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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Red Alert! ---All Those Who Have Submitted DNA to Ancestry.Com


By Anna Von Reitz

Black Rock, Inc., Larry Fink's operation, is trying to buy Ancestry. Com. 

Many of you have innocently sent in DNA samples to Ancestry.Com to have your DNA analyzed against their existing database in hopes of identifying your more distant roots and family relationships.  

Unfortunately, when you gave this sample of your DNA for this intended purpose, no legal restrictions were placed on the transaction.  So now, according to the rats, Ancestry.Com is in possession of your "donated" DNA --- which is a very valuable asset and which Larry Fink and Company are seeking to buy, so that once again, they can claim to own you.  Literally.  As property. 

Everyone who has not made a Paramount Claim on their DNA and recorded it and everyone who has submitted DNA samples to Ancestry.Com is endangered by this move by Black Rock, Inc. 

The sale or donation of DNA has not been the subject of much Public Law, so what they are doing --- though outrageous and infamous and immoral --- is not yet unlawful or illegal.  

The State Assemblies of New York, California, and Delaware need to take immediate action to make it so within their States of the Union.  And a General Election on the subject needs to be entertained by the States in Congress Assembled as soon as practical.  

Until then, it is every man and woman for themselves---- claim your unique DNA as Kurt Kallenbach has been urging for the last decade, and to those impacted by the proposed sale of Ancestry.Com to Black Rock, Inc., take action against this attempt to buy your DNA and establish a false commercial claim to own you. 


See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here:

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