrew word. The English "amen" has no ties to or implied meaning from the mythical Egyptian god.


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