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Saturday, December 16, 2023

Notice to All World Trust Trustees: December 24th 2023

 By Anna Von Reitz

As the only verifiable senior member of Saint Germain's family left on the planet and the only one permitted to stand in the role of Donor, I am appalled by attempts by unauthorized persons to incorporate the St. Germain family trust as part of the publishing business--- the only part of the St. Germain inheritance that was ever allowed to be incorporated. 

The goons in Schaumburg, Illinois, need to be arrested along with all the other British Territorial pirates and undeclared Foreign Agents plying their trade without any permission or authority on the land and soil of Illinois.   

The Will and directions given by Saint Germain himself are clear on this point and the governance of the World Trust is also clear: it is not and may not be incorporated to serve any individual world government, nor any incorporated entity whatsoever. 

Yet, here we are with another year of malfeasance and misadministration and false claims readily apparent and waiting in the doorway, obstructing any progress toward enlightenment or fulfillment.

Even though it is perfectly clear that the World Trust funds are meant to fund unincorporated land jurisdiction governments, we have a whole bunch of nasty, criminal sea jurisdiction corporations poor-mouthing and standing in line, ready to claim that they "represent" the land jurisdiction governments they have usurped against. 

In the name of the von Reitzensteins from then until forever, the World Bank is not authorized to release a penny to any incorporated entity claiming to represent a land jurisdiction government.  

These impostors are identified by their registrations and all World Trust Trustees are prohibited from issuing any World Trust assets or credit in support of these entities by the Will of Saint Germain himself.

We are here to enforce that Will. 

The World Trust is meant to support the needs of living people.  Not dead things. 

The unincorporated governments of the world, including The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of sovereign States, and Ireland, the country, and Italy, the country, and the unincorporated Kingdom of Prussia are eligible for redress and assistance, as well as many smaller unincorporated land jurisdiction governments, but not a penny is to be paid to or for any incorporated government entity at all.   

The willful debts of these incorporated entities will not be discharged using funds from the World Trust this year, so there is no point in them dragging their heels and depending on any World Trust settlement to restore them to solvency.  They are bankrupt and foreclosed and they deserve to be. 

Let every man and woman know that you are heirs and the intended beneficiaries of the World Trust and that those funds are meant to be extended to your lawful government, not to incorporated foreign entities impersonating your lawful government. 

Issued by: anna maria wilhemina hannah sophia riezinger-von reitzenstein von lettow-vorbeck, donor;
Anna Maria Riezinger, Donor. 

December 15th 2023


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