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Thursday, November 25, 2021


Reposted from Stewart Peters on Rumble.

The Republican party has been given power at the state and national level over and over, and over and over they’ve botched it. Against all odds, Donald Trump delivered the Republican Party its biggest victory and its biggest opportunity in a century. They had the House, the Senate, the White House, and a majority of the Supreme Court with a new seat waiting to be filled. Enter Machiavellian Mark Meadows, Meadows had Trump convinced he was this big ally of his, so in 2020 he was brought in to serve as chief of staff. What did he do there? He kept fighting against a serious America-First agenda, this time from within the White House. Come election time, Meadows undercut the effort to stop the Joe Biden coup d’etat, and pushed Trump into meekly leaving office.

1 comment:

  1. Vaccine is a control, genocide mechanism - it has nothing to do with protecting anyone against "COVID".

    A Genocide is Happening in Northern Australia

    More Evidence Vaccines Contain a Barcode

