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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How Simple Is This, Really?

By Anna Von Reitz

We are the actual owners of the assets that have been "blocked" and which the banks claim are "abandoned".

We have shown up in plenty of time, lodged our claims, and said basically, "That's just plain old-fashioned fraud. We are here to collect."

And we have provided everyone with our Provenance and our proofs and nobody anywhere has come up with any logical or compelling reason why we should not be recognized as the actual owners. Because we are.

But the banks are still standing there stonewalling, more than three years later.

And Mr. Trump is still being forced to play patty-cake with Rothschild instead of being paid directly.

These middlemen bankers, like their buddies in the Bar Associations, have no business usurping a middleman position in the first place.

It should be just Donald Trump being paid by the American People to do a job.

As our Delegated Powers have returned to us, we have every right to bypass European interference, to secure our assets, and to pay our own employees.

We also have the unquestionable right to receive back our purloined assets.

Mr. Trump can't access our assets, because they aren't held in his name, but we are in a different status. We have standing as the actual Heirs and Original Entitlement Holders.

So---Donald Trump needs our help, and we need his, to push the asset recovery effort home and put an end to all this criminality on the part of the banks and Bar and certain politicians here and abroad.

By all means, let's get on with it. There's nobody here but us chickens. And we are all American chickens for a change.


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Replies
    1. SS, she can't open the Accounts, thats her problem, but she doesn't tell you that. Its time for Anna to level with The People here, and stop insinuating 'its on the way''. It is not. It seems more likely that Kim G holds the ''keys to that vault'. Kim said she has offered to work together with Anna, but Anna has rejected that idea. So how Anna can promise you guys anything is a puzzle to me.


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