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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Decoys and Ducks

By Anna Von Reitz

There are a lot of upset and confused people out there, as they wake up and realize that "something's wrong".  This is why we titled our book, "You Know Something's Wrong When....."-----because that is how most of us wake up.  Something too jarring surfaces in our lives and we know for a fact that "something is wrong"-- even if we don't know why. 

It is at this stage of awakening that a lot of mistakes are made. It's similar to a bear waking up out of hibernation.  It's dazed.  It's hungry.  It's wondering WTF?  

And in such a circumstance, we normally revert to what we were taught as youngsters in school, most of which turns out to be incomplete or wrong. 

Right now we have dozens of groups all over America, all trying to address the government problem, and generally speaking, not having a clear view of what the problem is. 

We've got European "ringers" in here, mostly well-funded bids to take over the governmental services contracts vacated by the bankrupt "UNITED STATES, INC." and the "USA, Inc.".   These include "The Republic for the United States of America" (Inc.) from France and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. from Scotland. 

We've got a homegrown and even more deluded version headed up by Keith Livingway and "Reign of Heaven - The United States of America, Inc."

These efforts are all based on the idea that you can steal our identity and infringe on our international copyright of our doing-business-as name and 
the additional idea that people are too stupid to figure out that the perps are just another corporation in the business of providing "governmental services" for hire.  

But we have figured it out, even if it took an embarrassingly long time. 

None of these entities were ever our sovereign government.  By definition, they can't be.  

If you are an incorporated entity of any kind, you hold a "charter" granted by another parent entity---- and therefore, you are not independent and not "sovereign".  You are a franchise of the organization granting your charter instead. 

And all these look-alike, sound-alike wannabe governmental services corporations are no more our lawful government than a decoy is a duck. 

We've also got people out there promoting a Convention of the States under Article V, but they are trying to do this under the Territorial Constitution and in the name of the Territorial States of States, which don't have diddly squat do-do to do with us and the actual government owed to this country. 

Think about it. Can you have a "State of Florida" ---- any kind of "State of Florida" at all, without first having a "Florida"?  


You can't.  

"Florida" is the State.  And Florida holds all the "powers" of the State.  

All these other organizations calling themselves "states" are in fact "States of States" and they tell you that they are.  Just read the words: "State of Wisconsin" or "STATE OF OHIO". 

It's doesn't matter if it's a Territorial state of state like State of Florida, or a Municipal state of state like "STATE OF FLORIDA" or a United Nations Regional state of state like "FLORIDA" ---- all of these things are just private businesses operating under formerly delegated powers and authorities.  

If you want to see the definition of a "state of state" look in the definitions section of the Uniform Commercial Code.  

I say "formerly delegated" because all three actual branches of the Federal Government have been rendered incompetent.  

The actual Federal Government we are owed has been moth-balled since 1868.  The Territorial Government is bankrupt.  The Municipal Government is bankrupt and liquidated.  

What happens under such a circumstance? 

The Delegated Powers return to those powers that delegated them in the first place --- to the States of the Union and the People of this country doing business as The United States of America --- unincorporated version. 

So the State that has the power and that needs to "assemble" as in "in Congress Assembled" is (1) unincorporated, and (2) is a land jurisdiction State, not any kind of "state of state" and (3) is populated by actual living people, not corporate franchises, who have exercised their birthright political status and reversionary trust rights to "return" to the land and soil of their own country.  

And if there is to be a valid, lawful, actual convention of states and an actual "Congress" empowered to take care of business, we all have to be able to recognize the "ducks" --- the actual States, and tell them apart from the "decoys" --- the proliferation of "States of States".  

The States are responsible for "reconstructing" the "lost" Federal States of States we are owed -- like The State of Florida and The State of Maine.  

So the first step is to "assemble" the actual land jurisdiction State -- for example, Florida.  

The second step is to assemble the States into a Continental Congress to take care of long-overdue land jurisdiction business issues, such as formally enrolling many of the Western States as States.  

And to consider whether or not we even need a separate and foreign "Federal Government" at all anymore.  

America has grown up in the past two hundred-plus years.  We have to ask ourselves --- Do we need any foreign powers in here telling us what to do?  Do we need any protection from the British Navy?  

And if the answer to those and other pertinent questions are "yes", the third step is to reconstruct the Federal States of States, like The State of Florida, and get on with our lawful business. If not, it's time to overhaul the way we do business and put new controls in place to limit government power. 

The ducks are being called to assemble--- return home to your birthright jurisdiction on the land and soil of your home state.  Follow the basic template instructions established in Article 928 on my website: to reconvey your Trade Name back to the land and soil of this country.  

Use the Certificate of Assumed Name to seize control of the Public Trust, the Public Transmitting Utility, and the Cestui Que Vie ESTATE and any other 'derivatives' that have been named after you.  Permanently domicile all these entities to the land and soil of your birth state and expatriate them from any Territorial or Municipal or other jurisdiction. 

As your babies and grandchildren and great-grandchildren are born, preserve their claim on the land and soil of this beautiful country.  Use the Baby Deed to record their actual birth --- record, never register -- and do it as soon as you have given them a name. Just trot on down to the local land recording office and make sure that their claim gets staked. 

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 


  1. "None of these entities were ever our sovereign government. By definition, they can't be."

    Very dangerous assertion. The U.S. Federal, State, and local governments ARE Sovereign. The current Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches at the Federal and State levels ARE Sovereign. End of discussion.

    1. Of course they are sovereign, just try to sue your state for something. you get to be 'allowed' to sue based on whatever their court says.... at least in connecticut...

    2. yep its called power to coin money and big azzzz guns, thats sovereignty, not just calling yourself something. you have to be able to ENFORCE.

    3. No corporation can possibly be sovereign!!! Only LIVING BEINGS
      can be sovereign. The U.S. Federal, State, and local governments ARE CORPORATIONS!

    4. Corporations are only "sovereign" (lower case s) as a verb w/i their own corporate policies by contract. The People are Sovereign (capital S) as a noun. It is all Constitutional as long as they stay w/i their contract and 10 square mile borders of their assigned District of Columbia. "The right to contract shall not be impaired." - The Constitution for the united States, art. 1, s. 9, cl. 1. The only problem is that they have spilled over their broders into every mailbox in the country using their copyrighted zip code. That is why you always need to use a c/o address with your state name spelled out in full (yes, they also own the copyright for state abbreviations) without a zip code or put the zip code in brackets like this: [12345] or state near 12345, followed by the words "non-domestic".

    5. How do you think governments pay their bills? They have contracts with private corporate entities or limited liability companies for construction and weapons, etc., how do you think they pay these companies for their goods and services? They need bank accounts. They require a corporate structure for all this, you fucking numbskulls.

    6. If they were truly Sovereign, they would not need to incorporate since they would already be a Sovereign entity. The fact that they are incorporated proves that they are not Sovereign and only sovereign w/i their own charter (DC). But don't worry yourself too much about it, this is way above and beyond your pay grade.

    7. Well test out your theory. See if they are sovereign or not. Since you are the authority of what's sovereign and what isn't then violate a statute and see if your claim holds true.

      You people say the statutes don't apply to you. You then say that the government has no authority to hold you accountable for violating their statutes. Therefore, if they enforce their statutes then that would qualify them as tyrants in your books. Can sovereigns be tyrants?

    8. If I were you, I'd be more concerned with preaching the bible. Become ordained. Run a church. I think all your efforts to disrespect the secular authorities are distracting you from your religious calling. Just my 2 cents.

    9. You know, Kerubale, this is probably the wisest thing you have said so far on this blog. However, I am already ordained and do run a small congregation. For the record, I do NOT disrespect the secular authorities but I do hold them accountable to the Constitution they have all sworn an oath to and hold their feet to the fire. As the word says:
      For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Romans 13:4
      Therefor this is more a hunger and thirst for righteousness to be done in the eareth as it is done in heaven.
      But this is nevertheless very perceptive on your part.

    10. 1FreeMan, we don't need to agonize ourselves over wanting righteousness to be done on Earth; we already know He will Return and then set up His Theocratic government at which Time it will be 'thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven'. That is a sure thing, and I think we are on the brink of the Big Housecleaning called the great tribulation, right after the rapture of the church body of Christ, followed 7 yrs. later with His Return and the church body with Him.
      (rapture, great trib, Return of the King, set up of his new Theocracy on that order.)
      We should just be praying that he gets the show on the road....immediately, if not sooner.

  2. According to who ? BAR lawyer's you have to under stand the history there was two congresses operating simultaneously early 1800 one in NYC.that had repsenitives.and executed enumerated powers . Then the continental congress in Philadelphia with deputies executing un enumerated powers .

    1. War of 1812 the British made thair move with Jefferson out of power they burned the archives documents (constitutions) in Philadelphia that gave pro british a free hand in rewriting and giving themselves vastly more power adding enumerated powers . Meanwhile threatening the deputies of lawful congress..

    2. I don't have to understand anything except that the U.S. Federal, State, and local governments ARE Sovereign. The current Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches at the Federal and State levels ARE Sovereign.

      You think that just because you read some extreme interpretation of history that this makes everything absolute truth. Look around you. You are surrounded by a status quo. The U.S. government is sovereign. Get over it. Or simply become a domestic terrorist for a give a fuck. You will never win, shit for brains.

    3. Nothing matters to you U.S. citizen your a slave and will remain a slave .
      the entities you speak of are foreign corperations or don't you know that piece of information ?
      Do you know in common law courts thair statutory law don't apply do something reading fk

    4. Unknown, is it possible for a fictitious entity to be sovereign and if so, who bestowed that sovereignty upon it?

    5. how deep do you want to go into the matrix bubba? was history turned upside down? the maps as well? is the new world really the old world and vice versa? what if peru selum is really jeru selum? who would the chosen people be? was philly really Marrakesh? did george washington write letters addressed to the magnanimous sultan of morroco asking permission to do things in the americas? was the sultan of morocco living in new amsterdam?did the Iroquois flag precede the rebel flag? did white used to mean black and black used to mean white? is it a political status? lots o questions my friend bubba to ask yourself.

    6. Cute let's go back 6 thousand years were the first great civilization all our domestic animals ,domestic grain ,the mother tongue language originated , all our math , government , astronomy came from .summaria..screw the mid term.

  3. Re: "state of state" - I don't see that listed at § 1-201[1]. General Definitions. Where can the definition be found online?

    1. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, chef doctor! Excerpts from the Buck Act:
      S.110 (d) The term "State" includes any Territory or possession of the United States. Source:
      Black's Law: What is STATE?
      1. Law. With a capital ‘S’. The prosecuting body of persons accused of wrong doing in that state. 2. Politics. With a lower case’s’. The area geographically within defined territorial boundaries with a set of political institutions and rules by a government through conformance laws. Source:
      There is a difference between state and State. Inserting the word "of" always indicates a derivative and if a State is a "Territory or possession of the United States" as in corporate U.S., then a State of State is a fictional derivative of a corporate U.S. fiction.

    2. Thank you "1FreeMan"!
      The logic you've presented here is evident and yet a published definition for specific term: "state of state" still remains to be seen.

  4. Chef-doctor, you nailed that one!!! No "sources" will be forthcoming as queen ann here usual pulls them out of her vivid imagination!!! Like this one-human=HUE MAN=MONSTER: you should have seen all of the brain dead toads on this site hop up and down with glee when that was posted!!! I had called attention to the fact that you cannot find this definition in ANY dictionary and have repeatedly stated for a SOURCE of said definition and even called out the moderator for this and nothing has been forthcoming!!! I'm surprised the spineless moderator has not told you to "shut up" as he has to others and it is stuff like this that makes them look like FOOLS when they make statements or self declared definitions without basis of fact!!! can't get this type of entertainment somewhere else!!!

    1. what you said there..and Chef-doctor as well. :)

    2. check blacks 5th or before. ive seen it in blacks dont remember which edition. websters 1800's has black meaning white and white black.

    3. What is MONSTER?

      A prodigious birth; a human birth or offspring not having the shape of mankind, which cannot be heir to any land, albeit it be brought forth in marriage. Bract fol. 5; Co. Litt. 7, 8; 2 Bl. Comm. 246

      Now, go read ORC. 3705.11, Total retrograde, must be in 4th grade, IQ=25

    4. What is BORN ALIVE?

      This term applies to a small and newly delivered child with a heartbeat but does not establish a regular breathing and dies within minutes of being born.

      What is CHILD?

      This word has two meanings in law: (1) In the law of the domestic relations, and as to descent and distribution, it is used strictly as the correlative of “parent,” and means a son or daughter considered as in relation with the father or mother. (2) In the law of negligence, and in laws for the protection of children, etc., it is used as the CHILD 197 CHIROGRAPH opposite of “adult,” and means the young of the human species, (generally under the age of puberty,) without any reference to parentage and without distinction of sex. Miller v. Finegan, 26 Fla. 29, 7 South. 140, 6 L. R. A. 813.

    5. What is FOUNDLING?

      A deserted or exposed infant; a child found without a parent or guardian, its relatives being unknown. It has a settlement in the district where found.

    6. What is SETTLEMENT?

      In conveyancing. A disposition of property by deed, usually through the medium of a trustee, by which its enjoyment is limited to several persons in succession, as a wife, children, or other relatives. In contracts. Adjustment or liquidation of mutual accounts ; the act by which parties who have been dealing together arrange their accounts and strike a balance. Also full and final payment or discharge of an account. In poor laws. The term signifies a right acquired by a person, by continued residence for a given length of time in a town or district, to claim aid or relief under the poor- laws in case of his becoming a pauper. See Westfield v. Coventry, 71 Vt. 175, 44 Atl. 60; Jefferson v. Washington, 10 Me. 300; Jackson County v. Hillsdale County, 124 Mich. 17, 83 N. W. 408. In probate practice. The settlement of an estate consists in its administration by the executor or administrator carried so far that all debts and legacies have been paid and the individual shares of distributees in the corpus of the estate, or the residuary portion, as the case may be, definitely ascertained and determined, and accounts tiled and passed, so that nothing remains but to make final distribution. See Calkins v. Smith, 41 Mich. 400, 1 N. W. 1048; Forbes v. Harrington, 171 Mass. 386, 50 N. E. 641; Appeal of Mathews, 72 Conn. 555, 45 Atl. 170.

    7. golem (n.)
      "artificial man, automaton," 1897, from Hebrew golem [Psalms cxxxix.16] "shapeless mass, embryo," from galam "he wrapped up, folded."

    8. Now, run back to the shadows!

  5. All of this optimism is good but there are more insidious things to be considered,such as the nano tech,smart dust that has been dispersed in our water, our food,in vaccines that 99 percent of us have already in our bodies that can be turned on with a frequency. BOOM! Instant immune system overload and death. Not to mentioned Red Dawn, a paramilitary drug cartel (larger than the world has ever known)coming and infiltrating our boarder thanks to turncoats that control our border who allow Ms-13 gang members to cross.

  6. So regaining our gov't seems a trivial matter with this onslaught.

  7. Watch "Ezekiel's Vision Part 2: Silicone Nanoparticles In Chemtrails & The Future Of Silicone Based Life" on YouTube


  9. While they have already rolled out 5G that is killing us, are there any counter measures to set against these evil corporate entities

  10. Probably not, though I have posted on other sites, if I hear anything positive I will repost here.

  11. Hell, I survived the Aids epidemic.So what else I can survive,it is possible.

    1. In the face of people I knew dying and several who said I wouldn't survive that it was inevitable, I said ,NO.

  12. So far age 63 and I have survived everything they have thrown at us,prayer and optimism could continue to work.

  13. No signs of cancer all organs functioning in good capacity.Not suffering like those my age around me.Anything is possible.

  14. Replies
    1. Amen to that, Robert! If Jesus came to restore dominion over the earth back to us, and to expose (Ephesians 5:11) and destroy the works of the devil as He did (1 John 3:8), then we have a responsibility to do His will on earth as it is done in heaven, both physically and spiritually. We are to do His works and even greater if we claim to believe in Him (John 14:12).

    2. 1FreeMan, I don't think Man is ever going to be given dominion ever again. What is on the horizon is when the King returns to earth He is going to reign and be In Charge. And how great that will be; taking control out of Mans wretched hands once and for all.

    3. Abby, all power in heaven and earth was given to Jesus and He has delegated His authority to the believers to take dominion in His Name and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus commission to us was to do the same works He did and greater because He went to the Father. Just read John 14:12', Matthew 28:18/20 and Mark 16:17-18.

  15. I find it interesting that Anna would respond to something that she apparently doesn't get about AAIA,(which I have no plans on answering, but not to questions of more importance from Abby or Unknown that are well over due.

  16. Stupid cannot be fixed.

    Sovereign titles or offices are in fact "fictions." So the argument that a fictiscious entity cannot be sovereign horribly fails.

    It appears a large majority of Anna's followers are brain dead people who parrot complete nonsense they've consumed from youtube videos and dark recesses of the internet. May god have mercy on your pathetic souls.

    1. Ok, Ucadia, you go ahead and bow to a piece of paper. Be sure to wipe the ink off your lips before you leave.

    2. Our ability (as humans in general) to create constructs (fictions) is what sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.

      You bow to constructs every day and not even know it. Imagine if you could not communicate via language or symbols. You'd be rendered useless in society. Even the term "Sovereign" is a fiction as is the term "term."

      The fictional world (most of which did not originate from you) is inescapable. You have no choice but to bow to it and work with and through it. Or else you will be alienated from the world and from yourself.

    3. It's one thing to use words and symbols to communicate and quite another to use them to dominate.

    4. Anna is using them to dominate you.

    5. Anna has implied authority over you through words and symbols and fictions. You just have not realized it. You are no better than the federal, state, and Bar members that you accuse as being evil minions.

    6. Well, Kerubale, apparently you are pledging your allegiance to 2 fictitious corporations who lord it over you, neither of which can save you nor come to your aid. The worst form of slavery is that which makes you believe that you are free while they control you with your consent. You think you are free but you are not. Your first enslavement is to sin which you justify by your allegiance to the Jesuits and their constitution. As long as you adhere to their rules, you believe that you are free to sin as you please. This is every nature of manmade religions which are what the Jesuits and the RCC are, as well as, any other religion that does not bow to God's laws but rather replaces it with their own laws, customs and rituals. They tell you to just abide by their manmade rules and you will OK. And with that they lull you to sleep in not obeying God's word and His commandments having replaced them with their own set of rules which are nothing more than the blind leading the blind. It is nothing more than cheap grace without any repentance or regeneration of the soul or surrender of yourself to God. There is no new life in you of being born again of the word and of the spirit to conform to the will of God through Jesus Christ as required by John 3:3&5. There is no renewing of your mind or renewing of the spirit of your mind and you are none of His nor even claim to be nor can you be without being born again from above. Never mind Anna and the authority you claim she has over anyone on this blog. Your problems are much greater than any so called concern you express by your blind allegiance to the Jesuits and the RCC fictitious corporate soles. They cannot save you. Only Jesus can and on His terms and not yours or any fictitious corporation's.
      Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

  17. I am in Florida at the moment. Driving into Florida it says welcome to Florida. Then right down the road another sign says something about the State of Florida. People don’t even pay attention until they have to pay attention. Once you see the truth then you start reading the signs more closely.

    1. You mean once you are brainwashed you start demonizing every normal thing you see. Newsflash, you're clinically insane.

    2. Just drive into any town and you will be greeted by a sign, welcome to Podunk, PA. incorporated 1943.

    3. It's the only way for rights to property etc. to be perpetually passed down from one successor to the next.

      According to my religious view point, the Society of Jesus is the first and highest incorporated body in the world. Thus every single incorporated body has been extracted from it. Everything is in Christ.

      The Society of Jesus itself was extracted from the first and highest unincorporated body, Franciscan Friar Minor. ;-)

      "You are not on your own." mwuahahahahaha!

    4. Not so, Kerubale. If you will check your history you will find that perpetual property rights exist in land patents, aka sovereign letters patent, which are passed from generation to generation but which have been onfuscated by the corporate usurpers but are still valid today and cannot be denied when acknowledged, accepted and claimed. For most states you can download your land patent from the BLM website then file it with the county recorder. You may very well be correct that the Jesuit "Society of Jesus" is the highest incorporated body in the world and that every other incorporated body has been extracted from it. No doubt right down to the fictitious US and every municipal corporation which are subservient to it. No argument here. That's the way of the world and the ruler of this world and the prince of the power of the air who is the enemy of all mankind. But it is only so in this world and not in the next nor in the kingdom of God to which it is completely juxtaposed and totally outside of and literally against. Therefor it is NOT in Christ nor ever will be. Rather it is in antichrist and the spirit of antichrist. The name "Society of Jesus" is a misnomer and a fiction created to mislead and directly oppose Jesus Christ and His dominion and the dominion He restored to His followers. Just read it for yourself in Matthew 28:18-20.


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