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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

WARNING from these very established and credible Doctors. Stay away from the VACCINATED!

The Vaccinated who have been injected are transmitting the Artificial Intelligent synthetic "affliction" to the unvaccinated. Symptoms of blood dyscrasia, menstruation, off bleeding, etc are being experienced by the unvaccinated who are co mingling with the vaccinated population.


  1. Excellent, Excellent, Excellent. Love Dr. Tenpenny!! Thank you! Stay away from the stupid baxxed idiots (fearful idiots) wandering around with their heads up their, you know what. A MUST WATCH.

    1. Also-- just read:
      Johns Hopkins.
      In some masks.
      Silently delivering pharmaceuticals when people breathe!!
      Infowars has report; so does Js H

  2. how do we stop this?!? the zombie apocalypse looks more like a possible reality than a movie every day! do we just shoot then before they change?!?

  3. some one is going to pay for this, is it the Queen? is it the Pope? is it the Politicians? Dr. Larry I am with you there money took over all these Politicians.

  4. Got intro and feed completely blocked and refuses to budge perfect connection big tec/Pharma.object!

  5. I often wonder how long this global plan was set in motion,and how credible the world governments are all in it?

    1. Fauci has been funding it for 10 years. The WORLD BANK and Klaus Schwab since 2016.... under their PROJECT COVID... set to continue until March 2025

  6. These silicone valley military black operations connected with Colorado underground super computers.
    They are executing ZOG’s commands.

  7. FBI senior director in Northern California Ted Gunderson says The CIA created by CFR is central command .
    He also said first trade center attempt was complete FBI operation. Quote .

    1. Should say he passed away July 2011. And Ted Gunderson was correct. He went to his grave fighting for our/and our children’s freedom.

  8. It should noted that the globalists have spent a lot of time preparing us for zombies, and people who have Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) move like zombies. CJD is caused by misshapen proteins (prions), and mRNA vaccines are designed to make our cells produce proteins.
    So by circulating mRNA vaccines that cause the cells to make misshapen proteins, the globalists can induce a “zombie apocalypse” of sorts.
    The specific production runs of vaccine that are prion-weaponized may have been distributed starting on April 19

    And for Gods sake where in the hell is the information coming from that what these ones here are reporting on is true

    Can't trust a damned thing any of them say period

    Vax versus anti vax
    It is yet another divide the masses and pit them against each other
    Keep them away from each other instead of uniting them

    1. Yes thanks for the warning. America was/is run by low_life sicked Bastards, for a long time. My family and I were not born to give them, and their circle FREE welfare, Free materials forever. Bc, everything my ancestors and I built are gone to enrich them for as long as 170 years.

      The liars and Theives had a bad discipline. That's their problems. The Angels and Holy spirit taught me, to stop being too generous with them. Its time for me to love myself, ourselves, and so should you.

    2. They're so addicted to their deceptive way of life, and wanted to hold on to those helping them in the past. Enough is enough. Time to cut the cord. We must have life too.

    3. Shelby, a friend of mine who has been staying home alot has gotten sick twice when she was around friends who got jabbed. Takes her over a week to recover fully. Fever, the whole nine yards.

      I am soooo thanking our creator that these mask wearers and jabtakers are actively trying to social distance themselves away from us "selfish idiots" who don't wear a mask!!
      Thank you! Thank you! Yes! Stay over there! :) :) :)

    4. Dr. Carrie Madej's testimony is Phenomenal!! It hits the nail on the head! I hope anyone who has viewed this video or even parts of it, grasps the meaning of what is being done to humankind as a result of this, 'so called,' vaccine. It was actually engineered and designed not only to destroy those who received it but also those people who didn't receive it but who would be innocently interacting with those who did. Please understand how diabolical this plan really is. Make sure that you are at least getting as much nutrition as you possibly can! Take your minerals, your probiotics, (of course your vitamins), essential fatty acids and so forth. YOU NEED TO BUILD OR HAVE ALREADY A STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM. This is no joke. As Dr. Carrie Madej said, 'it works with the WIFI.' (Don't bother with a useless mask, that won't do anything for you but inconvenience you). It was never any good for this attack. Now people can maybe begin to understand the reason for the 5-G, frequencies, chemtrails, etc. It all works together to affect the human body, (animals, birds and reptiles too). Most importantly from all of this, you need to make sure that you have a relationship with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

    5. Also, be mindful of the so called, 'Smart phones,' and the, 'Smart appliances.' These Smart phones especially are highly dangerous. As Dr. Carrie Madej said about the experiments with the cell phones in which she said that they were older phones that affected the young girl who had the phone up to her ear for forty minutes and how it had changed her blood cells. There are products on the market that can offset the harmful effects. My advice is if you must have a cell phone, get one that produces less radiation; maybe a 3G or 4G, but keep it off when you're not using it; cell phones are constantly transmitting thus sending the EMF's through our bodies. The best advice is don't have a cell phone at all! I understand that unless you disconnect the battery of the Smart phones, they will still transmit even when they are off...

    6. One last thing, Anna and Paul, THANK YOU for publishing this video on your website. There are several other videos that you have published regarding this latest attempt to destroy mankind that were commendable as well. I personally appreciate and am grateful for all of the great information that you have provided regarding this, 'so called virus and vaccine, (mRNA),' (Deception on mankind) business.

    7. Dr. Larry from the video is awesome also!!!

  9. Thank you for emphasizing the fact that this is NOT a vaccine. The use of the word "vaccine" was employed to act as a trojan horse to carry their "payload" to the unsuspecting natives. They would have faced scrutiny problems had they tried to introduce this "technology" through any means other than "vaccination" which was given special status by former president Reagan if memory serves. Is this not a case of "unlawful conversion" or "fraud". Should those responsible not be tried for fraud and trespass against humanity? Seems to me it's time for retribution and just desserts. If not initiated by the hand of man, life has taught me that the laws of KARMA will take effect in due course. My mother regularly maintained that "the TRUTH will out" and I am satisfied to see she was right!

  10. Excellent video! Thank you for posting. 👍🏾

  11. Once there is s crack in thair monopoly of power it’s all over telegram is the hot platform for militia types.and out intelligence is increasing on sue to enforce natural law the bill of rights in fact as Kirk at kirks law corner relates any infringement to bill of rights is a trespass a common law trespass .

  12. Ammon Bundy refused to yield to leaving the state house and hit with s trespass but it won’t stick .
    He’s spent two years in prison and not one charge .people watch and learn .they know the heat is on thair colorof law human traffing

  13. Excellent video full of intelligent doctors. So uplifting to know so many doctors care about mankind and have not sold us out.

  14. Oh great, now we get sick whether we get vaccinated whether we get the disease or not. This is a lose-lose deal. I'm going to try chlorine dioxide if that doesn't work you guys can have it all. Why doesn't this seem to affect the politico? Do they drink the swamp water?

  15. finally; realizing that there is no government and that they are being ruled not governing in ones self

  16. Do you realize what this sounds like? If a family member received the shot, his family can't stay in the same house? No other family members can visit? They must quarantine and for how long? This is almost ridiculous and it's already gone too far. Not enough suggestions as to what to do at this stage was given, in my opinion.

  17. good news everyone!!! my youtube channel is mostly all 432hz!!!!!! healing DNA music yeayyyyyy live every Sunday night xoxoxoxoxo come heal, feel the love of your light THANK YOU Dr. Northrup!

    1. hey how do you convert mp3 from the 440's to 432's?

  18. 6 ft heart radiation - I KNEW IT - that's the science behind social distancing - stopping the heart synergy!!! Let's build it up and up


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