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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

To Understand the Second, You Have to Understand the First

By Anna Von Reitz

To understand the Second World War, you have to understand the First World War, and most importantly, to avoid World War III, you have to stop what you are doing and pay attention.

Now, I am going to say something that to many Americans will seem very strange. 
The Second World War was directly caused by the First, and the First was caused by British crimes against America. 
The Kaiser objected to Britain stealing American gold and using that as the basis of its own bid to create a new kind of Corporate Feudalism devoid of a human face or emotion, a machine-like "system" in which our lives would be encased from cradle to grave, with profit-making for the rich, and control and exploitation of the poor, its only goal. 
The Russian Czar also objected, as all the Russian Czars and nobles had objected at and since the infamous Congress of Vienna. 
The gold was purloined from us beginning in 1898, when the Scottish Commercial Corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" ---Incorporated, bought the Philippine Islands "for" us, and the Queen's US NAVY began transporting American gold to "safe keeping" in the Philippines in preparation for bankrupting the Scottish doppelganger.

The American Public was never told, of course.

When the Scottish Interloper went bankrupt in 1906-07, it left Germany and the actual Americans holding the bag for the British Territorial United States' debts. Naturally, the Kaiser was upset--- appalled by the godless and drab and unjust future proposed for humanity, disgusted by endless British guile, he began making preparations for war. 
He thought that we, Americans, would see the British hands in our pockets, and support Germany. He underestimated the gullibility of Americans and their lack of access to foreign news and translations. If we had ever actually known what was going on and what was at stake, there is little doubt that we would have supported the Kaiser's point of view and let Whitehall starve.

As it was, we wound up defending our False Friends. And they wound up taking vicious revenge upon Germany in the form of War Reparations.
The discontent created by the dire economic drain of the War Reparations extracted by Britain and France then opened up the political theater that Hitler took advantage of. He had learned how to exploit a captive population from the British Grandmasters who had plugged their siphons so firmly into America. 
So he did the same thing with the Germans that the Brits had done with the Americans: run up humongous debts "in their names" and then left them and their investors holding the bag for it. Only when it really came down to it, Hitler didn't have the support of the German General Staff to carry out the actual plan, which was to kill the entire German population rather than surrender.

Coincidentally, of course, this "complete self-inflicted de-population" of Germany was what the international bankers wanted. The Scandinavian races, they believed, were just as well-suited to industrialized slavery, and more docile. They could be moved into Germany like a new breed of cattle.
In between the wars, in what was described as an effort to discourage war profiteering and war-mongering in general, it was agreed by the Roman Curia that whoever wins a war has to pay for the losses.

Think about that for ten seconds.... 1, 2, 3....

Whoever wins the war.... not who starts it, not who deliberately foments it.
This is the basis of The Mouse That Roared, a 1955 satirical novel by the Irish American writer Leonard Wibberly, and the 1959 movie of that name starring Peter Sellers. 
Sellers also gave us Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, and Being There. These three (3) films are a microcosm reflection of the world political situation during the Cold War and too very close to the truth. 
This is not by any means the only time that the film industry has "shoved it in our faces", and Sellers is not the only actor to give us too much truth about our times. 
Thus, America was in fact the "sacrificial victor" in World War II. We were never allowed to stand down. We were kept under military rule and discipline and our factories produced under-cost products for the rest of the world and unjust taxes and unjust tariffs were agreed to "for" us by the Popes and British Monarchs, which year after year, went into rebuilding our Japanese and European competitors with little or no re-investment in America.

We were the Goat, hitched up under the British lash, and never allowed to "go home"---and though we may have smelled a rat, known that something wasn't right, it was not the sort of thing that was easy to put one's hand on with no proper education about our own history or anyone else's.

But before we get to this bizarre circumstance and concept of "the victor pays", let's remember that behind everything that goes on, is a fundamentally crooked and quasi-religious interlocking trust directorate that is mis-directed and increasingly corrupt so that whatever new concept or belief is adopted by the Roman Curia, that same new buzzword winds up on our tables for breakfast.

Care for the environment is really the least of their concerns. Finding a new excuse to tax people and blame people is the actual motivation for everything they do. 
As of today's writing, they are even taking it upon themselves to create new sins for us:

It hasn't hit home yet that we haven't mastered The Ten Commandments under their guidance for the past 2000 years, so probably shouldn't be taking on an Eleventh....

Forgive me for being snide. I am not inclined to be flippant, just observing the fact that the incompetent have mistaken themselves for gods, and come to rely on their machine -- their institutionalized fraud scheme -- instead of their hearts and minds.

So they set about to make a final "sacrifice" of America as of December 21, 2019. The international bankers, the shady elements of the military, and the worthless immoral members of the Municipal Congress would collude with the Chinese Government to expedite the greatest theft and injustice in world history and the innocent American People would be made to pay for the debts of these double-dealing crooks, deprived of the credit Americans have earned, and be "re-settled" under force in a Hitler-esque nightmare complete with internment camps. 
Germany is set to be sacrificed, too. They were the ones that "won the lottery" after World War II as the Losers, and so, their central bank, Deutsche Bank, was the one chosen to hold all the "derivatives" --- the bogus contracts, entities, titles and deeds used to expand the banker's criminal securitization scheme in the same way that cancer cells proliferate. 
With America and Germany both out of the way, it would be easy for the criminals to tweak things their way and buy up everything that is left for pennies, just as they did after the stock market collapse in 1929. 
And that would be that, the last gasp of mankind, the supremacy of corporations and Corporate Feudalism would be established permanently throughout the Earth. 
Mankind is to be reduced to the level of lab rats lost in a system of cradle to grave rewards and punishments, unable to exercise freewill in any way, ruled over by hypocrites and liars, despotic and dishonest oligarchs, who now think they are in a position to create new sins out of thin air, the same way they created trusts and foundations, C Corps, S Corps, Cooperatives, and fiat money-- and who in Breach of Trust imposed upon the American People to accept their I.O.U.s under force of legal tender laws, then used bankruptcy fraud to escape their obligations, and now intend to leave Mom and Pop disinherited and enslaved to pay their debts. 
It's time to remind them of their own sins and to do it in a big way.

If we have any problems with our economies and currencies, it is the fault of the bankers and brokers, nobody else, and if we have troubles with bankers and brokers, it is next the fault of the politicians and military generals, and nobody else.

Except the Pope, of course, whose entire misguided interlocking trust directorate underlies it all.

So we are in a situation where our civilian government has been called to assemble for the first time in 150 years, and our military has been reminded of its obligation to obey the civilian government --- not the "civil" government.

So also we must recognize the evil endemic among the members of the "US" Congress and do whatever we can to remove this mixed-bag of idiots and criminals from control. Most of them haven't got the least little bit of an idea of how our government is supposed to be organized and how it is supposed to function. 
Even worse, they think good is evil and evil is good. It's like leaving Al Capone, Abbot and Costello, and Cruella de Ville in charge of a runaway train and thinking that it won't derail. 
Finally, we must search within ourselves for the truth and for justice and for the highest calling of our own souls, our wish for a far, far better world, where each individual is valued and corporations are the slaves, not people.


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  1. starting out 90% truth on czar who derailed Rothschild true ,
    Kiser was great at peace treaties and preserving the peace but young rookie who replaced Kiser thought close bloodlines with British would carry weight and didn’t know like Churchill were in deep debt to Jewish Rothschild .
    What triggered ww1 was decided by Rothchild puppet Cecil Rhodes the success of Germany being the industrial leader of world was threat to British and Jewish controld France.
    And Hitlers success was due to the use of labor based credit (promise to do labor for goods)!!
    He shut down all Jewish pornography and secret societies, going after radical communist that happen to be Jewish.what a Cohen-incidence!

  2. In paragraph 6, how can we say that The United States of America owns the Philippines, when in this Documentary there is over a million metric tones of Gold that was lent to different banks and various nations by the Alpha Omega Trust who controls it? The worth of this World Assets is $500 Decadillon($500 with 42 zeroes) Dollars. This wealth has been hidden from us by the Bankers, as it has been offered to fund Humanitarian Projects to eradicate poverty. Let me post this again:

    1. This is all just more prevarication. We know and have the documentation of where the gold came from, who actually has the right to access it, all of it. The clueless "Flag Officers" have been trying to prop up TVM's claims, but he doesn't have anything valid.

  3. Thx Anna. Paul if one's only income is social security and become an American national with all caps removed, they won't send that check to me then. Am I correct?

    1. Once you reclaim your name and expatriate your PERSONS, it is the same as if you came home from working in a foreign country and were owed a pension as a result of working in that foreign realm. The pension is still owed no matter where you choose to receive it --- Alaska, State of Alaska, or STATE OF ALASKA or elsewhere.

    2. Thx Anna. But one last question for now, I have many and that is, the social security deposit is made in my all caps name. And that person won't exist anymore. So they can stop payments? Or they would have to pay it to my non caps name? thx

    3. They killed me! - its going to be the same, only you now have claimed your name. Mail still comes w your name as it was before. The payments are still deposited as before. The SS payments will always be in ALL CAPS NAME becuz that's the name style its under. Nothing changes in that regard, only now you claimed your name & have moved to the soil & land jurisdiction.
      Like you worked for their corporation & were 'residing' (temporary term) in DC, then returned to your home land of birth, your deposit still goes to the same account, no change in ALL CAPS NAME styling.
      Hope this helps.

    4. Yes thx for the help. I see now. :)

    5. Use of ALL CAPITALS... is an act of personage... furthered by the BAR-flies as an act of barratry... by the use of a NAME LIKENESS... aka: captinym misnomer for the misappropriation of securities, bonds and the CQV trust.

  4. That was a contract a meeting of the minds you contribute you get the payout .
    As Anna describes it if memory serves.

  5. Must see Documentary...From JFK to 911 everything is a rich mans trick,

  6. If anyone truly wants clarification of exactly how the US CITIZEN is created with the Birth Event, how they use the name game to get you to to perfect their defective claim when you show up in their private courts listen to Kurt Kallenbach's Perfection Series.

    Kurt's Material compliments Anna's and he has a very scientific Paramount Claim. There are many areas we have to address and reeducate ourselves. Knowing who we are and where we come from will open your mind.

    Anna explains how to correct our status but many I talk to want to know how we got there in the first place. Doing paperwork doesn't give us those answers.

    Once our status is corrected then comes all the things we have to deal with. That's when we need to know why we are not subject to their private corporate law.

    Are you playing the game operating the piece on the board (All CAP NAME) or are you the piece being manipulated by the other players.

    Wrapping your head around all the particulars after being indoctrinated for years takes a lot of research.

    It hurts my heart to read comments here and people are still fighting over words like Citizen.

    Blessings to all
    Annie McShane
    On Delaware


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