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Saturday, May 1, 2021

A Non-Person. Yes, That's Right.

 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, Robert David Steele wrote to us about how he is "smashing Anna" with his new video and saying, "Anna is a non-person." And he will never speak to me again.
Looks like he finally figured out what I was trying to tell him for two years running.
He finally got it. I am a non-person.
No office of personhood related to the US, INC. or USA, Inc. for me.
I accept acting as an unincorporated Lawful Person, but otherwise, no thanks.
Personhood isn't for me. I like saying what I mean and meaning what I say. I like the truth come what may. I actually prefer what is actual and factual and dislike legal fictions to the bone.
I don't like cloak and dagger, either. Never have. And I don't believe in secrecy, because I know that just on the other side of the veil, absolutely everything is known anyway. Might as well let it all hang out, because God isn't deceived.
You can't build your own credibility by lying about anything --- or anybody. Life doesn't work that way. And forget about secret agendas.
We are going back to work and doing our job to self-govern our own country, and that is all there is to it.
No need for movie footage, music, and special effects. We were here before Hollywood and we'll be here afterward, too. If the Actors Union doesn't figure out who pays the bills, that time will be coming sooner than later.
So, here I am, one of the people of this country. Not a person.
And Robert David Steele finally got that straight.

I am mildly encouraged.


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  1. Persona a masquerade mask throw back to Rome in court you couldn’t address the court except in a fake character.or a mouthpiece.

  2. I just unsubscribe to his bitchute channel

  3. Way to Go, Anna!!! Proud of You!!! Happy May Day, Saints!!! 🌺

  4. Your way over his head Anna. Robert David Steele is a bit bizarre and you make his head hurt. It might take several years to get your message through that last 1/16 inch of his skull.

  5. .
    The sheeple are not in control of their lives, why?





    EGO = edging God out

    No back bone [as 1776] as no one pays attention to being open minded – see answers above

  6. Anna, you can tout how you're a "non-person" and I told you so, but none of that matters. We are dealing with criminals at the highest levels. You can have your paperwork with your "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed and recorded. They dont' give a rip about paperwork!!! They're criminals!!! You need to get real. History shows us, criminals ONLY recognize force. Yesterday ANTIFA/BLM marched and looted and burned while carrying posters of Marx, Stalin, and Lennin. We are in deep s**t and we need to be working with our communities organizing for when this escalates in our communities, and it will. We need to come together at the local level and begin organizing protection, food, and potable water. From there, organizing talents, medical professionals, law enforcement, retired military, ect. No one is coming to save us, nor is magic paperwork going to save us. We will either get the job done or be erased from the face of the earth.

    Tout all you want about your "non-person" and how you're right, when ANTIFA/BLM come to burn down and loot, the people being affected, will not give a hoot about whether you're right.

    1. What do you think the state assemblies are for?

    2. Exactly. The “force”— as in power of enforcement is via the Assemblies. Our States are the Parties to the Constitutions and the only entities that can enforce the Constitutions against the Queen and Westminster and the Holy See.

      And we are successfully day by day and week by week bringing the power of our International Treaties and Public Law to bear on them.

      You all have one (1) peaceful and lawful choice— join your State Assemblies and help force the octopus back into its cage or be strangled.

    3. Looks like evidence to the truthfulness of the saying that history always repeats itself but as a farce????

    4. You're living in La-La land folks. We have thousands of unvetted aliens pouring over our borders daily. Many are CCP operatives. When triggered they will begin attacking innocent people and furthering the destabilization of our country. Most of what poses as government officials are compromised by the CCP. We are in a war. You need to get real and get your heads around this. The enemy doesn't give a rip about paperwork and whether you're living on the soil and land. They want you dead! Wake up! If you were dealing with honorable people, you wouldn't have to correct your status. They aren't going to slap their wrist on their foreheads and say, "Oh no, you got us!". They're coming to take everything from you and kill a great majority of people. Let's stop worrying about pushing paper around like it's an impenetrable shield. I'll assure you that when they are rounding people up and you flash your paperwork at them, they'll have a special place for you. Now is the time to act. Form neighborhood groups. Know who's awake. We don't have a lot time.

  7. Thank you Anna for calling out the shills. DJT, Dr McKinney, Gen. Mike Flynn, Sheriff Mac, RDS, and associated "Patriots" don't get it, possibly on purpose. Are they miss guided, or bought and paid for shills, if you look at their track record, it becomes obvious.
    A true American patriot would encourages everyone who qualifies to correct their political status on the land and soil and to join their state assembly. None of the aforementioned folks are doing this, possibly out of ignorance, but most likely on purpose.

  8. The unincorporated "persons" discussed at § 801.50 fall under the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 16 - Commercial Practices.

    Those Title 16 "persons" involved in commercial practices are subject to Federal Regulations. Why would anyone conflate the unincorporated Lawful Person that Anna discusses with a federally regulated person? Can you not understand that there is a difference or do you know and are attempting to confuse others that are trying to grasp these concepts?

    Ironic that some are using "controlled opposition" language here... makes you wonder.

    1. Because we are not talking about Legal Persons defined by Federal Code. 90% of all Federal Code does NOT apply to us!!!!!!!

      I get so damned sick and tired of trying to wake people up and have them come back with comments like this.

      We are talking about Lawful Persons which are also unincorporated but which stand under Public Law not private statute!!!!!

      How MANY times do I have to say this?

      The only Federal Codes that apply to us in any way at all are the approximately 8% of those actions recorded (note that word?) on the Federal Record — not the Federal Register.

      So here you are talking off-topic and getting everyone confused —yet again— by citing Federal Code that applies to Legal Persons when the rest of us are talking about Lawful Persons.

      Please repeat after me: if it is not published on the Federal Record, it’s talking about entities and stuff that does not apply to me.

      And over 90% of Federal Code has nothing whatsoever to do with me. Period. The vast bulk of the Federal Code is addressed to Federal Employees and Federal Corporations and Federal Operations and has nothing to do with us or our States of the Union.

  9. It is interesting that these May 1, 2021 posts by Anna were nevertheless reposted on

    1. Why is that “interesting”? They pick up all sorts of info from all sorts of sources?

  10. Anna, I stopped listening to the Q/patriot narrative long ago. All it's done is make people sit on their hands and not take any action, waiting for DT to take care of them. All these so called "patriots" are doing podcasts, selling books and seminars and taking advantage of the horrible situation. Feeding their hopium addiction. people will not listen to the fact that there's a disinformation program running on both sides. We've been played by both sides politically for so long that people can no longer decipher truth from fiction. I can literally show people documentation concerning what the hell is happening right before their faces and they deny it. I broke my hopium addiction. Every person in this country needs a 12 step program.

  11. yes, this is all good stuff.

    all you have to do to avoid the bait and switch is:

    reject "the lord" unless you are actually jewish (galatians is new test)

    reject any "father in heaven" who is "not a christian" (avoids denying trinity -> straight to hell, the one unpardonable sin)

    reject isiah/ezekiel/revelation kabbalah zionism, these are neither old nor new test. if you want kabbalah, hit the zohar directly rather than the disguised/veiled "bible" version for "idiots"

    all the lawful person stuff is fine, just avoid the poison that has been mercuried in with it.

    reject all the extra-biblical extra-old test extra-new test zionism/kabbalah "persons" like "joshua" and "father in heaven" and "the most high" and everything is good.
    a disinformation program running on both sides
    none of that matters, and itself is disinformation.

    new test is light only, no darkness.

    "the lord" creates light and darkness, like saturn/time, aka "luciferianism". this is "eastern" like tao, nothing is true, nothing is false, duality, seasonal.

    "both sides" is just tao/alchemy/masonry/luciferianism. itself is a disinformation campaign -- for any actual old test or new test.

    with eastern religions this dualism is not only allowed, is normal and perhaps mandated; for western civilization it is the devil.

    and, you will note, zionist "father in heaven" and "joshua" and "the most high" doesn't openly do "dualism", at least pretends and attempts to put up a smokescreen/mirage of only being one-sided. has to masquerade as the "western" type

    the kabbalah has to be slipped in ezekiels/revelations "revolving wheels" for "westerners" and bible people, as religions inside of other religions, "secret books" as jewish encyclopedia "cabalah" calls them

    all is well, so long as you provide remedy to avoid the kabbalah poison that is slipped in

    reject any presumptions of abandoning new test or old or (if you don't like either) of ever accepting them in the first place

    where there is a right there is a remedy. both old test and new test cannot be banned without consent. the zionists/isiah/ezekiel/revelation people have zero authority or consent from actual jews/old test or new test to do so.

    nor do they have any consent from kabbalists/occultists/tao/alchemists/etc. to merge with "bible" stuff.

    as long as you reject all the presumptions about abandoning god for the devil and his worldly kingdom, then there is no problem.

    i suppose you can accept the devil's offers as "gifts" with no presumptions of change of god(s) attached. sounds good.

    win-win-win-win-win except for unelected "bishops" who want to manage everyone else and do a bogus state religion.

    "you're fired" is a good slogan for the fake priests lol

    1. when someone comes around with a geneva bible (or kjv, or any for that matter) or "the most high" or "joshua" or 'yahweh' or "the lord" (for new test or old, there are multiple variants now, the kabbalah version and the non-kabbalah version for old) you can basically just "accept for value" as a gift without any presumptions attached.

      then, you don't get sucked into apocalypse, and the books remain balanced as it were

      accept for value, don't create any joinder with the devil, all is well. accept "joshua" and the kabbalized version of "the lord" as a gift with no presumptions.

      for actual kabbalists/alchemists/tao/etc. just accept the "bible stories" for value, with no presumptions of change of god/etc.

      you basically just have to separate the pure from the impure, accept the gifts without the poison.

      if the devil is doing alchemy, then reverse-alchemy is the remedy. the devil is doing dissolve and coagulate (break apart, then rebuild, at the "coagulate/merge" stage nowadays) so either reject the "new" coagulation, or reject the "separation" breaking apart in the first place.

      separate actual old test, actual new test, actual kabbalah/alchemy/tao/etc. from the apocalypse/zionist/isiah/ezekiel fakes.

      you can pretty much ignore whatever names things masquerade as, as that is a maxim. the names do not matter if the substance/body is certain.

      in a perfect world, there would only be one "the lord" and one new test christ, and one alchemy, and one kabbalah, so the names do matter in that sense, and very much matter for purposes of dogma, but the right mask/name is still no certainty if the content is all poison.

      for new test that is basically the purpose of "our lady" to kick down these fake mercury characters. nowadays jesuits have our lady of america with all-seeing eye on her breast. so that of course has been mercuried too (all for apocalypse/revelation, to attempt to "merge" with the religions inside religions of the "bible").

      (amongst many more other fakes)

      again, you can accept "our lady of america" for value, and reject the poison portions, just reject the apocalypse/zionism /all-seeing eye stuff mixed in, and stick with new test instead of hell on earth.

      or, stick with wisdom/solomon for old test, or stick with masonic father in heaven, reject the "merger" with joshua, etc.

      as long as you separate off the devil's presumptions and poison that is attached, you can basically accept all his many many many "persons" for value, as a gift, with no obligations attached, and all is well.

      freedom of religion is still good; since the devil is using alchemy and merging religions together to try to destroy it, reverse-alchemy can be used to keep all the religions preserved and pure without any poison mixed in.

    2. basically, you cant pay a debt with a debt.

      so "the lord" and old test is still on hold due to worldly israel "impurely" occupying the state of israel, there is still no 2nd coming/revelation, and "joshua" apparently is just a man, no trinity, not god -- a debt.

      its also basically nonsensical to reject "the fall" but then push "joshua" and revelation/isiah/ezekiel.

      if there is no "debt" for anyone, then there is no need for 2nd coming/revelation/ezekiel/isiah/joshua/new jerusalem/etc.

      you can basically "accept for value" all these bogus debts, and reject any such undisclosed adhesion contracts.

  12. How about just keeping our noses clean and our heads screwed on? No hopium. No occult. Just plain old American horse sense.

    And scholarship.

    My people ARE being destroyed for lack of knowledge and we are suffering under a powerful delusion—- but we CAN wake up.

    We can remember who we are.

    We can learn and apply the Public Law.

    We can enforce the Constitutions.

    We can sue in international court to get our stuff back

  13. How about just keeping our noses clean and our heads screwed on? No hopium. No occult. Just plain old American horse sense.

    And scholarship.

    My people ARE being destroyed for lack of knowledge and we are suffering under a powerful delusion—- but we CAN wake up.

    We can remember who we are.

    We can learn and apply the Public Law.

    We can enforce the Constitutions.

    We can sue in international court to get our stuff back

  14. Noahide Law was adopted by the Corporations and is NOT Public Law. Some of the people commenting here are so ignorant they should be forced to do their homework before even opening their mouths — a practical recommendation they ignore to their detriment and everyone else’s.

    1. goodE- You've been answered on this already. Truth bears repetition. 3X is appropriate; once can be on 928 cover page or Declaration of Service of notice(s). Affirmation & repetition seem necessary to establish or awaken some. Blessings 2 All BEing & DOing peacefully lawfully 4 highest good of All. FreeMom7 :)

  15. The families that have made this nonfiction planet a reality for us all need to be dealt with for their crimes against humanity & all life on earth with their pesticides & poisoning us all with their chemical additives in food.

    The family of 13 & all of their ilk need to be exposed & the corporations they run taken down & all their wealth they've stolen through the banking & govt fraud handed back to the people. Our lands have been stolen so these families can enjoy a life only the rest of us can dream about while poisoning us all with their pesticides, chemical additives in food & drinks & aerosol spraying of our atmosphere for their climate change agenda.

    We've all been manipulated & lied to so these families can stay rich & in control through their Eugenics, corporations, govts & pharmaceutical companies all for what nothing more than shiny stones paper, gold & silver.

    Nature & life on this planet is more important than any riches, nature is the riches we should all be looking after that has been left to us by our creators.

  16. To RDS, (I'll leave Sasha out of this for now) We ARE forming in the LOCAL communities (really 'on' the local communities, ie. on the land, not in the land, that’s what ’they’ do, tunnel-in, right? ) we are empowering the people, not just getting into a self defense, prepare for this or that survival mode. We are way past that. Important to know, is How to walk through this and understand WHO you are, stand with correction, on the record, otherwise we are presumed, like all other sheep, ignorant of who they are. We ARE Pushing Back by organizing the intended 'governing' BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE and OF THE PEOPLE!! (It doesn’t say person, it does not say citizen...It says PEOPLE. People is plural, person is singular. The true original wet ink documents’ intent, by, for and of the people. If people cannot understand by now, we were then and are now ‘perceived’, as well as our ancestors, duped/pillaged and deceived. We must learn quick, pick up our jaw off the ground, shed the boogie man fear and STAND tall while moving into ACTION from within, locally, and those that cannot are to step aside. The only way to have 'standing' is to correct the presumptions/assumptions, record it and unite with one another to restore the POWER of the people and to the people. We've had the mind- set so ingrained as to what a 'government' is, its been redefined for us not by us, 'taken care of ‘for us'. We’ve been well conditioned to 'vote in' a representative for 'us' because we are to en-trust someone else, yet this has NEVER resulted in what we understood it to be, has it?
    (part one of three) see below

  17. It is OUR responsibility to self govern. Look at All the public distractions.... radio, newspapers, t.v., youtube, fbk., etc...all paid actors-‘mockingbirds’, echoing the words on the page. THINK people, THINK. If you stole all the money in the world, hired cons to do the dirty work, are ill intending, are with covert abilities, perceive you are 'in control' to think up countless schemes to continue the fraud, and have gotten away with it for nearly two centuries, in this country….while infiltration/spying (something RDS is grossly familiar with) is their favorite M.O., Why? Because it provides fodder to their agenda, while compartmentalizing everyone else involved. All to protect the few at the top... and so, they continue. 'Ordering' compliance. Have you read a MUO (Mutual UNDERSTANDING ORDER)? ( I have, there are plenty of them hidden in the archived public records at the SEC, of all places, complete with the flag of England proudly displayed across the top)
    (part two of three see below)

  18. We ARE pressing forward. No amount of scare tactics, bullying, fake news riddled with half truths, coated thick with lies, nothing can stop what is happening in the exposure of each and every one of you. We out number them, We know the truth, We know the dirty tricks/tactics, and We choose to stand with God and one another in his full armor, with OUR record’s corrected. Ive never heard RDS speak to any of this. Not once. He's puffed up, tight and more concerned about making coin than restoring our rightful and lawful country. (he pouts, and fires off like a hot air balloon with a tiny pin hole, leaking and spewing around the airwaves). This isn't about 'arrests', 'move them out and continue onward because we got the perps', nor ‘assume 'their' role behind the scenes and do a better job’. 'Their' governance is NOT our governance. Their entire political platform never was for 'our' well being. Rounding up the neighborhood pedophile isn't going to put an end to it all, nor stop those who have perpetrated and condoned the bad behavior(s). This will NOT get us any where. We don't want 'their' role as our governance, get that through your fat head. Common law-Gods law, has been turned inside out, spit at, sliced and diced and absorbed by monsters...hidden in the belly of the beast. ‘Government’, is not what we think it is, in fact they’ve been hard at making sure we didnt think about government at all. Preoccupying us with parades, stories, headlines, sex, hotdogs, beer, sports, T.v. all for the purpose of ‘programming’. They conveniently changed and redefined us, right down to our names and how our names are spelled,(get it? 'spell-ed", as in, a spell or witch craft) then defined that a hundred different ways to sunday till we find ourselves so far from the truth, so far from home, 'they'll never ' know the truth' and this is 'an order'. (Book burnings come to mind, drugs and our children). They muddy the water and you can't see the bottom, stir the pot and every one spins dizzily along. No, RDS, you are on slow boil if you cannot or will not step out of your own blinding reflection. Who are YOU, RDS? Answer that one. We all know your self proclaimed ten minutes of fame or is that shame? Im talking about who are YOU? naked before the creator? We are not in competition, nor money grab, this is not a quick, quick..."cut to the chase, problem solved" 'Look at me, I wrote...blah blah blah' Look at me, I have met, blah blah, had dinner with him, blah blah’. I've NEVER heard once a 'humbling' word out of RDS’ mouth. (You worked for these cut throats, seems to me, you might want to re-evaluate who you are working with today. Lone wolf, doubt it. Con-sultant? Perhaps). Sure, pedophilia and satanic ritualistic murders may not be your thing, and you find it disgusting, most do, but this is lawlessness, pure and simple. Acts against that which is the blatant core is the wicked contrast of good and evil? Immoral 'acts' are the result of what? A dis-compassionate, dis-connected, dis-eased mind, one who first dis-respects God, himself and others at all cost. You must ask yourself, where and how did they become this way, who misguided them, held harmless and fostered this mindset? Who turns a blind eye and fails to hold them accountable through hush money, or blackmail ? Who is complicit? We know and can smell ‘them’ a mile away, now. We are onto the evil amongst us. Use your eyes and ears and shut the trap for once. We've got this!! You? not so much. Who are you protecting? But you, RDS, won’t answer that, will you?

  19. I think it's time to start blocking these idiots who speak against the Assemblies and Anna. They are NOT a part of the solution, so that means they are a part of the problem. They offer absolutely no assistance and are only here to complain and cause confusion....

  20. Scriptures say that God it no respector of persons. So many that profess to follow the scriptures and do Gods will have no idea what a person even is. Everyone looks in their system of persons and thinks since they are so high and mighty to use persons and defy God that they are the new God. Ignorance is no excuse and the Kingdom of God is harmed due to ignorance. Obviously respecting persons is warned about and not to be done by those with any wisdom concerning the taking up of a person cloak and going around acting like your someone or something else
