By Anna Von Reitz
The first really urgent and wonderful presentation I want to recommend on YouTube is Kenneth Storey's "The Global Reset Begins" Youtube presentation. It is the quickest, simplest, most comprehensive down-to-Earth explanation of the whole banking reform and "reset" situation I have ever run across:
It's just over an hour long and connects all the dots so that anyone can understand what is going on.
The other entire series about money and the monetary system we have been living with is Mike Maloney's "Hidden Secrets of Money" also on YouTube.
Of all the subjects that we are never taught anything about, this is The Biggee.
When you stop and consider the impact that money or lack of money makes on our individual lives, isn't it about time you "invested" in knowing what money is and what kinds of money there are, and how money works --- or fails to work?
Let me clue you in, you need to know.
This series has a lot of segments and packs in a lot of information and a lot of that information is counter-intuitive to what people assume about money and the monetary system. Don't expect that you are going to get it all the first time around and be prepared to spend several hours over the course of a week or two. But when you are done and you have chewed it all down, you will have an education worth more than gold (and other mediums of exchange).
See all the videos in Hidden Secrets of Money here:
Even President Adams said that if people just realized that all the problems we face in the world, isn't about Race, Creed, or country, or even govt...but it is that people simply don't understand the nature and circulation of money...!! And yet we see it everyday and use it, but never realize that we are using private script paper, commercial DEBT instraments, that only discharge our debts (which qualifies as a benefit), instead of lawfully "paying" our debts...that is the big difference between the two..!! Of course no lawful form of money can compete with money you can just print out of thin air, because anything intrinsically valuable is eventually used up, especially when we are responsible for the debts our military forces us into when asking for 10 billion dollars just to build one prototype of plane, like the B-1 stealth bomber...!! And then a billion dollars after that for every plane that is built after it...!! The founding fathers couldn't even conceive of figures like that...!! And a trillion ....thats in space somewhere....!! Such is paper currency...!! Digital currency will even be worse if "THEY" control it..!!
ReplyDeletejames, what do you think about the TRN (treasury reserve note) that is slated to replace the FRN. Isn't a Note a Note, just the same....aren't all Notes indicative of debt instruments? Clue me in, if you know.
DeleteThe presumption that using notes isn't the benefit, the presumption is man is the vehicle/ROLB which can only deal in FRN's. Do we wear the article of suitability, or do we think we are that thing identified? (Res-ident)
A "note is a note" ONLY if it carries interest. If it doesn't, then it becomes a "credit instrument" that is a benefit to the people. There is nothing wrong with paper script, it does the same thing as any other medium used to denote value. however, when one places interest on it, then it is a debt note that is damaging because there is no value with a negative. EX. If the gov't prints notes for $2 billion and a product is made costing $2 billion (a bridge, stadium, hospital, plane, etc.) then something of value was created with that note and everything is fine, you have something now that is worth the credit put out so the system is balanced and everyone is happy. But once you place interest on that note, then you no longer have an equal exchange, you are now in debt, having an item that will cost more than the $2 billion of the notes printed. You reach a point as we now have that the system cannot keep going because one will owe more than anything of value can be produced. But...they knew all of this and the system was designed to collapse from the start so "they" could foreclose on taking EVERYTHING for their debt notes while we become homeless slaves!!! Until the central PRIVATE banks are eliminated and you have Public STATE banks like they do in N. Dakota, which is thriving by the way, then this country will go down the drain soon. But don't expect change because the Chosenites that own and control the FED RESERVE will not allow change to happen.
DeleteCube...i disagree, because it's the form of money we use that automatically changed not only our status, but also changes our courts and laws to fit the "color of law" we are forced to use, which means we aren't allowed to use anything but the color of law, because currency is the only thing that keeps commerce moving along, not "Real Money", and real law...!! If we accept the benefit of using their "fiat currency" we automatically accept everything we do as being "colored" and an illusion...But we can change that to , just by claiming the REMEDY Nixon had to give us when he took the last of the substance (gold) from our currency....the "demand" for lawful money found at 12 USC411 and 95 (a)....!! If you guys plan on expatriating, and becoming "soverigns" , it also means you cannot "discharge" anything anymore...!! Sovereigns always "pay" their debts at law...But if this is the only currency we are going to have, than you better make sure you always make that demand , because if you don't it will be assumed you still want the benefit, of using FRN, to discharge your debts instead of making it clear that you only use "money" for all your transactions because you insist on using a real FORUM for your disputes, not a military tribunal waving the flag of WAR...!! Actually, if done properly, you should only have to do this a few times before you file a "letter of understanding" that you changed your status and so your on "'NOTICE" that whenever I use FRN, it will be presumed that I'm usings "real money" for all transactions by using the REMEDY afforded me at 12USC411, Where I have decided my demand from now on is by my use of lawful money...You need to get copies of your deposit slips and withdrawal slips from the bank 3 or 4 times to pass the evidence code that it isn't heresay...!! This statement doesn't mean you are asking for the bank to give you gold and silver, because they won't do that and they don't have it anyway...!! But that's sets the record that there is no gold or silver in circulation, so your "demand" should be able to change regular FRM into real money which youn have recorded for posterity...its the use of FRN that creates the NEXUS between us and our Federal govt.... and all these unlawful laws....!!
DeleteAgain, man does not act in this situs/location, its all make believe. I recorded a declaration years ago, my person has the right, pre 1933 to redeem in lawful money which constitutes payment pursuant to the law of that person, USC 12, section 411. Man makes no demand of fiction, an attorney in fact, after appointment, has an obligation to let no harm come to the principal administrating for the heirs.
DeleteJust the defense budget is over 60 billion!
DeleteUnknown, as far as I know, they have not said whether the TRN will have interest on it, or not, so then how are we to know.
Deletemoney of account v money of exchange, agreement v contract, basic terms that MUST be understood, money of account is usury and paid off with debt notes/negotiable instruments, notes by definition are dis-chargeable only, which uses agreements and never gets set off, hence trillions in debt that WE DID for the BEAST. lawful money coinage, is money of exchange, one for the other, sets off debt and requires contracts, with full disclosure and a meeting of the minds with two signatures. now you an statrt to see the differences in what is going on.
Deleteabby i believe, trn's will be used internationally and asset backed and usn's will be used domestically and asset backed NOT paper fiat notes without backing, non-usurious (if thats totally possible).
i think blockchain technology will be used for MANY industries including cryptos, mortgages etc for privacy issues. who knows?! maybe open source will solve most problems or 3D printers. once we have 3D printers it will eliminate the fake value of many things for the people.
Unknown; one can lend money and require repayment WITHOUT INTEREST. That is still a note/debt obligation as far as I know. It's ONLY the IRS that imputes interest on loans lacking an interest obligation so; explain why a written debt obligation lacking the requirement to pay interest is NOT a note? Thank you.
DeletePicking up pieced of this for many years.we must do as Jefferson tried no foreign trade all internal . Mothball the navy and let the states provide Thai own security . Ron Paul on steroids
ReplyDeleteYou can't be ignorant and free " Jefferson
DeleteYou can't be ignorant and free " Jefferson
DeleteThere's a lot of people trying....!!!
ReplyDelete"crisis"- not; they do it on purpose, mindfully cause their bottom .line is misery, and they feed off THAT.