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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Nullifying Deep State Evil at the State Level


  1. All this is spot on. No masks, no medical tyranny or overreachs of the Deep State should be allowed. Nullification is talked about by Tom Woods and many bona fide libertarians like Murray Rothbard. Thanks for The New American for leading the charge forward to a proper reset of States.

    1. Is that a wedding band on Alex's right hand?

    2. I Love it!I am going to paint my house!

    3. Talking about your org. Constitution again folks ?

      ���� The parasite or the brigands making fun of you all. Look at your Constitution crossed out and replaced by the dickhead Corporations. The cross you out, NO more people to put up with.

      Look at it people Don't dream too much from Anna paperwork dreams. You got to stand up and fight.

    4. Theft by pirates doesn't change ownership. Corporations are only allowed to operate Lawfully. They are created in the land of the DEAD but can be liquidated in the Land of Reality. Stop inciting violence and get out your pen. What is created on paper must be removed by paper. A Man with a gun can defend his home. A man with a pen can defend a country. Both are important, but one is for defense and the other for offence. Which one makes more progress? What is done in fraud is void. This evil wants us to kill each other. I have my defence planned but I will be on the offensive until they try to take my life. Those fighting and standing with paperwork and re-education are making progress every day.
      Annie McShane
      The Delaware Assembly

  2. Alex
    We here in CA can’t get Govenor Newsom recalled. Most of the politicians who represent us and militia that is supposed to defend us are not on our side. We get arrested for trespassing for not wearing mask etc not allowed to go to work or school without proof of injection of mRNA. What other avenues do we have to protect our rights? Please advise.

    1. Alex, ๐Ÿ˜ข

      Surely this is human RIGHT VIOLATONS.๐Ÿ˜ˆ YET they sanction other country doing similar or mild violation.๐Ÿ˜ก

      ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜†Revolution is what I see other countries doing now..

    2. Get off the word HUMAN. We are living men and women . The diabolical birth registration scam is where your disenfranchised. They deemed that the name on the information document that the hospital forced the parents fill out before baby can leave the hospital. These parasites claim that name is gifted to the STATE. BUT THESE PARASITES SEND A CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH OF A PERSON = LEGALESE FICTIONAL ENITY. DOES BABY NEED THIS FICTIONAL ENITY ?? ONLY IF THE BABY IS DEEMED PROPERTY OF THE STATE. WARD OF THE STATE!! WELL PARENTS ONLY A FICTION CAN USE FED NOTES. THIS UNLAWFUL CONVERSION SHOULD BE DEEMED A TRESPASS ON OUR CREATOR.


    4. Human is the in a class a high status of animals. And is not in the highest status of man. This is why the so-called government has assumed a higher status. Our status is as we the living men and woman and hold the creators granted dominion. The word ( person ) is the most misunderstood word.Does the status of person have unalienable rights ? Why in the definition of person exclude Men , man , women ?
      Have you ever found a bathroom with the word person on the door ?
      Come on those who have ears can hear.
      Remember Jesus stated let those who can hear will comprehend what i am saying. Let the dead bury the dead. He ment civilly dead.What magically power did the sovereign people grant to this so-called government the right to trick the we the people into this birth registration scam.
      the people i.e. living men and women

    5. Politicians don't represent Americans they work for the corporations. Those elected hold an OFFICE OF TRUST. Make them produce their Oath of Office and Bond. If they don't have those required documents instruct the Sheriff to remove them from Office as they are not lawfully permitted to hold the Office without the required Oath and Bond.

      There are no laws requiring Masks, Social Distancing, shutdowns or any other nonsense they wish for you to believe.

      Learn what laws are already in place to protect us. Learn they can never create laws to hurt us and if they do get passed they are Void. OSHA laws governing business have a loophole about voluntary use of Dust Masks. If people don't report the crime of being forced to do something that is causing you harm then how can you expect the law to protect you. People complain and suffer but won't stand up for their rights so then they have none. WE get our rights from our creator. Come up out of the restrictive box of LEGAL FICTIONLAND. We are not of legal character so how can the Realm of Legal Fiction have control over a man?

      Visit Peggy has covered most everything and is now providing the State codes from every State for a small fee if you are having a hard time looking up your State Laws in place to protect you. I found ours quite easily months ago.

      Annie McShane
      The Delaware Assembly

    6. Thank YOU Annie this is helpful.
      Have you changed you status?

    7. Right now and while you the pen is mightier then the sword their commercial liens for damages just Anna file one against the bar, I don’t know what happen with it but sound like a Plan

  3. Zbeyonder,
    Have you tried getting in touch with Peggy Hall?

  4. Zbeyonder,
    Have you tried getting in touch with Peggy Hall?

  5. Elevator speach on tenth amendment

  6. Seattle area restauarant stayed open Stuffys I think and said the judge read riot act to L and E (Labor and Industries), sloppily made mistakes violated rules so much the judge complained he did not have jurisdiction. Still open and working to get fine taken care of 950000 but are strong familiy and staying the course really needing someone knowing law since attorneys and person stuff jurisdictions and the like seemed confused in their process.

  7. Hey, besides experimental gene/DNA therapy why not have experimental toilet paper, and experimental car tires, gasoline and other products and things we use?

    1. AirCarving. Bc the stupid walking-court Capricorns wanted to stop you from tracking them hiding their stolen moneys with their water-sign + Aquarius- Judging games on you. Getting you confused by Dna, brain dead is what they wanted. Don't you get it? Aquarius Air-sign only concerns about moneys.

  8. Nullifying Deep state Alex Newman speaking partial truth, but a correcting about federal government in Washington D.C. congress is not federal government they are corporation which are private and that a violation of America constitution of this country is a tri-lateral international trust treaty and service agreement and is a public covenant of guarantees owned to and by the sovereign states operating in international jurisdiction. These guarantees include the bill of rights.
    No private contract of any kind can abrogate, legislate, or stand against these public covenants.
    congress are private everyone in Washington D.C. are in violation. Public and Judicial Notice Number 3.
    These folks in D.C. are playing with tri-lateral international trust, treaty and service agreement this why the chapter 7, come about and all private are gone and the real Federal Government operate Washington D.C. address is 3506 International Drive NW Washington D.C.20008 Now while the state assembly are in session looking very good, we shall uphold justice field explain why these state went private and violate the constitution International trust treaty, it's new day in America the states assembly are understanding and we shall hold this republic form of government so the world will follow. I say that's new world order when America the Republic not the corporation they are liquidated since April 28, 2018, That's New World Order just to see that Blessing from the Almighty God. Blessed to all America the Republic, it that time moving up the road.

  9. Cynthia McKinney PhD Retweeted
    Constitution Party@cnstitutionprty

    We have a duty to get involved! Nullification Made Easy

    Second Amendment - Per the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine, states can stop enforcing Federal gun control law anytime they want to.

  10. Alex
    We here in CA can’t get Govenor Newsom recalled. Most of the politicians who represent us and militia that is supposed to defend us are not on our side. We get arrested for trespassing for not wearing mask etc not allowed to go to work or school without proof of injection of mRNA. What other avenues do we have to protect our rights? Please advise.
    you folk must gather around the central government in D.C. remember the highest law as Pope Francis explain in 2013, all of these official are register in Vatican City, the Pope own every last one of them, Rome stated this madness upper case, in the world by using the Pope criminal document 2013 all public office can be remove overnight. remember this about the Pope 2020, Pope summon the Orthodox Monks, Priest to the Vatican City and stated May we share the spirit of the wealth, now Francis is only overseeing his churches, and the world-wide Orthodox is overseeing the rest rest of the corporation in the world, so the new Rome is in Turkey where the Head of the Orthodox sit, new Rome.

    1. Haile- people are afraid if they do not get the max they will get fired. First it was the mask.
      So many people I know have taken it and did not want to.

  11. There is a storm coming, no matter what they think, the storm is coming!

  12. The masses do not comprehend that all property including us were pledged to the banksters as collateral as the corporation masquerading as government was declared insolvent. Only slaves can be pledged as a subject=slave. Very neat scam. Birthed into the status of a disenfranchised man or woman. Magically your giving the status of a fictional person. The fictional person can own nothing and have only dutys and privileges. This birth registration scam i believe was made a forced consent
    with no full disclosure ever.

  13. This nullification will never be implemented as the upper teir are in bed with the elite that have enslaved the world.

    1. Then stick your tail between your legs and bow done or jump in bed with them. Or stop trying to sink the ship before its even in the waters. Keep in mind if your not part of a solution then your part of the problem. Put as much effort into finding ways to sail, then to sit there and cry that the ship is sunk.No one with any balls will ever give up. This is a fight againist evil. And who are you to say evil has won. Whos side are you on anyway?

    2. The only way to have the lawful standing and status to repell these criminals is to call them out.
      First we have to corner them on the unlawful conversion at birth.
      Call a fictional name what it is. Its their creation lodge it where it needs to be with the fictional secretary of STATE. Did they disclose to your mother that her offspring's name was deemed gifted to the STATE . We must call them out on this. So the remedy is not revolution . The remedy is holding their feet to the fire of irrefutable truth.

  14. When I was a soldier, I was taught that the first weapon to use was my brain not the force of arms which would be the last to desire. As for the National Guard, they are Federal and not the Constitutional Militia

    1. Sad to say if you had used your brain and with your brain to gain the knowledge of what the military is really working for.
      The elite use the foot solders to facilitate the pillaging of sovereign nations resources and many other despicable acts of genocide piracy and crimes against the dominion of man.
      Were you in the infantry ? Mentally assumed as the mind of an infant.
      Like Kissinger state connon fodder.
      ??? Dog tags ??? Wake up .

    2. Its start to become clear what your message is and who it comes from. Everyone needs to disreguard your statements. Why are you even here. Did Sores send you? Rothschilds write you a big check? You need to wake up and realize you are on the wrong side.

    3. Thomas I hope you could teach your children not to go die for the rich men again. Anyone wants a shortcut two big bunny as a beneficiary. They will find themselves going to die in World War 3 for the rich men instead.

    4. Carpenter your right on point. Having
      a indoctrinated false allegiance to a corporation of crimina ls flat out ignorance once the truth is presented.
      Boot lickers have no true standing in truth.

  15. Well fellow awaken men and women" i have concluded that the majority of statues codes and acts are void for vagueness.
    As in the definition of person is void of specifically of gender. Does these so called corporate policys have any force or jurisdiction over the women and men equally ? Thats like calling the vet out and telling him to castrate all the cattle on my ranch. The vet would think the rancher is crazy. I hope you can wrap your mind around my logical narrative.
    Just ask any judge does the statute apply equally to living women and men ?
    This question must be required to be answered by the prosecutor. These parasites hate the words man woman and offspring of man.
    Remember void for vagueness .

  16. Constitution or corporate charter ??
    The Virginia company was just a commercial venture. This the kings economic venture creating colonys . kinda like big cattle ranches. The only difference is the cattle
    were required to pay a duty $$ to the rancher.You know the crown. Most all the men women that came to this land were indentured to repay the overlord that paid the fare of passage. Were still paying persons. A fictional person has no rights.

  17. Talking about your org. Constitution again folks ?

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜† The parasite or the brigands making fun of you all. Look at your Constitution crossed out and replaced by the dickhead Corporations. The cross you out, NO more people to put up with.

    Look at it people Don't dream too much from Anna paperwork dreams. You got to stand up and fight.

    1. Top Fraud? ๐Ÿ˜€ Of course, Their THIN-AIR CREDITS came out of their Masters Fraudulent Fractional Banking, off their stolen gold.. God and Angels don't lie. These corps're bragging how strong they are.. If they truly are they don't have amplified someone's else resources via 11,569 PASS-Through Trusts to lend fake loans to people and to Corporations at people expenses, Via their Ucc 8-102 (11~15) 1099OID, 1099A, etc..

      The top 50 companies on the list of the “super-entity” included (as of 2007): Barclays Plc (1), Capital Group Companies Inc (2), FMR Corporation (3), AXA (4), State Street Corporation (5), JP Morgan Chase & Co. (6), UBS AG (9), Merrill Lynch & Co Inc (10), Deutsche Bank (12), Credit Suisse Group (14), Bank of New York Mellon Corp (16), Goldman Sachs Group (18), Morgan Stanley (21), Sociรฉtรฉ Gรฉnรฉrale (24), Bank of America Corporation (25), Lloyds TSB Group (26), Lehman Brothers Holdings (34), Sun Life Financial (35), ING Groep (41), BNP Paribas (46), and several others.

      These parasitic Corporations robbed my houses, retirement, other properties, prosperity, youth, future abundant projects, inclufing my ancestors assets. etc..

  18. No one is arguing that something has to be done, just how it should be done. I'm sure there is a better way but no one really knows what that is. Perhaps there is enough space in this world that people or groups can go forward with the way they think. We will learn soon enough what works and what doesn't.

  19. The problem with States or STATES doing anything to clean up this mess, is that they are subject to their parent corporations. They're part of the problem.

  20. Once my husband and I understood that masks don't work and that the whole Covid19 thing is a scam to increase government control and enrich BigPharma, we stopped wearing masks. We go everywhere without masks and have not been refused entry anywhere except at Costco. We told them that they have lost our business till they change their policy. I challenge all of you to do the same to reclaim your personal freedom. It's individual nullification in action.

    1. Tica- I agree with you 100% and my husband and I were just driving across the southern states except TX. It really varied state by state and county. There was actually one little store in KS it was like b4 C hit. No plexi, no mask, even selling home made cookies. For a brief moment it did feel normal.
      I feel for all the sheep, living in fear. We have been calling the BS card

  21. Thanks Paul for the text message your the best and whorver carpenter either has my documents or knows FIDELITY investments and FMR. CORPORATE and LLC or knows the secret trader Carlton Copp 3 my x

  22. Whoever published FMR. Either has my investment documents which I gladly willingly produced at the request and have been distributed all over the world! TO ensure the criminals and wealth could not be hidden or classified! GOOD Job exposing the truth with the documents and the secret trader CC3 British infiltrator and thief coward and lightweight hiding behind our honorable MILITARY service members and would not fight for anybody or thing

  23. And as for the fool calling Anna a dreamer you need a cat scan with contrast of the brain or you are a miserable person that has no knowledge of GOD and his great people Anna is a gift to america and highly respected because she deserves it by very educated and prominent scholars like Dr.David Martin Sasha Stone Robert David Steele and others you are perhaps ignorant by consent perhaps you should use your time more productive because only 2 kinds of people exist your either part of the solution or part of the problem and note I rarely address my comments of another 99% they are positive so this one is for the negative comments about Anna


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