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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Saga of the Philippine Gold

By Anna Von Reitz

What happened is that "The United States of America, Incorporated" was preparing to go bankrupt circa 1907, and using our money as investment capital, they bought the land mass of the Philippine Islands from Spain.  We have all the paperwork on that.  So, then, the U.S. Army which was made responsible for the safe-keeping of our money as of 1863, began preparing a place to stash gold (that should have been in Fort Knox) in the Philippines --- bear in mind that this is all gold belonging to the American States and People. 

They were hiding it to keep Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Scottish corporation dba "The United States of America, Inc." (wink, wink) from trying to seize upon it, which is good, but since this was all very secret and hush-hush for obvious reasons, it also meant that fewer and fewer people knew what happened to our gold and that also meant that the temptations for fraud and theft proliferated.

One of the first acts of the 73rd Congress in 1934 was to establish a "totally independent government" for the Philippines.  They did that so that the Philippine Government (which they still de facto controlled because of the land ownership already in place) could act as Trustee over our gold reserves stored over there and our gold would again be protected from claims from Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Roman Catholic Delaware corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Inc.

Everything that has happened since, the Japanese discovery and looting of the horde in WWII, the role of the Marcos regime---all that involvement of the Philippines in monitoring and holding and guarding our gold stems directly from the fact that "we" bought the land mass of the Philippines from Spain and the U.S. Army used locations in the Philippines to store our gold.

So, yes, we know that the American States' gold is cashiered in the Philippines and has been for over a hundred years. And yes, it is provably ours. 

As for it supposed to be used for "philanthropic" purposes, nobody with authority to decide that has ever weighed in on the matter. The U.S. Army can't do it without our consent and the Government of the Philippines can't either, because they are merely trustees and we did not appoint any Committee of 300, any Tri-Lateral Commission, or any Bilderburgers to mess with it, either.

The gold needs to be returned to The United States of America [Unincorporated] first and foremost for the needs of the States and People to underwrite our own gold-backed currency and to pay off any actual debts that we may owe.  After that, we can talk about philanthropic purposes for our own people and the rest of the world. 

Americans are generous and practical people.  We want to see everyone  safe, fat, and happy--- or as the Bible put it, each with their own vineyard and fig tree and abundant peace.  Now that the odious Doctrines of Destiny, Discovery, and Scarcity have been overturned and the Saturnine Brotherhood has been removed from power, there is really no reason that we can't all have abundance and peace. 

That is certainly what I wish for and what all right-thinking people want.  Please let our friends in the Philippines know that the actual, factual American Government is still alive and kicking, a bit battered around the ears and kept in the dark by those who owed us better service, but still here, still functioning, still populating this country and still standing as sovereign States of the Union Federation.

We would very much like to meet with them and sort this whole Mess out at the earliest opportunity, because it just delays things and makes everything more difficult when the actual Powerholders are not at the table.  Thank you for helping to get this message out.


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. "Marcos, notably, had been working with the CIA for years using Golden Lily assets to bribe nations to support the Vietnam War. In return for services rendered, Marcos was allowed to sell over $1 trillion in gold through Australian brokers."

  2. For mankind to realize the peace promised by passages such as that in Micah 4:4, i think mankind will first need to realize all the Gold in this world does not matter.?
    This is gleaned with His Holy Spirit through rightly divided scripture.

  3. And No, i do not believe Anna was a target, not in the way she thinks.
    M7.5 Quake/Tsunami, Volcano Shock, Supernova Coming | S0 News Dec.5.2018

  4. It is not just about you Anna,

    Solar Watch, Hail Takes Down Forest/Livestock | S0 News Dec.6.2018

  5. If everyone had an equal share of gold, could we then live in peace?
    If everyone had an equal share of gold would we all then Love each other?
    If everyone had an equal share of gold would we then be equal in 'our' eyes?

    1. That's right A Follower, you a thinking earthling.

      If you face book the Candi Lile few post back, who was on Angela talkshoe and claimed Anna's paperwork worked for her, or youtube they have evidence of houses being melted down in California by bean weapon. They can pinpoint a home and melt it down. So if they wanted to get rid of Anna bingo! they can.

      This is what i meant in my last post.

      Anna promotes the new age, actually old age Kemetaphyhsic doctrine from the dark halls of Egypt.

      Any of you ever wonder why the Most High God created a tree with GOOD and EVIL in it? What's its purpose?

      Be Blessed

    2. Ah, know it alls about good but now rather ancient times JC seem to forget that pinpoints-cies high techy can be distracted if spiritual protections is already there...🎶💥

    3. To follower....the short answer is NO..!!
      Because there will always be people who don't want equality, they want power and the right to rule over others...!!

    4. Usually by forcing others to accept 'their' messiah 😂

  6. She doesn't provide any proof for anything she says here. How are we supposed to spread the word if there is no proof for what we're saying? All it turns into is a good camp fire story.

    1. Please use a handle that is not "unknown" or "anonymous" see our policy at the top of the page in blue.

      "You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove unwarranted personal attacks. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Do not attempt to comment using the handle "Unknown" or "anonymous". Your comment will be summarily deleted. Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products."

  7. Not true, it is not USA gold in the Philippines, it's WORLD'S need to review again your sources and check David Crayford's documents about this from the International Treasury Control

    1. "To say that the Gold in the Philippines all belongs to America and was deposited in the Philippines by America to hide it from the bankruptcy proceedings against America as a country, whereby the Philippines is the Trustee on behalf of America, is the most blatant and dastardly lie, mistruthful, disinformation, and fantasy I have ever heard." quote per David Craydorf


    3. David sure sound Looney tunes to me....just saying Jorge ☻

    4. Sample of channeled David's stuff:

    5. From Anna Von Reitz:
      I can prove what I say with the actual documents and I have already disproven the Tolano claims.

      Please note that I did NOT say that "all" the gold in the Philippines is American-- but that some of it most certainly is ours and was transported there for precisely the reasons cited.

  8. Replies
    1. "“O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they have offended Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.”

      Your blog Paul, of course...& I am quite thankful to u for it, but everyone goes to heaven...The Lords of Karma deliver 'perfect' justice to ALL Souls life after life🎶💥

    2. 4 last things Leland.

      Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell

      You Choose from the last two. It's all up to you really. You can either take advantage of Christ's sacrifice for you, or reject Him.
      Believing everyone goes to heaven is a trick of Satan and his minions.

    3. Thanks for your sincere comments as ALWAYS Paul💓 U chose Christ this particular lifetime which is TERRIFIC FOR U☇One could make a far worst choice imo🔥

      Imo YOUR IGNORANCE is THAT U think u KNOW THE ENTIRE TRUTH, THOUGH via your most likely personal inner experiences with JC...& that sir is quite ok, too💥

      God created SOUL. Fortunately I wasn't brainwashed this particular lifetime in being programmed like u Paul (& countless others) into believing in a Santa Claus like entity who die for humankind's sins 2000 years ago🔥

      Christianity is just another great path home to God❤

      Definitely, though, not the ONLY OR imo THE BEST one🎻


    4. "Believing everyone goes to heaven is a trick of Satan and his minions."

      No Paul, Christians who don't get this truth r Satan's helpers unfortunately & create karma for themself usually requiring future lifetimes down here if they think otherwise ❤

      God is LOVE💥

    5. The only rejection here is of truth Paul & JC isn't & never has been the onlybegotten☇

    6. Leland, there is nothing new under the sun.

      What you are caught up in is a heresy known as Metempsychosis, or in modern language "Reincarnation" or "Transmigration".

      The history and explanation of this is at the link.

      The other big heresy you are involved in is the denial of who God is, which you call "onlybegottenism". It's also nothing new, believe it or not.

      Many people who preach reincarnation have some favorite bad habit they don't want to give up or repent of before death, so they so reincarnation becomes their religion to assuage their conscience.

      It's a deadly trap. The 4 last things are Death, Judgement, Heaven or Hell. It's in your hands for your own soul. Find the truth before it's too late.

    7. 😂😂😂😂😂😂I ❤ U Paul. God ❤ u Paul. Soul is eternal. ALL SOULS

      This IS your blog. U certainly r entitled to promote your own SO TYPICAL religious in this case Christian bigotry/idioticy here & elsewhere where other beings might tolerate it😂

      Fortunately the ancient typical onlybegottenism curses u believe in r reflects from your brainwashing since birth most likely💙

      There is no 'Original sin' either to help u when u do recover from your so cherished Christian programming🎶💥

      And ps recarnation is a simple fact of life that Jesus taught whether u EVER sccept that FACT of life this particular lifetime or NOT😂🎶💥🎯


      "Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us?" (Matthew 13.54-56).

      Jesus was part of an extended family. The Bible says he had brothers and sisters. Some churches try to spin that these were only cousins, or Joseph's from a previous marriage, but Mary, Jesus' mother, was not an only child. At the very least, Jesus had cousins, Aunts, and Uncles. John the Baptist was Jesus' second cousin according to Luke 1:5-38.

      For the purpose of this discussion, we do not need to go into the question of whether Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a family.

      But the fact is that Jesus had kinfolk; blood relations, at least on his mother's side (although the Bible provides a paternal genealogy for Jesus back to the House of David).

      Those kinfolk had children. Those children had children. Those children had children. And so forth.

      Modern genetics testing has demonstrated that modern-day Palestinians have a direct genetic trail back to the biblical Israelites.
      So here is the deal. Some of the people walking around Palestine, Gaza, and the West Bank are blood relatives of Jesus. Distant blood relatives, but still blood relatives. Given 2000 years, it is possible that the vast majority of present day Palestinians are remote relatives of Jesus.

      Israel is killing them.

      And YOU are paying for it, which means you share the guilt. YOU are paying for the weapons used to kill the modern day family of Jesus. The moment you sign that 1040 form, you sign a confession, admitting before all the world that you are an accessory in the murder.

      Think you are going to get into heaven after an insult like that"😂


    9. My favorite & perhaps ONLY 'bad habit' is buying rare gold $2.5 liberty eagle for posterity actually PAUL 💲

  9. What about Yamshita's buried gold as recounted in Sterling Seagraves' "Gold Warriors" ? Isn't that gold stolen (hot)?

    Gold Warriors: America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold

    1. Well, the Steelings moved to France after publishing that book & even more info on that gold...I understand they went inton hiding as well the last I read several years back💭

    2. You can all look up the epicenter of the quake for yourselves -- a block and a half from my house in Big Lake--- and NOT on any fault line.

      Yes, we have had Earthquakes in the area before, but none accompanied by a "Green Beam" from the local Air Force Base.

      THEY want me to shut up and not tell you your own history and facts about your own government because they want to keep their hooks in us and enjoy our labor and access to our resources for free for another hundred years.

      And whatever else happens, that is NOT going to happen.

      As for the gold I have heard so much bullshit about gold and its purported "value" I could throw up. THINK people! It's just a lump of relatively useless metal!!!!

      Wake up!!! Wake up!!!! Hear the birds sing because all the gold in the Philippines is not worth a single bird -- yet millions have been killed over it and lived miserable lives because of it.

      If I had my way it would all be loaded up and jettisoned into deep space so nobody would have anything to fight over or lie about any more.

      We have good records for the American good transfers to the Philippines that we know took place and that is what I am going by. There is plenty of other gold in Asia that Asians are welcome to keep and have control of.

      We want ours returned by the Trustees and made available first to underwrite our currency and pay our debts and only after that do we consider philanthropy and give away projects.

      As Fiduciary I have to act according to the Prudent Man Standard and a Prudent Man keeps control of his own assets, uses honest money standards, and pays his own bills.

      After that comes investment and projects.

      Anyone who has a brain knows this is true and has no cause to argue with me about it.

      Each country in the world should be making its own preparations to wean off the illegal Funny Money and go back to Businesd as Usual at least so far as our dealings with the Pacific Rim are concerned.

      Europe is so deeply entrenched in the paper system and "securities trading" it may take another generation to pull them out of their own muck.

      Many millions of people died over gold and all that gold cannot bring a single one of them back to life.

      You all think about that and you will know what is truly valuable and how stupid and blind we have been.

      Observing that, let's not be fooled by any of this ridiculous idolatry again. I don't carve little statues and bow down and worship them and I am not going to mint any coins and bow down and worship them, either.

      All of this is ugly, stupid, simple-minded idolatry and it desperately needs to end in order for this planet and its people to have peace and make progress.

    3. In regards to Anna's comments. Alaska is a hot spot of seismic activity as can be seen on this website; Which lists seismic activity daily. There were quite a few larger earthquakes in the 3 - 5 range in the days prior to the 30th that led up to the 7.0 quake. I looked up the epicenter and noticed the earthquake was listed as 7 miles nw of Elmendorf AFB along with many of the aftershocks and continuing aftershocks in the area. The latitude was 61.33 degree north and 149.94 degree west at a depth of around 31 to 45km. Using google maps for this location,°19'48.0"N+149°56'24.0"W/@61.3277999,-150.0153716,12.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d61.33!4d-149.94. gives a location of Point MacKenzie.

      How far is this from you Anna?

      Also here is a website that lists the fault lines in Alaska;

      Please note that their is a fault line that goes right through Big Lake.

      Interestingly according to this site;, Big Lake has a history of seismic activity with several larger earthquakes in the area of larger than 3.0 dating back to 1933. In fact the earthquake index is listed as 18.37 compared with 3.28 for the rest of Alaska or roughly 5x greater than the rest of the state.

      Logically there wouldn't be much of a stretch to deduce that a 7.0 earthquake could and has happened in the area in the past and can happen in the future and most likely Anna was not singled out. As far as the green beam goes, you will have to take Anna's word on that one. There is no reports on the Internet including UFO websites.

    4. Can anyone tell me how the Scottish became so powerful as to take control of all our assets....we have never fought the Scottish that I know of...!! And the Scott's hate England and always will..

    5. I googled for u James on your question & found a video perhaps on it, but found this again, too💓

  10. all that gold was re-minted in Australia; Boyd Anderson wrote the book Under the Radar 535-555 Trumpence {available on amazon} the truth came to him via gematria; its all about the malayasian airlines planes that were rumoured to gone down in the ocean; he was given a document that explains how the creation of the crypto currency and the fact there is a backdoor code to use the kraken to steal the currency, it is truly a book worth reading...

    1. The crytocurrency is part of their mark of the beast. By publishing a book telling everyone it is not safe they will say that the only safe thing is to rfid chip everyone
      The controllers are writing the scripts and the books and the newpaper articles and everything else
      Just like 1984 was supposed to be fiction well guess what turns out the author knew about their plans that's how he wrote the book just like Brave New World and Blade Runner and Hunger Games
      The banks in 'G'eneva Switzerland are controlling this beast and everything that comes out of it including all the global corporations
      Already taking the currency away from other countries and implementing their global ID - which here is ID2020 which is your global citizen card which entitles the human cattle benefits but only if you do as you're told
      Mass mind control and the control of the currency
      All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  11. If we do not stop the military industrial complex from spraying the entire earth with chemtrails and creating huge disasters there isn't going to be any humans or any other thing living thing left on this earth except the psychopaths who planned the demise of all of us
    I don't give a rats you know what about money or gold I want to be free of all this bullshit
    God did not intend for anyone to have to live like this
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  12. Tripartite of tell lie vision crooks is what they are
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  13. Wow... What a PERFECT Match on a Scientific Chart of England. Her was prepared to go bankrupt circa 1907? 1903 is the year England had financial trouble of some sort, she started to think Hard on how to perpetrate FRAUD on America at least 3 years in her head, before she stepped in to talk to the rats. You see, there is always the Truth in Scientific Charts, most of you think it's a new age, but it is not. Yes, Youtube and std Astrology are new age tool. There is a Power of the Holy Ghost in the charting tool, because the guy who intended this tool was visited by God Jehovah, who talked to him and woke him up from his dream, and he cried of joy of God's promise. Don't be too hung up with the word Anti-Christ ppl, or your self-full-filled biblical return of Christ. I think many Christians may be influenced by the Devil to induce the return of Christ, when in fact they are indirectly causing Israel to be nuked, according to her Israel Scientific charts. Be careful ppl. I have my family there, that's why I want Israel to live.

    1. Pinkham...then I suggest you get them to move because two-thirds of Israel will be destroyed before the other third finally accepts JESUS as the true masssiah.

      !! Jerusalem will be the only thing left dtanding, only because the "Ark of the Covenant " is there.....!!
      There was an expert on historical biblical artifacts on "coast to coadt" radio two days ago, and he finally confirmed that the Ark was indeed found by Ron Wyatt years ago ...!! What he doesn't understand is how could such a significant historical find of the century isn't being reported by not even one news station, even in Isreal where the elders know damn well it's there....!!


    3. Of course Jesus isn't the true messiah to anyone but those still deluded by onlybegottenism's false promises...🕋

  14. Wow... What a PERFECT Match on a Scientific Chart of England. Her was prepared to go bankrupt circa 1907? 1903 is the year England had financial trouble of some sort, she started to think Hard on how to perpetrate FRAUD on America at least 3 years in her head, before she stepped in to talk to the rats. You see, there is always the Truth in Scientific Charts, most of you think it's a new age, but it is not. Yes, Youtube and std Astrology are new age tool. There is a Power of the Holy Ghost in the charting tool, because the guy who intended this tool was visited by God Jehovah, who talked to him and woke him up from his dream, and he cried of joy of God's promise. Don't be too hung up with the word Anti-Christ ppl, or your self-full-filled biblical return of Christ. I think many Christians may be influenced by the Devil to induce the return of Christ, when in fact they are indirectly causing Israel to be nuked, according to her Israel Scientific charts. Be careful ppl. I have my family there, that's why I want Israel to live.

    1. Israel will live: True Israel which is not bound by property lines nor genealogy.


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