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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Dear President Trump: August 23, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Dear President Trump:
Why are you allowing this entire country to be consumed with nonsense?  Fire Sessions.  Fire Giuliani, too.  Keep hiring and firing until you find someone who will do the job Americans need done.

Take note of the recently published article on our website titled “The Department of Injustice” which explains the history of the DOJ and the fact that it is an Executive Branch Service ---- totally under your thumb. When people see an organization that is supposedly under your control malfunctioning on a mammoth scale like this, it makes you and your Administration look incompetent.

The political media circus is costing millions of dollars and its continuation makes people think that there must be “something there” ---that isn’t.  We need to see someone flat-footed and practical who just walks in and says, “It’s been months and you’ve got nothing. I am shutting this “Special Investigation” down.” 

We have methodically rolled the State of State and STATE OF STATE assets into the Federal State Trusts to protect them from Secondary Creditors, and have now rolled the Federal State Trusts back into the sovereign States.  We have also slapped agricultural liens on The Republic for the United States of America and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.) which you may or may not realize is necessary to stop the Queen from trying to play another round of the same old fraud scheme.

These actions reverse the legal presumptions being held against the States and the People and obligates the Courts and Banks to resume normal functioning --- that is, presuming that people are NOT Territorial or Municipal “citizens” and that they are acting in private capacity under the Public Law of this Country. 

It also removes our assets from the playing field of “commerce” that the vermin have been using for so long as a means to defraud and control everyone.  Whether they like it or whether they don’t, that portion of our history is over. 

We strongly recommend that you de-camp and follow our earlier instructions --- reclaim your birthright status and enter into the actual Public Office and act as The President of The United States of America.

The Public Office enables you to tell the Queen of England what to do, whereas the private office you are currently occupying puts you under her thumb.

We strongly suggest that you take our advice and gain control of the entire situation. 

The actual power of the Presidency is something that you are eligible to wield and we have made it possible by posting your bond with the U.S. Treasury.  Once you correct your own political status records and reclaim your own Good Name and Estate, you can enter the actual Office the innocent people of this country intended for you to occupy ---- and from that lofty Office, you can do whatever needs to be done to reform the corporations and the government functions without further harassment from political lobbies.
 Get your affairs in order, take the Oath, and give the word.  You will be in position to arrest all the Bar Association Members in the US [Territorial] Congress, should you deem it expedient to do so.  Or merely show your teeth and force them to get in line.  That will also put an end to problems with the Municipal United States Government.


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. I love what's happening to Trump. May it continue to get worse.

  2. "Get your affairs in order, take the Oath, and give the word. You will be in position to arrest all the Bar Association Members in the US [Territorial] Congress, should you deem it expedient to do so. Or merely show your teeth and force them to get in line. That will also put an end to problems with the Municipal United States Government."


  3. Trump must feel utterly defeated. His closest advisor turned on him. He's probably thinking who's next? My Son-in-law? My Daughter? My sons. Everything is crumbling around him. The chickens eggs he laid during campaign is finally coming home to roost.

    We need a coordinated effort. Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, paypal, etc., need to nip hate speech and outlandish conspiracy theorist content at the bud.

    Anna's followers should simply follow Anna's advice and denounce your citizenship so that you will not be able to vote this fall. The left should come in full force and elect a democrat congress.

    We need Trump to buckle under pressure. More pressure is needed.

    1. You're a coward and a gutless chicken shit! Anyone too scared to post in their own name here who disparages the articles, is NOT TO BE TRUSTED! Paul, ban this asshole!

    2. I strongly agree with Jack Hamilton!

    3. Lets find out who he and where he lives , his family , his children...

    4. Thanks for the content, Patriot58. Care to share what you will do once you figure out "where he lives, his family, his children," you disenfranchised little bastard? I want to know so I can permanently archive your threats and share it with the FBI. ;-)

    5. Bottom line is that you fools are the only tyrants in town. If you had things your way . . . . you will never. You have no idea what the American system is about. You come from a long line of peasants. Just sit there and fester in your stew. You belong right where you are.

    6. What? the right to vote? why would any want to have the right to suffrage, the right to own no property, the right to owe allegiance to the Queen of england. FBI? what does the geographical jurisdiction of US territory state of England and its British Citizens, subject to its 10 mile radius of its British Washington DC embassy, Have to do with the USA and its 50 States of american People operating in Public Law and the Public Office that delegates the public officers? Is the FBI Corporation even operating any more? Last I heard it was pretty much ousted from the welfare line. Myself elects to be an american and that is my right, if you vote to be British have at it, and if you are how are you enabled to post without the right to free speech, call the FBI we have an Criminal British Citizen Offender using american peoples rights that Offended and hurt the Queens feelings. Check Mate!

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Were I as ignorant as Unknown appears to be, it's likely I would also hide behind a nom de guerre. Lord knows, if I were so opinionated and incompetent, I also would certainly not want to openly declare my prejudices and idiocy absent use of an alias.

    9. IDK Jim... why don't you ask a large portion of the U.S. population who votes during the elections? Perhaps your perception of reality is rightfully your own and so are their's.

      Just know this, that just because you retarded ass decides to relinquish your right to vote does not mean that the Federal, State, and Local governments have no authority over you. So, nice fucking try. But please do go ahead and do as you planned. We need less uninformed voters like you all anyways.

  4. Trump is too jewed'up at the moment. This definitely is a circus going on around him. And his wanna-be jew daughter is too busy spouting hatred at White people on behalf of her beloved Chabad Tribe that blieves in killing 90% of the world'spopulation and having 2800 Gentile slaves from the rest, What gracious leaders they think they are.
    Mueller, Rosenstein, Ohr, and all those other scammers continue to rack up MILLIONS of Tax-Payer DOLLARS$$ and line their pockets while Americans go broke being insulted by their LIES and sickening criminal behavior.
    Hildebeast Clinton and 'close friend' Aberdin walk around free after committing horrible crime. Vetereans Day parade cancelled due to "budget problems" from Congress? Who needs them? Throw them in the hole. Traitors to the people anyway.

    1. Jews really are something. It's kind of impressive. I'm more impressed with Jesuits however.

    2. Someone on the site "sovereign warriors" has a long Quote from a book called , "The nation that never was- EXPOSE, DEGREE, AND EDICT...pages 31 out of 56, which discloses that the great amount of the framers of the constitution were of monarchical mindset, and framed the constitution around a monarchy....!! What did I tell you..!! In fact, what Anna calls our ORIGINAL "continental congress, is also a fraud, because they were to hold all such meetings within a district 10 miles square, and not 10 miles square...!! So they were holding it in New York...!! But according to their own laws at that time, the vice president of the United States was to be in charge of congress...but the first President of the United States, Washington, hadn't even been elected until the politicians already approved the constitution, which means they already knew what they were creating before even the first President was even elected...!! In other words, this country never practiced "Public Law" ever....the only thing we have ever practiced was "Policy" by them forever....Conclusion...their was never a De jure "Continental Congress" ever....!! So much for assemblies...!! I have been trying to tell everyone that the constitution was never approved by the people ..It was created by people loyal to the crown still....isnt it obvious..!! That's why we have been arguing over it for 200 was intentional..!! As soon as America became a "civil society " it was establishing "POLICY" from them was never "public law"...!!
      So what are we coming home isn t America, because that was a Nation that never was.....!! In Trump position as "commander and chief" of the military, he can do lottery anything he wants, because he is essentially the "dictator" of this country....Its better he remains in that position, because he has unlimited authority to do anything he wants...Thats the advantage of a military commander..!! He heads the chain of command, and everyone under him either carried out his orders or they are court marshalled...!! It's time we address this "FIAT" paper called the Constitution for the United States Of America...!!!

      Govt cannot make laws anymore..Only the people can do that...!! And time always goes to the runner (the people) whenever there is a dispute between govt employees and the people...!! The govt has to be assumed to be always guilty of something until proven otherwise...and the people can arrest anyone in govt just on a person's request...let him or her defend the his own cost. If he isn t guilty, than his recourse can only be civil and at his own expense....!! Just the reverse of what happens today..!! But our "continental congress, is also not our true Congress...We have never had a true P dropped congress....EVER..!! IT'S TIME WE WROTE OUR OWN CONSTITUTION, which is easy now because of the INTERNET...!!

    3. Mustang, yeah, everybody thinks they are gonna get to rule, but thank God NONE of them ever will get the throne (or the world would forever be in tyranny) I've got news for them......the King of true Justice is a gonna rule....and if they are lucky enough to survive, the best they can hope for is to BE ruled.
      So in essence, they are ALL wasting their time and efforts trying to gain rulership. To me it is just hilarious, sitting over here on a hill watching the idiots maneuvering.

    4. Mustang 1969....veterens parade cancelled because of "budget problems" ....i don't think so..aIt was cancelled because of a threat against Trump that was sent in code

      Trump represents "223", and the "CABAL" represent "322"(lucifarian numerology).

      So every time the CABAL sent an esoteric message (numbers always adding up to 322 when deciphered), and Trump always answered the CABAL back , using their same coding system, but always adding up to the exact opposite of theirs..."223"...

      They told him in code that he would be killed at the parade. But the way he formatted his "tweets" and the words he uses, are on purpose, because the CABAL" knows what his tweets really mean under the underlying code....and his code answered them this way..." no your not going to kill me , because I'm not going...!!
      They are playing a very dangerous game. And Trump wants them to know he knows their code, which must rattle them to the core.....!!

      This video shows the complicated numbering system being used by the skull&bones and Trump when they tweet each other. Q told us time stamps are important and so are words that are sometimes capitalized. It goes by gemotria. It's basically a war between 322 and 223 all under the cover of using gemotria.

  5. The actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations. The problem is that people who know very little about the way the american system works decided to elect a business man that knows very little about the way the american system works.

    Anna does not know the way the American system works and thus is supported by people who do not know the way the American system works.

    1. America is a nation. It is the UNITED STATES SYSTEM in question here and they are subordinates of the crown and the vatican. There are many other places to look these facts than here. Corporate liars and theives.

    2. So you parrot back subversive content that you found in the dark recesses instead of addressing Anna's wicked, false, assertion that the Executive Office can run the Justice Department as he deems fit?

      What the hell does the crown have to do with "the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations."

      The DOJ is supposed to be politically impartial in its decision making or else it will be the Department of Trump's Version of Justice and not a fair D.O.J.

    3. Trumps version of justice....Fantastic..!! Because we are all sick of this one...!!
      In order to restore this country to anything close to representing a true Rebublic Trump has to be a "dictator"...!! How else can one President correct 200 years of FRAUD...!! It's everyone's fault for letting our govt get this way in the first place. You don't have to know all this history of our country or anything about the constitution. All you have to do is "feel it"..!! Everyone knows there is something wrong but they don't all have the info we do to know exactly what the problem is...!!If everyone did know, there would be riots in the streets....Trump is trying to assemalate the entire world so as to take down this grip on all of us , not only here, but China, Russia, and the rest of the countries from this monitary system, so everyone can be paid back , both countries and the people, and put a stop to all these concoted , and totally brainstormed by people in high places in all the countries who are secretly working for the BANKS as their agents to carry out everyone's role to achieve globalism , their ultimate goal....there is so much going on underneath the superficial news we get.....Trump is involved in something I would characterize as a "Top Secret Undercover Covert Military Mission" for the purpose of correcting this DEBT SYSTEM and replacing it with an honest system without interest....and it all has to be "coordinated " perfectly , so as to lesson the resulting Chaos that would naturally happen if it wasn't done with perfect timing...!! The best is yet to come...!!

  6. One thing for sure two thing for certain. Trump has executive authority. I'm excited to see how this will unfold. It would be nice to see some "righteous indignation" from him. He should exercise his powers so that his ignorance about the way the american system works can really shine. The media on the left (arguably on the right too) sole purpose is to get him and his base to react. Increase the temperature and get them to react. Fox is overwhelmingly ran by Jews. So is CNN. May not be owned by Jews but def being run by them.

  7. Trump cracks me up. He was convinced that all the people around him are loyal. Sarah Sanders could turn on him in a blink of an eye. It doesn't dawn upon Trump that his behavior is secretly scorned by just about every single person that he surrounds himself with. They are career politicians that mastered the art of having a poker face. They'll cheer him on and patronize him. He's used to this in the business world where loyalty can be bought. But loyalty cannot be bought in the swamp. There are people in high places (ahem Georgetown University) that have all the loyalty. So, sooner or later people will turn on Trump hahaha!

    I hope he takes Anna up on her offer so that the real magic can happen. So that you people can see up deep this rabbit hole state goes.

  8. Has Anna been able to get on sean hannity, mark levin, rush limbaugh... They all have the presidents ear. Surely trump dont open his own mail... Most likely scanned for anthrax, poisons etc... And threats by the militias etc... Country needs to pull together, in fighting opens the door to the elites... The fighting is what evil wants... Trump is president... Dont like it... Vote in 2020... Get the country straight.. Find a leader.. But hey... Fighting each other, so much better

  9. trident, why would she need to be on those people's shows when it was CLEARLY stated in this forum that the prez has a "reader" that reads this forum and hands it to the prez!!! Once again we have crazy people making up their crazy stories and peddling them off as Truth and the toadies are just hopping up and down in glee on any statement from this site even if it isn't true, which most of it isn't. what happened to the "cured liens" that were placed on the American Bar Association, over 200 billion, and the pope's property!!!??? WHAT happened to THOSE "liens" and now we are told that the "liens" on the agriculture is supposed to "protect" this country that the other "liens" failed to do!!!??? Like I said before, Jesus isn't going to save us, queen ann and her crazy husband and merry band of toadies are going to!!! So far, ALL of her "Dear Pope, Trump, queen...whoever" has not produced any results and neither has her "historical/legal" Secretary of State hubby done anything that would stop the evil and they aren't going to!!! The rot is too far done and it will have to decay on it's own. Hopefully there may be some survivors that survive this to carry on a better country, but these people are just leading everyone else astray!!! But hey, it sure sounds good!!!

    1. Unknown, Anna is just an old hag on a stool surrounded by happy lil campers around a fire roasting marshmellows telling fuckshit stories. These are some of the sorriest people in the nation. Deplorable real life trolls that do not realize that they are entertained by her nonsense. They cannot distinguish between fact or fiction. Let Anna suck them dry. It's better for them to be off balance then to be organized and effective with "righteous indignation." Part of me is happy Anna is making them angry + leading astray instead of making them more angry + effective.

  10. People please understand that a peter puffer who refers to Itself as UNKNOWN is merely a pitiful victem of self indulgence probably brough on by the priest at its local catholic church who offered it 50 cent and a snickers bar, and its felt special ever since. Its a wimppy little pervert locked in its cage awaiting another candy bar! Its best IGNORED!
    Argueing with stupidity only make one stupid!

  11. Unknown sure does stay dialed into Anna for not believing any of this. Look at the time stamps...last thing before beddy-bye, first thing with morning coffee. Unknown must not have a job or is a paid shill. Liens are CLAIM position on title. Everything in the PUBLIC is commercially TITLED - as in commercial paper/negotiable instruments...everything including "BERTH CERTIFICATE TITLES"! Claim/Counter-Claim, Admiralty (In Rem) is so easy to navigate; the Courts provide rules of civil procedure, USC & UCC provide remedy nestled in the TITLES…The 2D world of paper entities (characters) where there is no lawful money/substance (GOLD removed from commerce since 1933). If there cannot be REMEDY then a DEBT does not exist. Welcome to the realm of legal fictions where fact does not/cannot exist - where substance cannot cast a shadow. The fiction known as Unknown is still stuck in 3D linear time-space-continuum thought process. Be kind to Unknown…remember Unknown is still an “ENEMY OF THE STATE” thanks to TWEA & EBRA and not standing in true ILB creative capacity; as such, bonded surety to a bankrupt franchise. Oh my, how the truth shall set you free! Poor Unknown will go down in history like every other Unknown – perhaps Unknown requires a “RED PILL” suppository…WOW now that is what I call REMEDY!

    1. Research and Development, unknown. Research and Development. I am fascinated by the way people's realities can be formed. Fascinated by how our individual perceptions of reality is rightfully our own. Also fascinated by this notion known as "bearing false witness."

      You shouldn't worry about how I make a living. That's for me to worry over. It's my living after all. I do what I want to do for a living. Doing what I want to do entails Research and Development. As simple as that. If you don't like it, then do something about it. Sue me for it. haha!

      FYI: the time stamps you really should be concerned with is my research and development which can be located in the following link hahaha!!*/

    2. Wow, the fiction known as Unknown got rattled 63 minutes after post. Look at the clumsy prose! Referenced R&D is some other Unknown's work. Suppository is working!! Time for another!!

    3. You do realize that people know how to read, right. How in the hell can the post stamped at 12:17 Pm indicate that a person is rattled hahaha!

      Real life trolls, y'all are.

    4. Just another example of "Bearing False Witness" for ya.

      If there's anyone rattled it is you sorry fools. Bet you all feel like the entire world is out to get ya. Feel the tone of each and every one of ANNA's posts on this forum. She's constantly whining. You know you must be doing something wrong when the entire world is geared to oppress you.

      You look around at the happy go-lucky tax payers, At the talking heads in mainstream media, at celebrities... All of these people that are well off and thriving and it pains you so much. I bet a good majority of you suffer from major depressive disorder with bouts of mania every now and then.

    5. Suppository is working!! Time for another!!

    6. You seem to be talking to yourself dick head. Are you listenting to your Nazism prick?

  12. Too many statements appearing/stated as "facts" without any backup-support, as a "fact(s)." Usually, an opinion is not a "fact," and then again, it could be, a "fact," but, then again, we wouldn't "know" if the "opinion" is a "fact," unless the "opinion" is backed up with "facts." See how simple it can be.................? Remember, an "opinion" is like a nose, everyone has one.

  13. I would have used another part of the anatomy....!!

  14. My are giving dearest "unknown" exactly what he/she wants...your ATTENTION"...which can be put to so much better use... Simply "ignore" I do...WWG1WGA...God Bless You All...especially you, Dear Unknown...

  15. Dearest Judge you not follow Q? Perhaps Mr. Trump needs to remain in Admiralty Law until the Vermin are dealt with... As much as i wish for our Land Jurisdiction Courts to come back online....this SCUM that has been selling us out to all takers for hundreds of years must be dealt with NOW before they can scurry away like the cockroaches they are...


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