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Saturday, December 16, 2023

Lies of Every Shape, Sort, and Kind

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have discussed and described at length the unlawful conversion that occurs when American babies are surreptitiously "converted" into the foreign political status of British Territorial U.S. Citizens via undisclosed registration processes taking place when they are only a few hours or days old. 

This unlawful conversion denies the victims their property rights and their Constitutional Guarantees, and subjects them to the foreign [King's] Equity Courts, which are designed to promote illegal confiscation of assets and labor under force and impersonation. 

These acts of unlawful conversion, false registration, and evasion of contractual obligations owed to the victims have gone on right under our noses, because the Perpetrators have additionally been acting under Color of Law, and pretending to be part of our lawful government, thereby promoting compliance under False Pretenses and constructive fraud. 

A plethora of similar coercive activities under color of law follow: 

Americans are told that they have to sign up for Social Security Accounts when they aren't applying for Federal jobs. 

Americans are not told that they are signing up as Mercenaries when they join the Armed Services. 

Americans are forced to use Federal Reserve [Promissory] Notes as Legal Tender. 

Americans are told that they have to have a license to drive, get married, buy insurance, practice medicine or law, or take part in a large number of common occupations. 

Americans are told that they have to sign up for "Selective Service" --- a form of illegal "voluntary" conscription on land, and press-ganging at sea, both of which have been outlawed for 200 years. 

Americans are routinely mistaken for part of the foreign Federal citizenry and forced to pay mortgages, property taxes, and Federal Income Tax without the nicety of Federal Employment --- none of which they actually owe. 

All of this takes place as a result of the unlawful and undisclosed conversion of their birthright political status, which creates an unconscionable contract agreeing to waive their birthright estate as Americans in favor of indentured servitude as a Ward of the British Monarch and slave of the British Crown. 

All these activities are illegal, unlawful, and immoral, yet the Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia have promoted all of this criminality against their Employers and pretended to be at "war" when in fact they have been engaged in commercial mercenary conflicts since the 1860's. 

Perhaps you now have an idea of just how bad this entire circumstance is, and why the American States and People, and other people and countries around the world, are owed so much restitution from the British Raj Vermin and their Corporations. 

Microsoft -- dead.  Google -- dead.  Facebook -- dead. PayPal -- dead.  Amazon -- dead.  GM -- dead. Ford Motor Company, Inc. -- dead.  Raytheon -- dead.  

AUSTRALIA, INC., CANADA, INC., CHINA, INC. etc.--- all dead. 

You have the picture.  Just add thousands of names to the list.  These corporations have been occupying the place of "protected persons" owed to the living people and their Lawful Persons, instead. 

Realize that these abuses have been ongoing for six generations.  Because of the fraud and non-disclosure involved, the restitution owed goes back to the 1850's. 

Another form of unlawful conversion has involved the banks, which we will briefly repeat: 

Depositors deposit actual assets with a Bank Holding Company, which is actually an incorporated franchise and not a true "Holding Company" at all. 

The original bank sells off the "Holding Company", assets and all, to another bank. The second bank doesn't know the Depositor from Adam and doesn't have a contract with the Depositor. 

Thus, Depositors become "Unknown Depositors" and of course, the second bank doesn't bother to drop a line or make a call to the person whose name and address appears as the owner of the account "out of concerns for account security".  

Uh-Duh.  This 50,000 Metric Tons of gold must be abandoned....

Another way this happens is through bank mergers. 

Chase Manhattan has a merger with JPMorgan and both their Holding Companies are "resolved", so that the shareholders of the colluding banks appear to own the new entity resulting from the merger--- and the deposits, until and unless the original Depositor files unlawful conversion charges.  Citibank merges with Travelers.... and so it goes. 

In a sane and well-regulated financial sector, none of this theft would be allowed to go on, but a million or so bribe is nothing for the banks to pay to escape detection and the members of Congress have been regularly "encouraged" to relax regulatory oversight on the banks, to the point where these guys make cowboys in the Wild West look tame. 

Instead of directly repealing protective regulations, as they did with the Glass-Steagall Act, Congress usually defunds the regulatory oversight agencies responsible for detecting and preventing bank and securities fraud, so the regulatory agencies don't have the manpower to detect these things, and if they do, they don't have the money to prosecute them -- but they remain in place, making it look like oversight is in place, and if the SHTF, Congress shrugs and uses them as the Whipping Boy that didn't do their job.  

The Federal Marshals were so dogged and loyal and determined and held their ground preventing counterfeiting and securities fraud and human trafficking on the land jurisdiction of the States for so long with so little funding, that the Vermin in the U.S. Congress finally defunded them outright. 

They defunded the only officers protecting Americans from international bank and securities fraud on the land jurisdiction of the States, and then, the Clueless Wonders turned their palms to the sky, unaware of the sudden and inexplicable astronomic increase in the incidence of these crimes -- and the reason for it. 

The same cretins turned and looked the other way when Lehman Brothers went down in the 2008 Debacle of the Century (so far) and never mentioned to the public that Lehman Brothers was operating "as" the United States Department of Agriculture's Small Business Administration at the time. 

 As for right now, we got ahead of the curve and have been largely successful in preventing the Sudden Death Devaluation --- the Perps have opted for the Death by Inflation option, which is just as bad, but slower, less dramatic.  

They have also opted out of creating the artificial Credit Crunch, though four of the original twelve are going ahead with closing their credit card services. 

Instead, all the big banks including but not limited to the Federal Reserve Banks, have turned their attention toward propping up the Stock Markets and buying everything in sight and damn the torpedoes regarding stocks that are already overvalued (thanks to inflation and lack of competition) to begin with.  

This is creating a completely artificial Bull Market, and lots of clueless small investors are being suckered into the chaos, thinking that this is the result of a magically rejuvenated economy, where "consumer spending is up tremendously over last year" ---- yuk, yuk.  

What choice do consumers have but to "spend more", in the face of uncontrolled and uncontrollable inflation?  A more duplicitous and cynical misuse of economic data to provide a false assumption of positive economic activity can scarcely be imagined. 

The same thing applies to unemployment and new job generation statistics and the "growing" population of elderly Americans "choosing" to stay on the job or going back to work. 

What else are they supposed to do, when they can't afford to retire, or are forced to go back into the workforce because they can't live on the pitiful fixed income that "Social Security" provides?  

Sure, unemployment is down under such conditions, except for the long-term unemployment figures that put about one-third of the American workforce stuck on permanent idle due to disease and disabilities. 

Meanwhile, the Cashier at Walmart that very slowly checked me out last night told me that she is 77 years old.  Her thirty-something Manager was looking on with a jaundiced, critical eye.  I told the elderly cashier how grateful I was that she was still there, still working, still helping other people buy groceries.

Looking around, I saw that the guy scraping melted slush off the sidewalk outside the store looked to be about eighty, and the Greeter checking outgoing carts was probably ten years my Senior. 

It was a weird, apocalyptic moment, as I could see the final link in the food supply chain of America represented by three elderly people who deserved to be at home watching reruns of Johnny Carson. 

Other than the Elder Brigade, myself, the thirty-something Manager, and one guy lingering in front of the closed optometrist's storefront, the whole huge store appeared to be deserted.  Walmart. Just ten days before Christmas

Ever felt a cold chill run up your spine? 

The Big Banks are trying to buy hard asset interests in major corporations using inflated currency, and cheating the actual owners of the corporations--- the American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines--- out of the currency valuation difference between today and WWII. 

If I could, I would personally vomit on every Board Member of every Federal Reserve Bank in America. 
Gladly. With Gusto.  Every member of the Board of Governors: erp, erp, erp, like a cat with a hairball. 

As a dedicated Observer, I have seen a lot of dirt go down, but as the FRN enters its well-deserved death throes, whether suddenly or via inflation, the actions of these failed banks and failed institutions mount upward to the surreal and the lies being told to the public rocket right on past that. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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