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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Message to Juan O'Savin and People Who Listen to Him

 By Anna Von Reitz

Here is a direct quote from a recent Juan O'Savin interview: 

"ULTIMATELY … what this fight will come down to…. The most important
races happening in the country… it will be the GOVERNORS… who have
to protect the states from the federalization of America…."

But here's the problem, Juan.  

Those aren't our governors.  Those are British Territorial United States Governors.  Not American Governors. 

And those aren't our Public Elections, either.  The elections that are electing all these foreign Governors are private Municipal Corporation Elections, like any shareholder elections anywhere on Earth. 

So, the problem isn't electing good Governors. 

The problem is waking up and realizing that this whole picture is untenable and voting for new or different British overlords isn't going to fix it.  

And as for protecting the states from "federalization" --- Juan, dear heart, the "federalization" took place back in the 1860's.  What we are dealing with now, are the results. 

Those elections that you want Americans to participate in are foreign corporation elections and they result in filling private corporation offices, not Public Offices. 

Want to wake yourself up?  

Realize that the "federalization" of the states already took place a long time ago, but could not breach our land and soil jurisdiction.  The organizations you are part of and which you are assuming to be "your government" are British Territorial Municipal Corporations operating in the jurisdiction of the sea.  

These are Federal Subcontractors and not the actual American Government at all.  

We don't have a vote regarding who their "governor" is, but we can certainly elect our own and start shoving the hired help back out to sea.


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. 1st - anybody reading this stuff?

    1. I am. Though will Juan or those who need to read it, actually read it?

    2. Are you asking the millions of people world wide who reads Anna's? Ot the people who listen Juan because he convinced everyone he was q and that Trump and jfk Jr was going to save America? But I guess it is the "governors" now who are still part of the federal

    3. Reading every day. All day.
      Then what?

      I think I would get a hold of Anna's over 4,000 articles and select my choices and write my version of the same concepts to the same mailing lists, so that I too have some skin in the game. Anna cannot do it all by herself.

    4. Anonymous 2:07PM

      That's called plagiarism. Theft. Stealing another's intellectual property and calling it your own. What kind of vermin are you?

    5. Finally I made $392/hr. It’s time to take some action and you can join it too.It is a simple, n dedicated and easy way to get rich. Three weeks from now you will wish you had started today.Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site.
      GOOD LUCK Click Here… Join Work Here

    6. Oh gee wiz Karen Gore, I see what 2:07PM is talking about. The commenter did not say to "copy Anna's work verbatim" but did say putting the same concepts into their own words... People have done this since the dawn of time. News reporters for example. The apostles all watched Christ and wrote from a different vantage point. How many makers of pickup trucks are there in the automotive industry? Are all of them plagiarizing each other's work to make a similar looking new pickup truck? No. Are their lawyers telling them to not make a Maverik pickup truck because there was already a Maverik car? No. Their concept is similar -- automobile travels. Their resources to explore pickup trucks are similar.

      My resources to read Anna's work and personalize it for letters I write is probably akin to what she's been hoping people will do. So I agree with 2:07PM in that that more people who do use her templates, the more land jurisdiction people get their affairs back to the private.

    7. Juan has already been confronted directly verbally in a podcast, where as usual.... boot in front of the camera... nothing but argument and denial. He was told specifically that he seems to have intentionally let people believe one thing for the pursuit of mammon.

      As seen somewhere on BIN

    8. neville -mladen: mikulandraMay 16, 2023 at 8:54 PM

      Beautifully said anna

    9. Agree Jim. And a lot of what Anna talks about is other people's work and research anyway. People like John Henry Hill that were already ahead of the curve. And there are many, many more as well. There were already people exposing this long before she came along. Not meaning to attack her, just pointing out the truth.

    10. ," but could not breach our land and soil jurisdiction." Quo Warranto depends on a militia to back it up. I believe land and soil jurisdiction represents our over 3100 unincorporated counties that need to at least recognize each other as the America that is left to reconstruct our lawful government. It is all about the counties.

    11. I read them when I get the time to do so. I work long hours and am always doing things for our church here in our area. I don't get to these messages until late at night, such as tonight. It's after 10:30 pm here in Colorado. Thanks for sharing these messages. I do appreciate them.

    12. Juan is a Deep State player meant to steer our attention down paths into oblivion. And a lazy one at that. Ever notice how he spends hours saying...nothing? I doubt he will want to entertain the sanity of Anna's comments. As usual, she is brilliantly on point.

  2. Oh yes a lot of people are reading/listening to Granny but a long way from enough! If the people of the us of a would get their heads out of that southern crack and listen we would not be in this predicament!

  3. I love you for this, Anna. It's about time to stand up to Juan's wild fantasies about the world and its machinations. Juan is a super-elite, "involved" with some "important" people that enjoy dictating for us what we should do and prepare for. Hey Juan, we don't need your help. Best of all, no one's asking. One simple thing I do enjoy about my life is that I love to be among the people, the living people. Why are you always hiding, Juan? Creepy.

    1. Yes and yes. Why are you hiding Juan????

    2. Thank you Anna. I pray for you and your family. I’m not American. Because of Anna’s work I understand how the hell we got here. I understand now pope, queen, club 300, secret societies etc etc. Wake up world Anna is the truth.

    3. Go Aron!! Can’t see me nananana!

    4. Who is Juan Savin anyway? Never heard of him! But I know Anna, Terri Sahm, Stew Peters, Clif High, Chris Hauser, and a whole lot of others!!!

  4. THANK u Anna.....simply put and always need the reminders!!!!

  5. Yea I read it...

  6. It's organized crime

    And if you think you're going to get a prepaid creditor debit card with the very same wizards controlling the electronic digits/numbers allotted to you then you are still asleep

    1. And what will you eat if we do????

  7. That man was cussing on YouTube like a drunken sailor outpouring F-words until I gave him a piece of my mind which was based on the impression he was giving to the public. The pool-room language was really getting out of hand. For one who was bragging about being awake it was obvious he was still deeply asleep while he left himself open to harsher judgment than he probably deserved. It appeared he got up and brushed himself off, impressing folks of spiritual persuasion with his untiring knowledge of scripturec
    and the old testament. I believe today we still don't know just like many in the forefront, whose side he is really on. I'm thinking he's on the side of what makes money for him.
    It was pretty much because of hw and his youtube type I stopped playing the MAGA Q-anon game and moved back into reality.

  8. And it's always people like Juan who come out of the woodwork during a world crisis to make some extra money, one of the "good guys." I won't read your book. Signs and indications, my friend... Signs and indications.

  9. FYI>PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INFORMATION: Juan O Savin, identified as Wayne Willott of Washington state, is a psychotic QAnon influencer believed by some mentally unstable and dangerous QAnon followers to actually be John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in a plane crash in 1999. Further, He sells fake interviews. Check this out once: He is a former private investigator from Washington. He has and uses a voice changing application. He also goes by MUSTANGMEDIC aka “V” aka “W”. All of these are his aliases.
    He’s a Narcissistic Sociopathic Pathological Liar. He's a part of a Trump Marketing scam to deceive followers and profit thereby. In DEcember 2022. Juan O Savin claimed TRump's big announcement for December 15, 2022 would involve "THE STORM" and Trump's return to the Whithouse. Instead, this is what we got: >>> MUST SEE TO BELIEVE.. Thanks for lying Juan, you miserable child of the devil!

    1. Great! Thanks for the research. It's a lost impossible to tell who is on what side and their agendas, all while we continue to forget history in the making. Like, what happened to the accusations against the Clinton's selling uranium to Russia? It doesn't end but always gets berried deep in information overload.

    2. That's not even accurate at all. That's what you'll find in Google lol

  10. This is very important. How about a joint interview with Anna and Juan?
    Apart from that, I would love to know what Anna thinks about the military. Is there a White Hat military? Are they clearing out the dumbs? Have tribunals happened? And what does she think about the way in which it was done.

    1. Bloviating 107 will argue with his boots in view...

      Patient AVR will argue with her full face in view...

      Would some one allow the other to make a point?

  11. There is nothing they will not lie about

  12. We could go down the entire listing of video podcasters and bloggers being published at some or all of these daily works... and get THEM ALL to rethink what they've been missing all this time... this is only three of hundreds of various web sites...

    Before It's News ...
    Rumor Mill News ...
    Info Wars ...

    This message goes to everyone.

    Every writer, host, guest speaker, through all these various venues need to retool, beboot, double-down and hit the gamut of listeners.

    America was taken over. Now we devolve down to trusts, private actions, ending our PUBLIC commerce use of THE THING IDENTIFIED that we've been standing is as, all of our lives.

  13. No one loves Juan more than Juan. Blow hard.

  14. Anonymous 1:55PM

    There's no Juan O' Savin on Wikimedia. Not even a John O' Savin which is the English name for Juan, as in John -- JFK. Jr. ? l'm sticking with Anna on "Q" meaning the Queen.
    Go figure. The Brits being at the bottom of every dog pile. Ever see the aerial view of JFK's burial site with the gynormous "Q" shaped driveway around the grave? lnteresting. Yep. the Queen again.

  15. The sad fact is the Assemblies nor the Federation itself appear to be large enough nor organized enough to demand back the reins of our government. Until that time we need to work with what we have. Whether they are technically corporate goons or not. We just have to find the conservative God fearing goons and put them in office for the time being.

  16. We are no longer ger under British rule. The US Inc is done. We are a Republic. Again

    1. Hey 7:11...
      We need to flip on the tele and see it on BBC, NBC, PBS.... etc. Whaaa. Just kidding.

  17. Here's what I offer. sound innocent enough, however, take a closer look, this is a plan for an enterprise approach to American liberation. We cannot afford to depend on ANY politician, and We must take the money power into our own hands with a method of decision making. Go ahead take look at the site or feel free to contact me with questions. Emily

  18. Gullible maggots are eating banana’s crap.
    It must be delicious for maggots.

    1. To: Anonymous May 16, 2023 at 9:07 PM

      You have "THE THING," which Dr. Zalewks found in the vxx vials.
      Please go to the "sputtering chamber" an be digested. It may dissolve you maggots?


  19. Why post any attention to J O’S in the first place? You’re telling someone who’s bet job is propaganda to start telling the truth. Why not recognized this and move forward? If you don’t get this you’re the problem not the paid liar.

    1. A fair point.

    2. You are incapable of rational thought. You are a barking, clapping seal. Enough said.

    3. Yeah sure "bone head = Anonymous May 17, 2023 at 9:13 AM."

      When the Truth is on your side hammer the truth, when the law is on your side hammer to the law, WHEN NEITHER THE TRUTH NOR THE LAW ARE ON YOUR SIDE HAMMER THE TABLE - You've have pretty well smashed your table - LOL. Don't spill your coffee on your knee, pour it hot, closer to your lap, and then lap it.

    4. To the obvious trolls (all of them are obvious) herein,

      For you senile trolls, here among your friends (anti Anna bloggers) - not that you can recall what you just read (what 5 minutes ago?) - The title of Anna's article is:

      Tuesday, May 16, 2023
      Message to Juan O'Savin and People Who Listen to Him

      By Anna Von Reitz

      Go to your "sputter Chamber" and sputter there wackos.


    1. Anonymous8:31AM

      Of course they took it down.

    2. It remains posted, you need to scroll down, at that URL. Right now it is the second video down.

  21. Time for Arrests.

  22. Hi All just a quick question? Was the illegitimate British Government ruling the United States Corp. disolved.

  23. Look "short-sheet" we are beset against "battles for the mind." there are two routes easily recognizable.

    1.) Find a semi solitary route to defend your-self among those of the lost minds (rebuttal ability?)

    2.) "Awaken/de-hypnotize/re-claim minds - to the good?" And do it in mass and numbers, and raise the racket (words) to the rafters.

    3.) Optionally, anything in-between. Choose your path, decide your lack of commitment and succumb, or commit and never be done.

    Simply simple.

    1. It matters little what may have been dissolved. Little matter until wisdom prevails. A big maybe, and likely maybe not.

  24. Clinton’s, “more important to be popular that right “.
    Everyone want to be popular and rich only highly moral ppl can can be righteous

  25. The shew must go on and on and on and on and on

    Bringing fake Juan back to the forefront is them circling back around to rehash the same shit shew
    'G' I wonder when Field is gonna come back round
    Or how bout Prathers Priorities? The PP aka Gene HACKMAN

    1. Field McConnell is true and good. You know nothing, obviously, and you are a demon.

  26. I don't watch Juan anymore!! Boring as heck!! Agree with comments on watch the boot!!

  27. Parasites try to protect their host.

  28. This one is a list of scammers.

    And David Crayford = David Sale? is/was also a fraudster.
    He must have died. So, his sponsored site : has disappeared.

  29. After the appearance of the story of Lord James of Blackheath : Foundation X,
    they the crooks appeared all at once.

  30. Obviously the trolls are attacking the truth, Jaun O'Savin..You Tards couldn't be anymore obvious..And not just Jaun but truth..Do you think people won't check for themselves..?.

  31. This is all a huge distraction. “They” are preparing for the Phoenix event coming in May 2040… Just as it does every 138 years.

    It’s well known they are preparing underground to shelter from this cataclysmic event.

    Some say the poles will shift. Which I understand will not bode well for those underground.

    Why would mass number of forklift drivers be called to Antarctica for huge money.

    Seriously, they stopped their masses from crossing our borders just because of some lawful technicality? They used this to get the resources they need in to the right places.

    Just as they did with the trucker convoys. This allowed them to move mass inventory without attracting the wrong kind of attention.

    There have been no true shortages. All the inventory is being diverted to their projects. They have thousands, if not millions, of workers to feed.

    Same with the killing of the livestock en masse due to the “19 disease”. They need food to feed these workers.

    Most likely those workers will not be resurfacing “alive” to tell tales.

    Anna, it is “us” who have further awakening to do.

    A great resource is archaix dot com.

    Jason Breshears is out there alerting the world.

  32. How many people see this as spiritual? This meaning what our country is going through. Deception is coming out of the dark and exposing itself as never before. But what does our Creator say about it? "If MY people (YHWH's people) who are called by MY Name (YHWH's Name) will HUMBLE themselves and PRAY, and SEEK MY face, AND TURN from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven FORGIVE their sin AND HEAL their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV).
