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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Bird's Eye View -- A Public Announcement

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Municipal Corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC., was entered into bankruptcy by its owner, Pope Francis, September 24, 2015.  It was a Chapter 7 Liquidation.  No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes, no reorganizations. This corporate bankruptcy ended on November 5th of this year. 

Now, everyone knows that you can't elect a new President for a defunct corporation.  It would be a pointless and fraudulent exercise. Whoever was elected "President of the United States" on November 3rd, had nothing to preside over as of November 5th.  

This means that for either candidate to go forward as the Municipal "President of the United States" a different municipal corporation doing business in some form of "United States" would have to be formed and substituted for the now defunct UNITED STATES, INC. 

And the Perpetrators would have to successfully substitute the newly elected President of the now-defunct UNITED STATES, INC., as the President of the other 'United States' corporation left waiting in the wings. 

This is a break in the chain of title and representation, with the title in question being "President of the United States".  This creates a thorough break in the continuance of the Municipal Government.    

As a result, the Principals responsible have been notified within three (3) days that we do not accept their Offer of Succession, and specifically, don't accept Joe Biden and Harris.  

The new Municipal corporation they are trying to foist off on us, together with their Chosen Ones, have no contract.  

The situation is similar to when a bill collector buys an interest in a bad debt and then attempts to collect it as if it were valid.  Often they adopt names similar to an actual former debtor and try to get you to "assume the debt", or, they come in as a loan servicer and try to get you to pay them even though you have no contract with the "servicer". 

If you recognize the fraud involved, they are out of luck.  
[As a quick aside --brace yourselves for a new round of this kind of fraud. Even though the debts of the old Municipal Corporation and all its franchises have been officially discharged via bankruptcy, they will still be making the rounds and sending bills to "dead" Municipal PERSONS and will try to collect from the presumed-to-exist estate managers of entities such as WATSON, JAMES CLARK and BELL,VIRGINIA ANDREA.] 

Suffice it to say that we have recognized the fraud that the Municipal Government Principals are trying to pull off, and have nipped it in the bud. 

The following message was sent to all the Principals last night, including the Lord Mayor, and is being reiterated and released for publication worldwide this morning: 

"Your timelines are off.  November 3 Election. November 5 settlement. End of story. No contract. Three day right of refusal.  It is done. 

We refuse the Succession Offer. 

Joe Biden is a crook and Kamala Harris is worse. 

Hope you are all real proud of yourselves putting in all that advertising and effort to steal a non-existent election for the Presidency of a bankrupt corporation."

But what of the remaining Office that was also up for election this past Tuesday?  President of the United States of America?  That corporation is still viable and in bankruptcy Reorganization, so it makes sense that it can legitimately hold elections. 

In the next few days and weeks you will hear a debate about "counting legal votes" versus "counting every vote" --- legal or not. 

This is essentially a difference in viewpoint between the Territorial Government  which insists on everything being legal, and the Municipal Government which believes that every vote -- even "votes" created by machines and dead people and non-existent persons and illegal aliens should count.  Even multiple votes cast by the same person should count.  

They sent out ballots to my pen name, even though I long ago cancelled all possible voter registrations in every variation of my names.  I wonder how "she" would have voted ----if she had arms, legs, and a brain?  

Apparently, none of that is necessary if you are a Democrat. 


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. put in the simplest of Terms even 🇶 tard dispensation⛪ al ist 2x Per Hr Revvis🕍 hireling cannot 🛑 Prophesying 🍀 Ein Sof🙈 ers richer Peasant Pogrom⚕ ers of K_ulacs/Boer farmers/ COvertrots🇰 y🦈 19🏧 17 refuseni🇰 s
    over walKingFED eral Reserve CORPORATION Planned 70 AD. Jingoism para MiliTerrorSt JUnta WARloc🇰 shut down in 3rd Quarter 🦹♀ of 2020 with stated CEO of DC intent😷 to inject🤐 with bolshevic🇰 enFORCEment GOYim 🐄 w/BORG speed💉 trials🏇 Neurotoxins DODefence 🇿 ohar killing supposed Esau/Edom^amale🇰 DEBT💩 bonds CONtract's

  2. diZZy liZZy specifically The Central B_ank in the southern👑 CITIE OF WONDON💂♂ Hemisphere has It's BOOT on neck of New Zealand Australia Creditors/Grantors & are openly KolNidre Lying 🕍 about 🇶 E4Welfare🎩 rs magic🇰 6⃣ % growth🎰 through June 2021 while Issuing 💲 100 BILLion worth of Ein Sof🐍 ers 🇰 abbalah🙃 reCOVER🎋 y DEBT^BONDS upon Main St unFUNded unINC Liabilities💉 Credited to walKingFED eral Reserve acCOUNT🐜 'SHARE HOLDERS
    whiteISM 📺 DISease HERD it on bsbn vs znn (((Goyim withIN🦓 goyIM)) PARADIGM
    openly flaunted in JUDENpress CORPse Legal😷 Entity imPERSONiZation using funKy ass👣 👣 👣 variations of You r given Name🎃 using your SS#2 dEMO/gENO CIDE LILyou The living flesh/blood Main St Creditors/Grantors

    1. thank you Anna for all you do , ive learned from your letters, and all the dots are connecting , to watch this play out while so many miss it, it is , a happy sad situtation, when our loved ones cant grasp it. those who need painted pictures will see them hope they know what side is up..

    2. Doris H. : Exactly how many 'corporations' are pretending to be our 'legal government'? Isn't UNITED STATES, INC. registered in Puerto Rico? What is the corp that is open for voting for President using as its name and foisting itself as our operating government? and I can make sense out of the 1st mentioned entity as being defunct and being replaced with our original Republic for the United States of America with Trump as our re-elected President? Please explain how this is supposed to happen and what happens to the present 'entity' holding the current recounts ?Thank You

  3. .

    Here we go again someone is using a box of crayons to write with; maybe he is a foreigner and doesn't know the correct American English language.

    Bless your heart

  4. I think he wants to be the next SerialBrain2. That operation fulfilled its targets.

  5. Anna, that does explain a lot or some, but what are we suppose to do or not do? Anything?
    This is as weird yet very interesting as the break in the continuity of evidence when Trump didn't complete his hundred and one days do to Chuck Schumer shutting the government down on the hundredth day. I can't see how Donald Trump wouldn't know about both those incidents the question is can he have known and still be good and want what is best for us?

  6. I thought you stated in an earlier blog that THE UNITED STATES, INC. was the name of the municipal corporation, and that it went bankrupt in October, 2017. WHAT THE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. So are you saying that if a person dies the state or govt cannot try and get the money from the family? And are you saying bill collectors aren't legitimate, because our contract wasn't with them?

    1. Debbie- Concerning bill collectors- When a loan goes into collecting with third party debt collectors the debt collector is just that a "third party" but not the principal originator of that loan!!! I have personally avoided further collection by asking the "third party" debt collector for the original signed contract between me and them and I will honor it and pay the debt, but if the "third party" debt collector can't produce the signed contract, the collection, no matter what amount, is invalid, null-and-void. I have used this technique to stop collection for $25,000 for a truck 18 years ago. I have also used it for many other collections, even for my ex-wife's collection, works every time, sweet!!! I still have the original document that I drafted 18 years ago!!! That legal letter still works 18 years later!!! This is the last resort technique, pay your obligations if you are able, then again don't go into debt in the first place!!! I am currently debt free and proud of it!!!

    2. Hi, Make It Happen...

      Brilliant on your letter. Since you mentioned you still have a copy can you share a sample of it and forward to my email:

      Would greatly appreciate it.

      Thanks and abundant blessings!
      Victory is Mine, says the Lord...

  8. Check out Trump's executive orders since 2017. It looks like he could have been preparing America for American State Nationals/Citizens so the infrastructure is firm before we start self-governance. He is just CEO of a service subcontractor UNITED STATES, INC. We cannot actually pay him to go pee for us because we're scared of the dark. The corporate private sides have been obscured, so dates and details may be fuzzy for researchers, who have done an awesome job! Ready? Study. Get back to the soil. Go!!!

  9. Check out Trump's executive orders since 2017. It looks like he could have been preparing America for American State Nationals/Citizens so the infrastructure is firm before we start self-governance. He is just CEO of a service subcontractor UNITED STATES, INC. We cannot actually pay him to go pee for us because we're scared of the dark. The corporate private sides have been obscured, so dates and details may be fuzzy for researchers, who have done an awesome job! Ready? Study. Get back to the soil. Go!!!

  10. Hi,
    If the dissolution of USA inc. means that Biden was elected to run a defunct company, by default, it means that TRUMP is now running a defunct company. What authority does he now have to change anything or implement anything unless he does it before the general public knows about this. This also means that all the house and senate electees have no standing. What about the supreme court appointees who have been chosen and approved by the Senate, what is their status? How do you get around this to have them decide on constitutional issues on voter fraud when they may no longer be recognized as legal representatives of the Restored Republic?

  11. Hi,
    If the dissolution of USA inc. means that Biden was elected to run a defunct company, by default, it means that TRUMP is now running a defunct company. What authority does he now have to change anything or implement anything unless he does it before the general public knows about this. This also means that all the house and senate electees have no standing. What about the supreme court appointees who have been chosen and approved by the Senate, what is their status? How do you get around this to have them decide on constitutional issues on voter fraud when they may no longer be recognized as legal representatives of the Restored Republic?


  12. Who knows what Trump, the Alliance and the white hats have done. Remember Trump doesn't show his cards. I did know that Melania posted on her Twitter account right around July 4th that POTUS signed the Declaration of Independence. She was excited about that. Sounds like the Republic is already up and running. Also, some have noticed lately the flags do not have the gold fringe.... indicating Admirality Law!

  13. When we see the corruption from Palosie's huband vote changing programs, we know she is probably always in past elected,,, DUH!!!! The Swamp stinks and all the little animals harbored therein, and all of those that have comspired with the little animals..... such disgust that people get so hooked on power that they will resort to anything to keep it. They LOST.


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