By Anna Von Reitz
With all this irresponsible talk about "reptilians" and "aliens" going on, I feel it is my responsibility to repeat --- every man, every woman --- has reptile ancestors and a reptile brain stem.
The brain stem is what controls your autonomic functions. It's what keeps your heart beating while you sleep. It's what keeps your stomach digesting during your naps. It's the reason that your eyes move and keep producing tears while you sleep. It's why your intestines work. It's also what connects you to your unconscious.
Most other living beings in the Universe are more obviously reptilian, having retained scales and breastplates and double-lidded eyes and hinged jaws, etc., because they evolved on other pathways, but underneath your smooth skins and abundant beautiful hair (modified scales, by the way) and nice even teeth, beats a reptilian brain stem that keeps you alive, that you could not exist without, and which connects you with the deepest most mysterious elements of your nature and existence.
No doubt most of you would be scared of your kinfolk and no doubt some of you would be repulsed by humanoids with reptilian features. Some might even think that these distant relatives from other star systems are demonic or assume that they have no feelings or aren't intelligent. That would be a tragic mistake.
Like everyone else, and everything else, each one of them is unique, with their own foibles, strengths, weaknesses, loves, hates, cultures, languages, and history.
So as you are making all these assumptions and talking down and reacting in fear and judging all "reptilians" by what some have done, realize that that is just a prejudice no different than judging a man by the color of his skin. And remember that you have reptilian inheritance, too.
Those who have turtle brain stems are long-lived, moderate, wise, happy, and while they tend to be introverted, have much to offer the world in terms of spiritual and intellectual insight, guidance, and goodness. Turtles watch the world with hopeful enduring trust and never give way into cynicism or cruelty. They are the pillars in their families and communities, always reliable, strong, and consistent.
Those who have fish brain stems are energetic and joyous and gregarious and love parties and food and fellowship, dancing and singing and talking and living in the moment. You are the life of the party. You are Jerry Lee Lewis on the keyboard of life. You live fast and often die young, but while you live, you go for it with both hands. Or shall I say with both fins? You are never at a loss for words or emotions, but both tend to be fleeting. You never hold a grudge; it would take too much time and energy away from having fun.
The lizards are quiet, home bodies who tend to brood, who dream practical dreams, who tinker in their garages and basements and invent wonderful stuff, who watch the world and shake their heads. Lizards calculate things, be odds at the races or distances. They have great memories and are always learning and they hoard their knowledge -- ready to share if asked. The lizards are helpful, but never put themselves forward, so you have to look for them before you can enter their world and experience their gentle, steady, contemplative nature.
The snakes are very clever and creative, always on the make, always walking the knife edge between moral and immoral. Active and physical and quick, alert, charismatic, persuasive, prone to daydreaming, artistic, often inspired--- for good, or for ill, the snakes are social in superficial ways, but actually very private people. Good at business and organizing, but often lonely and sometimes bitter because they crave understanding and seldom get it.
And finally, there are among us those who inherit their brain stems from amphibians. They often seem to move through life in their own little bubble. Compassionate and brave, unassuming, patient, forgiving, generous, never thinking too much about themselves or pressing their own advantage, they love being out in nature and are natural caretakers. They love music-- to listen, but not to dance. They are often visionaries and oddly, leaders, even though they don't fit the stereotypical image of leadership.
Now as I have run down the list --- can you see yourselves? Can you identify friends and family? And do you see how your reptilian ancestors continue to exert their influence and share their nature down to this present day? Every mammal on this planet owes a lot to reptilian and/or amphibian forebears, and it would speak better for everyone concerned to own the debt and be grateful.
And when you say that word, "reptilian" with such loathing and fear, remember that in part, you are one.
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Have to summon all my sitchen Sumerian clay tablet study to reflect.
ReplyDeleteAnd others who spent life times studying life on this planet read all sitchens books twice .
And like Eustace Mullins who wrote the secrets of federal reserve, The Illuminati, many more couldn’t get the commonality till he referenced the Bible .
The theme of his book “The Curse of Cain “
Is what the people on the ground thought it’s race .
The mild mannered whites were white flight ed
To become Norseman in cold North Sea .
Sitchen syncs beautifully the brewmasters of (hybrid) apes were homesick and the sons of heaven came down and found the women fair and bore children (dims gods) half god like Noah,Alexander the great.
Other batches possible the monkeys had compassion that they liked.
You did not mention the Draco and the origin of the RH- blood being added to humanity. Being grossly different than either Adam's A+ or Eve's B+.. Of course like any other human group they decided to vilify or dehumanize their adversaries. They do not consider themselves "Humans" to justify the vile things THEY are doing and it is A OK in their minds.
ReplyDeleteWhat star systems? You mean the electromagnetic luminaries pulsing above our plane of inertia!! The helio sin trick soul lure system has been completely debunked. Your knowledge of law is impressive but your knowledge of cosmology is lacking or at least not up to date! The globe is a Jesuit creation not reality!
ReplyDeleteU got me. I thought the earth was flat with a firmanent cover, as per the bible. So where are these, or did these aliens come from again? Is there an exit out through the bottom of the antarctic ?
ReplyDeleteMy ancestors can from the creation of God. They are originals with no spare parts put into them. They have one Lord and Master. They have not evolved into any other beings or crossbred with any other animal or alien.You are talking heresy and you need to stop.
ReplyDeleteagree 100%.
Deletewe're called *man*. :)
Each one's heart will be weighed against the feather of cosmic Truth. One who speaks Truth will inevitably have opposition. Some will despise Truth. Truth knows its own and those who belong to Truth know the beautiful sound of Truth.
ReplyDeleteTruck drivers being fired for electronic interactions while driving
It's against their company policy
And as I said a while back their logs are all electronic now they no longer keep log books that is all done electonically through elogs
They know how long they drive for are only alotted to drive so many hours in a say and so on and they can even disable the friggin truck remotely to prevent driving when they are not supposed to be
All this friggin electronic shit is the invasive species
Must listen