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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Reply to Sun-Tzu's "Von Reitz's Cock Block Road Block" -Poppycock

By Anna Von Reitz

Jeff Dougherty of Portland, Oregon, also known as Sun-Tzu ---- a man with no training at all in any of this, claims that there is an entity called "the united states of America" and that this is the "de jour" government of this country.  

Folks, over the past forty years I have read probably five million pages of government gobbledygook and only God knows how many historical documents and books --- and I have NEVER run across any reference to any entity styling itself as "the united states of America".   It doesn't exist.  It never has.  And I challenge Dougherty and his pals to come up with even one (1) credible historical document that shows the use of "the united states of America" to stand for this country or its government. 

The United States of America is the name of this country for international purposes and it is not the same as something calling itself "the united states of America."   

They are blowing steam and a lot of it 

Our American Government is vested in the living people of this country.  Not in commercial corporations. 

And I have already shown everyone how it works: 

The people give rise to the state republics that govern the national soil jurisdiction of this country and together the state republics form a Union of states called The United States.  This is an unincorporated Union of states and a completely different entity from any commercial corporation calling itself "the" United States, Inc. 

Notice the details.  "The United States" is not the same as "the" United States, Inc.  Use your eyes. 

At the next level up, the people of the state republics agree to act as State Jurors, which gives rise to the People of each State, who then "assemble" their State General Assembly, State Jural Assembly, and elect their State Officials to conduct their business.  The State represents the international  jurisdiction of each State of the Union.  These States then formed their own "union" --- The United States of America, which is also unincorporated. 

Again, notice the details:  "The United States of America" is not the same as "The United States of America, Inc."

As long as there are people occupying the land and soil jurisdiction of this country and claiming their birthright political status, our lawful American Government does not cease to exist or function.  It has been severely depopulated by efforts to overcome us by guile and disinformation over the years, but it still exists ---- and as I defiantly told members of the UN Security Council, as long as one American claims their birthright political status, our government is still standing by definition.  

That's how our Forefathers set it up.  So that even if 350 million people become absolutely stupid and reduced to running around like chickens in a barnyard, as long as there is one American left, our country is preserved. 

Those of us who claim our State Citizenship are owed every tittle and jot of the Constitutions and the Treaties, because we are the progeny of the "People" then and we constitute the "People" now.  Simple as that. 

So all these clueless claims and assumptions about the status of our actual government---- and which Sun-Tzu and friends are peddling as truth --is in fact poppycock.  

The de facto Territorial and Municipal Branches of the Federal Government have jobs to do and we can limit their overreaching just so long as we do ours. 

Sun-Tzu and Friends are also very mistaken about the effects of the "expatriation" I am talking about and spreading disinformation about that, too.  

There are some fools who go to U.S. Embassies and renounce "United States Citizenship" without stipulating which "United States" they expatriating from. 

You don't expatriate from your native and natural estate as a man or woman of the soil of this country represented by the union of states called The United States, do you?   No.  You don't expatriate from your State of the Union, do you?  No. 

You expatriate from Territorial United States Citizenship and Municipal United States Citizenship.  

Read the words on the paper.   

Don't make stupid assumptions of your own and then go blaming me for it. 

Every month or two, I get a desperate letter or phone call from someone who rushed down to the nearest Embassy and expatriated the wrong way with the wrong words and now find themselves trapped in a foreign hell hole unable to come home.  

I lead them through the steps to issue their own Passport as an American State Citizen and that's how they get home. 

There are three unions of states that make up the actual American Government and they are all states that literally belong to you.  Read it.  Understand it.  Remember it.  Tattoo it on your backsides, if necessary: 

The United States = state republics = people = (e)states = soil jurisdiction = national jurisdiction.  

The United States of America = States = People = international jurisdiction of land and sea. 

States of America = Federal States of States also called Confederate States because they operated under The Articles of Confederation = commercial corporations chartered by the States doing business as, for example, The State of Georgia, The State of Alabama, etc. designed to do work for our States in the global jurisdiction of the air --- commerce.  These are the "States" that are missing. 

And that we need to reconstruct. 

(1) You are in control of your destiny and the destiny of your country; and (2) You earn your rights by accepting your duty to serve your actual American Government and failing that, you have no rights; (3) You haven't been taught this in public school so you have to listen up and learn fast, because my generation is passing--- and then its all up to you. 

God help us! 

Armchair pundits and "Patriots" without real knowledge are almost as bad as Undeclared Federal Agents, and maybe worse.  

If you want to help, get off your duffs and read and think and act like full grown men.  

If a little old lady can use her real name --- all of it, all versions of it --- and take responsibility for her words, so can you.  If a little old lady can learn this stuff, so can you.  If a Great-Grandma can stand off the Feds and reclaim her country, so can you!  

So stop spreading a bunch of confusion and rot, and knuckle down and do what needs doing.  Get yourself disentangled from these European con artists.  Get your State Assemblies up and running. Mind your own store.  And learn how to be responsible, straight forward, honest men again.


See this article and over 1600 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 


  1. As soon as Sun-Tzu began posting his comments, I could smell a rat right away. Why would anybody, who was a Patriot in America, pick a [user name], from an other country, especially China. And besides that, he has this bossy, know-it-attitude that completely turned me off.

  2. It took me a while to put each jurisdiction in its place and now have perfect clarity.

    What is the main issue that has caused the problem here, with these guys that were former students? I get people are irritated they have to correct the record when they were not responsible for the deception, but it has to be done by the first of us till the deceit is exposed for all to see. Are these guys starting a new 'INC' under the USA INC like others out there playing in LEGAL FICTIONLAND or is it just a dispute over the capitalization/spelling of the name? Seems it would be simple to prove that question by publishing a link to the document with that name describing the Organic Government.

    We need everyone to come together on the process or it will be he said/she said just like throwing scripture at something which has nothing to do with scripture.

    I am working on a plan to contact people locally and this argument is not helpful. I believe Anna is correct on this process. Why would anyone want to have something to do with the entity that has enslaved them? New people are going to come here and look at this argument and think I'm nuts for presenting the process.

    Any suggestions?


    1. I am interested in what your plan is. How " local" are you Annie?

    2. Annie....yes, the answer is so simple a caveman can do it.....get rid of, or stop quoting the Constitution, because it has absouluty nothing to do with us and never did...I challenge anyone to prove me wrong...!!

      Contracts do not last for 200 years...ask any attorney...!!
      It's void for vagueness....!! But keep arguing over it because that's exactly what the "deep state" wants you to do.....Im sorry but because of their superior intellect, they absouluty do have the RIGHT to make us slaves
      ...get over it.....!!!

  3. Yes. Note on re-surveying one's land to real, per Richard McDonald's YouTube reco of Anna: west of San Bernardino mts., The survey has to be redone with THE SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN!. East of those mts.,redo surveys FROM THE WASHINGTON,DC MERIDIAN. The surveys done based off the Greenwich meridian are the jurisdiction of paper, not real take in your hand land/soil. Thanks for that link, Anna.

  4. Did he really write "de jour", as in soup? :)

  5. MrGumm,
    "april fools day" chuckle, yet it is becoming more sad than funny.
    me thinks grandma has big teeth, what say you?

  6. Grassroots “Day Of Mourning” Sold Out, Spreads To Twenty More Cities And Rising!
    February 19, 2019
    “History has proven that societies which kill their children will not last long. We are not only killing our babies, we are celebrating their deaths. Therefore, we are ripe for a catastrophic judgment, the kind of fall that destroyed the seemingly undefeatable Roman Empire.”
    Organizers are asking Americans to do four things:

    1.Wear black
    2.Don’t shop
    3.Close your businesses
    4.Repent for the sin of abortion

    The Day Of Mourning organizer, Elizabeth Johnston, aka The Activist Mommy, says the response to the Day Of Mourning has been overwhelming and extremely encouraging and “evidence that Americans want to see an end to the bloodshed and child abuse called abortion.”
    Remember, we also can and are to go to our prayer closets.

  7. Correct your status accordimg to Anna's method.
    We ignore the detractors.
    Participant Instructions
    Call your dial-in number: (605) 313-4198
    Enter the access code: 443602
    Sundays at 8pm est

  8. Participant Instructions
    Call your dial-in number: (605) 313-4198
    Enter the access code: 443602

    Status correction help
    Sunday evenings 8pm est

    Thanks everyone for your support and reaching out
    We use Anna's method supported by people who have done the process and many others going through it now, like myself. Anna challenged me personally on articles 519 and 520

    I am dedicated to this and to helping as many as possible with the intention of forming our Jural Assemblies, State Jural Assemblies and participation in the Reconstruction.

    Please join us

    CM Kevin Cote'
    845 987 0084

  9. C what are you doing about it...!!
    Forget paperwork, and stare right into the eyes of the judge when you speak from a position of authority, instead of acting like a slave who is about to be punished...!!!

    The very first thing to remember is that you are not in court to answer questions, you are there to ask and interrogate the judge....dont ever forget that and make it clear from the very beginning...!!

    Try this one....the judge calls your name, and you walk up to the podium...
    Immediately the judge will start asking you questions...But you will have paperwork or folder (It doesn't matter what's in it because it is only a prop), and keep looking down at it like you don't hear a word he is saying....wait for it awhile, until he gets peturbed and just shouts out your name to get your attention.....then finally, look at him and say, "I'm sorry sir, are you talking to me"...Yes, I am...!! You just won your case...He was the first one to answer a question making you the head and him the tail. Now it's your court, not his....thank you your honor for recognizing my authority in this court as the highest and paramount "holder" of the instraments filed in this case and as the trustee of my account, I order you to adjust the account to reflect full settlement and closure of this case, as I'm the beneficiary of this account....always refer to any case as an "account", because that's all it is...In fact that's all that exsist in this monitary system, is accounts....all accounts...!!

    1. jAMES...have you tried this?? Did it work?

    2. C.Johnson! Glad to have you back! I've really missed your thorough and insightful information.

      I copy and pasted the link to your article in my search engine and did not find your article. As I've expressed before, I'm a tech-tard. Would you please give me instructions so I can access your article? Thank you. genevieve

    3. C. Johnson: Here's my very belated "Thank you!" I'm playing catch-up right now and enjoying your posts immensely. You go, Girl!

  10. I'm still waiting for the reference to the organic law that names the entity Anna calls "The United States."

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. @ C. Johnson

    I sure wish I were smart enough to fight those traffic tickets. I drive a commercial vehicle, and due to having to make a living, I am unable to spend the time require to fully understand what is going on here because I am gone all the time. Traveling from State to State compounds my problems.

    To bad I can not find a site that focuses on just that issue of the problem (traffic).

  13. Anyone familiar with Turner's Act of State I recorded over ten years ago? It is similar to the name doc that Anna has posted.
