Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Let's get some discussion going on this, instead of bashing Anna Von Reitz

 If you come to this blog just to bash Anna, when in fact others are analyzing many of the same problems and calling for solutions, how about commenting on this video. And how about YOU come up with solutions that make more sense than Anna does. In other words put your brain to work in a positive manner instead of a negative one for a change.

Because the dynamics this guy is explaining are Right Here Right Now!

Let's cut to the chase here. We are headed for a Major War on American soil if we don't solve the problems outlined in this video. I won't call it a Civil war, because no war is civil.

What are Your Solutions. If you don't like Anna's solutions Give us your Peaceful solutions!

If you can't come up with better solutions that are peaceful, then you better get some guns because you are going to need them!

Paul Stramer


  1. It's coming to a "civil war" anyway because people with power never give it up without a fight....!! You can't expect to let 150 years of FRAUD slip by and not have to face the consequences when they are being forced to give it all back....!!

  2. That's a good point Paul. The only thing i can think of is mass awareness... that way, not a single shot needs to be fired. We may be getting there but who can say? For sure we'll be the last to know.

    1. Wanda, you are absolutely correct. I'm sick of people negative response when that all they do. It's time we all work together and resolve these issues! Ann is greata

    2. Wanda, mass awareness would be great but I dont see it. I live just outside of Houston, Tx. Last week when they put that wicked Bush to "rest" they put him on a train to his destinated grave (college station) the train was set to go though our area and they anounced it on nextdoor neighborhoods and the news so people could get out and watch the train go by in our area. I stated on nextdoor neighborhoods that some people I know might go throw him a glass of ice water. So one person chimed up and said "what does that mean" and I said he was a satanist and where he is going he will need it. I also said the Clintons were and Chelsey openly wears the upside down cross. WELL:
      I did not have one person agree with me and I got bashed for the remark. Later that day the train went by and they took pictures of it and the road was LINED up with people saluting him. So I dont see much awareness in my area. Plenty of people are awake on our truther sites we visit but in the general public....baaaaah (sheep noise) they are still asleep

  3. Just announced Nesara and be done with it. Reset the economy back to the Gold standard and get rid of the Fed Reserve and IRS. All debt will be eliminated and we need no other solutions. Quantum Financial blockchain is transparant it cuts the cabal off at the knees DONE.

    1. The debt has to be discharged by each person in turn, their portion, under 50 USC 4305b2 and 12 USC 95a2. We had slavery under a gold standard, so did Rome, fixes nothing. Everything has a value, including gold, give the banksters for recognizing that, only they demand too much tribute as glorified accountants, lending our own credit back to us.

  4. There is no solution without God... invite the Creator back, follow his Commands, read his words, stop putting sinful faulted man between you and Him.

    1. ...and this guy is absolutely correct.. there will be a bloody war, we will win and we have to be spiritually, physically and mentally prepared with a plan... this is why studying whatnAnna ha laid out is paramount.

    2. Biblical idioticy won't solve humans problems...

    3. @Leland Roth: I agree with you 100%. Many Christians are unaware of their deep mistakes, vesting too much in the tampered Bibles. My son too, he couldn't feed himself bc of the bibles he thinks are logical when there is no difference in ref. to the Admiralty Laws. The 7 books of new testament, said the "Falling Angle is = Jesus" indirectly. Some rats called Lucifer God as Chritians call Jesus God. This is as confusing as the Deep state's law.

      I already tested and viewed the life of Jesus, and know he was crucified, hated by both: 1) The Roman and 2) Pharisee. But the religious nerds blamed people for sinning instead for not believing in their confusing/untested theory in the books.

      The way God gave to Jesus the special gifts/power is no different from giving us the same special gifts. I see in Einstein and Nicola Tesla as well. I know No body would believe me until you see evidence. But the tampered Books WITHOUT any tests / proof's are accepted with bias (faith).

      Indirectly Christian called God Jehovah not smart, but I see this God so smart and humble, controlling our lives at Genetic level. The disbelievers should ask the DNA scientists,they said the same thing as I said here: "someone designed us, controlled us, and wanted us to grow intelligently", via our own discovery.

    4. The best part is we all die and get to see who was right..dont imagine I will be seeing you two in etetnity

  5. I believe every word of this video. My whole life I knew all of this was wrong. I believe in Trump and mass arrest. If he can pull this off maybe a civil war will be delayed. I say "Go Trump and Go our real First Lady, Anna.

    Why is it that banks charge up to 39% interest and pay us less than 1% in a savings account.

    There is so much wrong, We need to fix it all.

  6. We walk the walk My county is in the lead on forming a common law court.
    educating masses on on how the founding fathers set up America and who screwed everything up.
    and yes we know the fragile peace like bundies.all most blew into a full scale throw down.
    Would prefer a law fare senario.but it's a bit hard for most to get it.

  7. What is this gut’s Website? I am in favor of our original constitution being enforced. So I would like to see more of what his “solution is. Thanks. Anyone?

    1. He is advocating that the country split - Lefts and Rights. He is also advocating white supremacy (the Rights) but that will only happen via a civil war. I don't agree with a war. I think Anna's solution is viable, but will it be in time?

      I spent over an hour reading the comments and the majority of the commenters are just following the outburst. Those advocating for a peaceful solution have no idea how and none of them have a clue what to do if a civil war is won or lost.
      PanTerra D'Oro is a Private Contract Association(Society) that teaches how to revoke the U.S. Citizen status and declare State National Status. Everything Anna is talking about and has been forming for about 25 years. This is a much better solution than John Mark by far, but yet again, will it be soon enough? They have their own laws/rules and ecclesiastical court all set up and a financial structure.

      For those interested:

      I am attempting to get a couple of answers via email from them as we speak, as I am Canadian and have the same views and values as Anna but revoking Canadian citizen political status has different hurdles. I have found no one who can tell me how a 70 yr old can pay for his living expenses while the world changes. I have found most of the solutions are for the younger generations still capable to work while Seniors are left holding the bag.

  8. Screw the repugnant form of government, I'm for constitutional democracies. These reps routinely sell our freedoms out to the highest bidder. Self-representation is the only way, for grown-ups.

  9. People, one of your best solutions is to secure your own non-US citizen state national passport to be listed on the "DO NOT DETAIN" FBI/NCIC list. Got mine through This will even dismiss court cases because all courts only have jurisdiction over US citizens. Just got an email from Christopher Gronski that they are starting their next class this Tuesday; December 11th and Saturday the 15th. I have had police pull up behind me for speeding 20 miles over the limit, run my plate (also connected to the FBI/NCIC database), then pull up beside me to see who I am (passport photo) and suddenly veer off and pull away as I wave them goodbye. Folks, this is the simplest thing you can do to get out from under the boot. You should do this in addition to completing Anna's expatriation and surrender your fed person paperwork to lock in your status. Stop living in fear and do this while you still can. We need to start an avalanche of people doing this so our true citizenship status can no longer be denied in the public.

    1. Hello 1freeman (F) I finally received by certified passport records, after 3 months,3 correspondences and a dozen phone calls. I requested 13 pages only, my DS-11 and the 11 pages Explanatory Statement that I received from Christopher Gronski's class. They certified 51 pages. Including the DS-11's that denied me of my passport request. Listen everyone take the class so you get it right the first time so your passport records will not contain a large amount of documents that have no value. They will use all that material to be included and to clutter your request for certified copy's. I highly recommend to all on this blog. Hello folks do as 1freeman recommends, sign up for the classes now from Christopher Gronski starting their next class this Tuesday; December 11th and Saturday the 15th.
      Hey 1freeman they did not write anything on my DS-11 that I obtained my passport for. One of my previous DS-11 had a lot of scribble that I cannot decipher (all red ink). Can I conclude that the 11 page Explanatory Statement itself (included in certified copy) is sufficient evidence to prove that I am considered an American State National (NCSN) and in their words a State Citizen. You said that your certified records included a red ink statement that said "he considers himself a state citizen". Mine does not include that. I hope that does not negate the power we hope to obtain by getting certified copy's of our passport records? I would like for you to reply on this blog to help others if you can. Oh how can I find out what the FBI/NCIC database says about me? Remember (michael llf reco) I told you I had 4 stars and used a double authenticated BC. Thanks for all you do.

    2. Congrats, Michael! The handwriting makes no difference at all. Your ES of your correct status is what makes all the difference. The only way you can find out what the FBI/NCIC database says it to have a police officer run it for you if you can get them to do it and tell you. I have met with my local sheriff's assistant and submitted to her a copy of my passport application and let them make a photocopy of my passport card with my permission to run it through NCIC. The sheriff was not able to meet with me that day as he was running to a meeting but his assistant invited me to set up,a time to come back which I intend to do as soon as I receive my new title abstract to be able to send him a copy together with a copy of my newly recorded corrective deed with land patent. Stay tuned...

    3. 1Freemen - Wow what a BIG mess. Even Anna's method to be free is so complex, your 51 pages are worse. I've done what Anna recommended but the rats don't care. I am afraid the Rats will do the opposite or things like their railroading. You don't know the "DO NOT DETAIN" FBI/NCIC list" will work in the realm of the rats until you exits and re-entered. Their immigration ppl are so misbehaved. Like the "No-call phone list" consistently failed. The thiefs or market-callers don't care your list. No legitimate courts to help you anyone if the rats disobey your "DO NOT DETAIN".. Also I voided my voting election, and the rats pretended I am still on their list, they kept knocking and sending me letters "where are you, why you didn't vote. According to their goofy record it said I am still listed with them" even though I have evidence of cancellation.

    4. 1Freemen - Wow what a BIG mess. Even Anna's method to be free is so complex, your 51 pages are worse. I've done what Anna recommended but the rats don't care. I am afraid the Rats will do the opposite or things like their railroading. You don't know the "DO NOT DETAIN" FBI/NCIC list" will work in the realm of the rats until you exits and re-entered. Their immigration ppl are so misbehaved. Like the "No-call phone list" consistently failed. The thiefs or market-callers don't care your list. No legitimate courts to help you anyone if the rats disobey your "DO NOT DETAIN".. Also I voided my voting election, and the rats pretended I am still on their list, they kept knocking and sending me letters "where are you, why you didn't vote. According to their goofy record it said I am still listed with them" even though I have evidence of cancellation.

    5. Pinkham, it's not 51 pages if you do it right the first time. The problem is that we live in an occupied country and must answer their Gestapo "Wo sind deine papieren?" demands. The free pass is the passport card. They will only readily honor the papers which they issue with their stamp of approval. Everything else is an uphill battle. The passport and card are issued by the SOS/DOS which is their "Fuhrer" when it comes to status and which they will readily recognize and honor as such. Why do difficult if you can do easy?

  10. Anna, There is a gentleman in jail now for years. One of the most heartbreaking and compelling stories I have ever heard. He is from your State, Alaska and was organizing the people there. Very popular, smart, informed young man believing in the "Constitution". Many Alaskans were with him. He set up a " bell" system where I believe over 3600 people could , in an instant thru calling a number be connected to all 3600 members if they needed help. He basically became the leader of an on-demand militia, and this grabbed the FBI's attention who set him up. Long story short he is in jail despite courts, congressmen and Military saying he shouldn't be there!!! What can you and the LLF do to help this poor young man rotting away? Please watch video, and go to his site if you want to help a fellow National!!Thank You! This is a big deal!

    1. Thanks for the video. I shared it with several of my contacts.

  11. The facts are that because of the vandals that we the yellow vests were noticed and have grown in number & have gotten media coverage:

    The protesters have adopted the "gilets jaunes," or yellow vests that all French drivers are required to store as a safety measure in the event of a roadside breakdown.

    It is the perfect symbol for the movement in many ways: it is a standard item that everyone has to hand, it is a visible sign of distress, and it is connected to the fuel tax that was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back and sent the people spilling out onto the streets.

    Peace. ra

  12. I agree with Paul about the bashing. I know Paul personally and sometimes I don't agree with him, that doesn't mean Paul is wrong and I am right. I means sometimes we see a certain subject matter differently and I believe Paul gives me the same consideration. I myself am a TRUE LIBERAL not a leftist, not a democrat, not a republican, not even a libertarian. I am a conservative constitutionalist and that means by the book. The God Given Rights for all are the rights for one, anyone.

    Anna is a intelligent, educated long time judge by profession, with a lifetime full of experience. You can say, she's heard it all. No criticism please. Everyone deserves respect. Blessings.

  13. Well, I have my guns. I grew up with them because my family hunted for part of our food supply but I was taught from an early age to never point them at people.

    Because the conditions we're living under are designed to create and enforce dependency on corporate Systems (food, energy, transportation, medicine...) every step toward self-reliance is passive opposition.

    A quick note of thanks, Paul, for your later post noting the activity on these sites. Because much of the success of this peaceful change will depend on numbers of informed and active people, and because the information Anna provides is often hard to assimilate as one is breaking down a lifetime of conditioning, the growing numbers give me hope! Historically, we've seen things happen to those who've become figureheads in opposition to the corporate agenda. One of my hopes is for those who are now visible as leaders to be protected by an unstoppable wave of allies as the government of the people assembles.

  14. I wish there was a peaceful solution. I do not know how we could have a peaceful separation as there are conservative people in Blue States and left people in Red states. Second, I have tried to educate people with little success. The level of deceit is so great I do not know if people can put their mind around it. Third, if the population did realize the level of deceit I do not know how they would handle it. Where I live we can't even have people miss their regular tv show for tornado warnings without having temper tantrums let alone outrageous deceit and fraud of this level. Fourth, there is suppose to be an Ice Age coming. People are going to have to worry about surviving let alone free stuff.

    For myself my goal for 2019 is to submit my paperwork. Second I wish there was a way for people who are aware to get together. Third I want to move where I may be more self reliant. I have enjoyed reading everyone's comments as I learn so much.

  15. I have a possible peaceful solution. We need to get back to basics. I will start with a court case. In Udny v. Udny, (1869) L.R. 1 H.L. Sc.441, the point decided was one of inheritance, depending upon the question whether the domicil of the father was in England or in Scotland, he being in either alternative a British subject. Lord Chancellor Hatherley said:"The question of naturalization and of allegiance is distinct from that of domicil." P.452. Lord Westbury, in the passage relied on by the counsel for the United States, began by saying: "The law of England, and of almost all civilized countries, ascribes to each individual at his birth TWO DISTINCT LEGAL STATES or conditions: one by virtue of which he becomes the subject of some particular country, binding him by the tie of natural allegiance, and which may be called his political status; another by virtue of which he has ascribed to him the character of a CITIZEN of some particular country, and as such is possessed of certain municipal rights, and subject to certain obligations, which latter character is the CIVIL STATUS or condition of the INDIVIDUAL, and may be quite different from his political status."

    And then, while maintaining that the CIVIL STATUS IS UNIVERSALLY GOVERNED BY THE SINGLE PRINCIPLE OF DOMICIL, domicilium, the criterion established by international law for the purpose of determining CIVIL STATUS, and the basis on which "the personal rights of party, that is to say, the law which determines his majority or minority, his marriage, succession, testacy or intestacy, must depend," he yet distinctly recognized that a man's political status, his country, patria, and his "nationality, that is natural allegiance,""may depend on different laws in different countries." Pp. 457, 460. He evidently used the word "citizen" not as equivalent to "subject," but rather to "inhabitant" and had no thought of impeaching the established rule that all persons born under British dominion are natural-born subjects. [United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)]

    It is my belief the solution is changing your citizenship on the SS-5 from U.S. citizen to Legal Alien allowed to work. Under private international law citizen means domicile. I'm not going to write everything here so please let me know if you read this and want more information. I will be sending an email with more information and court case cites to Paul. Research 'Conflict of Laws' and Law of Domicile.

    1. Patrick, I believe you are mostly on the right track, But not " Legal Alien"!!! The KEY to removing yourself from the ENTIRE data base ( includes all taxing authorities) is the SSN. I am currently in the process of doing a Numident request with SSA to eventually do a "Resignation of compelled Social Security Trustee". Social Security is a government franchise, and those who participate in "government franchises" are treated AS IF they have no Constitutional rights. State nationals domiciled in a constitutional state are NOT eligible to participate in SS. Any records indicating eligibility are false and fraudulent and MUST be corrected. If they aren't, a crime is perpetuated. There are multiple steps involved in accomplishing removal from the system and care must be taken. The SSA 521 alone does not accomplish this, or the IRS 4029.This is truly the "Beast" and must be accomplished.
      God has led me to this site for an OVER-Whelming amount of information and FORMS with all the research your little heart could desire!

  16. The SS-521 has nothing to do with the account number. It is for withdrawal of request for benefit payments. Requesting benefit payments is a separate issue from the SS-5 form which creates the LEGAL PERSON and the LEGAL PERSONS' status is based on its chosen(elected) domicile. Go look up elected domicile in blacks law.

    I am very clear about this after years of running in circles. I am not a legal person, I am a man. I am a man that has a legal person. It is a natural right protected by the constitution, 4th amendment. The people shall be secure in their persons. It's a property rights issue. The legal person is my property, they recognize this. This is why they need to change the status of your person to get jurisdiction. They have to do this because a state citizen is sovereign in relation to the governemnt. They CANNOT be regulated in their PRIVATE capacity. The states only have jurisdiction over legal persons(corporations) incorporated through them. These entities can be regulated under "public law". The state is essentially the silent partner, without the state they cannot exist. People in their private capacity DO NOT need the consent of government. Their only restriction is do no injury/damage or trespass on another's rights. Hale v. HENKEL(1906). Also look at Executive Order 13132 of 1999 on the principles of Federalism. You CANNOT operate in public commerce/trade without a security number. You need the number for tracking financial investment contracts. Jean Keating has some great research on loans and other securities being investment contracts under Article 8 of the UCC. As far as I know, our country is different than every other. We were given the status of a king as sovereigns without subjects. I've also heard it called popular sovereignty when reading some of the writings from George Washington. I also like the quote from Louis T. McFadden, who was taken out, when he said 'we now have attorney's claiming Americans can CONTRACT away their constitutional rights. This was in the 1930's.... CONTRACT law is private international law, hence we need to look at our recorded DOMICILE.

    1. Thank You Patrick, for the Great Insight shared here!! Correcting ALL these Bogus Contracts/records, 1 piece at a time, one day at a time Now!! So Grateful for All Contributions & Insights Now shared by those digging deeper, going through the "fires" and learning everyday!!

      Much Gratitude, True Awareness, Pure Love and Eternal Joy-Peace Be For All Now

  17. civil war coming ?? who's going to organize it so good comes out of it ?? or is it going to become total chaos and martial law, like THEY want anyway ?? and everything some of us are trying to do to become "nationals" and still trying to do this THRU THEIR SYSTEM of control by proving who we are ?? jumping thru their hoops attempting to accomplish this on an INDIVIDUAL BASIS ??!!!! where is the SIMPLIFICATION in this scenario ?? it is time for us to get organized and tell them where the bear craps in the buckwheat !!!!!! they set this scam up and it is up to us to SIMPLIFY this and give ULTIMATUMS what WE WANT , period !! the news media is controlling our perceptions of everything they put out for control BUT people like ken o keefe get time on the major networks to get the word out so why not use him !!! i have spoken with ken briefly ! one major thing for everyone to start doing to throw monkey wrenches in their gears is to STOP PAYING THESE SLAVE TAXES ( check out 'grace commission report' ) ( every cent paid into taxes goes to pay INTEREST ONLY on money they create from nothing ) !! when this happens these congress critters will probably want to find some place to hide; they know they will be next ! anna is superb with her knowledge and writing skills. she definitely has the skills to put a letter(s) together that can be mailed to politicians and governors, attorney generals, natl guard brass and such of OUR INTENT ; to regain our rightful place OUR WAY with SIMPLIFICATION METHODS vs THEIR LEGAL NIGHTMARE !!! most of these 'important people' probably don't have a clue as to 'how' we have gotten to this point; and that is where anna's expertise in communication is vital ! Ken o Keefe , to me, is very important to this process as he has already got the 'ball rolling' on major news stations and knows what he is talking about ! he spells it out relating to " the banksters " control ! anna's factual information explaining how we have gotten to this point, where we are at, and what needs to be done is a peaceful solution provided the correct individuals 'in power' receive it and implement the solutions O R we get organized and round up those individuals that do not take care of OUR BUSINESS !!! EITHER WAY the job will get done ! it is ULTIMATUM TIME !!

  18. Thank you, Judge Von Reitz (Riezinger) & Co. for everything! Note about you saying we need evidence that SRA is happening. Former and whistleblowing Dutch illuminati bankster, Ronald Bernard's interviews are on youtube. His first one, in Dutch with English subtitles is the most emotional one, but there are several in English after he moved to Florida, probably marrying an American.

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