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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Counter-Offer to Manna World Holdings Trust, November 11, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

1. Perhaps you could explain how Marduk had any legitimate right of control or ownership of the assets he transferred to you?  Because to my certain knowledge, you are claiming control of assets that weren't his and aren't yours to meddle with. The law is: possession by pirates does not change ownership.  He could not give you authority or legitimacy he didn't have himself.  So let's see Marduk's chain of provenance and bona fides establishing his interest and role in assets like the V.K. Durham Trust and the D'Avila Trust .... all approximately 5,000 of the private trusts that have been swept up in a big bag and handed to you to dispose of. 

2.  Renaming a trust or group of trusts to create a new legal person, e.g., changing the name of Alpha and Omega Trust to Manna World Holdings Trust doesn't give you any new authority or grant any new authority to the trust you made up out of thin air.  Remember that these trusts contain actual assets, not digits, and fall under the Law of the Land, not legal and statutory provisions. 

3. I didn't credit or accuse you of creating the QFS--- simply using it with Marduk's help--- to purloin control of approximately 5,000 Special Deposit Accounts, the actual donors of which never elected you (or him) as trustees. This is a sticking point.  Actual assets deposited by people and organizations in Good Faith in a bank should not be seized upon by anyone but the lawful depositors. Interference with these assets and normal bank protocols is a threat to all private property rights and also whatever public confidence people can still have in the banks.  

4. You are not the only good person out there.  I have met plenty of good solid people who are legitimate private trustees with proof of trusteeship over accounts you are now controlling as an Executor de Son Tort. You blame them for not deploying assets to help Mankind sooner --- but surely you know or have cause to know that these same Trustees have been blocked from having access to their accounts for decades?   The Committee of 300, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderburgers, the Roman Cartel, and the guilty banks were all too busy using these private assets to make money for themselves.  The actual trustees AND beneficiaries went hungry to bed ---- some, like the intended beneficiaries of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust have been kept waiting for relief for literally hundreds of years and anyone who stepped forward as a Fiduciary to deploy the funding has been refused access, too.  So it isn't like you can sit there and blame the people I am talking about.  They have been victims as much as anyone else. Their Good Will should not be impugned for not doing something that they couldn't do through no fault of their own. 

5. Generally speaking, the assets in the trusts you are seizing upon belong to private people, not "the People".  Special Deposits belong to the Depositors, unless you can prove that the funds are the fruit of money laundering or other serious crimes---- and unless you have a receipt that says, "The People" on it, "The People" don't have anything to say.  There are some trusts like those belonging to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and our member States that actually do belong to The People, but these are dedicated trusts in the National Interest.  

In our case the plan is simply to transfer the assets to our International Trade Bank and from there disperse into fifty State accounts on a per capita basis. Each State Account will be assigned a competent Fiduciary CFO  and from there, "The People" will be fully informed about their inheritance and enabled to make choices individually and via plebiscite.  Each State Fiduciary issues a yearly online report and an abstract report. In this way each State is responsible for maintaining accountability to "The People" and reflecting the actual Will of the People in that State. 

(6)  Trust beneficiaries are not and cannot be "required" to appoint agents with plenary control over their assets, especially when the Donors didn't mandate any such condition. Rather, it's your job to liquidate or rollover the public trusts to the actual states and actual people and to return the private property trusts to their own trustees. If you want to help, you would be welcome by our Trust Association Members to do so.  Everyone understands the need for disciplined and organized deployment of relief efforts and infrastructure development funding, so you might logically start with people who: (1) have valid claims and clear, public aims; (2) have already agreed to work cooperatively for the common good of all.  I will point out that expecting one woman to act as Trustee of 5,000 trust accounts is sheer lunacy.  The private trust trustees can help you as much as you can help them. 

(7) As for getting four countries to release control of their trusts "back to their former trustees" --- there are no such valid trustees that I know of, because any valid Public Trusteeships have been usurped (in most cases) for over a hundred years.  So why make such a reference to a system that was of the pirates, by the pirates and for for the pirates?  It isn't like countries can go back to anything like a valid Public Trusteeship, and you know that.  In virtually all cases, the purported trustees of the incorporated governments weren't even functioning in a fiduciary capacity--- and you presumably know that, too. 

In the world I live in, rights go hand-in-hand with responsibilities.  Anyone who doesn't take responsibility under The Prudent Man Standard has no right to act as a Public Trustee. By that standard virtually none of the incorporated governments on Earth even have Fiduciary Trustees---- the "United States" certainly hasn't bothered to have Fiduciary Trustees for decades--- and when you are talking about actual National Trust assets, Fiduciary Trustees are required.  The United States of America [Unincorporated] does have Fiduciary Trustees in place, so we have our horses in front of our cart. 

(8) As for the Indian Nations, most of them did sign deals with the Devil, but it is also true that most of those deals (similar to the U.S. Attorney General's claim to own all of us via donation) are fraudulent, void for non-disclosure, etc. We call such nations "dependent sovereignties" because some entity has to hold the responsibility in order to exercise the rights of the landlord, but many nations can co-habit the same geographical space.  

We, The United States of America [Unincorporated], are the recognized landlords of this country since 1776.  In 2015, we opened up the land jurisdiction to put an end to second class citizenship in this country. Those Native Americans who elect State Citizenship instead of U.S. citizenship have been free to come home to the land jurisdiction of this country since November 6, 2016, and once separated from the international jurisdiction of the sea, they own their own bodies, so also own soil.  

Michael Stephen Young exercised this option in 2015, thus securing standing as an American and as a Tribal Chief in America.  He waived his rights as a beneficiary of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust, formed a plan, established it as his Irrevocable Will on the Public Record, and has stood ready to begin implementation with our full support and approval for three years. 

And here we are, looking at another bitter winter, still fuss-farting around and trading insults about this situation.  A lot of good, worthy --- and needy --- people have been waiting over 200 years to see any benefit from that trust, and they are still waiting.  One must ask if the trustees have any concern for the intended beneficiaries --- Native Americans, Hispanics and Cowboys and Traders in seven western states --- or sense of "reasonable urgency" in the performance of their duties at all.   I certainly consider promptness an element of Fiduciary Duty and am bewildered how a Treaty Trust with us could remain in limbo, gathering interest and dust for over 200 years.  And still isn't deployed. 

(9)  Since we are discussing actual, factual assets the legal/lawful requirements are a bit different than you suppose.  For example, we don't need to be in good "legal standing".  We need to be in good "lawful standing".  

Actual assets exist in the realm of sovereignty, not the realm of legal fictions.  We are the ones that give corporations licenses -- that is, corporations are licensed by us, not the other way around.  

(10) It appears that you have your heart in the right place but are confused about various points of law and nobody is blaming you for that.  It is confusing. You have also come out of ---and cut your teeth inside of--- a criminally malfunctioning system, so it's not like you have any experience or knowledge of what a correctly functioning world economy looks like or how it is SUPPOSED to function.  Perhaps, just maybe, if we got together face to face we could iron it all out enough to MAKE A START.


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Anyone else having problems with Anna's home page. No matter how many times I refresh the page, it only goes to blog 758 and stops???

    1. Just checked and I get all the way to 1360, the number of this blog post. Close the browser or delete the cache history and try again Nick

    2. Thanks Dan. I deleted all cache history in Firefox and no change. However went to internet explorer and all is good. Cheers.

  2. Awesome Responsible, Honorable, Peaceful and Truthful Humble Offer Anna!! Thank You!!!

    Much Gratitude, Awareness, Love and Peace Be Now for All

  3. alanedward says;

    The crawdad syndrome; when i was young, we used to go up to a lake and fish crawdads, we would find a frog and gut it open and tie a small rock and string to it and toss it in the water and wait awhile. the crawdads would grab hold of the frog with one claw and eat with the other. when you pulled in the frog the crawdads would still be holding on to the frog and you could just pluck them off and toss them in a frying pan. what i am getting at here is their"greed".. it cost them their lives..! as for these people who want to take everything from anyone and everyone they can have never actually stopped to think about reality and this life and how very short it is. but to sacrifice eternity, well that is a LONG time to be wondering around in darkness being tormented by demons and the like, that is if they are lucky. most likely their life energy "souls" will go to the recycle bin and used for better a use. it must really suck to be them..! yikes... I find it amazing there is such an abundance of the most expensive thing in the world; ignorance, and the most valuable thing in the world can hardly be given away for free; Wisdom.

    1. Please use a handle that is not "unknown" or "anonymous" see our policy at the top of the page in blue.

      "You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove unwarranted personal attacks. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Do not attempt to comment using the handle "Unknown" or "anonymous". Your comment will be summarily deleted. Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products."

    2. Very well said... that is the same with all bottom dwellers (shellfish). Blue claw crabs are a nasty vicious species as well. You can catch them with a trot line similar to your crawdad technique... there hanging on for dear life to eat as much as they can and will kill each other for the battle of the spoils... which are the dead deteriorating food they are attracted towards as food. Similar to our ALL CAPITAL corps that they feed on, like scavenging shell fish like crab, lobster which are represented in the TV series the most deadliest catch.

      A parable similar to the enemy that is likened to a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour... 20-30 lbs of dead fish to catch a cage full of Alaskan king crab. Just like the Saturnalian / Roman system / Kazarian mafia / kabbalists that use their spheres of influence as substitute for planets, when they are illuminated lights in the sky called planates - french for wandering stars. Planetarium ... looking through a looking glass at the wandering stars. There are not planets, just plain ole planet-tares.

  4. Thank you Anna for all your hard work. I read Kim's offer. It sounded childish and something a bar lawyer prepared for her.

  5. I applaud these efforts. May they never cease...for they seem to be in the right direction.

  6. Great story and Insight shared alanedward!!! Thank you!!
    Much Gratitude, Love, Humble Wisdom and Awareness Be for All Now

    Reposting for preservation:

    UnknownNovember 12, 2018 at 12:51 PM
    alanedward says;

    The crawdad syndrome; when i was young, we used to go up to a lake and fish crawdads, we would find a frog and gut it open and tie a small rock and string to it and toss it in the water and wait awhile. the crawdads would grab hold of the frog with one claw and eat with the other. when you pulled in the frog the crawdads would still be holding on to the frog and you could just pluck them off and toss them in a frying pan. what i am getting at here is their"greed".. it cost them their lives..! as for these people who want to take everything from anyone and everyone they can have never actually stopped to think about reality and this life and how very short it is. but to sacrifice eternity, well that is a LONG time to be wondering around in darkness being tormented by demons and the like, that is if they are lucky. most likely their life energy "souls" will go to the recycle bin and used for better a use. it must really suck to be them..! yikes... I find it amazing there is such an abundance of the most expensive thing in the world; ignorance, and the most valuable thing in the world can hardly be given away for free; Wisdom." alanedward

  7. Kim made you this offer some many months ago, Anna, and you turned it down. Now that you sense Kim is on the road to dispersing all those precious funds, leaving you with nothing with which to operate your dreamed-of 'new Uninc. government' - - Now you go 'lets talk'.

    Well you better hope that Kim is still willing to talk, because We the People are sick and tired of this shit, yik yak and game playing by our so called 'Leaders' who are nothing but children in adult bodies, playing their Games, which have NEVER included any consideration for We The People !
    Even so Anna, I still get a double minded meaning from you here; one that speaks of individual Accounts, and in the next sentence, speaks more in the Macro Econ sense. A bad habit of yours, a ''two-toned' illusion about everything, like wobbling around on a log in a river; thats the feeling you always leave in people.

    Bottom Line: You two need to stop the infighting, and go Get It Done, like PRONTO. Enough of all this crap; 200 yrs. is long enough. Go sit in a damned room, take a pot of coffee, and pizza, and DONT come out till you got it DONE. Done as in D O N E. Done actual Implementation and a DATE for it. We want a true and genuine TIMELINE and no 2 ways about it.

  8. Anna, who ever said that just because people supposedly earned their money honestly, they can be worth $100 billion ..!! No one ever said a single person can have that much money...!!

    I don't care how hard he worked....its still "GREED" in my book...!!

    Not one single person ever have more than he can spend in a lifetime....First of all, if the monitary system was truely honest, no one could ever attain that kind of wealth....Its only because of fraudulent bookkeeping that people claim that kind of wealth...!!

    If a CEO of a company gets a paycheck of $20 million a year, he has to be totally audited, along with his company to find out what is going on....!!

    No one or any agency of govt should allow that to continue...!!

    Things have to change when it comes to fair pay and power within a company..!!

    If a manager wants to fire someone, he should have to prove it in court...!!
    Because most Mgt. are only concerned about their bonuses and not his employees....!!

    1. james, and if there would ever be any such investigations, then I would suggest that some of these HUGE govt. pensions should be looked into. They are more outrageous than most people can imagine. Far more than what most people earn by actually working.
      ALL those pensions are ultimately paid for by The People, one way or another.


    Great Video to consider and share as the "emotional triggers" et al...are being used heavily and intentionally more, more now. Awareness IS the Key to change.

    Much Gratitude, Love, Awareness and Peace Be for All Now

  10. Here is Kim's response to Anna's article here:

  11. Brilliant, Anna! I, too, encourage U 2 get with Kim 2 brainstorm with Heartmind How each of U "national treasures" can collaborate in True practical Solutions 4 highest good of ALL. Thanks 2 Abby 4 above link, also. Teamwork Does Make the Dream work!

    Blessings to all willing to BE and DO peacefully lawfully for highest good of ALL, standing in Love, Peace, Joy, Thanks-giving Living, and True Justice for ALL - Tricia FreeMom :D

  12. Well, actually I am not one bit concerned about any of this stuff. I really would just like to have a nice piece of my home made peach pie....but I didnt make it today. (ala mode)

  13. Geesh, here in central ohio it is 24 degrees tonight; highly unusually cold for November ! We went from ultra hot 90 degrees in Sept. which was unusually hot; skipped indian summer altogether, and dipped straight into the cold that usually follows after indian summer. We are normally pretty mild until about January.
    BUT: the Good part is we are not on fire, right?

  14. "As far as I am concerned this Kim is just another criminal that needs to be rounded up and prosecuted in a common law court by a jury of her peer"🐯🎥

    I like this one...I think?🌈

  15. I recall reading a senator from a state in 1905 came in to the congress and spoke saying corporations were eating up the economy in his state. The message fell on deaf ears. 1911 trusts were hashed over ( by the corrupt seeking corporate replacement) but survived yet corporations grew and along with corporate death exceeding people death. ( you could file one, sell stock then go broke and the corporation was dead) Now of course with the entire place incorporated, county buildings filled with corporate employees and near everywhere you look, even United States Citizens are little business entities corporate in nature. ( You can get a Dunn's for you name by just asking) Anna is right, who would want their stolen property claimed by another then given to someone else? Guess I do live on land like that, it was someone else's home, they were tricked to sign papers donating the land and now it has a property description and title that is bought and sold. Is that right? Would it be OK to keep on doing things like that, taking from someone then giving it to another without permission of the true owner? Anna gets blamed for IMF other entities holding things that do not belong to them, stolen by deceit and extortion...and it is them holding things up, slowing it down, claiming special privileges allow them authority to keep what is not their property. If it was you or me how long do you think you could keep other peoples stolen goods once it was found out you had them?
