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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Abolition of private property - Growth Plans - Agenda 21

Karl Marx, the founder of Communism said that Communism could be summed up in just one short sentence. "Abolition of private property".

We have published a movie on DVD made by Daniel Cox of Ravalli county Montana on how local officials and county planning boards are shoving regulations down the throats of people in almost every county that will have the effect of giving control over your private property to government.

You will need 'permission' from the county planners to do almost anything on your property, and it will be expensive. They want the ability to fine the dickens out of anyone who refuses to comply. County commissioners are looking at this as a cash cow to make up for loss of revenue due to economic downturns.

If you want to spread the word and repeal the county "Growth Policy" which is the enabling so called "law" that lets them put these regulations into effect get the video called "Stop Zoning Now" by Daniel Cox.

Get it here:

These are only one dollar each, so get a couple dozen of these and spread them around your county.

We attended a meeting last night in Eureka by the county planning board where they were trying to put setback regulations on property owners around Lincoln County.

The meeting was packed with concerned property owners and others who were voicing opposition to the loss of basic property rights.

We passed out many copies of the video mentioned above, and the result of all the testimony was that they tabled the proposed regs and went back to square one.

One question that wasn't answered by the board was this: Is the Growth Plan that was put in place by the county commission without a vote of the people, the enabling legislation for all these regs, and if the growth plan was repealed didn't all the regs go down with it?

I think we sent them a message that the people are not going to stand idly by and watch government take over their hard earned private property.

Get the movie and spread it far a wide in your county.

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