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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

No comments will be accepted from "Unknown" parties from now on.

I will no longer allow unidentified comments from any Unknown parties on this blog.

If you won't identify yourself you don't have the right to comment on this blog from now on.

Do not attempt to use the handle "Unknown" to comment on the articles.

My normal readers should ignore the comments they see from any so called "unknown" parties because all such comments will be summarily deleted by the administrator.

If such parties persist, I will close down the comments to any but members only who will be asked to log in with their email address and a password to the blog to comment.

If that doesn't stop the spam and trolls I will simply shut off all comments for everyone.

Paul Stramer


  1. That works for me, hope it works for the blog, you post great information! excellent work

  2. Replies
    1. Not attacking you, yet i have questions. What is the Golden rule in this instance? i of course did not see all of the exchanges with said person,(unknown.) And yet i saw many responses on both sides that did not reflect the Golden rule but instead reflected the opposite.
      Am not saying i disagree with Paul's decision either. Unknown was warned. And yet what will discourage him from picking a name and coming back? And how can we handle it better?
      Who is to say He was not already here as a member but using unknown to provoke?
      There are a lot of confused people out here that are going to need help in developing strength and patience, also wisdom. There are a lot of people who are unknowingly behaving as the enemy. They unknowingly or knowingly use and ascribe too Alynskis rules and tactics.
      Those who are right and wrong can all be led to use these tactics. That is a danger.

    2. The golden rule is to do the right thing, that would be to let everyone know who you are when posting darkness in this case. Paul is making this clear and in essence, is the golden rule applied, not opinion, just the facts. It is very easy to run down a name, however, I bet this unknown has his IP address masked like all government agents. Discernment is the only defense.

    3. The tinyest sliver of light completely cancels darkness...or in laymens terms " cockroaches run like hell when the lights come on .

      If you need further explanation I will require another cup of coffee and a chalkboard .

  3. Great news Paul....was it the ghoul comment lol.

  4. Paul, great news for those who seek remove themselves from the Beast System.

  5. Only troll allowed it's the commander and chief Donald Trump

  6. He just didn't get my opinion we are fighting the last war between good and evil, and it goes way beyond our freedom....its time to expose all the evils of this world and the corruption it has caused leading to all the ills of our world, and not just expatrating...!! We have to free the world too because we caused a lot of this by being deceived and accepting to much authority to certain people and agencies....!!

    1. I totally believe it is the deceivers who are to blame; but after they have been exposed, then folks who refuse to face such depth of corruption exists, can then be blamed for refusing to face reality; the bitter truth which is not at all pretty.

    2. 'Last war between good & evil..." seems to me to a little extreme James, but potential future events sure r getting exciting🌋

      "What we need to watch for over the next few days and weeks is whether remaining senior satanic cabalists like Benyamin Netanyahu, George Bush Jr., Hillary and Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, and others (be they clones, body doubles, or computer graphics) are publicly arrested and frog-marched in front of the cameras. The other thing to see is whether Trump will finally go public with 9/11 truth, as he promised to do during his election campaign. If that does not happen, the WDS will take things to the next level." Ben Fulford 9/3/18

    3. James, I agree; america is now getting its one last chance...but I tend to believe it has already ''blown it'.
      After the Great Flood, God tried a second time to try to get humanity to do righteously, and we see how that has gone, lol. So I think by now God would ''get it'' lol.

    4. Space Gods get their mission statement from God @ beginnings of every Kalpa🎶

      The Ancient Alien Question: A New Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors

      (Also book available as a free download💙)

      from ‘The Ancient Alien Question’ by Phillip Coppens

      page 115

      ‘A detailed study into the question of whether vimanas (ancient indian flying craft) and the related passages from the ancient Indian accounts are evidence of crafts with flight (if not spaceflight) capability was done by Richard L. Thompson, a scientist with a PhD in mathematics from Cornell University. He found that the numerous Indian texts gave accurate dimensions for the diameter of the Earth and even the plane of the ecliptic. The Puranas spoke of 400,000 humanlike races living on various planets and of 8 million other life-forms. Many of these races were said to possess siddhi, which humans could master, but were not born with. These siddhi were what in the West are labeled paranormal abilities, such as mental communication, but they also involved a number of techniques, such as changing the size or weight of objects, levitation, or moving objects through the ether without being impeded by physical obstacles, as well as entering another human being’s body and taking control of it

    5. Ps A kalpa is equivalent to a 'wink of God'💖

    6. There is a source whose current and eternal plans for us are perfect! Think on these thoughts!

    7. Certainly it isn't Jesus...Net♩

      Fortunately being an 'American state national' still doesn't require worship of Jesus as God's onlybegotten son🎶

  7. Cool, already so much to read and understand...

  8. I welcome any post which brings solid information to the blog. Blatant disrespect for Anna or any other man or woman is deplorable. Thank you for removing that element. Peace and Love to all.

  9. Good for you Paul, nothing but cowards..

  10. Ju Jitsu Manner Protocol, well done Grasshopper !

  11. LOL, at least some of those Unknowns have a sense of humor. But probably a good rule to have in place considering some of the comments I have seen.

  12. It only take one or two bad people to distroy a good thing. Great desision Paul. We are behind you.

  13. Sadly another form of censorship. The first amendment was supposed to protect the rights of even the uneducated,ignorant,fools who demonstrated their lack of understanding, every time they opened their pie-holes. The wise controlled their emotions and ignored the babbling for what it was. When you're a sovereign with one subject, that's the only one you have to control. All others have the same right to say whatever they choose. I doubt that any participant here needs to worry about Anna getting her feelings wounded. I thought this venue was about freedom.

  14. No censorship here by simply making people identify themselves in some way. If people won't identify themselves as a real living individual, they have no first amendment rights, especially on this blog.
    This blog belongs to me, Paul Stramer. And I set the rules, and if I choose to require identification to get rid of people who are too cowardly to identify themselves that's my business.
    If someone wants to use foul language, or personally attack people, they should START THEIR OWN BLOG AND SEE HOW LONG IT LASTS. You will not be tolerated here any longer. You should have used some objectivity and you should have stuck to the issues.

    1. Thank you, Paul. Bravo! First amendment rights of free speech belong to Sovereign nationals and not to federal 14th amendment US corporate citizen puppets. And certainly not to paid agent trolls on SoreAss payroll. There are too many vital issues at stake to waste time on vulgar trash talk and worthless personal feelings and opinions that do not help anyone especially from people who only whine and complain and contribute nothing and refuse to help anyone else. We are here to assist one another to implement the measures that will set We The People free at last. Remember the saying quoted at the birth of this nation: "We must all hang together or we will surely each hang separately." Buckle up, folks! September promise to be a wild ride. Check out Trump's new August 31st EO declaring September Emergency Preparedness Month. Read between the lines and get ready. The cabal is a wounded dying animal ready to pounce to defend itself and make some desperate moves before it is finally put out of its misery. Stay sharp and alert and keep your powder dry.

    2. Thank-You!
      Some folks just cannot help... Pity!

    3. Great solution Paul! Thank you!



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  15. Really glad to hear this. Seems like the people who don’t want to identify themselves always have negative & unhelpful comments to say. It certainly gets old.

  16. Amen. People don't know how to be apart of anything. We must exercise patients folks. We have a great understanding of what has happened over the centuries. Some of the things these outraged people are saying seems offensive. But,like u and I they read, they realize they lived a lie their entire life. So the outtage comes with it. Not to forget they might be uneducated by the very system we talk about. So we must exercise patients when people get up set. Which is what Paul has done. He didn't say ur done he said identify yourself so that's aplausable. Thanks Paul.

  17. Unknown was a negative distraction.
    Thank you, Paul, for removing someone so fearful that he/she carried the moniker 'unknown'.

  18. I agree, a lot or using a fictitious name besides their own, or they identifying themselves? Or just a name they like to use besides their own, example seekingtruth, littlesquirt, lol.

  19. It will be quite refreshing to me, to not have to see the vulgar language, and the empty rhetoric that has absolutely no content.

  20. Decisive professional leadership with courage, havent seen in very long time and few civilians. No disrespect intended, I solute you...

  21. I fully agree, thank you. Although I use my stage name to protect my privacy, My picture is indeed myself.

  22. Is it no wonder there are so many behaving questionably?
    Look at our leaders.
    America does not need a Hero, it needs a Troll
    And many of you love and respect him for being this way.

  23. Excuse me but isn't it a bit hypocritical to ban posters for bad behavior, up to and including vulgarity, while exempting posters who responded in like manner? This is your blog and you certainly have the right to run it as you see fit, but consistency would seem appropriate. Restricting access because a poster wishes to remain somewhat anonymous is the number one reason I don't participate here and I believe I may have a lot to contribute. 2 cents.

    1. When I delete someone's comments for bad behavior or foul language the system also automatically deletes all the comments that came in reply to that comment.

  24. Well I am so happy this decision was finally made!

  25. Great news, as someone who has from the start fully identified himself. Keep these interloping UK-FRANCE trolls silenced, and away from where they don't belong! And John Quincy -- It's not vulgarity that got the unknowns was outright threats against us here that got them banned.

  26. Yay.....but what anout the joker like "a follower?"

    1. Barbara, what cause do you have to refer to 'a follower' as a joker?? Is it because you do not like to hear references to God or the bible,or what? Seems to me that 'a follower' is quite serious in what he says, and is not joking around, so if you are making such an accusatory statement about 'a follower' then please give cause.

  27. I spent 7 years on this liberal, Catholic loving blog as 'bani' (one meaning of the bani-word it is the inner audible sound current 🎶) before I was finally permanently to this very moment banned for suggesting that 6 million Jews were not gassed & then some during WW2. They thought I was Muslim, too, because I criticized Israel too much as well😂

    It's a parody blog on Drudge called Drudge Retort which the domain name was picked up before the far bigger site could grab it.

  28. I agree. That's nice news. Anyone who doesn't want to own what they say, is usually talking out their opposite end, other wise known as an A..!
    Deciding what you will, and will not tolerate always saves one a lot of trouble, and irritation.


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