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Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Simple Truths

 By Anna Von Reitz

For many years now, I have realized and have shared the news, that the truth is always simple. 


The truth is like rain falling, crystalline, plain, unembellished, uncomplicated, no big words needed, nothing confusing about it, just matter-of-fact, and there it is. 

All the complexity and jargon and "terms" and legalese and things like PARSE SYNTAX and confusions about the plain meaning of words like "person" and "state" and "YOUR NAME" are always associated with fraud.  

There is nothing at all confusing about the truth of our American History.  

Plainly stated in the records of the Second Continental Congress: 

As of September 1776, the former colonies were doing business under three names: 

(1) the United States; 
(2) the States of America; 
(3) The United States of America.  

The names "United States" and "States of America" were used to conduct business of a general nature, such as requisitioning shipments of food for the Army.  The name "The United States of America" was used to conduct mutual business for the states in international and global venues --- including diplomacy, trade agreements, and similar outreach to other countries and business pertaining to the states as a group combining their leverage and seeking their mutual benefit. 

In January of 1777 the idea of adding to this basic complement of business names/identities by creating a Confederation in addition to the already-existing Federation doing business as The United States of America, began.  

Discussions about the pros and cons of adding a Confederation to the business mix continued for four years until the Confederation was finally created and approved in the spring of 1781.  

It is apparent from the discussions and records related to all of this that -- contrary to what many Americans have mistakenly believed -- The Articles of Confederation served only to create a Confederation of States-of-States, and a new "doing business as" entity designed to allow the states to mutually enter into commercial business arrangements.  

The Confederation didn't replace anything.  It simply added to the mix of "doing business as" options that the states created for themselves. 

There is no mystery involved.  It's all plainly stated in the public records and discussions leading up to the creation of the Confederation which was described as "an adjunct to the Federation of States".  

The Confederation did business under the name "States of America" which had been in use since 1776 for common business and trade; after the adoption of The Articles of Confederation, the states began doing their mutual commercial business under the same name.   

When the Constitutional Conventions and all those discussions took place, the States of America stepped forward as the American Federal Subcontractor, which resulted in the Federal Constitution of 1787, known --- appropriately --- as The Constitution for the united States of America.  

Thus, the States of America, which was one of the operational "doing business as" names of the states from 1776 onward, and which was also the "doing business as" name used to conduct commercial business for the States-of-States making up the Confederation, was the Operator of the Federal Republic under the 1787 Constitution.  

There is nothing confusing, complex, or obtuse about any of this.  And there is nothing to argue about.   Anyone who cares to see it and prove it for themselves needs to dig through the committee meetings and minutes of the Second Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention of 1787. 

It will immediately become apparent that The Articles of Confederation created  a "Confederation" of States-of-States --- commercial corporations employed by each of the respective States--- acting quite apart from and existing in addition to our Federation of organic States of the Union.  This Confederation of commercial business entities was well-suited to oversee and provide the services anticipated by The Constitution for the united States of America.  

It provided those services faithfully from 1787 to 1860-61, when the Confederation fell apart and the respective member States-of-States separated into two groups: the Northern States-of-States, including, for example, The State of New York and The State of New Jersey, adopted the deceptive name of "the Union" while the Southern States of States, including, for example, The State of Virginia and The State of North Carolina, formed the Confederate States of America.   Please note the name, again --- States of America. 

Anyone and I do mean anyone who can read and who is sufficiently inspired, can obtain access to the records through the Library of Congress and associated archives.  It's all public record. 

So all those who have been waving their hands and talking through their hats and trying to say that I made all this stuff up "without evidence"  are invited to be responsible people and consult the public records that I base my findings upon.  If, Ron Vrooman and his band of Merry Men then have any questions and think that I misunderstood the records of the Second Continental Congress and the 1787 Constitutional Convention and the minutes of the Confederation meetings that resulted in the Southern members leaving the organization --- etc., they can bring their ideas forward for debate.  

I have been a responsible person and I have read the archives and I do believe that I have it right.  And I won't put up with anyone thinking that I just waved my hands and made things up "without evidence".  My evidence is the entire archived record of the primary documents.  


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. So glad to have you back Anna. You have been in many prayers as of late. Now I will read the article. :-)

    1. Thank you, Anna!🙏💕🙏glad to have you back also

    2. despite "annas" own hand-waving protests, this Article does not provide verifiable references to what "anna" claims is true/truth.

      we must call for verifiable references. its our right and duty... as
      claiming that "she" uses "the entire archived record of the primary documents" for "My [her] evidence" without a list of specific references for verification is not provable and then is a RedWarningFlag.

    3. why not just read the Articles of Confederation for yourself for once?
      It says nothing about being a Commercial business.

      the States of America has never been a Federation and anna has never furnished one single proof, or even one specific verifiable reference, that it ever was.

      The Articles, that actually are ratifed by the American people, says its a League of Friends.
      why are you people still not reading these papers for yourself, thinking for yourself, using your own God-given critical thinking skills, and asking these obvious and most important questions??

    4. What part of national archives reference did you not understand exactly. And what part of the founding discussions of 4 years, that constitutes a large corpus of facts, did you not understand exactly. Read the facts of the Articles of Confederation - certainly very weighty material that clarifies all questions. You are suggesting don't read the book, just read the introduction and the conclusion - that will be enough. Please stop blabbing and go read and think. Clearly you have not read any of it. Why are always acting irresponsibly like a spoiled child? Just go read!

    5. just furnish the references.
      we all can only conclude there arent any when over and over none are furnished.
      and you didnt furnish any either.
      where are they?

    6. This right here is what Anna said. If you have a problem with it and think it's not accurate then show it plainly. Otherwise stop running your mouth like a bratty child always looking for a chance to be negative.

      "Anyone and I do mean anyone who can read and who is sufficiently inspired, can obtain access to the records through the Library of Congress and associated archives. It's all public record.

      So all those who have been waving their hands and talking through their hats and trying to say that I made all this stuff up "without evidence" are invited to be responsible people and consult the public records that I base my findings upon. If, Ron Vrooman and his band of Merry Men then have any questions and think that I misunderstood the records of the Second Continental Congress and the 1787 Constitutional Convention and the minutes of the Confederation meetings that resulted in the Southern members leaving the organization --- etc., they can bring their ideas forward for debate.

      I have been a responsible person and I have read the archives and I do believe that I have it right. And I won't put up with anyone thinking that I just waved my hands and made things up "without evidence". My evidence is the entire archived record of the primary documents." Copied from Anna

    7. no "Victor",
      references are required.
      and you dont furnish any and neither does "anna".
      and stop telling other people what they can and cant say.
      youre nobody's the boss.
      you/"anna" can't even furnish simple verifiable references or proofs for what is published in these Articles and looks like youre trying to intimidate people to stop them from pointing to this glaring deficit.
      if so, its not working.
      furnish verifiable references. that's all thats required.
      prove your point.

    8. Omg!!! Are you for real she told you where you could find it. Apparently your to lazy to look. You just want everything handed to you. So you dont have to do a dam thing. Like a child asking where his shoes are when they are right in front of him. If he would just look.

    9. woman:janmarie : at times you have expressed reasonable questions and ideas, however and usually opinionated they tend to be, that said, and for the most part, IMO, you predominantly come across as a patheticlly obnoxious and contentious penwiper that spends an inordinate amount of time spittin bitchen moanin and groanin wanting others to do for you what is really your own due diligence responsibility, providing you actually have the intelligence and aptitude to do so, that you, not so successfully, always try to portray you do.
      It's not what others should do for you when it's your own responsibility to do for you.
      Either you're not intellectually capable enough, or you're too friggn lazy and just like being a contentious complaining Itchin jenny. jmtc.

    10. woman:janmarie from woman:anniemcshane; again i wish i could ignore this blatant poke at the hornets nest; Anna does not force compliance by threat of harm; Anna provides certain facts, which we all must verity as true and correct on our own; Read these references used to support Anna's Articles: organic documents: Declaration of Independence; Articles of Confederation; Northwest Ordinance; Constitution for the united States of America 1787; Treaty Law, Law of Nations. All verified documents; These documents can be found at the Library of Congress where you may actually obtain certified copies; they can also be found online for your reading pleasure: google search each document; the geographical jurisdiction of the United States is set by congress: Article 1, section 8, clause 17; so we are either within the exterior boundaries or without the exterior boundaries; simple fact; we as conscripted Militia come to investigate insurrection and rebellion by CITIZEN PIRATES warring against the United States, with counterfeit documents to rob the inhabitants of property, while the inhabitants surrender their adverse claim to property to State as usufruct and shed the reversionary interest to the account of the United States for full acquittance and discharge of further obligation for the legal entity; acceptance + surrender = delivery; funny how by reading one can verify all information, to find what is a fact: true and correct; are we not ultimately looking for what is true and correct? why so gung-ho to prove Anna is providing information that can not be verified when that is so very far from what is true and correct? if one has been deceived their entire life would they not now verify information by looking up everything related to that topic? if one wishes to be brain washed turn on mainstream media;

    11. to a247, 257, and 5:34,
      you all are not reading the comments carefully. youre just shooting off your mouths because you have no references to provide and you must think what?... that you can dazzle the readers with unfounded bullshit?

      annie, i only skimmed the comment you wrote when i saw your name. youve never gotten the facts straight yet, you cant even figure out which jurisdiction youre in, and im not wasting my time on you. however, if you can ever cite relevant references for what your Internet Grandmamama Publishes, i might be interested. call my attention to it with something like "I FINALLY FOUND A REFERENCE TO CITE JANMARIE!!" and i will check it out to see if you actually understand what youre talking about.
      maybe y'all had better go back and re read the comments and then direct your replies to those who asked... cuz i didnt ask and dont plan to change anything im doing.
      oh, and while youre at it, maybe scare up a few actual references to cite? :):):) ... they're still missing :).

  2. Bravo Anna!🙏💕🙏

    1. sara tm,
      what did "she" say that can be verified?

    2. Hey you! Yes YOU. Wo[r]man:janmarie. You have fully verified to many herein that which you are and what you are not. Not worthy.

      And your claim "you need "verification" reveals at very least this - Your demand for spoon feeding is bogus and will remain unfed.

      You are not a cute little baby who deserves coddling and nursing.
      You do reveal any promising usefulness for good futures of peoples of "Mankind" (meaning "Mankind" generically.)

      You don't need no stinking verification, you simply intend to be stinking. And you do.


      "You are not a cute little baby who deserves coddling and nursing.
      You do NOT reveal any promising usefulness for good futures of peoples of "Mankind" (meaning "Mankind" generically.)"

    4. a410am,
      you're panicking??

    5. It is more likely (as women:jamarrie seems to tramp the water front) This women:janmarie is pan-icky, or yucky? Pan Icky, yuck!

      Peddle you nonsense else where; or continue to pride and preen yourself in your self adoration at hectoring those who would prefer someone with, maybe even an iota, of wisdom.

    6. a818am,
      where are those verifiable reference cites?
      cite some.
      prove your point. :)


  3. Simple word - "of"

    Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary 11th Edition.
    Etymology sources it to "Old English" meaning is "off"

    So would that mean the The United states "of' America is Air Jurisdiction"
    Thus The United States OFF America? As opposed to The United States ON America (Land/soil Jurisdiction?)

    1. great info!
      as you indicate, the definition of "of" [there are 6+] depends upon which of those 6+ definitions the speaker/author intended.
      i believe the Juris-Dictional definition makes the most sense, especially since the FilthyLiarThieves have chosen to steal our Confederations Names/s to unlaw-fully use to imitate our original League.

      For us, "of's" definition means "part of".

      However for their FRAUDULENT COPYCAT VERSION, it, no doubt likely means "off", or "without" as you point out.

    2. And so it appears there some that do not even know how to speak English. What a shame, or is sham.

    3. America-n common man uses common America-n language, not EnsLegis/ English... that is for use in BritishCommerce, not by common man.

    4. Sea jurisdiction I believe. International. Not Air/Global. "the" United States/UNITED STATES would denote Air jurisdiction.

    5. And remember that international also includes inter-State. It's all in the spelling too. If it's "the" it's Britain. If it's "The" it's ours. Think major/minor. The/the. Yes I know it's all made up but if you understand this at least you'll have a clue which one you're dealing with. So "The United States of America" is ours and"the United States of America" is Queenies...glad she's dead and hope it was a miserable passing for her.

    6. The Confederation is air jurisdiction. And it is the Federal Republic that needs to be reconstructed. That was the united "States of America" in the air jurisdiction.
      "The United States"(Land)
      "The United States of America"(Sea)
      the united "States of America"(Air).

    7. Thank you above, re: Land, Sea, and Air. For clarifying Jurisdictions and our "doing business as" names (dba)

    8. a401am,
      i see what youre saying, but i believe that is most likely simply more of their British BAR bullshit GASLIGHTING, and here is exactly why, with verifiable references included:

      1a. the stile 'The United States of America' is ours, per ArtofC, Art. 1: "The stile of this confederacy shall be The United States of America."
      1b. the *state* *delegates* use it to signify the confederation/ league they form between the sovereign states, Art. 3).

      then, in Art. 2:
      the statedelegates agree that each state:
      1. retains the individual state sovereigny, freedom, and independence
      2. and every power, jurisdiction, and right
      3. that the statedelegates do not expressly delegate to *the United States* in Congress assembled.
      the confederacy created between the individual sovereign states:
      is stiled "*The* United States of America" and it may delegate limited power to yet another, different creation stiled:
      "*the* United States", in Congress assembled.
      so, both *The* and *the* are used by our confederacy in the Articles of C., and dont have anything to do with aything British at all.
      all this about "the" and "The" is more GASLIGHTING, confusion, scriptflipping, and WordMajickk conjured up by the British BAR Lia-yers.

      my present conclusion:
      *"the" United States* is what the delegates from "*The* United States of America" confederation chose to name the Governmental System that they agree to unite the sovereign states under (the Union) for the limited purposes they list in Art. 3 and both belong to the people living upon the sovereign states, who author-ized the creation of both FICTIONS.

      your thoughts?

    9. anony427am,
      you dont know what youre talking about.
      you furnish no references.
      youre all jibberjabber and no proof...where are your references?
      furnish them. its required.
      and you are also required to prove authority.
      where your proofs? where your references? by what authority to do say?
      you have nothing.
      stop creating confusion.


    10. Hey wacky women:janmarie -

      Show your method to nursemaid the world - How would you go about it.
      Or are you an only-lonely?

      How does your "god" manage the situation in the world? Lets pretend you are "good" and you would fight "bad" how would you go about it?

      Let say, you are back thousands of years ago (many thousands) and some on in your tribe came back with a method to start a camp fire - Would you hit him/her over the head with a rock first, or run around the tribal camp screaming Evil has entered our camp - Screaming "prove its not true" "show me your verification its not true!"

      Ahhhhh! "prove it" "prove it" "verify it" ahhhhhh - (and don't your forget to spell my name with a colon women:janmarie.

      peace and to you goofy one.

    11. didnt bother wasting my time reading your jibberings but saw where you mentioned peace at the end:

      i consider you nobody worth noticing other than to have a little fun with, ....making fun of you.
      i:woman dont receive anything from you.
      *you* keep peace yourself. im not the one breaking peace here, you are.... so get up off your knees, i dont accept your fake peace offering. youcan go pound sand like the Loser youve shown yourself to be.

  4. Addition Air/Sea jurisdiction.

  5. I am making a good salary from home $1200-$2500/week , which is amazing, under a year back I was jobless in a horrible economy. (PB10) I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, Here For MORE INFO Click This Link ……………. Homework7

  6. I am making a good salary from home $1200-$2500/week , which is amazing, under a year back I was jobless in a horrible economy. (ws20) I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone,
    Here For MORE INFO Click This Link ……………. Homework7

  7. [O-f-c-OUR-se:d-EAR]

  8. This is amazing, I think you can read my mind. Everytime I need something,BAM, you give it. Thanks for the your commentment to the people and your brothers and sisters.

  9. There is nothing confusing, complex, or obtuse about any of this?

    I could not disagree more. EVERYTHING about our history politically speaking is confusing, complex, and obtuse by design, why do you think there is so much confusion?
    Also, there is much to argue about. Everything has to be reset, rehashed and reassigned.

    Lets not pretend this is easy or simple for anyone. That would be dishonest and insulting.

    Steve Frederick

  10. "I have been a responsible person and I have read the archives and I do believe that I have it right. And I won't put up with anyone thinking that I just waved my hands and made things up "without evidence". My evidence is the entire archived record of the primary documents."

    Great, share the "primary documents" so everyone ELSE can make up their minds about whatever you think you got from them. Otherwise you still expect everyone to Just believe what you SAY and Act on it, and only Morons act without understanding first.

    1. REALLY ??? It never ceases to amaze how friggn inattentive and incompetent one can be !! She ever so PLAINLY IDENTIFIED the information source AND ITS PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION !!! Daaaaaaaamn, get a friggn spool of thread, lose the dunce cap, get off the lazy ass, grow up, be personally responsible and do the due diligence for cryin out loud !
      You and woman:janmarie sound like two underdeveloped peas in a pod.

    2. well then cite the references. :):):)

    3. ... c'mon, surprise us with a couple! :):):)

  11. Meanwhile back at the bat cave, Batman, Robin and the tribe work out the scripting details as


  12. Scroll down the page to the following article
    March 22 - Red Cross Promotes Migrant Invasion of the US

    From the article
    According to the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), the career fair for non-whites only, which will be held March 29, is needed because "Our diverse student body needs and deserves to have role models who understand their lived experiences."

    Hmm waterloo what a coinky dink

    From the above article
    "Human beings are flawed creatures, and we have every sin imaginable that befalls us," Morath told Houston Public Media. "And it requires us to take intentional actions to learn from one another to love thy neighbor, to assume good intentions when we otherwise wouldn’t, and to listen from other people’s lived experiences. It’s been important for me as we had been engaged in this intervention in Houston for quite some time to learn and listen from people who grew up in that part of Houston, that lived those experiences, and it’s by learning constantly from those conversations, from the lived experience of others."

    It's the same shit different century, open your damn eyes
    It's the same shit these cock roaches pulled back in the early 20th century
    And tell me this why is it like that in the first place
    19 is 19th century not friggin the 20th
    Just like 2023 is the friggin 20th not the 21st

    The shit is right in front of our faces

    And I don't give a shit what those so called archives read or say it's all BABYLONIAN BULLSHIT (BB)

    Babel on grandmama

    Meanwhile THE SHEW MUST GO ON
    Take out the 'H' and you get 'sew' 'sow' seeds to the new age new heave new earth HORESHIT while they steal your asses blind

  13. janmarie what state assembly are you on?

    1. barry,
      which one are you on?

    2. wait!!!
      barry!!! dont answer that!

      i dont care :):):).


  14. Janmarie

    1. a158pm
      are you reading my comments?

  15. Wishing marketers take their business Elsewhere !

  16. Glad to see Anna returned.
    “Why All Contracts Are Void and Fraud By Nature --
    Language and Parse Syntax“

    AlwaysPresentIn- WeTheLivingOnLandAndWalkingOnSoilPeoples-DNA, PleaseFreeDOMize
    TheUnitedStatesOfAmericaOutOfSynagogueOfSatan, AndFraudgenic
    ForensicSeniorExecutiveServicesAgendas, AndParasiticPilgrimsSocietyPrograms, AndFraudpotentGlobalEconomicPatogenSercoGroup AllPoweredBy
    StealthyHidden under WHO/WEF
    BabylonianRadhanitesGenocidalDogma, AndPleaseRecreateTheUnitedStatesOfAmerica'sBodyAndSoulHealthy, andProsperous andTheRest of TheWorld willFollow. m

  17. Simple Truth:
    Not many will disclose this. Why?
    They intentionally overcomplicate for their own purpose.
    Simple scripture? we see 'those' who intentionally spin so they are Perceived to be in control. "The learned ones."
    "The learned ones," world wide are being exposed for what the truly are, and who they truly represent!

  18. Anna! I am so glad to see you writing again. Pay no attention to those who attack you. That means you are doing something right. And Janmarie! I feel sorry for you. Is this ur life? What is it you do all day? Troll the internet? You cannot even form coherent sentences. I picture you sitting in an old smelly recliner with a pepsi and moonpie for breakfast surrounded by cats.

    1. your imagination is running wild. youre describing whats in your mirror.

      i dont expect emtyheaded puppets to understand what im commenting on.
      dont worry about it, youll never get it. :)
