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Monday, December 21, 2020

GAME ON: Attorney Sidney Powell Spotted Leaving the White House on Sunday Evening


Pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell was seen leaving the White House on Sunday evening. Powell has been on the front lines in the battle of challenging the 2020 election results and now it appears that she is becoming even more involved with President Trump's fight.


  1. You seriously need to get on meds.

  2. Shelby
    I've been reading your comments for many months..sometimes you say some off the wall crap. I take it you don't like Sydney Powell by commenting on her Adams apple. Sydney has guts to stand up and yell FRAUD.

    1. Shell-by ** Trumpt IS ones of them, Trump gave $740b to Communists, SOCIALISTS, and to PAKISTAN $1.4 trillion. SEARCH !

      ** The Deep State agent(s) are here almost every day, to entice you to watch his feeding nonsense YouTube videos.

      So [ Google play, persistent background services ] can turn on your cellphone Geolocation to spy on you, even if you turn it off

      So beware block them, do not allow Google App, Youtube to alter your system.


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