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It was not a glitch, this has been known about for a very long time, I'm not buying this is the plan crap.......both sides are in on this and the people are left in the cold. One man cannot save you, save yourself, the power is within, it is never from some other source. active consciousness now.
ReplyDeleteI am sick of the secrecy on both sides. Full Declas, disclosure, indictments (with public trials and executions) now!. No more continuances, reprieves, deals, etc. I hope we can avoid a bloody civil war over this but the deep state thugs have gone too far and are committing inland piracy, constructive fraud, and numerous other grievous crimes we have the right to defend ourselves against. Let's hope this USA, Inc. election distraction foolishness will get cleared up fast and the white hats bring the wrecking ball of doom down on deep state heads!
ReplyDeleteIf people aren’t awake by now, DUH!
ReplyDeleteYes he may have exposed all those people but nothing happened to them so now what?
ReplyDeleteOh come on! Who cares if they cheat in the future if they do it this way because they were so blatantly obvious. We have them on video we have on this ridiculous numbers coming in we have them on dead people voting I mean they couldn't have been more obvious the question is why? They may be dumb but they're not stupid. All this corruption has gone on for all these years and it wasn't until recently that people are just starting to find out about it so you think that they can't do things behind our backs if they really want to? You think that they couldn't have got away with election fraud to where we would never even know if they wanted to? They've been doing it for years so why is this election is it so blatantly obvious right out there for everyone to be able to pickup on. Yes even those that are so asleep they can't seem to get it through their heads that masks aren't good for you. He made a point of making sure they did it so everyone would see. Why? I mean if you want to pretend that we just so savvy that we picked up on this nefarious plan that we literally would trip over if we didn't see it I mean really?
ReplyDeleteIt is what it is y'all need to learn the law instead of worrying about this bs the real gorvment is the republic not Republican or democratic
ReplyDeleteX22 is as about as useless as tits on a boar.So is anyone else talking about the deep state,the plan ,qanon or any other crap. Ive tried to show this wanna be news anchor that its all faake for many years. Its like when Trump came along everyone forgot title 28 section 3002,the federal reserve act,lincoln marching grand army in ,the 4 bankruptcy constitutions! WAKE UP YOU IGNORANT TRUMP SUPPORTERS! This all part of the plan to further divide us and an excuse to bring UN troops in to calm the violence.
ReplyDeleteThe "electorate" is mostly complacent and intentionally kept at a great distance from the truth. We all know why. It is clear that this complacency and lack of awareness gets upgraded, even small unnoticed increments by crisis. So unfortunate that it has to be this way for us. There is much turmoil ahead and taking time in solitude and away from the chaos can help one to get out ahead of the looming chaos and confusion. Media-tors intentionally bomb us with their well-planned narratives, but this innerformation is generally manipulation. Events are speeding up to a definite crisis point most will be hard-pressed to endure. Running away will not be allowed as the grip tightens on our frmr perceived freedoms. Our former conditioning to freedom can be viewed as a set up as most cant make change and are mentally overwhelmed. Easy prey. Keep the grip tightening until a brokenness occurs as intended and their plan gains ground. But just remember this truth; evil always overplays its hand, so we get thru this until that happens. And it will. We will know what to do because it will be obvious, even though it feels like we are improvising. It's coming.
ReplyDeletewake up silly people if voting really made a difference the elite wouldnt allow you to vote but because they control both sides they allow you to elect and not select the choices. either way we fight among ourselves that keeps us at each other throats and truly divided