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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Useful Historical Data Site for State Assemblies/Jural Assemblies

By Anna Von Reitz

Although I am not a big fan of Wikipedia, it does offer some plums and this is one of those that will come in very handy for State Assembly information:

This gives you a bird's eye view of how the statehood process progressed and also lists the same process for the original States of States formed under The Articles of Confederation.  


  1. Anna! Wiki link is peppered with ambiguous language. More confusion! Americans, US Citizens, Residence. Domicile.

  2. From Anna:

    I have done what I can to give people cheat sheets and information to help sort the clutter.

  3. They seem to miss the entire year of missing records kept of the congress meeting up around 1860. Why are all those records mysteriously missing after the congress walked out and what has happened since. Also tailored to make it look like one constitution unless you read carefully all of it.
