By Anna Von Reitz
Please pay very close attention; this is what THEY did in Australia, meaning the Holy Roman Empire/City of Rome/UN CORP -- and their treasonous money-grubbing flunkies:
In 1960, the Queen personally enacted the Corporate Bodies Contracts Act 1960 [8 & 9 Eliz. 2] [CH. 46]. This act in effect opened up the floodgates of corruption and allowed private individual contracts of BODIES --- CORPORATIONS, and especially MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS a.k.a. STRAWMEN--- to supersede and overcome the Constitutional contracts owed by the Queen, the Crown and Government to the people of Great Britain. Because of this Act, you could unknowingly sign away your Constitutional Guarantees and effectively "jump ship" to become a UN CITIZEN (and slave), subject to UN CORP "private law".
And if you didn't do this unconsciously for yourself, then it could be done "for" you via the Birth Certification process.
This allowed the Queen, the Crown, and the Parliament to evade their constitutional obligations, and provided an excuse for the Pope to enforce UN "Law" on the people of Great Britain using the poppets -- STRAWMEN -- as the new "Subjects" of the UK CORPORATION. This allowed the imposition of UNIDROIT as the private citizenry of Great Britain were sequentially "redefined" first as UK Corporations and second as public Municipal properties and UN franchise CORPORATIONS.
It's the same scheme that was used in America to evade our Constitutions, just a hundred years later, and I don't think the timing is an accident. It's all fraud, treason and Breach of Trust in both cases and in any event.
The Queen got her cut and Westminster got their cut, the Pope got his very fat cut, and everyone concerned was completely unaccountable for entrapping, enslaving, and evading. They set aside their constitutional obligations and roles and whompo-bango, thirteen years later, they sealed the airy deal by enacting the Seas and Submerged Lands Act of 1973, which served to seal off the land and soil jurisdictions and the courts serving those jurisdictions.
This "Act" which fails to be an Enactment, then allowed the UN CORP to come into the Territorial Jurisdiction of Australia and establish UN-based Exclusive Economic Zones (similar to what was done in America with the establishment of Territorial State of States and then, Municipal STATE OF STATE entities)
And there they have sat as smug pirates, sheltering behind the storefront of the vacated constitutional government, stealing and plundering and acting as predators upon the people they are supposed to protect.
It's the same exact schtick as they used in America, only the names were changed to protect the guilty.
They excused their own hideous Breach of Trust by pretending that all the sane people of the Australia (and the United Kingdom, too) went to sea and adopted foreign Persons/PERSONS and voluntarily, privately, subjected themselves to foreign law and foreign governments---- while they failed to disclose any of this to the General Population, and simply left the innocent people --- to whom they owed good faith and service and a Christian Monarch --- to fall into their trap.
The obvious game plan in all of this was to overthrow the Constitutional Monarchy and replace it with Corporate Feudalism, with everyone re-made into corporate franchise SUBJECTS of nameless, faceless "governmental services corporations"----conveniently owned and controlled by the Queen and the Pope.
We've called them out for it--- the Queen and the Roman Pontiff a.k.a. Pope, and all the politicians acting as the Boards of Directors.
These governmental services corporations exist via the patronage of the Queen and the definitions of the Roman Curia, so there is no doubt whatsoever who is responsible for this Criminal Breach of Trust and the implementation of this criminal genocidal scheme --- because make no mistake, they have shanghaied us into the foreign jurisdiction of the sea via false and undisclosed registrations, and they have attempted to "kill" everyone on paper, and so as to reduce us all to the level of Legal Fiction Entities and "decedents" with respect to our natural estates and Public Law.
They have followed this same pattern in every country we have researched: false registration of babies, which traffics the victim's name into the international jurisdiction of the sea and creates an unconscionable Territorial citizenship contract, followed by another unlawful conversion of the victim's name into that of multiple Municipal CITIZENS--- which are corporations of various kinds operated under the names of the victims:
JOHN MARK DOE = Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trust
JOHN M DOE = Public Transmitting Utility
JOHN DOE = Public Charitable Trust
All this has been going on behind the backs of the honest, earnest, innocent people of the Earth, who have been targeted by these Vermin in High Places. Indeed, we didn't have a clue. But now, we do.
See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
England lowered their flag, I think about a year ago. It was said to have been done because of the decietful acts and mistrust... by the crown. Mark Christeroher of the UPU (Federal Postal Judge) has claimed this flag (the Saint George's Cross flag). The Queen I'd hoping for redemption for her wicked acts.
ReplyDeleteYes Mark krishon Christopher information is awesome stuff too!
DeleteThe flag is retained as salvage. And the Queen is seeking salvation. Mark has claimed all property/territories of which the flag stood over. All commonwealths.
ReplyDeleteGreetings Earthly Mortals,
ReplyDeleteAnna said "All this has been going on behind the backs of the honest, earnest, innocent people of the Earth, who have been targeted by these Vermin in High Places. Indeed, we didn't have a clue. But now, we do."(!!! [sic])
We may now have a clue of Earthly mortals victimizing other Earthly mortals but The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, the globalists and rest of humanity are still completely clueless concerning Divine-Lawful-Jurisdiction (Paradise/Heaven/Peace-on-Earth) that will ultimately be reestablish on Earth!!!
These "Vermin in High Places (globalists)" will get their day in divinity law court after their mortal deaths guaranteed, so do not despair because those "Vermin in High Places (globalists)" will get the ultimate rude awaking when they all personally realize that they are absolutely not exempt (absolutely no divine immunity whatsoever for no Earthly mortals for crimes against our divine Father [Yahweh] and His original-divine-creation and humanity) from "Divine-Lawful-Eternal-Judgement (c)*" (final divine eternal mortal judgement [divine eternal sentence]) after death; this is why I personally laugh so hard at those "Vermin in High Places (globalists)" because they are absolutely fooling themselves due to their own personal illiteracy of divinity judgement laws (so sad and a tragedy, a waste of talent and life)!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!
Sincerely by,
Divine-Earth-Citizen (c)*
Divine-Earth-Agent (c)*
Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation (c)*
Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity (c)*
Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace (c)*
Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents (c)*
Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs (c)*
Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals (c)*
Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven/Peace-on-Earth (c)*
Divine-Earth-Director-of-Divine-Lawful-Jurisdiction (c)*
*Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", February 18, 2021.
Hi, to make the copyright symbol (©), hold Alt while pressing 0169 on the keypad!
Greetings dan hampton,
DeleteThanks for your response!!!
First of all, thanks for the tip for the copyright character!!! I also personally want to take this time to sincerely give thanks from my own personal mind, heart and spirit to every single member of The Assembly for their volunteered time and intellectual contribution (no matter how small or big) on this forum; especially to Anna, Paul and James!!! I have personally learned so much more to collect couple of missing pieces of the puzzle which is almost complete to finally execute and complete the planetary divine reset on Earth as soon as possible!!! This forum of The Assembly is mentally, emotionally and spiritually maturing to the delightful approval of our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven (absolutely proud of his divine children for their tenacity and unwavering commitment to fulfill and complete His mission on Earth)!!! We all have come a long way on this forum (less infighting and more collaboration and teamwork) but still have a long way to go (establishing the mortal/divine political system on Earth; I am personally at the 10 yard line and can see the goal line from there, within reach but still out of my grasp) to reestablish our divine Father's (Yahweh) Paradise/Heaven/Peace-on-Earth but passion supersedes all Earthly mortal barriers!!! When the fragmented humanity absolutely becomes "One" (the power of unity, no broken links, on the same page of divinity [Divine-Lawful-Jurisdiction]) for the right divine reasons we will all (including the globalists) have the same benefits and power as divinity, guaranteed!!! Thanks to everyone again!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!
Sincerely by,
Divine-Earth-Citizen ©*
Divine-Earth-Agent ©*
Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation ©*
Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity ©*
Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace ©*
Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents ©*
Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs ©*
Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals ©*
Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven/Peace-on-Earth ©*
Divine-Earth-Director-of-Divine-Lawful-Jurisdiction ©*
*Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", February 18, 2021. ©
You do love to see your praises of yourself.
""All this has been going on behind the backs of the honest, earnest""
In correct this has been going on right under our noses and very few noticed or understood, when others with knowledge informed the sheeple
they went into denial.
Patrick Henry, warned the commoners in 1788 "I smell a rat" in the federalists papers and in a speech; we also must include Thomas Pain
There has been corruption in business and government since the beginning of time
How about the Boston tea party ( gota laugh
The Banksters and Attorneys (BAR) have create the mental cell/cage for the people by keeping information from the people by using trickery and deceit to their advantage.
When they changed the two word in the original CONstitution (1860) or there abouts, no one noticed or cared (even thereafter)
How have the corporate communistic government pull the wool over the peoples eyes - benefits, something for nothing?
Or perhaps in their corporate - government school by falsehoods and deceit.
People will not do the right thing by at least ego! Edging - God- Out
Its all an illusion, dream and people don’t want to wake up – they stay at home, hide in the shadows of their mind
Lets look at the 34 lawyers that witnessed the original genuine CONstitution (as we know there are at least two) makes you laugh that people thing they singed it for the people
In an insane world a sane man will be judged-deemed insane
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel and we will hold the security interest over them forever by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government by floating liens and debt to the “registrants” [NOTICE that word – Do you really know and understand what it means?] in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
Blinded by the Light
The REAL Reason Democrats HATE Guns | Comedian John Wesley Austin | Huckabee
I agree with what you said in this article my question is it can't be legal because it was a contract and the full disclosure wasn't given to the person that was signing into it so how can this any of it be legal and why are people going to jail for income tax evasion when the IRS is no more than a accounting firm for the Vatican? Then why is it so hard to get this wrote on the court when people don't know but it's not even part of our government I know it can be done I've met over the last 16 years some very good people after start studying about the Constitution which more people would we wouldn't have this going on right now think about it
ReplyDeleteGreetings Richard,
DeleteThink "Mafia"!!! These "Vermin in High Places (globalists)" absolutely know they are violating our divine right to live in peace (live and let live)!!! They know that if they "legally steal" all your assets that you have no assets to defend yourself legally, Constitution or not, get it my friend???!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!
Sincerely by,
Divine-Earth-Citizen ©*
Divine-Earth-Agent ©*
Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation ©*
Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity ©*
Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace ©*
Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents ©*
Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs ©*
Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals ©*
Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven/Peace-on-Earth ©*
Divine-Earth-Director-of-Divine-Lawful-Jurisdiction ©*
*Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", February 19, 2021. ©
How is this a thing? There is no valid contract for any of millions of defrauded people. It should all go up like flash paper.
ReplyDeleteSometimes the answer to the problem is simple. I for once will not suggest rounding them all up and executing them and thier families. Why not , because we outnumber them 1,000,000 : 1 just make them " unlawful and illegal " ? Once we have established " our courts" we find tgem guilty of everything charged and banish them to the sea, refuse them land to stand on a d let them swim till they cant and then ...well whatever. Thier little game of " we are list at sea " is turned on them and we will get no resistance at taking everything back that has been plundered from us for generations..except our murdered relatives. I claim this idea as mine and when the history books are written mention my family name a good light,btw.