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Monday, May 28, 2018

The Even Shorter and More Complete Summation

By Anna Von Reitz

Prince Philip received $950 Trillion Dollars worth of "Life Force Value" annuities as settlement of the bankruptcy of CANADA which occurred April 15, 2017.  These are bonds places on living people without their knowledge or consent, in Breach of Trust and all decency, already universally outlawed.

At least $750 Trillion of that belongs to us, the present generation of Americans, and their ancestors for the past six generations who were also bilked by these vermin.  The Canadian Governor of Ottawa was holding our purported bonds when CANADA declared bankruptcy and so the "presumed" but not actual creditors swooped in and claimed them as "abandoned property". 

See The Canadian Ownership and Control Act.  This was all orchestrated and made possible by the British-controlled Territorial United States Government acting in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of Commercial Contract.

This is a reprise of another insurance annuities scheme that was outlawed circa 1700.  They just waited for popular memory to fade and brought it out again.

And now, we come to the direct bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES and its franchises, dba STATE OF WISCONSIN and so on.... same schtick, oh, we don't know where the actual owners of this real estate went.  They just sailed away back in 1933---- if you believe their version of this story --- and haven't been seen or heard from since.

It's time they heard the news, folks.   We're back, and we've been back about twenty years, so there is no possible excuse for any misunderstanding. 

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. And we had better blockchain all duties of oath and statute just to make sure our (county)governance prevails (thrives). All contracted regimes so integrated.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. There have been NO results. Just talk, talk, yik and yak. Just opened cans of worms all over the place, crawling around everywhere. Worse than dishes piling up in the sink and not a clean cup to drink out of.
      Get the pic?

    2. See, I was right..this whole thing is possible only because of "insurance"...Thats why I said we should be suing the county's "insurers" for insuring FRAUD...!! JUDGE ANNA, you have written to everyone except "Loydes of London"...the ultimate underwriters for this insurance fraud...!!

  4. The History of the Illegitimate British Monarchy!
    Prince Philip, heroin trafficking? pedophilia?

    1. DR, I read it and what a messed up bunch of fakes that whole 'royal' family is. Nobody could make up that stuff. Is there a Next Part, the continuation from where this Part left off?

  5. Time for our "hereditary Secretary of State" to issue ANOTHER "decree to scare these vermin into doing the right thing!!! I guess they never bothered to read the other two "decrees" that was sent!!! Guess this stuff peddled here doesn't work very well, does it!?

  6. One of Anna's ongoing amazing posts has 9 likes here @ latest report along with a post from Leo Wanta!
    Leo Wanta #403830

    Thank you caring for caring for Our Great Nation_America, Once a Constitutional Republic. Warmest personal regards, Lee E Wanta (from Ben's 5/27/18 report )

  7. Wow how can a bankrupt canada govt in bankruptcy 1933 go bankrupt again which has stolen the wealth of its people? Common sense says bullshit and where is the proof. ?

    1. Born Again Bankruptcy - it's what Faith Based Institutions do to avoid liability and the Wraith of God. Ask any pope why.

  8. Can anyone tell me where the Bankruptcy of Canada filing can be found? I searched and found the following but none of these coincide with the date giving by Anna: 3574423 Canada Inc [Court Appointed Receiver, Receiver and Manager and Trustee in Bankruptcy] 10/21/2013 185107 Canada Inc. formerly known as Bennett Little Group of Companies Ltd [Court-Appointed Interim Receiver, Receiver &Trustee] 05/07/2014 4519922 Canada Inc [CCAA Monitor] 09/14/2017

    Thank you

  9. Does prime minister Trudow of Canada know all about this... I wonder if he told Trump anything about the money..!! Our money..!!

  10. The Canadian people hate Trudow, and see him for what he is. So highly doubtful.

  11. I would be more comfortable with this information if there was at least ONE link to an actual confirming document...there are always bald assertions, never evidence.


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