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Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Poor-Mouth Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq: 

The problem has never been lack of resources of any kind.  We have more than enough token money to expedite trade and more than enough silver and gold and many other commodities, including oil, as we have seen, to keep all the economies of every country alive and well and safe. 

Instead, remember the LIBOR Scandal.  The Merchants of London had long been manipulating the information about the sources and amounts and setting the values of precious metals--- commodity rigging, in other words. 

Commodity rigging is normally the unlawful and illegal business of Central Banks, but some commodities are more special than others, and precious metals commodities are especially special, so they have long had their own councils and committees adjusting and tweaking every aspect of their markets and even restricting their markets to obstruct trade in precious metals. 

Famously, when asked about certain reports that indicated vastly more gold supplies than those credited by the experts, Lord Sassoon, a pillar of the British Parliament's Banking Establishment, exclaimed that "only 1500 tonnes of gold" had been mined in the history of the world.  

Even housewives on the street knew that couldn't be true. 

There are vast amounts of gold and silver already mined and warehoused throughout the world, and even more staggering supplies of not-so-precious metals in the ground, in the seawater, and even in sand.  

The Big Kabosh on the mining industry isn't so much about environmental concerns, because we have long since developed simpler and more efficient means to extract metal from raw ore and other sources --- no, it's because we don't need any more precious metals mined. 

There is enough silver and gold already mined to run the world economy for a thousand years without breaking wind, yet to hear the experts sling their cow pucks, you'd think that there wasn't nearly enough to survive even a couple years on the gold standard, or silver standard, either one. 

This is mainly because they are heavily invested in financial systems that depend on precious metals being precious, and that extends far beyond the precious metals markets themselves.  Precious metals account for about 45% of the assets backing the credit markets, too.

These experts are poor-mouthing, giving people the idea that we are asset poor when we are unimaginably asset rich. Just as they give the impression that this country is bankrupt every time they bankrupt one of their franchises. 

We see the same brand of deceitfulness embedded within the deliberately dishonest government accounting systems.  

While the Congresses and the State of State Legislatures battle endlessly over "the budget" and their pork barrels and threaten to shut down the government --- which would be, honestly, of little loss to us --- they are in fact swimming in largesse. 

Their budget shortfalls are just that.  They neglected to transfer enough of the non-budgeted income to the budgeted income ledger, and as a result, we are condemned to an endless parade of tragic-faced politicians rambling on about how there  isn't enough money to keep the parks open or pay the light bills on Naval Bases. 

It's all slick, purposeful, crooked accounting --- and more poor-mouthing designed to justify levying more taxes.  

The actual income of the Federal Municipal Corporations and their State-of-State franchises is never divulged by any budgetary process; instead, its buried in cumbersome and unremarked Annual Financial Reports that 
reveal trillions upon trillions of dollars rat-holed away in so-called "Pension Fund Associations" and "Mental Health Trusts" and other laudable-sounding Slush Funds. 

There's absolutely no lack of money to fund governments. There's no reason for taxation for that purpose at all, and hasn't been since 1941. 

As of 1941, every government on Earth was fully funded by private trust funds.  All the governments had to do was keep the peace and fill the potholes, but the Perpetrators were already engaged in yet another illegal Mercenary War, and afterward, the assets intended to end the need for taxation had to be deployed to rebuild the world. 

These filthy Municipal Corporations couldn't even be honest about that. 
Taxation is used as a pressure valve to siphon funds back out of the economy and prevent the inflation caused by government spending, creating an endless cash flow out of the pockets of individual people, and into the already glutted-beyond-belief government coffers.  

Inflation is out of control because government spending is out of control, and the only idea these Bad Actors have to curb it,  is to hire 87,000 new Internal Revenue Agents and find new excuses to levy taxes on their employers.  

All of this is hopelessly upside down, and still the news hasn't been heard in London or in Rome.  

The Global Warming Panic follows the most recent Global Cooling Panic and if Mother Nature has her way, will now be followed by yet another Global Cooling Panic. Carbon dioxide is building up in the atmosphere--- not because of human activity, but because of increased volcanic activity --- a fact we know and over which we have no control. 
Both the foregoing natural fluctuations are being used to fear-monger and justify more taxes, which will allow more government spending--- which is the cause of the inflation that the taxation is supposed to cure in the first place. 

So, the Carbon Tax is more Poor-Mouth Fraud, by which we mean making up specious excuses to justify more taxes ---and it is coming hand-in-hand with refusal to expand the world economy.  

We are being told, in effect, that the leadership of these banks and corporations would rather burn, starve, pollute, maim and murder -- than expand the world economy and educate the poor. 

They'd rather practice witchcraft and parade around an effigy of a dead baby in a coffin, or reconstruct the brass bulls of the Age of Taurus and trot them out in the middle of soccer stadiums, as we saw at the London Olympics and the Commonwealth Games, too.  

And poor-mouth.  Always poor-mouth and lie and cherish poverty for others, while living like kings and exempting themselves from all the unpleasantness they cause.   

950 Trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" wasn't enough to slake their gluttony.  All the death of all the World Wars wasn't enough for their blood-lust.  So who needs them anymore?  

What worn and worthless frauds and errors will they teach us? 

They are not even supposed to be here. 

As for us, we've seen it all before and have no need to see it again.  

We wish for the people of this planet to have life and to have it abundantly, without the limitations of these criminals and their crimes.

We wish for these guilty-as-sin Municipal Corporations to be liquidated or forfeited in the case of the defense subcontractors. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                  In care of: Box 520994
                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 3rd 2023 


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:

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  2. see,
    here again is the use of our Confederated Union's Stile: The United States of America, by "anna": to refer to the Roman-based, FOREIGN, Federated Republic she is trying to Construct under authority of the Pope of Rome, without even adding the word "-- Unincorporated"... which is still way too similar anyway to our stile: and in peace and law, i:woman call for "anna" to do right and pick an entirely different Name for her Roman-based Federal Republic than any vari-ation of our stile: "The United States of America" so that people do not get confused and think her Roman-based Federal Republic Construct is the actual Government instituted by our ancesters, which and who are not connected to Rome or Britain, but exist and live under authority of the laws of nature and nature's God, in peace and law with all man. and so it is.
    ref.: psalm 35,

    1. Seems like we should get this straightened out before we move along. This would be a great conversation for the over 3100 counties who will need good organization to proceed.

    2. rumble: mycatholicredpill channel: 'Horrific' John Podesta Sn Uff Fill m video -- 11 min.
      about little mddie mack can, and there being a SffFlm released on the DkWb for about a month... does NOT show it.
      imo this might be a good video to share with those who are just becoming aware of these things. done very respectfully of the victims and puts many of the pieces together in a timeline of sorts, going back even as far as to Andrew Breitbart and Julian A. worth the time imo.

    3. same channel: barack obama exposed as secret architect of the pead oh file rights movement in our schools.
      also just up: vid about 85,000 sons and daughters : peed oaf aisles.

    4. the one about 85000 is just more of the PRIVATE FOREIGN CORPSE CONGRESS asking its own PRIVATE FOREIGN FEDERAL AGENTS questions that their PFFAs refuse to answer... because they dont want to incriminate?
      plus a hodgepodge after that.
      not worth the time imo.

    5. same channel:
      now hes got video -- Three Parts, up with a man who is studying the effects of the 4G, 5G, EMFs... its EMFs causing deaths, not a virus. in third part at around 20:30 minutes, interviewer summarizes, and talks about the frequencies causing cellular death.
      someone on here recently commented about the electronic targeting/ torture weapons(?) causing rapid aging.

  3. Astrophysicist, Piers Corbyn, dispels the fairy tale that carbon dioxide controls world temperatures:

    "The problem with the current climate change narrative is that it's false. It claims that carbon dioxide controls world temperatures, whereas actual data shows that it's world temperatures which control the carbon dioxide concentration."

    For more content like this, visit:

    1. And Co2 is heavier than air. It sinks. It doesn't rise. It wouldn't build up like that. I don't know where she is getting that from. Plant growth would explode and oxygen levels would increase as a result. I suspect the opposite is true. Last I knew global levels were around 400PPM . That's low not high. If anybody has a good Co2 meter, walk outside and see what it reads and then post back.

    2. OK. Optimal Co2 levels for plant growth/photosynthesis is 1000-1200 ppm. Levels would also be higher at ground level than the upper atmosphere. Highly doubtful levels are higher than 1200PPM unless you were near an erupting volcano.

    3. 421.64 ppm is global average as of June 3rd, 2023. That reading is 0.70% lower than the previous reading on June 2nd, 2022. Not even close to being high. That's actually low. Indoor growers, especially pot growers introduce co2 into their gardens to boost production. Plants need it and convert it to oxygen. They used to teach that in school.

    4. The system says that CO2 is bad and the retards believe. No thinking brains.

  4. According to one narrative, we will still get the military openly involved at some point; the EBS will broadcast martial law. Which military exactly will that be? And what are those who have freed themselves of any corporate contracts supposed to do?

    1. Lock and load and protect yourself. Strength and safety in numbers. Beyond that? Pray.

    2. "...Strength and safety in numbers..."

      That means "ASSEMBLE."

    3. Not necessarily. That is what it means to you.

    4. In other words: Anyone (including any military) you have not entered in a contract with has no right to commandeer you around, no right to physically touch you if you don't agree, and if they do, you have all the right to defend yourself, and if things get hot, to shoot and kill the assailant. Correct?
      Guys, you are so lucky to be armed!!!!!!!!! We are sitting ducks here in Europe. God bless!

    5. Yes, the minnow in the tidal pool has "every right" same right when the fiddler crab claws it at it's tail fin.

      It's good thing minnows, fish, buffalo, elephants, gazelle, ducks, geese, ants, mankind, don't assemble, I mean find safety in numbers to protect their species.

      Oh, wait, but they do:

      school, herd, flock, army, mass/assemble/"safety in numbers."

      who is the boneheaded/"darwin-awardee" who wrote as follows:

      -AnonymousJune 4, 2023 at 8:29 AM

      Not necessarily. That is what it means to you.

      Everyone wish him/her/it a happy extinction.

      Bye Bye, here's your hat, what's your hurry . . .

    6. Anon 9:03 you can stick it where the sun don't shine, dumb ass. I already did join my Assembly, but I don't expect all the other members to come running to my house when the shit hits the fan. That will be accomplished by my family and neighbors. That support network is already there for those of us who are country folks. You uptight asswipe. Stop assuming things. You need a slap right upside the head to straighten out your shitty attitude.

    7. Where'd you go hemorrhoid 3:18? Run off and hide little man? Lol. Pussy.

  5. Where is all this talking taking is to.
    Where are the solutions
    What can we as men women do.
    Do we create a army
    Get ready to fight.
    Sign a new declaration.
    Time to stop 🛑 talking take mass action.

  6. Join your local state/county assembly.

    The information provided here (Anna's Articles, Paul's presentations, (but no longer the blog commenters, uhg!) and TASA (the american state assemblies-
    is a library to help you and guide you, to hopefully, make better YOUR journey to do something about the states/nations/american/world circumstances.

    It is up to you.

    Go for it, what have you to lose in trying?
