By Anna Von Reitz
In view of the many serious issues confronting our world, we have developed a proposal which we feel would have an immediate and beneficial effect, serving to at once resolve political and economic tensions and reduce carbon emissions, while providing us with a safe and abundant source of clean-burning natural gas.
We highly recommend that the members of WEF immediately suicide themselves in accordance with their belief that we are facing worldwide overpopulation, human-caused climate change, and other evils perpetuated simply because the rest of us are living and working and breathing the air. (And yes, our cows are farting.) We feel that this generous act to remove themselves from the overburdened planet would be the most fruitful and least hypocritical thing that members of the WEF can do.
Prior to arranging their funeral and memorial plans, we further suggest that all members of the WEF, both corporate and individual members, provide for the smooth transfer of all their individual and corporate wealth holdings to beneficiaries who are not related to them and who are engaged in philanthropic activities in their home countries or around the world.
These gifts of all their worldly power and pelf to organizations and individuals who are actively seeking to promote peace and universal well-being will no doubt give these efforts a much needed boost.
Our suggestions concerning the means of the demise of the members of WEF include public and private options. Those who wish to impress others with the seriousness of the overpopulation problem might want to participate in their own public hanging, so that the onlookers are suitably convinced that members of the WEF are serious and committed to their beliefs.
There are also hard and soft suicide options, thanks to the efforts of the Department of Defense.
Cyanide pills, ricin injections, and similar conventional and fast-acting methods have been in use for over a century and they offer swift and certain results, while "soft" suicide methods allow the WEF members the option (more or less) to linger and die at a slower rate.
Covid 19 injections and similar mRNA therapies have a 1 in 40,000 seven year survival rate according to the DoD's own research, indicating that they are a highly effective means of suicide, albeit, often drawn out over a short period of years. This option might provide society with additional benefits, such as the opportunity to track the actual cause of death as each WEF member cashes in, and the development of Death Protocol horizon events data.
Whatever means the WEF members choose, old-fashioned public hanging, or private poisoning via state of the art designer injections, the world will certainly be a better and less populated place without them and without their corporations and without their pseudo-science and without their harmful and nonsensical ideas polluting future minds with dreams of world hegemony, non-existent bug-a-boos designed to support new taxation schemes to enrich their cronies, and similar evils
that result from WEF members continuing to breathe.
We agree that there are "Useless Eaters" in the world and consider all members of the WEF to be included in that category of singularly worthless human detritus, not that they are the only ones who should seriously consider suicide as the answer-- not only the answer to their problems, mentally and emotionally, but also an end to many of the problems that the Earth is now suffering.
Imagine how all our lives would be better without the WEF members creating problems?
Without the WEF members corrupting malleable and impressionable young "future leaders" and finagling to get these stooges in place, we might hope that new leaders will emerge by a natural and organic process of proving leadership abilities and being elected, instead of a contrived mechanism akin to rigging a roulette table.
Our proposal, that all WEF members suicide themselves immediately as a demonstration of their moral integrity and commitment to their cause, has many advantages beyond lessening their carbon footprint and putting an end to their self-serving lies. It would also cut down the reek of hypocrisy engulfing most of the world's legislative bodies and provide an example of right action for the members of the United Nations and those members of the U.S. Congress and British Parliament who are concerned about overpopulation and greenhouse gas.
If these and other august bodies were to consider the efficacy of our proposal, they could join in a mass suicide event similar to the Jim Jones massacre: everyone comes to a party, they all drink the Kool-Aid. We could have crews ready to process the resulting bodies, and be prepared to intern them in a mass grave set up as a methane generator, thereby providing a much-needed and inexpensive source of natural gas and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Unless you wish to consider some of the older members of these legislative bodies as "fossils" in their own right, of course.
We understand that as a result of collaboration between the DoD and various federal agencies with WEF members, we are facing a huge multigenerational population collapse which was already in fact occurring in most developed countries worldwide ever since the Second World War, but this selfless action by the WEF members would at least remove them from the remaining gene pool.
We consider this to be an important point in our favor, as many WEF members are known libertines who have fathered multiple children out of wedlock and left the public to raise their abandoned waifs.
The suicide of the WEF members would, then, also serve the purpose of preventing their intemperate breeding and proliferation of off-spring.
We have thought long and hard about our proposal and the likely impacts of a mass suicide of WEF members and we can't think of a single downside. We conclude that we would all be a lot better off without them and without their corporations, too, so why not encourage them to end the lives they apparently loathe so much? They can assuage their guilt, put an end to their worries, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and provide those who remain with clean energy.
How beautiful is that?
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Anna, I think that is the best article I have read all week!! Thank you for all you do and thank you, too, for the humor (albeit with a lot of truth, sad truth) on this night. We all could only hope we could be rid of these parasites once and for all and soon!!! - by: mari, a woman, free on the land known as Minnesota
ReplyDeleteHow can anyone be free without owning property - all are owned -B.C.
This guy was terminated because of the truth
I’ve been saying that too. Leave our planet. We do not need you Please take the liberals with you. GYL.
DeleteGod gave us land/ other: ("property"). if we cause no harm to another man, what man can say we dont have it? only a liar and a thief.
Deletewe have ability and authority to invoke Gods intervention upon men who cause harm to man.
[ex.: Ref., from one of the Books they claim their authority from: -- Zechariah 5:1-4].
worthy vision to see come to pass
ReplyDeleteAnonymous7:05 PM
Deletel'm glad that you said that about a vision. l agree with you. Not all visions are made of airy fairy picturesque
apparitions in our minds that only we can see. There are others that received visions in their dreams on the pillows of their bed calling it the vision in night season. We have a tendency to reduce that down to mere
common dreams. So they don't seem to carry the weight of, say, like Daniel had, but that is cheating yourself to not recognize that messages from the spirit are for all who are in the family of the Almighty. And some of these warnings and understanding of future things that the Lord is showing us can come in deep thoughts. And l accept this reading as a vision from the Lord and also his will. David spoke his vision to Goliath and told him exactly what he was going to do, and it was carried out in precision bcuz it was the Lord speaking right through him. And the Lord says " My word will not return unto me void." Now Satan's children do not have this kind of power. A power yes, but an illusory power to deceive and lie from the darkness.
A truely comprehensive and well thought out proposal that addresses many critical issues concurrently and with elegant simplicity!
ReplyDeleteI've said for quite awhile that I agree with depopulation, as long as it's with them.
ReplyDeleteWow! Brilliant, Anna...more like this๐
ReplyDeleteSounds good to me
ReplyDeleteLove! Another great idea from Anna!
ReplyDeleteOne of your best. ๐๐ฝ๐ฏ
ReplyDeleteAnna i think you have come up with the solution to a long overdue problem! I agree whole heartedly it is a beautiful plan! Why do these asshats think we are the worlds problem when in fact they are the worlds problem, Do us a favor WEF take your meds and say good bye!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Anna
ReplyDeleteI just registered and this art will be the lead article. TY Anna!
ReplyDeleteFrom your lips Anna to God's ears!
ReplyDeleteFrom "Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary 11th Edition":
ReplyDeleteword - "Select"
tagged as an etymology [cross reference]
"[L selectus, pp. of seligere to select, fr. se-apart (fr,sed, se without) + gather, select - more at SUICIDE, LEGEND]" (ca. 1555)..."
Does this mean they would become a legend in their own time?
Depends who writes history
Is this not totally avoiding the true source of the problem? Sure WEF, say they want this and that, but who gave them the ideas, and who has the power which allowed this, and is allowing this to continue. Sorry but the WEF, is not the problem. They are the puppets, who are put out there so we can focus on them, while remaining completely oblivious to the true source of this BS. Climate change is garbage. And just like the ronna situation, is a false reality, projected upon the world, causing people to lose touch with true reality. Who has been labeled as “Amalek?” And what is the significance, of labeling anyone this?
DeleteThe WEF members are complete COWARDS and they will never stand on their own beliefs and do the world such a favor. Although I have popcorn on standby and am melting butter....please let me know.
ReplyDeleteYou should probably sign up for a public hanging also. Bring your popcorn. Because if you have popcorn n butter ready, you basically just told everyone, you will not being doing anything, to help yourself and or others, more then sitting on your rear, while stuffing handfuls of food in your mouth.
DeleteI love it..give those Rats poison they ever..laughing so was good medicine for my soul.. Anna you are the best!! down with Rats!
ReplyDeleteThey didn't argue the points but only degraded. We can guess this article means we are making headway yet there is no other evidence. Sovereigns arguments are ignored. For those of us under the gun of a court with these pirates that ignore law there is no one to help. I am relieved Teri Salm was able to be free of their jails, but she is and will be fighting to recover her property for some time to come. There is NO justice in our ignorant corrupt courts at any level and plausible deniability or chosen ignorance we cannot overcome them with paper they ignore, law they won't look up and facts they claim don't exist. Knowing doesn't seem to be enough. I'm standing firm but what good is that sitting in a jail cell? Love Anna's knowledge, strength, and courage. We need something to hold them to account. The LAW, do NO harm has been broken and continues at an increase like an avalanche. Albert Pike said, we will provide their heros. I would say from the complete lack of actual progress of stopping the continued travesties that that appears to be the case. I pray for His intervention and ask for direction because I see no other hope.
Just another fantasy “remedy” from Anna – add it to the list…
ReplyDeleteI am finally rubbing off on Anna…Kevin
ReplyDeleteAs always dear Anna I cannot agree with you more, in fact all politicians and all entities helping the Nazi Ukrainians with guns and high tech, should all poison themselves plus the whole EU all together , as I have not seen so much stupidity in my life about these morons thought they could relinquished their umbilical cord from Russia, thinking they will be better with the American politicians ??? they are so doomed for ever!
ReplyDeletethat it will not help Ukrainians against a real super power nation as Russian Federation is. United States as a whole can be converted a huge lake if this our politicians continue their immense ignorance attacking a nation that has the means and the technology to erased any nation on this earth.
Some might choose to go the route of a hefty spraying from geoengineering planes right before their jabs! That is IF they survive to get the jab...
ReplyDeleteMarvelous speech with NO Hypocrisy! Just can't deny " Got Love it!".
ReplyDeleteFantastic! Thanks for the laugh of my week!
ReplyDeleteExpress your law to mankind by way of notice, not to a police officer or a judge but to the man or woman whom acts as a police officer or judge at times separate man from his title, then he can no longer hide behind his or her work.
DeleteAmerican (and ancient) common law: harm no man; and if you harm man, restore.
--- simple, elegant, fair ---.