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Friday, October 23, 2020

Make Haste and Pass the Beans

 By Anna Von Reitz

I have long recognized that the Book of Isaiah is a Book of War, one that recounts how the Jews, who were often enslaved (Babylon, Egypt, Babylon (Again), Assyria.....) learned to poison and debilitate their enemies.  Why shouldn't the same protocol be used in modern warfare?  

Isaiah specifically points out how to denature bread, so that it lacks its ability to nourish ("I have removed the staff....." meaning the staff of life, bread.) and how to use putrid flesh to denature water (....and the stay" --- water).  Also how to denature and pollute and poison food by using brass containers to cook and store it.  Or, translated to modern terms --- aluminum containers?  And fluoridated water? 

Same deal.  Even the table salt has been denatured, so that it no longer contains iodine and other vital mineral salts. 

Yet, we have stood by while the "scientists" and "doctors"  have allowed and promoted the degradation and demineralization of our food sources, the deliberate pollution of our water, and the use of known poisonous metals as food containers and cooking vessels. 

Go figure. 

However, even knowing the "secrets" of Isaiah, I was completely stunned this morning when a colleague in France sent me a pdf copy of "Tracking Down the Killer" --- a small book from 1929  that recounts one person's journey of discovery, impelled by an urgent personal health crisis.

After suffering all the slings and arrows and expenses of the health system --- which self-evidently, doesn't work --- our hero was forced to take the extreme measure of thinking for himself.  

And like Bilbo Baggins stepping out the front door of his cozy Hobbit Hole, our hero was set upon a road most unexpected, to conclusions he could not have foreseen, all which eerily resemble the exact quagmire that we find ourselves embroiled in today.  

One of the gems he stumbled upon was the symptomatic definition of "Asian Plague"-- otherwise known as Beriberi.   Here are the symptoms of Beriberi, which is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B1 in the diet: 

Acute form, Symptoms: Stages in order:
Indigestion; constipation; Nasal affection like a cold; lassitude; heart
palpitation; hard breathing;
Usually ends with death from heart failure.
Chronic Form; Early stages as above.
Later stages: Weak eyes, falling hair, skin sores, stomach ulcers,
kidney affection, chronic catarrh, asthma, cough, heart enlargement,
numbness, paralyzed parts, dropsy.

I could add, "brain fog" to this list and it would be a perfect recital of the symptoms I have personally heard from scores of seniors in this country, and also from far younger people suffering from the hitherto virtually unknown phantom disease, fibromyalgia. 

Sugar poisoning and glandular collapse, also known as diabetes, also shares some of these symptoms--- especially neuropathy, and destruction of peripheral nerves.  

And obesity is easily explained, too.  As Isaiah describes it, people eat, but cannot be filled. All the nourishment is taken out of their food, so their bodies continue to send "hunger" signals to the brain, and the victims continue to eat more and more and more useless calories in a vain attempt to get the nutrients they need. 

Debilitated by malnutrition in the midst of apparent plenty, poisoned by metals and metallic oxides, the body succumbs both because of what it lacks, and the heavy load of poisonous toxins it must excrete. 

Along the way, the victims become confused, some even becoming psychotic. 
Alzheimer's, anyone?  

Does it make sense to you that doctors and scientists who depend on disease as their bread and butter and also as the source of their social prestige and political "power" would seek to create more of it?  

Does it make sense that other people who have read Isaiah have the blueprint for this, and have had the blueprint for thousands of years?  

Denature the bread, pollute the water, introduce poisonous metals into the cooking and food storage process. Simple.  

The yield?  A debilitated, sick, confused, and secretively poisoned populace, dependent on the same "government" and health officials that used this ancient protocol against them --- and all in order to enrich themselves and enhance their political power by making everyone else sick and helpless.   

The answer?  Redouble efforts to squelch fluoridation and install water purification systems in our homes.  Ban all aluminum storage containers and cooking vessels--- boycott their use and spread the word. 

Use cast iron and stainless steel and vitreous glass for cooking and food storage purposes. 

Eat organically grown and non-GMO goods; if possible, grow your own. 

And bulk up on the missing B1 Vitamin sources--- it's not a mistake that the Ashkenazi eat heavy whole wheat and rye breads, nut-based food like Halvah, sesame seeds, caraway seeds, sunflower seeds, old-fashioned oatmeal, organ meats, peas and beans, beets, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, eggs and organic milk.  

They keep their brains sharp and their bodies well-nourished, so that the victims of this "unobserved" crime spree are that much easier to overcome. 

And now that we've dealt with Isaiah and are seeing the tip of the Health Cartel iceberg, let me also observe that Isaiah is rooted in the Old Testament and gives the outlines of a government founded on deceit, poisoning, and surreptitious murder of innocent people.  

The New Testament begins with the Book of Matthew, which like Isaiah, gives a semi-hidden protocol and instructions for a new government founded on peace, forgiveness, true wisdom, and love.  

The New Testament is a new contract with the people of the world, and not just the Jews.  We are all potentially made into "Chosen Ones", for the Father alone will call those that he chooses to be with his son, Jew or Gentile, Buddhist or Muslim.  From among all those who accept this new government will they be chosen, and called, to enter into the New Kingdom on Earth. 

We will recognize his voice, as we recognize the voice of a loved one who has been away from home.  We shall hear it and know that it is him in the same way, and nobody will deceive us.  

Meanwhile, it's autumn.  And it's a hard autumn.  Time to cook up a good pot of beans, and add some carrots to it.  Share some, or the gift of a bag of beans, with your neighbors, along with this article --- so everyone is brought up to speed.

The good foods are not, for the most part, expensive foods.  They are the foods of former slaves in a distant era, simple and unprocessed and hearty, and well-within the means of most people to obtain.   

While you are at it, begin a protocol of self-massage and massage for family members.  We are more dependent on touch and the transfer of energy by touch than we imagine.  

"Social distancing" is just one more way to isolate and weaken us.  

Fight back by giving each other longer hugs --- at least twenty seconds, by rubbing backs, massaging feet, brushing your hair a hundred strokes like your Great-Grandma recommended, spending more time actively playing contact games with your children, and yes, petting and playing with pets.  It all helps and builds a tapestry of beneficial energy that you can rely on to strengthen your connection to the source of all life. 

Now that you know THEIR game plan, it's time to get your game on, too. 

A pdf of "Tracking Down the Killer" will be posted on my website. Go to: to read this fascinating Depression Era expose. (Give our guys enough time to download it and post it.) 

And remember, things that are too strong for Facebook are now being posted exclusively on my website, and through  


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Sounds like Anna is pitching the New World Order. If it could be done honestly with 100% transparency it would be a good thing but thousands of years of criminality has made me skeptical.

    1. she is pitching the new new test -- a worldly kingdom

      its kind of the new NWO. or new new NWO in a way.

      new test. is long gone as far as man is concerned. this is the new NWO.

      see john 14:6 -- directly contradicting her statement " for the Father alone will call those that he chooses to be with his son, Jew or Gentile, Buddhist or Muslim."

      also my kingdom is not of this world -- christ

      see also matthew 24 warning about "revelation"

      see also jewish encyclopedia "cabbalah"

      note "revelation" is a 2-edged sword, a scroll written on front and back -- they kept a "hidden" interpretation to themselves OUTSIDE the "new test." -- this was against judaism as well. the 24 secret books or "elders" -- see jewish encyclopedia "cabbalah"

      albert pike morals and dogma explains this as well. still true today.
      Among the sacred books of the Christians are two works which the infallible church does not pretend to understand, and never attempts to explain,--the prophecy of Ezekiel and the Apocalypse; two cabalistic clavicules, reserved, no doubt, in Heaven, for the exposition of the Magian kings; closed with Seven seals for all faithful believers; and perfectly clear to the unbeliever initiated in the occult sciences.

      note the cross-references. compare to jewish encyclopedia "cabbalah"

      this is how you get 4 horsemen too. 4 alchemy elements.

      for augustine there was no golden age. not for jerome either.
      its only kabbalistic tradition. this was heresy for both "jews" and "christians"

      this is important because they have rewritten the gospel and bibles.

      note the 4 evangelists have been rewritten. so now 99% of everything "new test" they are substituting "new new test" in its place and pretending oh thats what they REALLY meant, we just forgot to tell you the past x000 years.

      see jewish encyclopedia "cabbalah" -- that explains how kabbalah overthrew both "judaism" and "christianity"

      see also amos 5:18 about "the day of the lord"

      note revelation is THEIR LORD and HIS CHRIST. -- different guy. totally opposite of new test. turns it inside out.

      see also: isaiah 45:7

      compare all of the above to zoroaster.

    2. john 14:6 alone destroys any idea she has anything to do with a "new test" -- but the rest explains how such switcheroos were accomplished.

      new test. is long gone as far as man is concerned. centuries. there is plenty more, but above should show the main points.

      they sang a new song as revelation says they would.

    3. the solution is easy of course as matthew 24 says.

      the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
      simply reject any kabbalistic "new new test"/revelation that tries to substitute itself in place of the new test.

    4. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
      this is the loosing binding thing. so simply reject the new new test "new heaven and new earth"

      the meek inherit the earth -- because they missed out on "heaven"

      as it says -- they are "descending"
      paradoxically called "descent" in most texts

    5. you are essentially dealing with "angels of hell" who are trying to substitute their "new song" in the place of the new test.

      THEIR LORD and HIS CHRIST -- totally separate guy. has nothing to do with the new test.

      new test is john 14:6

      "for the Father alone will call those that he chooses to be with his son, Jew or Gentile, Buddhist or Muslim." is something else entirely. whatever that is, it is not the new test.

    6. this statement ""for the Father alone will call those that he chooses to be with his son, Jew or Gentile, Buddhist or Muslim." "

      besides directly contradicting john 14:6 -- is reason 999999 to kick "the lord" out of the trinity.

      our lady is the spouse of the holy ghost.

      theres zero need for this false "father" entity and his phony son -- unless you reject the new test. THEIR LORD and HIS CHRIST of revelation is for people who REJECT the new test.

    7. revelation has nothing to do with the new test -- its the kabbalistic inversion/overthrow of the new test.

      its the "merkabah secret doctrine" -- forbidden by torah. but they did it anyways. "fake jews" -- those who say they are jews but are not aka the synagogue of satan.

      its the "christ" for everyone who rejects christ.

      aka antichrist.

  2. All true weaken host country making it easy pray.
    The key is ditch all man manipulated foods and water.
    Whole grain unrefined complex natural no metal except cast iron and stainless.
    Soul is depleated in 6 months have to add seaweed.

  3. 'Unknown' skepticism is equivalent to doing nothing and how do you think that works out? Like the last thousands of years of those that do nothing or are apathetic...its contributing to them, they're betting on us doing nothing again but not so fast....we thankfully had the internet for access to one another and eye opening information withheld.

  4. Good nutrition keeps people healthy , wise & strong!

  5. They are killing our children. People, please do not wear a mask - they are not necessary given that COVID has a 99.7% survival rate. Wearing a mask does not protect you against ANY virus. Relevant scientific clinical studies find that mask wearing offers no protection and in fact actually causes great harm to you and your children. Friend of mine got staph and is in critical condition from wearing a mask and may die.

    Brain Damage From Masks CANNOT BE REVERSED

    Twitter Removes Tweet from Trump Coronavirus Adviser Saying Masks Don’t Work

    CDC study - Wearing a mask vs never wearing face mask. People who wear masks all the time, MORE LIKELY to get COVID than someone who DOES NOT WEAR A MASK.

    This American doctor will be targeted because he simply told the truth...

    First Court Case to Challenge Masks! Tulsa Doctors sue to abandon masks. They allege masks don't help the wearer or others, and they cause O2 deficiency, harming health.


    1. Ready - DAMN RIGHT! And OUR ELDERLY which they have isolated away from family, cannot touch our family, they put masks on Elderly. LITTLE FAMILY CONTACT. What terror, despair, rejection, hopelessness, loneliness, fear must they feel? ALL FOR THE SANCTAMONIOUS DESPICABLE FRIGGIN GODLESS JEW.

      ARE WE DONE W THIS JEW BAALSH*T YET OR NOT? How much more destruction of our people must we endure by theeir SHABBOS USEFUL IDIOTS??

      And this ain't NOTHING compared to their future plans for us.
      Ohhh Puhleeze, Anna, could you be more jew azz kissing??

  6. This purported AshkeNAZI diet looks pretty regular old fashioned European, American, Mediterranian, Mid Eastern, Asian, ... & so on: Ashkenazi eat heavy whole wheat and rye breads, nut-based food like Halvah, sesame seeds, caraway seeds, sunflower seeds, old-fashioned oatmeal, organ meats, peas and beans, beets, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, eggs and organic milk.

    Good German food right there. How can jews be traditionally identified w eating fresh foods when they're primarily from 'said' desert regions? ONLY DISPORA JEWS acquired the diets of the peoples off of which they parasite. Halva is NOT JEW.

    Halva - Wikipedia
    Halva (also halvah, halwa, and other spellings) are dense, sweet confections originating in the Middle East. It is also popular in Central and South Asia, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Malta, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and in the Jewish diaspora.

    Honestly Anna, your attempts to elevate the jews is laughable. Besides, JEWS contributed nothing, have no agricultural history nor contribution. jews have always been city dwellers, specficially slum dwellers by their own choice to isolate. JEWS ATE WHAT WAS AVAILABLE TO THEM BY SURROUNDING AGRICULTURALLY ADVANCED PEOPLES.

    The only way & reason Israhell grows enough food is becuz WE PAY FOR ISRAHELL & JEWS to exist in the ga-ga-ga-ga-BILLIONS. jews do not labor.

    Maybe just maybe if JEWS didn't run their Kosher Tax Extortion Rackets in the trillion/yr, on OUR FOOD & toilet paper, cleaning products, etc & controlled our food & product distribution in their scarcity dialectic WE COULD ALL BE HEALTHIER.

    Add its the JEWS who are poisoning us, our environments, water, air, animals, Earth, sky, w their chemtrails, petro-chemical pharmaceuticals & toxxinations, chemo-con therapy, jew Monsanto's agent orange & glyphosate (which they're classified as an anti-biotic so they could poison us from every possible angle), fluoride from aluminum waste aka rat poison, now lithium, PFAS, ... ETC!

    Glyphosate: The Antibiotic | Dr. William Davis
    Jun 20, 2020 · But it is a little known fact that glyphosate is a potent antibiotic. So potent that Monsanto, the St. Louis, Missouri manufacturer of glyphosate and Roundup, filed patents for glyphosate as an antibiotic (United States Patent 7,771,736).

    PFAS aren't "found" in soil, its put there by jews:
    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of human-made chemicals that are found in a wide range of products used by consumers and industry. There are nearly 5,000 types of PFAS, some of which have been more widely used and studied than others. Many PFAS are resistant to grease, oil, water and heat.
    Monsanto is an old jew slave owning, trading family. Now look at how treacherous the jew becomes, when all of these generations they could have done something good. But NO the jew must destroy.

  7. All,

    After reading the after reading the article Tracking Down the Killer, it reminded me we are in battles on all fronts. Information which presents an alternative to what we're taught to believe and practice is easily recognizable when one asks the right questions of what he observes. Just as food is weaponized and twisted to hinder the body, the medical profession has been twisted also. Here's a link to Dr. Andrew Kaufman who explains the history of inhumanity of our the medical industry in a short video Hippocratic Hypocrisy

  8. All,

    After reading the after reading the article Tracking Down the Killer, it reminded me we are in battles on all fronts. Information which presents an alternative to what we're taught to believe and practice is easily recognizable when one asks the right questions of what he observes. Just as food is weaponized and twisted to hinder the body, the medical profession has been twisted also. Here's a link to Dr. Andrew Kaufman who explains the history of inhumanity of our the medical industry in a short video Hippocratic Hypocrisy

  9. Again: The good foods are not, for the most part, expensive foods. They are the foods of former slaves in a distant era, simple and unprocessed and hearty, and well-within the means of most people to obtain.

    Soooo the enslavers ate what?? Refined, poisoned, rotten, wilted, spoiled, foods? Really?

    And the 'good foods' today are over-priced on purpose. Whats available as affordable whole grain rice is just less processed rice. Growing Beans, same thing. Whole grain breads SAME THING. Radiating fresh foods, seafood, etc.

    As for nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies, etc jews pick the best for their profiteering overseas brokering & leave us with lessor quality. Burning, flooding, droughting up OUR PRODUCTIVE LANDS which ignite due to their chemtrail accelerants. NEVER MIND THE LOSS OF PEOPLES LIVES, LIVELIHOODS, ANIMALS all for JEW SACRFICE BY FIRE to their talmudic gods. Just like 911. And by the way, the jews JUST DID THIS called Great Depression, when they slaughtered & burned 3 million swine based on the same fabricated disease science they use today & dumped tons of grain into the oceans to starve our families out, strip our assets. BUT WE FOREGET. Wash rinse repeat. Same friggin cycle.

    And we must all be Equal, be Diverse & Forgive as righteous sheeple. No forgiving without their debt payment. The jews get away with atrocities becuz we're told to forgive & forget, be sweet little minions, the jews didn't mean it, not all jews, only the 'fake jews', as good little Shabbos goy. We must forgive & let the JEW KEEP ALL STOLEN ASSETS & NEVER PAY FOR, MUCH LESS ADMIT TO, THEIR REPEATED EVIL ATROCITIES. Forgive & forget about it!! Ohhhhhhh those poor innocent jews never did harm, only those bad jews, those fake jews.

    Look how good little jews eat Halvah, seeds, grains, green leafy's, fresh, whole, clean, ... & we MUST IMITATE THE FRUCKERS, who are in fact destroying us, imitating us, stealing from us, poisoning us, those parasitical slugs.

    We most certainly have an infestation by our very enslavers: JEWdemic JEWtagion.

  10. watch the documentaries "Forks Over Knives", "Eating", What the Health", "Cowspiracy",and check out information on This information has been known for decades but has been hidden from the America people. Your doctor will NEVER admit any of this, though one can find doctors who more and more are realizing this: you can find one near you at

  11. Tracking The Killers (which can be read aloud on some computers, plus copied to doc) says what a few have have expressed with considerable emphasis.

    That jew Zangwill (as in Tracking the Killers) wrote "The Melting Pot" play which is used to propagandize America into thinking America always was & must always be a Melting Pot. NO! it was not & must not continue to be!!

    Add that squirmy jewess Emma Lazarus 1883 wrote "Colossus" cr*p 'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses' plaque placed upon OUR Liberty Enlightens the World & the identifier 'Statue of' Liberty is jew capture.
    Its common vernacular to use those propaganda meme's thinking its OUR LAW!! As our national identity
    ===>>> NO! THAT IS THE JEWS DENEGRATION OF OUR NATION & ITS LAW. Emigrants favored first & foremost were qualified, moral, ethical Whites.

    We are NOT a Melting Pot. We were & are a White Christian nation.
    My, my how the jews tie us into knots! And we just go on & on & on with our wrong-mindedness spiraling right down into abyss trap.

  12. Often we think in terms of ourselves being a lone being on the planet but plants and trees that are required for our existence just like breating air are also experiencing the damage and destruction with apparrently a counting chickens before hatched that science will solve it or just go to someone else planet and exploit all of it tossing other beings aside as if special Earth people have some right to do so

  13. I feel like after reading the article and the small book in the link we need a string of tips & tricks and some good recipes!😉😋


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