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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Stop Talking About "The" Republic. There Isn't One.

By Anna Von Reitz

Our fifty nation-states are each owed a "republican" form of government.  Note the difference: "republican" (feminine) versus "republic" (masculine) in Latin. 

There is no doubt that the Founders who were schooled in both Greek and Latin said exactly what they meant. 

Their purpose was to describe the government owed to our soil jurisdiction states as opposed to the "democracy" adopted by the British Territorial Government and the oligarchy of The Roman Republic.

The only "Republic" even remotely related to our Government was the Municipal Government of Rome --- The Roman Republic, under which auspices the District of Columbia owed its aegis. 

Thus, there is no American  "Republic" related to our lawful government nor any American Government for "which it stands" and never was; except for the distant and intended-to-be minor authority of the now-defunct Roman Pontificate within the District of Columbia, which is, itself, foreign to our government "of the people, for the people, and by the people". 

Similarly, except for the British Territorial Government, there has never been a "democracy" here, either.  

It's all just more deceptive talk, talk, talk based on the expectation that we will be ignorant enough to mistake their government for our government, and their government's debts for our debts, and allow the Interlopers to use deceptively similar names to gain access to our credit and control our assets without even the nicety of a viable formal contract. 

As we told Mr. Jacob Rothschild and as we told Mr. Nathan Rothschild, thanks, but no thanks.  Le Republique needs to either stay in France or bid for an honest contract.  THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LLC, needs to stay in Scotland, peddling red-white-and-blue t-shirts to Irishmen. 

We, the actual Americans, are having none of this nonsense. 

Read the words: non assumpsit.  Those words have been clearly published and spread across newspaper Legal Notices sections all over this country and the sentiments backing them are unlikely to disappear. 

We are sick of clandestine European meddling, lies, deceits, half-truths, Breach of Trust, commercial mercenary activities, racketeering, inland piracy, conspiracy against our lawful government, false commercial claims, kidnapping, human trafficking, adhesion contracts, unlawful conversion, religious lunacy, insurance fraud, bogus taxation, commercial "wars", pratfalls, snide jokes, and all the rest.  

The cards have been called. The liens established.  The assets have been claimed and rolled over.  The Delegated Powers have returned to us via Operation of Law and have been acknowledged, accepted, and our claim upon them has cured.   

The Schemers have succeeded in destroying the last fetters of the original Federal Constitutions, and they have succeeded in bankrupting both the Municipal United States and the British Territorial United States, but they shall not reap the unjust enrichment they anticipated and they shall not gain control of our country via legal chicanery. 

The Sleeping Giant may still be a bit fuzzy headed, but make no mistake, we are awake. 

The United States of America remains. 

The United States of America is the Priority Creditor and has exercised its liens and assigned all "state of state" assets back to the sovereign land jurisdiction States of the Union where they can't be meddled with anymore by any incorporated entity on Earth.    

The United States of America has received back the Delegated Powers that it assigned under the Federal Constitutions.  

The United States of America is owed every jot of every Treaty.  Every drop of ink and blood is owed to us. 

 And we are not "a" Republic.  And we are not a "democracy".  Not now, not ever. 

When people ignorantly or with purpose to deceive talk about "The Republic" we take exception to the deceit and when they insist on prattling about "democracy" -- which is an evil form of government our ancestors decried and avoided like the Plague, we hold our noses and try to be diplomatic.  

However, in this instance with the Rothschild Empire trying to front both a bogus "Republic" that is billing itself as a "democracy" and the Council of Cardinals milling about wondering what to make of all this, we feel compelled to make our grievances public and explicit. 

The actual government of this country is not a Republic and not a democracy--- and never has been either one.  

The actual government of this country in international jurisdiction is a Federation of States  -- The United States of America [Unincorporated]. 


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Thank You Anna!

    Re: "the government owed to our soil jurisdiction states" - I find the phrase: "soil jurisdiction" most interesting and in a kind of synergy with: "the soil basis for true organic agriculture!" Both true "self-government" and true organic agriculture are soil-based! The soil is a real, tangible and most essential basis in and for these two spheres. One sphere has the soil as the basis for living culture the other for Rights. "Democracy" is certainly not soil-based! It is a parasite that eats away at the substance in both the Cultural Sphere and the Rights Sphere.

  2. If there was never a "Republic" for "which it stands" then what in the world are all of these people mad about over NOT STANDING to pledge allegiance to a flag that represents a non-existent Republic? This is not logical. Why the extreme cognitive dissonance? Are these people just full of hate and ignorance? Maybe someone should educate them?

  3. On your home page...the first line...of the first paragraph..."how to restore the Republic"...may need to be reworded about now.

  4. NUMBER: 1593
    AUTHOR: Benjamin Franklin (1706–90)
    QUOTATION: “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

    “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
    ATTRIBUTION: The response is attributed to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN—at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation—in the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention.

    McHenry’s notes were first published in The American Historical Review, vol. 11, 1906, and the anecdote on p. 618 reads: “A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy. A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.” When McHenry’s notes were included in The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, ed. Max Farrand, vol. 3, appendix A, p. 85 (1911, reprinted 1934), a footnote stated that the date this anecdote was written is uncertain.
    SUBJECTS: Republic
    WORKS: Benjamin Franklin Collection

    Notice this was also before 1860.
    A republic or a Monarchy.


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