By Anna Von Reitz
In fact, it's highly recommended. It's either you or them, and you get to choose.
Like everything else, the Con Men have tried to substitute themselves as "the Protected Ones".
This phrase comes up in all three major jurisdictions -- air, land, and sea.
In the air, it refers to those who are protected in the End Times, those who will not suffer a hair on their heads to be damaged. These are protected by the Angels of the True God; nothing sent against them will succeed.
On the land, it refers to us, the hapless American people, who are supposed to be internationally protected while our government is purportedly in interregnum. This is largely the result of Russia's support against Britain's maneuvers and finagling to overcome our sovereignty as well as to pick our pockets clean.
On the sea, it has been taken to mean (without any authority) the members of the U.S. Territorial Congress, people who, for the most part, don't deserve respect or protection -- especially after mandating that everyone else should be jabbed with genome-altering mRNA injections, but they and their families should be exempt.
In These United States, we are at peace and have been at peace since 1814, so it would be insupportable to involve our population in any fistacuffs between rival corporations.
In Those United States, King Charlie's version of "United States" and the Pope's version of "UNITED STATES", both, it's a wild free-for-all with lawlessness and lies, deceit, corruption, debauchery, and blackmail being the order of the day --and criminals running loose in every direction, especially at the Mexican Border and in the District of Columbia.
Where, then, is the duty of the U.S. (Territorial) Government, realizing that they are operating as paid mercenaries and that although their paycheck comes from the British Municipal Corporation, SERCO, it ultimately comes from us?
Why, obviously, their duty is to go to the Mexican Border and kick the bejeeszus out of the child traffickers and drug smugglers, and don't forget -- foreign mercenaries and special forces disguised as immigrants.
The U.S. Army and other mercenary services need to be deployed and used to protect the integrity of this country, just as the Constitutions demand. Or else they all need pink slips-- and not the nice satin kind.
So far as These United States are concerned, there is no doubt that this is not only permitted, it is fully allowed and advised to the U.S. Military to deploy all along the Southern Border and turn back any undocumented persons proposing to come ashore.
It's also permitted for them to access SERCO's servers and determine where all the sleeper cells of foreign mercenaries, arsonists, demolition experts and sharp shooters are housed.
All those "immigrants" are on SERCO's payroll, too, complete with physical addresses. Just a different ledger. They process the pay for the "other team" of mercs as charge backs paid to the Social Security Administration and DHSS.
So, they are easy to hunt down and deport.
A kid with high school level skills can hack DOD. It takes a college student to hack DHSS, but it can be done, and as for SERCO, they just wait and hope that someone will hack them.
So, why aren't our Constitutional Priorities being addressed by the U.S. Military? Those few enumerated services that we empowered our subcontractors to perform for us? Like protecting our borders? And our civilian population?
Everything else in the western world and much of the east, too, is being charged to our credit, but the ham sandwich we actually ordered isn't forthcoming?
Why, pray tell?
Could it be that our erstwhile European Subcontractors, both the brigands hired by the Holy See and those hired by the British Monarchy, are colluding again, against the honest and God-fearing people of the world?
What precedent would we have for that?
Only the last 160 years of what we have all actually experienced.
When asked why the published (but not verified) actions of the Judge Advocate General's Office in presenting military arrest warrants to known criminals working for the Beltway Mob has been so agonizingly slow and useless, the (reported but not verified) reply was that they couldn't "pull a Vladimir Putin" in this country.
Do they miss the whole point? They've already pulled things as bad or worse than Putin and on a grander scale.
The U.S. Military has sat on their rucksacks and oiled their tanks while nearly a million foreign mercenaries have been imported into this country, and teams of those mercenaries have literally blown up our food processing plants, oil refineries, railroads, ports, and occupied "Free Trade Zones" right under the noses of "our" military.
The European-hired riff-raff now occupy all the Free Trade Zones, which happen to be located at strategically vital transportation and communications hubs-----and the JAG Officers think that hanging a petty bureaucrats for "treason" or even a few dozen of them at a time, is the focus we need for our concern? The illusion of justice we crave?
Oh, no, no, no. What we crave is those SERCO servers penetrated and all the names and faces and addresses disseminated, and all the U.S. Military deployed in a search and arrest operation that needs to make General Pershing's Operation Wetback look like a Sunday School picnic.
Unlike those poor people whose only sin was to come here without paperwork in the wake of WWI to find a job, these present day "immigrants" came with a violent agenda -- to occupy the Free Trade Zones, and carry out all these other acts of destruction and terrorism on our shores, right under the noses of the useless U.S. Military, DHS, FBI, CIA and other useless law enforcement and intelligence agencies that consumer billions of "dollars" per year for what?
"Non-performance" doesn't begin to describe it.
These non-domestic terrorists are being funded through SERCO via DHSS and Social Security, but other than that childish bit of money laundering, they get paid by SERCO just like the "regular" military.
They don't even have enough respect for us to try to hide what they are doing and planning; it's just ho-hum, te-deedly-dum and put on a great "show" for the masses in the world coliseum.
Why do you suppose they keep on using all these theater terms, like "theater of war" and telling you to "enjoy the show"?
We aren't here to be entertained. And --- note to the U.S. Military and King Charles III --- that's not why you get a paycheck and requisitions, fellas.
You get your pay for, among other things, protecting our borders, our assets, and our civilian populations. If you don't do that, you don't deserve a paycheck, respect, contracts, or anything else.
And if a Great-Grandma from Big Lake, Alaska, can see this plain as day, then, stop a moment and think:
the rest of the world can see it, too.
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