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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Dear Everyone Regarding The "Shit Storm"

 By Anna Von Reitz

There was never any reason for a second Declaration of Independence. The first one did a masterful job and it still stands today.
Any presumption otherwise was brought forward because of a false claim made by agents of the central banks, and so, Teri and others joined together to reply to the nonsense being pushed by the bankers who were at that time trying to claim that our Government no longer existed and all our assets were subject to "claim on abandonment" by the Creditors of the US CORP. They returned their answer exactly as Teri Hinkle describes; I was present and heard the debates and the acrimony with Tim Turner and RuSA over the whole thing.
And I was shaking my head through the whole thing, too.
U.S. Citizens can't speak for Americans--- even if they were born and raised in America, their registered political status prevents them from having lawful standing under international law. At most they have a limited legal custodial interest in specific properties.
The actual issue was decided many years prior to the flap in 2012, and all that was really necessary was to remind the High Courts of that fact.
Which we did.
What nobody grasped then, and what you are still failing to grasp now, is that the Constitutions are still intact, The Declaration of Independence (original) is still intact, even The Articles of Confederation are still intact.
What has changed is your own political status. You have been registered as a Brit, and as a Brit, you have no rights as an American.
It's like when you are sitting still in an automatic car wash and it seems that your car is moving when it's not.
You all assume that you are Americans and counted as Americans because you were born here, but shortly after you were born, you were "seized upon" and unlawfully converted via the birth registration process into a "U.S. Citizen" --- a dependent of the British Territorial Government.
So nothing that you have ever done and nothing that you are doing with your "Jural Handbooks" and your "Nation States Project" or anything else has ever had the actual desired effect.
British Territorial Subjects can natter all day long and still never have any legal or lawful standing with respect to our land and soil jurisdiction--and never had anything but limited and enumerated delegated powers at sea.
The "Shitstorm" has come and gone. The actual work was accomplished despite all the handicaps. It's over.

We won.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Replies
    1. Sir Mister goodeE2boots ESQUIRE,,, aka "Shill",,,
      When your Lawful Government, Most of your countries Military, ALL of your LEGAL Courts, and most of your Police upper echelon,,Along with the mechanisms of Education and Communication and News Media,, have been taken over and are acting as cover at every level for Organized crime,, It would be, obviously, Very Easy to decieve and misdirect the thoughts and efforts of those of us who comprise "a just and moral society"..
      You are taking snippets and quotes and throwing them around as if there was no truth and are flawed reasoning,,,
      WITHOUT offering ANY reference to the basis of your objections..
      ALL or you questions, complaints and slandeous retoric have been throughly rebutted, documented, and explained in Anna's postings,, ..
      When Anna makes a claim, it is baseded on research, Documentation, and action,, AND Available for All,, even YOU,, to read...
      The detail and nature of you replies indicate you HAVE read the material,,,..
      Your Reply's indicate nothing less than Controlled Opposition and its underlying criminal intent..
      As I said before,, Go tell your queen You have been OUTED..

      When you make a claim

    2. "The "Shitstorm" has come and gone. The actual work was accomplished despite all the handicaps. It's over.
      We won."

      Is that right? So smooth sailing from here on out?
      The proof that the shit storm is still coming will be seen and felt by many. This in itself will be all the proof you need.
      Providing anyone "proof" has become quite a joke and an exercise in futility, especially those who will not look around for the "proof" themselves.
      Claims: How about Annas claim that the Alaskan earthquake a few years ago was an assault upon her by the military?
      For many of us it looks like anna is your queen.

    3. They may have tried again 6.1 in Alaska? Probably missed their grandma target!

    4. To Follower..
      Again,,, context,, and degree...
      First Anna never said smooth sailing,, you did..
      Second Proof is available and free to read in many postings, The Federal Record,, The Federal Register,, dozens of US Supreme Court Decisions.. thousands of Statutes and regulations,,,,..
      "THEY" have always told us the truth and documented it within the 80million statutes, laws, regulations, codes, policies, ect ect,, and then did their best to obscure the facts so the people/People would be hard pressed to find any piece much less an actionable mass of data,,.. And you are right in describing the finding of these truth as an exercise in futility,,,,, for an individual,,, but not for thousands of people over dozens of years with access to computers to preserve and sort and collate the data..

      What Anna and Team has done,, as a result of no less than 40 Years of research and ACTION,, Is to observe the actual Laws of God,, followed by man’s attempt to provide peaceful structure amongst men.. the Laws of the Land and Air and Sea, aka,, Law of the Land, Air (thought constructs) and Water (admiralty law)..

      Anna is the public face of a Huge team of researchers and the person who invoked "The Last Man Standing Rule" to address the current worldwide state of corruption as it relates to America and Americans,, and secondarily to make the rest of the world aware of the underlying criminality they too have been ‘subjected’ to..
      Anna said "The shitstorm has come and gone"..
      She did not say everything required to provide the daily comforts of life and home are in place in full force and effect worldwide..
      She has made it clear we are still in a very dangerous situation and there is a Lot of work to be done and a lot of people need to begin doing their part to GET it done.. Then detailed a constructive outline and method and structural elements of what is needed to make that Happen..
      Which means,, the quicker you pick up your shovel and broom and get busy,, the quicker common sense and peace will return to America,, and the world..
      Doing nothing but complaining and harping on how wrong everything is and throwing mud makes you an ANCHOR...
      I have made my choice to be and Oar..
      Take the time to Learn what has been uncovered and Proven before you launch into badmouth..
      Begin with the website posted at the bottom of Every AVR posting..
      Annavornreitz … com,, and theamricanstatesassembly … net.

    5. i am Free! No paper work needed! Not complaining either just pointing out more stumbling blocks along the way.
      Liberty does not come from man, nor paperwork, original nor updated.
      Truth is not badmouth!
      And yes i did say smooth sailing, and yet saying the shit storm has gone , does lead in that general thought and direction.

      i am standing and i need no paperwork nor mans ok or man's law to do so!
      Liberty does not come from man, nor paperwork, original nor updated.

    6. the actual Laws of God,
      sadly, this is not good law. void for vagueness.

      goodboots has "spiritual" stuff and buddhist/indian "karma". fine for america, but this is just mason/illuminist father in heaven, more 2nd coming "christ for everyone who denies christ" -- its "their turn" now

      anna does "the lord" and sometimes yeshua and sometimes revelation/ezekiel; anything but new testament. pretty much the same as goodboots

      paul claims "catholic" but pushes old test "the lord" many times; ultimately catholicism and masonic/illuminism are opposites, it is not really possible in america to do new testament. there is no "deal" with masons possible, living on borrowed time.

      makeithappen was a worldly kingdom revelation yeshua person, no surprise there.

      its best to avoid all the "millenialism" (all of the above). many of america's problems are of its own making due to bogus "religion" that is "make it up as you go along"
      Originating from God the truth is immutable and eternal
      Kdon gets it close. now is this christ aka a trinity, or some other God? void for vagueness still, but this is as good as you are going to get in practice.

      it looks like worldly millenium theocracy is still rolling on, and the cure is more of the disease.
      with all this uncertainty, there is one thing we can be sure of. christ and new testament is practically extinct and basically banned from all angles. many other nwo "gods" are vying for that number one position.

      will be interesting now that christ is being hit from all sides, to see which "new" god takes over.

      1000 hidden hands, so goeth illuminism. not much changes over the centuries. new faces, same old illuminism. always void for vagueness, always non-sequitors w.r.t. new testament, yet with nary a speed bump, it still gains momentum centuries later, ever-shifting masks.

      illuminism, anything but new testament/christ.

      one has to admire weishaupt and crew. centuries later, illuminism still reigns, even in foreign lands. the more things change the more they stay the same. cest la vie.

  2. Originating from God the truth is immutable and eternal

  3. Ahmen sister!!! Absolutely on point! i comprehend the entirety of the 'argument'.... That former American status must be re-claimed or re-established 'FIRST'!!! Back to the begining before going forward, correctly.

  4. Can’t argue with facts and expect a jury to not side with you.unless it’s a deep state special select.
    Or an election that completely rigged .
    As usual they always sleep with suitcases packed under thair beds. And no extricatation country plane tickets.
    To entrenched this gives the People a soap box but the battle is just begun.
    They call this the black revolution on global ZOG to finally put the final nail pumping((( department of indoctrination ))) , fluoridation,falce charts history books,science,.
    Monopoly money , corporate law bills of attainer ,carpetbagger tribunals, corporate style government, but a win just might rally the troops to victory.

  5. Something we need to comprehend is that the current judicial system of the municipal United States and of the Territorial United States (aka the current "legal system" of courts) both have their court rules which set up the framework of their operations. And they also have a long and ever a being revised list of insider judicial concepts and practices that we are never going to be allowed to be privvy to, because the judge considers himself free to invent and re-invent those privately construed (constructed) rules to his hearts desire in reaching the prejudicial decisions against over 96% of Defendants.

    Why? Because the bottom line of these courts is that by whatever means necessary, be it illogical reasoning, refusal to allow evidentiary documents to be admitted to the case, refusal to judicially "see" the facts and law from the point of view of the "Defendant" U.S. citizen, and when necessary by outright judicial fake sophistry of many kinds, the court is fully pre committed to finding in favor of the system that writes the judges checks, the corporate United States. This is true to the point that if a judge begins to"see", "hear", "find", "admit evidence" favoring the defendant, or allow other law than corporate statutory code into the formal workings and records of the judges court, the judge is now viewed as an infidel to the corrupted system, and will find himself out of work, declared a fraud, or actually prosecuted by the system, (think of Trumps prosecution for four years because he is definitely and outsider to the deep state system, so the judge allowing any deviance will be dis-barred and will lose his coveted job with its many lifetime perks. He may even do time in the correction center for his deviation from the party line of acceptable court activities.

    Everything in and about these courts is geared toward the presumption that the defendant IS IN FACT a U.S. citizen, having been conferred 14th Amendment privileges which also deprive him automatically of any claim to an organic National State Assembly or claim of being a living man or woman on the land of an un-incorporated state. These two jurisdictions are like oil and water: they do not and cannot be mixed or joined.

    So unless and until a man or woman prepares and records his documents showing his natural origin as a living man or woman, his ancestry of parentage who were NOT U.S. citizens or naturalized U.S. citizens, and his explicit record of his choice of belonging to the organic unincorporated American National State Assembly either as a Citizen of one of the respective several states or as simply an American State National, then there exists in the current system (intentionally) NO COUNTERVAILING EVIDENCE the court will have to "see" or consider that the alleged defendant is not a U.S citizen, and the court will definitely process him according to that extremely prejudicial political "subject", created by a Congress, of his being property of the government as his political status.

  6. So unless and until a man or woman prepares and records his documents showing his natural origin as a living man or woman, his ancestry of parentage who were NOT U.S. citizens or naturalized U.S. citizens, and his explicit record of his choice of belonging to the organic unincorporated American National State Assembly either as a Citizen of one of the respective several states or as simply an American State National, then there exists in the current system (intentionally) NO COUNTERVAILING EVIDENCE the court will have to "see" or consider that the alleged defendant is not a U.S citizen, and the court will definitely process him according to that extremely prejudicial political "subject", created by a Congress, of his being property of the government as his political status.

    The recording of our correct and true political status as American State Nationals is the first foundation to having our correct political status on a public record that can then be used to evidence a new and different status from that of the presumed U.S citizen status. This new corrected status is not recorded on a record of one of the States of State, which are all merely franchises of the municipal United States, but that the American National originated on the actual land of the organic un-incorporated state where he/she was live born to two living parents and to the natural birthright that attaches to that politically free status. These records are the business of and are under the authority of the People of the States, that is the living men and women on the land of the organic un-incorporated states, which are now in session in all states of The United States of America, which is that organization which originally organized certain relationships and their cooperative endeavors together, by Assembly among the un-incorporated states. See the Articles of Confederation and read it very thoughtfully, and very literally, because that is a crucial part of every American's education in public law.

    1. Please explain which part of joel's A+ work contradicts what Anna offers.


    BUT THE TOXIC ENERGIES ARE REAL. At the Core of this relationship:

    The U. S. INC IS A BINDING INTERLOCK, to this SEPT 9, 1776.

    Current Configuration: We have with PLUTO = in reversed in sector of Govt, over manipulations.

    with HADES = in reversed in sector of MIL., #7 People, foreign relationship: over manipulations, inside out.

    with SATURN = in reversed in sector of MIL., #7 People as well, over Controllings, inside out.

    with SARG = Scopios Star Clusters, Heart Of Scorpios or Pluto, in sector of LAWS: #9, over DOMINANING, inside out, in terms of Laws and Legal deceptions.

    So, how do you fix these energies? Reset them !!

    The question is, Do U have the Will Power?

    1. Press that hard RESET switch, All fingers on it,
      sequentially, that's called (Same Time) !

  8. Joel, have you done the 928?
