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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Magic Words

By Anna Von Reitz

Faced with Foreclosure?  Child Custody theft?  Federal taxes when you aren't a federal employee, corporation, or dependent? 

Fine.  Here's what you do. 

You immediately request a "Status Hearing".  

You walk in and when your NAME is called, you stand up right where you are -- don't go through the gate and "cross the bar" at all --- and this is what you say: 

"There has been a mistake.  I am here today in my true and natural capacity as one of the living people of ______ (your birth state) and 
I wish for this entire case to be dismissed with extreme prejudice and eliminated from the court record. (That gives the judge his Hold Harmless to act in your favor.)  

I am the priority creditor and the employer in this courtroom and I am fully indemnified against loss or damage by Indemnity Bond AMRI 00001 RA 393 427 640 US on file at the U.S. Treasury. 

I am exercising my reversionary trust right and my exemption from the jurisdiction of this court effective _____________(your actual birthday). I wish to be paid treble damages by the prosecutor in compensation for my
time,losses and inconvenience."

This is about as cut-and-dried as it gets.  Chances are they will stare at you like a talking horse and may ask you to repeat what you just said.  Repeat it. About that time, sphincters are closing.  

If the Judge (Court Administrator) asks for additional instruction, say, 

"I wish for any and all charges to be offset by mutual offset credit exchange as guaranteed by the Congressional Intent of House Joint Resolution 192 and established as Public Law 73-10 and UCC 3-104 (c). 

I wish for the Regulations to be followed to the letter by the claimant and the claimant's bank. You must obtain my signed acceptance of the billing on the face of the billing statement and the claimant's bank TTL Officer must return it directly to the Secretary of the Treasury for certified funds deposit in that amount in the claimant's account. 

When the original signed Billing Statement is received by the Treasury as indicated by the date on the green Return Receipt card used by the bank TTL Officer to send in the claim, the clock starts running according to Federal Window Regulation J and Federal Reserve Regulation Z - Truth in Lending, 12 USC 226.1.  On the sixteenth day after the green card is returned, the claimant's bank TTL Officer is enabled to credit the deposit to the claimant's account.  

And that bit of bookkeeping settles the account.  I have been greatly inconvenienced and wish for just compensation from those responsible." 

In the case of the seizure of your children, this "Billing Statement" is going to be astronomical and no judge in his right mind is going to want to present it to you, but you must insist on seeing the Billing Statement related to the case or there is no case ---- which is the logical "out" for the judge.  Simply dismiss with prejudice and beat feet.  Otherwise, the losses to The Company will result in him losing his job. 

Since you are dealing with a bankruptcy on top of everything else, you will want to bring certified copies of your BC and your Deed of Re-Conveyance and your Certificate(s) of Assumed Name to Court with you. If you are in a child custody matter, you will want to bring certified copies of your Baby Deed, too. 

If the judge wobbles, wave the Bailiff over and give the certified documents to him to deliver to the Judge for the Judge to review. 

These are very powerful Intellectual Property and Private Property issues.  If they get caught pillaging Americans they can be fined $250,000 and spend ten years in jail.  If they get caught mis-characterizing and kidnapping Americans in violation of the Geneva Conventions, they can face a firing squad. 

The more people who exercise their exemptions, the quicker we will all get court reform.  

Assuming that they decide to play ball, the Judge will return the Bill to you for your acceptance.  

Write "ACCEPTED for full and complete settlement" 
           AMRI00001 RA 393 427 640 US (Ohio) [for example]
           by:  Your First Middle Last Signature

Give it back to the Bailiff.  

The Prosecutor is required to bring his check book to Court and to be ready to write you a check.  So look at him expectantly.  If he doesn't have his checkbook, he is in critical melt-down condition.  He suddenly owes you three times what he was claiming against you.  The Judge is going to be extremely disgusted.  The Company profits just took a dump. 

Let it all roll.  If anyone says anything to you, you just bat your eyelashes and say, "I have exhausted my Administrative Remedies."  and keep saying that until the scurrying and bobbing and dodging has ended.  

Then say, "Good day, gentlemen."  -- and walk out without a backward glance and despite whatever they might say or call after you.  You are the sovereign.  They are the employees.  Whatever difficulties they have, you have done your part. 

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 


  1. So just where does this magical Billing Statement suddenly appear from? Who has ever been in court and ever seen a Billing Statement? Does it just fall out of the sky, or what?

    1. Abby, respectfully, who of us indoctrinated fools knew to even ask for one? A Court is supposed to be a place of justice right? So why would a billing statement come into play? Don't worry about the man behind the curtain!

      I was helping a friend here in Delaware and the deputy DOJ's response to asking for a license to practice law and a certified, notarized, copy of all the bonds and billing statement was to get very flustered and call him a sovereign citizen. The infamous go to. When they get pissed off, we are on the right track. Nothing is as it appears.

      We can put in our own bond. Ours is backed by something of value which trumps their Federal Reserve Promise to pay.

      The question asked is a good one. The problem we all have is we were taught what a Court is supposed to be not what is going on today.

    2. You asked an assistant Attorney General of the Delaware Department of Justice if he/she was admitted to the bar with a license to practice law?

      Just think about that for a second. You asked an official who represents the executive branch of Delaware Government for proof of their credentials.

      And then you wonder why they are frustrated with you. It is because YOU ARE OUT TO LUNCH. YOU ARE DAMN NEAR CRIMINALLY INSANE.

      And you have people like Anna to thank for it. As she is entirely responsible for feeding the fire (ignorance).

      Annie, I predict worse is to come for you. You are trapped in a downward spiral you just aren't aware of it. You may never be aware that all of this is from your own doing. You'll just keep truckin on.

    3. None of them have a proper oath or bond. That's why it is almost impossible to get a copy of their oath and/or bond when you request it. This is a plain statement of fact. If they were legitimate and their house was in order, they would have it framed and hanging up on the wall of their courtroom and personal photocopies available at the clerk's desk for your perusal w/o question. Be careful what you wish. The very destruction you wish for Anna may very well come down on your own head. What you sow you will reap.

    4. Annie, so right ! We have been taught in the realm of Lawful, while they have us operating in the realm of their ''fake legal' full of statutes, which are not even Law.

    5. No I didn't ask for their bar card. I already know they are part of the good Ole boys club. I have asked to see a state issued license to practice law in 3 different states. They claim to have it but never produce it. The DOJ here says the STATE OF DELAWARE and DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE is not a corporation, but didn't sign tge correspondence. I have both DUNS NUMBERS.

      Don't worry your poor head over me, unkown. I'm an awake girl now. If I get something wrong it will be another learning experience. Peace!

    6. Annie, if you google attorney license images, you will see plenty of court issued licenses to practice law. But none of them are state issued and you cannot find any image of a state issued attorney license to practice law. Any other profession from dentistry to electrician is required to have a state issued license. So the court issued license is only permission, which is what license means, for that attorney to practice in their court system. If an attorney crosses state lines, he has to apply for that court's license or come in as "pro hac vice" which means for this occasion only or literally "for this turn". If he comes in PHV, he cannot practice alone but must be accompanied by a local attorney licensed to practice law in that court by that court. So it is exactly as you state, a good ol' boys club membership with privileges but is not a proper state issued license. And they know it.

  2. About the only way to stop this train.counter the system proper status don't cross the bar 192 be prepared for the dirty trick of physiological evaluation we must come up with a counter for that and contempt of court.

    1. My son fought a bogus speeding ticket. The judge threatened to have him evaluated. My son folded because he had to work the next day and thought he would loose hus job. They threw me out of the court room because I tried to challenge that bullshit. That case was four years ago. Much more knowledgeable today.

      It's a fear tactic. Ask for that order in writing with a signature and a bond.

    2. You guys really think they are going to give you a valid "oath of Office"......Your wishing for rainbows...!!

      I already told you about a smart christian patriot who had the judge pinned, and was forced to place his oath in writing to him..
      When he got the judges oath it came in this fashion..
      "I do solemnly swear, yada, yada...and and the very end where it says "So help me God", the changed it to read "SO HELP ME GOD"...In other words, his oath is a complete fiction, that any other judge would uphold if they tried to sue him....!! So much for oaths...!!

    3. Besides, we finally have our REMEDY for all this nonsense and it has passed both the 9th Circuit Court in Hawaii and California (the most liberal state in America...So before it changes, go get a gun and start "open carry" while the law is on our side...Go in to your city hall and explain the law or copy it, and do the same with your local police dept...We are already looking at a nice "Smith and Wesson" 10 cartridge gun...!!! It's the "LAW" right now, unless they want to fight it in the supreme court, of which under this president, they will uphold it or more heads will roll...!!

      There's our REMEDY guys...!! Really it should be a "felony" NOT TO OPEN CARRY A GUN AT ALL TIMES, unless you have some exception to not carrying a gun...!! I'd like to see that law get passed...!! Then we could fire half our police force and build that damn WALL. It's time to let everyone know, the people rule the LAND, not corporate paid lackeys....!!
      What happened to all the John Wayns of this country....!!!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. James pansini, yes it's DOG LATIN...

    6. Jason...thats how easy it is for them to use "semantic deceit " on us to get away with anything...!!

    7. I'd rather conceal carry with a valid permit. But you won't ever find me in a police station or city hall armed. That's just asking for trouble. I disagree with that approach and disagree with sovereign citizen (or whatever you guys want to call yourselves). I think many of you are facing dire financial situations and are understandably angry. But many of you are going about correcting your situations the wrong way and may make things worse for yourselves and your communities. There is an unlimited supply of Anna's out there more than happy to fuel your fire.

    8. The more I read all this stuff, the more I can't help but think how downright childish the whole thing really is. Our world is run more on 'who can we fool and play with today' with our Game of Trickery.
      This is a joke, and they have the audacity to call it ''Justice'. Lady Liberty should be falling to the ground all by herself, as a Sign from God, of utter disgust.

    9. Unknown...maybe, but their are 20 times that in govt. that are nothing but mindless traitors, and a lot that simply don't care about anything except getting a paycheck....!! Who in their right mind would work for the IRS, sitting in a small cubicle going through tons of paperwork to see if everyone is being a good about no life....!!
      It's a pathetic waste of human resources....they should never be allowed to have kids.....the only genes they can pass on is ......"STUPIDITY"...!!

    10. Unknown....its now a crime to "conceal " a weapon with or without a permit...!! That's what the Calif. court said in the 9th Circuit...!! So if I were you I'd "open carry" or face going to jail for a long stretch...!! That's how fast the law can change...!!! Do you see cops concelling their weapons....That's like concelling your huevos, no one knows what your really

  3. "You are the sovereign. They are the employees."

    Very dangerous assertion. The U.S. Federal, State, and local governments ARE Sovereign. The current Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches at the Federal and State levels ARE Sovereign. You are the head of your household. Use it. End of discussion.

    1. Unknown, you are mis-informing everyone who reads this... The existing governments are all CORPORATE, and NO CORPORATION IS SOVEREIGN!!! Only living human beings can be sovereign.
      Are you a plant from Rothchild, et all (and would you admit it if you were?).

    2. Ignore him, Jim. His name is Kerubale, a Jesuit who is only here to shill and detract.

    3. Dear, Dear, Unknown, I wish YOU Peace, Love, and Hope.

      Why do YOU care if anyone wants to stand up against tyranny?. It seems YOU are more interested in saying "I told you so". I would rather be dead than be a prisoner of this so called freedom. YOU are offering no solutions only criticism. CORPORATIONS are FICTION and no matter how you look at fiction, there is no sovereignty. Man is sovereign over fiction and I am not OR have ever been a subject of a FICTION. I don't care how many branches or guns they have.

    4. "corporate fiction persons" are sovereign??? surely you cannot be that dense. but then maybe you are.

    5. Even the Queen isnT "Soverign". She gave up that title of mobility when she intentionally lied under oath with her hand on the bible, to never legislate law except for God's few laws....!!
      But unknown , I'm sovereign now that I can "open carry" a GUN legally many cases do you think I'll win now....freedom is in the hands of the "carrier"..!!
      Remember that unknown...!!

    6. Here's the link

    7. Unknown, we the souls are awaiting your apologizing effort - please have a hart.
      Thanxyz have a bueatifull existence?

    8. North Carolina concealed weapon permit. ;-)

    9. Unknown ....why conceal when it's now legal to "open carry"..!! No one is going to be afraid of you if you are concealing....then what, all of a sudden you are forced to unconcel it at the last minute...It has nothing to do with using the gun, it is a psychological weapon. If you are packing openly, criminals will automatically stay away from you...why do you think all cops "open carry"..!! Just the site of a gun wrapped around your waist is enough to inflict terror in the hearts of men and woman if they are planning something nefarious...!! Including bad cops of which there is a ton...!!

  4. having trouble finding the meaning of TTL officer.

  5. I think TTL stands for Task Team Leader.

  6. Replies
    1. Are you sure 1FreeMan..Why hasn't Anna addressed this herself since she is the one that brought it up...!! This is at least the 3rd definition I've heard of it more...truthfully it can stand for almost anything with so many 3 letter agencies around and acronyms for just about anything....I want it straight from the horse's mouth.....judge Anna, don't leave us hanging...what did you mean when you referred to the TTL......???

    2. James, check it out for yourself:

    3. Ok...thanks...!! I just don't understand why she herself didn't make this clear from the start....!!!

    4. I'm surprised nobody knew this.

  7. are always so helpful. Thank you and Anna thank you.

  8. Sovereign Citizen meets Justice System. Sovereign Citizen loves it.

    1. The term Sovereign citizen is a misnomer and oxymoronic. You are either a Sovereign in you own right as a non-citizen state national or you are a federal (federal means contract) 14th amendment corporate US citizen. You can no more be a Sovereign citizen than a pregnant man. The one cancels out the other.

    2. Keep licking that electrified fence.

    3. Keep sticking your head in the sand.

  9. Unknown...all I want is to be left alone by everybody...thats it..!! How complicated can that be for everyone to understand....!!!

    1. All I can suggest is try your best to know the reasons why the government won't leave you alone. I don't see why they wouldn't leave you alone unless they suspect you of committing a crime.

    2. How about having a lot of money "inherited"...And in a Bank..!! My dad was constantly fighting city hall for taxes and outright lies about property taxes, which the real estate agents lied about, and added another tax added to the property tax....!! And sometimes unknown it isn't even about us...What about all the human and child traffickers, and all other forms of corruption and fraud...What world do you live in anyway....or are you one of those that just look out for number one....yourself, fu#k everyone else...This fight goes way past just our personal problems...!! Or haven't you figured that out yet....!!!

    3. Unknown....what is your definition of a crime......!!! Everything is a crime in this system...!! But I would sure like to hear your definition....!! It's probably the same as the corporate stars version...!! That's why we have more people incarcerated in this country than all others put together....!! We could tie everyone to a tree, so there wouldn't be any crimes...but then there would be no freedom ..!! If your willing to sacrifice freedom just to have safety, than go for it...But not me...!!

    4. And incidently unknown we are all considered "tortfeasors" by our justice system, before you do or say anything..!! We are automatically considered criminals weather you think so or not...!! If I was a judge and you were in front of me, the very first thought I would have is that you are a criminal by default...lets see if he knows it...!!

    5. Invest that money in crypto lol! Government will have a very difficult time garnishing that.

      Their definition of crime would be a violation of their statutes.

    6. Ethereum is at a good price right now. You can also tether to USDT and patiently wait for a private usdt wallet to be released soon.

      It's true that their system is based on who can fool who the best. And they justify it with freedom. They are free to fool people and get away with it.

      Attorney Generals are not even legally obligated to investigate allegations of violations carried out by state employees or officials.

      You would have a hard time getting such matters heard in a court because they will use sovereign immunity as a justification and get a complaint thrown out.

      This is just the nature of the beast. Just because they are sovereign does not mean they cant be tyrants.

      So yeah it is difficult to have justice administered in both criminal and civil court against the state. Many sadly resort to street justice. It is almost as if the state baits people to carryout street justice because the state knows it has the intelligence, military, snd law enforcement upperhand.

      You guys just have to find a way to legally outsmart it all and exit the rat race. Freedom is not free.

    7. UCADIA.....that definition is exactly what President Trumps "EO" ORDER spells out as high crimes against humanity which makes them eligible for the death penalty...!!
      You haven't figured out what TRUMP is doing yet...He is using all the technices they have been using on us for the last 50 years of misinformation, and lies to the press in order to trap them at their own game....and he has Putin to help him now...All of a sudden a ton of people are resigning from Congress all at once...!! They all have something to hide and do not want to get trapped when it all unravels which is soon...!!

  10. Retrofit this to that from hell "court" memory...laughter, fine, would derful laughter replaces the scowl.

  11. Is there any cases on record that won against the IRS? I can't convince anyone, even my own family to change their status until they see people winning the fight against IRS, etc.

    1. I have. I used Anna's process to wipe out a $122k bill to zero. If you post your email, I will send you proof.

    2. please send me your proof as well >>> tyvm

    3. 1FreeMan, but that was by your shelling out a bunch of C Notes to the LLF to hire help, as I recall. But I think most of us complainers in here are referring to doing anything on our own; and then having to face court alone because there are no readily available Counselors for us to hire in case we ever need one - - which is what it is going to take to then make sure we don't mess things up.
      Like jamespansini has said, its easy to say oh just go into court and say such and such, BUT going there in person with your arse on the line is quite another story, knowing they have a lot of snares all set for you and the deck is already stacked in their own favor.
      (myself, still no response from my 843)

    4. No, Abby, it was from putting Anna's process to work exactly how she laid it out in her # 928 posting for which I didn't pay a dime. The only thing that was missing from Anna's instructions was to add a date to the red stamp. It took about 3 months from start to finish to get the IRS to zero out the account and send me a letter saying, your case is closed. Yup, court can be intimidating. That is why you need to study and role play to be prepared for anything. My secret? Helping other people so when I have to go to court myself, I have had plenty of practice explaining it so many times to everyone else. You will reap what you sow.

    5. 1FreeMan.....its not Anna's paperwork that wiped out your debt, it's the fact that the "deep state" and the "elitist " are completely broke and cannot access any of their wealth anymore, and all back doors have not only been closed, but if anyone tried to use a "backdoor" to access the funds, they will immediately be "flagged" and arrested for fraud and crimes against humanity....I would bet that all you have to do now is simply demand they stop harassing you or they will be reported to the FBI who seem to be WORKING WITH Trump now....!! Their whole system is failing and there is nothing they can do about it...!! That's why the credit reporting agencies had to wipe off all leins...!! There are no games anymore....otherwise, why would the most liberal court of all, the 9th circuit, rule in favor of "open carry" guns, and reversing the number of bullets from 10 to 16 legally...Trump wants us to start showing we want our country back...And Calif courts also upheld "open carry" , but actually made it unlawful to conceal a weapon....!! The courts are making a point...."open carry" a loaded weapon at all times, to let the "deep state" know we are ready for you, as long as Trump is our leader...!! 128 countries have already received billions of dollars (real ones) in exchange for their FRN...!! The banks are going to have to fall in line very quick or go out of business completely...!! Trump is about to spring his trap on all his enemies and Putin is helping him because Trump had too many enemies here ....he needs "comrade" Putin to help him...that 2 hour private meeting with Putin has completely infuriated the left and they are all scared to death of what happened in their...What happened is that Putin have Trump over 100 terabytes of "intel" about our CIA and all other nefarious players in America, including the Clintons, Obamas, and the Bushes...!! The IRS is finished...whatever they are still doing is a complete "illusion"....!! All you have to send the IRS is presidents "Excutive Order" about the penalties for high crimes against humanity and the consequences for continued threats or actions...!! And follow up with a call to the FBI or the US TREASURER, and report them if they don't comply..!!

    6. Wrong, James. I tried every method under the sun for many years and Anna's process is the only one that worked the first time I tried it and wiped out $121,000 of IRS debt in 3 months. A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with a theory. You are the man with the theory and your theories are only that. As long as there are get out of tax debt commercials on TV, the IRS is alive and kicking and roaming the country seeing whom they may devour. So unless you have stopped paying taxes yourself and are not being harassed by them, you are only talking theory and not experience. Anyone else on this blog please feel free to jump in here with your Current IRS experience.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. 1FreeMan.....thats exactly what I have done....stopped filing anything and quite dealing with them completely....!! Now, I get no threatening letters, or no coorispondance whatsoever...!! They don't even bother with me anymore. And neither does the FTB who are 10 times more aggressive at getting their money than the IRS...!! It's over, I'm done....and FREE..!! And on top of all that I now get every thing FREE....Free food cards ($200/mo), free cell phones, free affordable rent for a brand new place, free bills (no electric, water, waste mgt., and on and on...if I can't get reimbursed for all the money and time I've wasted with those people, than I'm going to squeeze the govt. dry of everything I can get for nothing..dont worry, I will make things right....!! Even with a lot of money I never lived this stress free and happy..!! There's more than one way to skin a cat..!!

    9. Oh, and I forgot to tell you the IRS says I owe $120,000 also, and the FTB says I owe $17,000...!! So much for theory....!!

    10. So, James, how are you keeping them at bay?

    11. You aren't licensed to practice law. You can only represent yourself on a pro se basis. C. Johnson. So I don't know why you attempt to cite case law when you obviously are not qualified to interpret is for another. You are practicing law without a license and it clearly shows that you aren't qualified.

      Anna's work is meant to subvert people, plain and simple. She's encouraging you all to renounce 14th Amendment U.S. citizenship for a lesser status which is U.S. national. It is commonly known that all 14th Amendment U.S. citizens are also U.S. nationals by default. Therefore, you suckers are falling for her trickery to get you to renounce 14th Amendment U.S. citizenship for something that is less.

      Her premise is flawed because it presumes that 14th Amendment U.S. citizens are not also U.S. nationals. When this is in fact untrue.

      So go ahead and commit perjury and say that you were not born within the legal jurisdiction of 50 States. Because one would have to declare that they were born abroad to U.S. nationals or born in Samoa or Swains Island in order to renounce their 14th Amendment U.S. citizenship.

    12. No attorney is licensed to practice law either as none of them have a state issued license to practice law. They only have a private BAR card and in some states a court issued license to be admitted to practice in that court. Go ahead and prove me wrong by posting a link to a picture of a state issued attorney license. I dare you. You can't. FYI, there are only 3 recognized nationalities in this corporate US government: 1. US citizen, 2. National of the US or US national which are islands you are referring to, and 3. Non-citizen state national not of the US, or American national or State Citizen (capital C) pursuant to the Constitution. My newly issued passport was issued as such by the SOS/DOS who recognized my non-citizen non-federal non-14th amendment non-US citizenship status and I have a passport and 5 star passport card, which is the highest security clearance, to prove it. I have not been pulled over once since I was issued these. They pull up behind me, run my plate and suddenly veer off and move on. A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with a theory. What do you have to prove for your theories? The certified copy of my application states in it that it was issued based on my claim which no judge can argue with since it was issued by the highest authority in their hierarchy to determine citizenship, the DOS under seal and signature of the SOS, their boss. As such no court has jurisdiction over me since they only have jurisdiction over US citizens like you.

    13. So everyone understands how this is possible. After the stealth incorporation in 1860 by the Act of the District of Columbia and corporate takeover of the country by the usurpers, they purportedly did it according to the Constitution under "The right to contract shall not be impaired." Therefor everything they do is by contract, physical or verbal. This is why they need us to consent by registration, applications and agreements. They had to do it this way or they would have been hung for treason. Of course, thier non-disclosure of the terms of the agreement voids the contract. In short, they only layered their US corporate contract fiction on top of the republic and could not replace it and which is still alive and well as Anna has repeatedly explained and which they even acknowledge but claim is mothballed and in abeyance. Nevertheless, they always have to leave a door open for you to be able to access the republic as your remedy. They just don't publish or they hide it in plain sight. Hence all the trickery and tomfoolery when you try to,exercise your remedy.

    14. send me your proof at


    15. did I do it.?? Simple, I finally got out of dealing with banks...No bank accounts, no checking accounts, no nothing to do with banking...!! That is there number one thing that creates a nexus with them....!! No bank account, no link with the IRS...!! And I moved and never gave a forwarding address to the post office....!! Like I said there's more than one way to skin a cat...
      Get out of Banking guys..I know it's a convience but it's also a curse...!! And change your address if you can without giving the P.O. a forwarding address.. you just have to give your address to people you deal with only....Drop out of the system completely and become invisible....!! My friend has been doing it for 25 years and he had his own business and never paid a dime to any taxing agency for all those years, because he never registered his business. It was a carpet cleaning business and he dealt mostly in cash always....!! And he is even getting SSDI now too..which is $400 more than he would have got if he just received his normal SS...!!!

  12. One of my favorite quotes:

    It always seems impossible...until it is done.

  13. Obviously this is your predicament....

  14. Hi 1FreeMan! Would you be able to provide any instructions or information on how you paid your tax bill and who to properly fill out a passport form? My email is

    I recently started visiting this site for information and must thank all of you great people for the wonderful information you provide!!

  15. @1FreemanMan I want to thank you for all your postings. I’ve been following Anna since 1/2018. I’ve filed all the #928 docs but before I did my own status change on public record. I’ve had some successes with IRS Levy, 3rd party debt collectors, default judgements on automobiles but the one thing I’m still researching is the monthly debts like phones, could I connect with you via email and ask a few questions .....thanks Carla Pickett


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