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Monday, May 28, 2018

Your Copy of Our Public Notice

By Anna Von Reitz

The individual land estates dba JOHN MARK DOE were taken into bankruptcy by the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES and the various STATES OF STATES.  At about the same time, CANADA was in municipal bankruptcy, too.
Unknown to us at the time, the Canadian Governor of Ottawa was acting as Trustee of our ESTATES under the Canadian Ownership and Control Act---- in receipt of our “Life Force Energy Annuities” --- CUSIP Bonds.
In the settlement of the CANADA bankruptcy, Prince Philip was awarded $950 trillion dollars-worth of our “energy” which he received on or about April 15, 2017.  He “retired” from public life within 72 hours of receiving those bonds. 
However, those bonds are part of our ESTATES and not his, and probate is never closed.
FRANCIS needs to be reminded of this. Also the fact that fraud has no statute of limitations.
We must being objection to the final settlement of the bankruptcy of CANADA before June 10, 2018.
And only we can do that.
Mr. Trump has no standing while being in the employ of the rats, and even if he had standing, he would have no claim established prior to the bankruptcy of the Municipal and Territorial entities.  We, the American people, do.
The very existence of “Life Force Energy Annuities” is an insult to the entire race of Mankind and a more than adequate reason to repudiate the entire monarchical system forever.
The Queen has threatened us with death by the millions.  Prince Philip has received stolen goods representing the profit from the slave labor of six generations of Canadians and Americans.
Shall we all say--- we do not consent?  Shall we say this was involuntary and the fruit of fraud and Breach of Trust?  Shall we say that those who perpetuated this and profited by it are criminals?
Shall we demand the entire removal of every member of the Bar Associations from our shores forever?
The entire long plot that the British Government and the Archons have pursued over the past 150 years is fully exposed.
And now comes the Judgment of Heaven.
We are hereby giving worldwide Public Notice and Due Process and are entering our objection to the Bankruptcy Settlement of CANADA/Canada and requiring the return of the receipts of the unconscionable labor contracts, mortgages, and insurances and the principal and profit from all other vicious means used to extract our assets, which Britain has attempted to purloin. 
This is being sent directly to Pope Francis and will land on his desk by tomorrow evening.
It is also being sent to the Galactic Council and Federation Members, the White Hats, the US Court of Federal Claims, the Office of the Prosecutor at the World Court, the Secretary General of the United Nations, and other officials around the world.
The Government of France and the Bank of France/FRANCE is also up to their necks and attempting to keep this “plantation” idea going in the face of our “return” from “overseas”.

Can we all say--- up yours?
See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. Anna, you are So vital to our salvation! May God bless you Always....


    1. Bill, how is Anna vital to anyone's Salvation?

    2. If the queen has actually threatened us with death by the millions, it would be appropriate to return the favor forthwith.... in advance! Make sure that Trump knows of this so that he has no excuse either. He could dispatch the Delta Force in whatever quantity needed to mop things up. Dastardly deads call for dastardly actions.........

    3. Trump already knows, he is not for we the people only the corporations and DC.

  2. And what response do you expect from this Notification to all these buggers? Did you include something like ''within 10 days'' or is this yet another 'wait and see' thingy.

    As with any ordinary issue among us peons, a date is set, a Hearing is set, and everybody gathers and they get it SETTLED. Why is this not dealt with in the same way? Why has there still not been a World Court Hearing, subpoena all the players, and GET 'ER DONE?
    Why are you still doing this by Paper? How about some Law Suits and skip the 'love letters'. When ya gonna do a Face to Face SHOWDOWN
    and be done with it? This cat and mouse shit is getting old.

  3. Elizabeth Windsor and her boy toy "Prince Phillip" are a danger to their selves and others. Only a nut case keeps threatening "protected refugees" holed up in a sovereign nation's embassy in London. Set all captives free. That would make DONALD J. TRUMP a legend for all time.

    1. Just this past Friday, the UK is trying 29 pedo cases in their Courts, and the Sun (paper) just published their names. ALL of them were muslims. A Reporter was jailed for 13 mo. just for standing outside the court reporting on their trials as they were happening. So why is the UK imprisoning this Reporter for telling on the slime they have allowed to invade their country? Easy. They don't want the world to know how dangerous it is to allow these scum 'refugees' into all these countries! So here we have yet another 'crime' by the UK by covering up these dangerous people. 2 + 2 = 4

    2. Abby, regarding the reporter in the UK; I presume you mean Tommy Robinson? The issue, regarding Robinson being imprisoned for his reporting this case in the UK is NOT that Muslims are involved. The UK has different laws & standards regarding reporting on crimes and trials than we have in the USA. They believe that a defendant's right to a fair and unbiased trial is more important than the Press' freedom to report on these matters because they believe that by reporting these matters publically, it may unfairly sway the jury pool and thus, affect the outcome of the trial by making it more difficult for the defendant to have a fair and unbiased trial. There is logic to their method but, I'm of the belief that the voir dire process used in the USA (albeit corporate, illegitimate courts for American state nationals) tends to level the playing field. However, as might have been seen in the trial of OJ, the outcome IS often very much affected by the media reports although, I believe that outcome was more a function of blacks being sick and tired of the police brutalizing them because of their skin color and so; they were striking back the best they knew how.

    3. Highly recommend this two-hour documentary, "In the Shadow of Hermes" by Estonian historian Juri Lina. (LINK BELLOW)
      It perfectly demonstrates mankind's bondage to a satanic cult, Freemasonry (Cabalist Judaism) which is responsible for the slaughter of 300 million people in the last century ( half in Russia and half in China.) The fact we keep hearing about 6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust, but never about this much greater slaughter, perfectly illustrates our mental bondage.

      Also, although the Cabalist Jewish central bankers are behind Communism, its operational arm is Freemasonry which, in the West, is largely staffed with Gentiles who have betrayed their countries and sold their souls for personal advancement. Just as we never hear about Communist mass murder, we rarely hear about the role of Freemasonry, even from the greatest critics of Jews. Clearly, the agenda is to focus anger on Jewish rank-and-file who are brainwashed and manipulated like everyone else.

    4. penny, I just know that from all their names they were muslims with names like mohammad, every single one of them. And I also know they were arrested for their kinky crimes against children. So does it really make any difference what shithole neanderthal cave they are associated with, lol.

      I also tend to think they are all just transferred old Al Queda hired thugs with some new name, and paid for by 'our enemies within' using Off Account Funds. So they are really 'thugs for hire' with mostly all muslim names, hatched under rocks with nameless mothers and fathers.

    5. Jack,yes I see the logic behind blocking reporting during such serious trials, but I understand that Robinson was not saying a word, but was using his phone to photograph people going in to the trial. So in that sense he was not swaying anyone one way or the other. Still there is a lot of tranny involved in that whole situation. Maybe the whole story will eventually come out.
      In the first OJ trial, I watched all of it and did not see evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Its that 'beyond any doubt' that is the catch. But yeah, I felt too that the black race was just not gonna let one of their own get nailed, no matter what.
      Very sad for any man like that to have climbed his way to the top and then allowed himself to get drawn into such a situation. Thats one of those times that I maintain 'know when to fold 'em'.......when you count what ya got to lose and its just now worth it.
      But I also say that Nicole should have just shut her mouth and counted what she had to gain, but doing so. Walk away and don't keep throwing fuel on the fire before you get yourself on the evening news.

    6. correction: should be 'tyranny' not tranny,lol.

  4. judge anna, you and your teams' RADAR is so great, I can see how it's directed by the Heavens!!! God bless you and your team and thank you!!! :)

  5. My scottish progenitors who sailed to PEI Canada in 1770 must be rolling in their graves. Maclaren's of Greenwich PEI

  6. Objection top of the list,if you don't do that automatically considered fact.that at least keeps the door opean.


  8. This is unrelated but relevant to know.

  9. "It is also being sent to the Galactic Council and Federation Members". Uh, hey FAKE "Judge" Anna, Star Trek wasn't real, it was science fiction. But then this is in keeping with level of knowledge, pretty much all of it is fiction. Keep it up, you are always good for some great laughs. Can't wait for you to lose at this fantasy, also.

    1. Your comment is very interesting, I am probably as old as Judge Anna, but I think you are very very very afraid of something, maybe it's the truth, maybe all this hidden information coming out is making you a very nervous person, truth finally prevails. Maybe just a paid troll????

    2. Leland, Janice, well can you please tell us what is ignorant about what Klystron said? Don't just condemn his/her comment, tell us what is true about this galactic/star trek mentality? Can you provide any truth to back up your belief? Why should fantasy make anyone nervous. Please expound on your comments.

    3. Abby...I believe u have written quite a few times about your interpretations of biblical mythologies here & there🎶

  10. Check out this very good and informative one too:

    In the Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina

  11. In my small understanding, galactic indicates galaxy, which indicates outer space. We are all adults here and its high time for adults to stop participating in this stupid Wilcox galactic stuff. There are NO galactics or anyone from outer space here, or from any other planet.
    There is NO Galactic Federation; turn off the StarWars mentality; it was Fantasy. I cant believe anyone would fall for such an act as that!

    1. How do you know Abby? I would like an explanation of how you aquired the knowledge to know that galactic stuff was not true. Thanks waiting for your reply

    2. Unk, how do you know they do exist? Where are their pictures, what are their names, bring them on out here and lets take a look at them. Can't because they don't exist. There is NO proof they exist. No evidence whatsoever, except for these
      loonies who do 'channeling' and hear voices which are of demons, pretending to be Godly.
      Satan will play games with people if they want games; he will be glad to tell folks whatever their little heart wants to hear. Now either those voices they hear are a lie....or else God and the bible are a lie. Because they speak opposite of each other. So you take your pick.

      1 Thess. 5:21 Prove all things, hold fast that which is good (godly)
      1John 4:1 believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world

      And the way you test those spirits is, that if what is said does not line up in agreement with what the word of God says, that it is a lying spirit and is to be discounted. (another spirit, which is demonic)

    3. Hmmm. . . Satan as proof that the Galactic Council does not exist? Satan sounds like a nasty guy - is he on the FBI 10 most wanted list? Is his photo in the local postal service office?

    4. He(lol) has his own Netflick series called Lucifer.

    5. Show me proof that Galactics actually exist. If you can't do that, then they do not exist. How hard is that to figure out. You seem to be having a problem with comprehending what is being said, or else you just like to twist things around. Either way, you contribute to the problem and are part of the problem.

    6. Abby gets her reflection well!

      "Either way, you contribute to the problem and are part of the problem."

      Ps Did u find a decent picture of Satan yet?

    7. Maybe Netanyahu's picture will do?

    8. Hello Abby,
      would like to share one of the best advices I received from some "Galactics" (I listen to):
      "Don't face reality, create reality."

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Abby, also, since you mentioned ..." these loonies who do 'channeling' and hear voices ..." (haha = like your description - of something you don't really know or understand?) Have you notised how many of these Loonies (at least those I know) are talking about "raising your own vibrations"? It's because they know or understand if only on intuitive level, that problem and solution are of different vibrations ... If you beat your drum about the problem/s (several times in one sentence) there is no way you are reaching for solution/s (even though you may thonk so)because all is about VIBRATION/S! :-) all this Universe we live in, including the Galactics ... :-)

  12. How in the hell did Canada wind up with 750 trillion? Where is the proof of this outrages amount. How is each country funneling all this money into their coffers? How much fiat currency can be printed before it becomes worthless? It must be infinite. They must be taking birth certificates from other planets now.

    1. 1934 German marks when it took a wheelbarrow full to buy a loaf of bread? Yeah sometime these numbers become meaningless they are so astounding.

    2. In a previous statement Anna said $950 trillion...? Who really knows?

  13. Yes, the "galactic council" exists as much as the fraud "hereditary Secretary of State" that queen ann's hubby claims he is with his wife's consent!!! Total frauds keeps the toadies hopping on this site!!! How many "notices and decrees" have been issued now!!!??? Seems to me if this stuff was a great as we have been told, SOMETHING would have transpired by now to change things but...seems to me that we are all being played!!! Maybe the right "alien" hasn't been sent that could speak a language they can understand!!!??? I suggest we send one of our uneducated toadies to hop to these creatures and hand deliver these "decrees and notices" personally to them since e-mailing and regular mail doesn't seem to get read!!!

  14. I see or heard a video that the Galatics had a big war against the Cabal in the skies last night, a lot of casualties on both sides but the Galatics came out ahead. Another one supposed to be going on tonight. Here in Pensacola Fl all you have to do is look up and you can see the skies or being lit up, a lot of action going on, its obvious that it is not lighting storm, I have lived through to many over the years to tell that something more is going on up there. Instead of lighting going up and down it is going straight across the skies and all kind of lights going on just above the clouds.


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