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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

IRS Kicker 3

By Anna Von Reitz

You can't beat the horse's mouth.   Here is the video clip from 2013 in which former IRS Commissioner Steve Miller admitted that income taxes are totally "voluntary". 

Unless they have changed the meaning of "voluntary" to mean "compulsory", millions of Americans have reason to differ with the foreign courts and private police forces engaged in pillaging and plundering unauthorized public trusts.

In case it has not dawned on some people yet, by "impersonating" us and creating these various corporations functioning in our names, the perpetrators are unlawfully converting our private earnings into corporate income -- which they can then tax. 

All "income" is a corporate profit accrual that has nothing to do with your small business or private earnings at all.  You have to be set up as a corporation --- think: Articles of Incorporation, Board Members, Officers, Shareholders, etc.--- before you even have "income". 

So what is actually going on here? 

Well, these foreign corporations came in here and "seized upon" your name, infringed upon your natural copyright and they evaded the protections you are owed under the Constitutions. 

They created corporation franchises for their own actual corporations, the US, Inc., and the USA, Inc., named these franchises (like Dairy Queen franchises) after you. 

Then, as they created and laundered money through these franchises --- money (according to them) coming from activities related to interstate manufacture, sale, and transport of firearms, alcohol, and tobacco --- but actually representing your private earnings, they claimed that you were engaged in these industries and had income as a result.

Complete, total, fraud.

So you can imagine the situation.  Here are these IRS auditors and agents coming in to examine the books of JOHNNY WALKER, INC.  They think you are running a corporation.  They are convinced that your earnings are corporate "income".  Moreover, because you are supposedly getting this income from shady sources and regulated activities, they are already pre-disposed to think of you as some questionable, shady character, too. 

And you walk in, innocent as the flowers in May, having no idea what is going on, no idea what they are seeing or thinking based on the (false) information they have been given, and you have conversations that make no sense at all.

You, of course, are talking about money that you earned running your own small business or working at a job, and they are talking about corporate income.  And because nobody involved realizes that there is this gargantuan impersonation fraud involved, it stands.

The IRS Agents come in like they are fighting the Whiskey Rebellion and you are left standing there, still clueless, hat in hand.

So, put this handy-dandy video clip in your iPhone collection and on your computer, ready to send to any IRS official who contacts you.  You are free to explain that for you, a non-citizen, non-Federal Employee, payment of federal taxes is voluntary and you are choosing not to volunteer.

The other thing that you need to know is that there are two (2) "IRS" organizations.  There is the Internal Revenue Service, collecting money for the British Territorial United States Government, which acts under the premises described above, and there is the IRS, collecting money for the Papist Municipal Government, which has a different rationale, leading to the same ends.

The Papist Municipal Government pretends that you owe it money for the privilege of impersonating yourself and operating as one of their incorporated franchises.  In other words, they are taxing your "corporation" --which you don't even know exists-- for a privilege you are unaware of, too.

They claim that you have been "pledged" by your Mother, or by FDR, or otherwise by yourself, to pay Municipal Income Taxes--- which they call "Peter's Pence". 

Peter's Pence has been collected as an income tax since the 1100's, and it is collected by the Inquisition, as a "gift" and "special offering" that is due every year on April 15th. 

This is the reason that all the incorporated PERSONS were warehoused in Puerto Rico, where the Municipal Government had access to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition, and this is why the persecution of American "TAXPAYERS" has been so brutal.

When we took this to Rome and bearded the then-Pope and his Vatican Chancery Court Officials, they replied that oh, no, this was a great misunderstanding!  No, of course, we were exempt from any such collection! And as for the PERSONS, they were all tax percuse --- meaning "tax pre-paid"....  The PERSONS were merely given to us as gifts....

Like Trojan horses. 

The mis-administration by the Inquisitorial IRS is legend and so are the horror stories of those victimized by it.  Unlike their Territorial Brethren, these IRS Officers usually do know what they are doing and they know that it is a crime, and they do it anyway --- "for their holy cause". 

The best thing you can do if you suspect that you have run afoul of this breed of "IRS" official, is to look them right in the eye and say, "I am not a Catholic, I don't embrace your holy cause, I am not pledged nor pledging, and I don't consider Municipal citizenship a benefit or privilege of any kind. I am a foreigner with respect to the Municipal Government owed every jot of The Constitution of the United States agreements."

It's only when they "know that you know" what they are doing and the premises upon which they are acting that these Gila Monsters let you go.
They usually identify themselves by using the "IRS" designation.

And now, finally, we will observe that both these Subcontractors are impersonating you for other reasons as well as being able to tax you under False Pretenses. 

They are conspiring to evade the requirements of the Constitutions governing their operations on our shores, and as such, are operating as "enemies"--- both foreign and domestic.

They are obligated to shoot themselves for it, but since both these organizations are, at the end of the day, owned and operated by the Pope, there is no credible reason for any of this.  He is "fighting" against himself, because he owns the Territorial "Commonwealth" Government which the Queen manages for him, and he directly owns the Municipal United States Government and all its franchises through the incorporation of the City of Rome.

Once again, as with the Chemtrails and the gun grabbing in Virginia and the mis-administration of the "IRS" and the pedophilia and all the rest of it --- all roads lead to Rome and Babylon, if you want to be more precise.  

Time to wake up, people.  Time to take action. 


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  1. At some point you will all know that the outfit in Rome that is impersonating the real Catholic Church founded by Christ when he walked this earth is NOT His Church but has been robbed by it's own unfaithful and fallen away hierarchy and is now a new and false religion. Even Anna is confused about this and thinks she is fighting the Catholic Church when in fact she is fighting a new and false religion known by true Catholics as the Novus Ordo, which has stolen the buildings, wealth, offices and temporal authority of Christ's true Church but can never exercise Christ's Spiritual Authority. One can not be the head of what one is not a member of. These men and their minions are anti-popes and false prophets to whom real Catholics owe no allegiance whatsoever, and who have thrown the "baby out with the bathwater" as it pertains to the Deposit of Faith Christ left us. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but Anna is dead wrong about the real history of Christ's true Church, and many who read this blog will be very surprised on Judgment day about where true Faith was found on this planet, and where it will be found until the end of time itself. Christ does not fight against Himself. He didn't found more than one religion. And the 33,800 religious sects in the world calling themselves "Christian" haven't got a leg to stand on because they all DO fight with each other About What To Believe in order to get to heaven.

  2. Tax Resource documents and Videos:
    Dwight E. Avis, Head of Alcohol & Tobacco Tax Division, Bureau of Internal Revenue Testimony to House Ways & Means Committee, Feb. 1953
    “Let me point this out now: Your income tax is 100 percent voluntary tax and your liquor tax is I00 percent enforced tax.”
    Enforcement Regulations:
    16th Amendment:
    US Answer and Claim, “4. Denies that the Internal Revenue Service is an agency of the United States Government….”
    Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to hear tax case – Motion to dismiss granted:
    When you file your first 1040 form you go from one of the fifty states jurisdiction to the District of Columbia jurisdiction. When you file your Revocation of Election, you go from the District of Columbia jurisdiction back to the jurisdiction of one of the fifty states.


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